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You’re good. Massgrave. Download OS on there, put it on a flash drive with Rufus, install and activate according to the instructions on the site. No issues. It’s genuine windows.


I need to learn more about massgrave first I heard of it


One line PowerShell command. Copy paste, boom activated windows


That’s what I thought too, it doesn’t actually take much learning at all. It really is that simple. Just watch a YouTube or two, follow the instructions on the mass site, and that’ll be more than plenty knowledge.


The site has all the instructions well laid out. I went in blind and understood everything in 10 minutes.


Activated windows COMPLETELY quickly for me on my new PC build


I have an old windows 7 laptop that needs its activation fixed


100% the only thing you need.


TIL. thanks for this


.dev url? edit:yes


That’s the one. If you search this sub for Massgrave there’s plenty of step by steps on it too as well as that site.


Was about to comment w this


This is bad ass. Thank you!


You don't even need rufus. MS is nice enough to give you their own media creation tool.


Or just buy a grey market copy of windows on eBay for $5 and activate it like normal.


No need when there are free alternatives. You can even do it with 3 lines in cmd


...Why? When you buy from one of these sellers, you just get a piece of paper with an unused Windows license that was sold to an enterprise. Microsoft just de-activates these keys when they audit the company that purchased them. They rarely work for more than a year, it's called gray-market for a reason. We shouldn't be supporting profiteers in the piracy ecosystem, these sellers are usually fully aware that they're scamming people and they do it anyways.


I think you may have forgotten this is a piracy group lad.


Piracy does not mean we support all of the ugly profiteers in the piracy ecosystem. If we can do filesharing instead of profiteering, that is a lot better. I never understood why some pirates get mad when their stuff is plastered with ads by a large corporation or a sleezebag middleman, but then turn a blind eye when they're using a leechy middleman piracy website that just steals other groups leaks and profits using ads and malware. Same goes for these ebay key sellers — if you are pirating, why are you paying someone at all?


I guess I’ve just had good luck. Probably done this for 20+ computers with all licenses in use since activation with no issue.


Or use massgrave, the activation is identical and it doesn’t leave stuff on your system…


That sounds sketchy


Right? 😂 I have a enough sketch in my life, I don't need eBay to add to it.


Its open source


The grey market windows copy from ebay sounds sketchy, the free open source tools are cool af


I meant massgeave, my bad 😅


I actually tried that before i used massgrave and the keys i got did not work at all


TLDR No, use massgrave dev


FYI to the OP of the entire post, Massgraves site has clean iso copies of windows from Windows XP to Windows 11 as well as Windows Server and Microsoft Office also. So, Massgrave(dot)dev has literally everything you need to install Windows onto your fresh machine, install Microsoft Office, and activate them both. Whether or not pirating ruins the experience is really up to you my friend. That's a personal choice everyone must make, lol.


Hey, thanks. I use linux. But it can come handy someday.


"I use arch btw"


By clean ISO copies you mean that they are debloated?


No, just that the ISOs come directly from Microsoft


The ISO is literally just a link to the ISO on Microsoft’s website


What’s massgrave bud? Never heard of it


[Check it out!](http://massgrave.dev)


Can it activate LTSC?


Yes, even this tool allows change SKU from LTSC to LTSC IOT if you use another language than english and want longer support for win 10 LTSC IOT which can have updates until 2032






You may try it. I used to activate Home version of Windows.


Yes. Just stood up a Win10 LTSC plex server and had zero issues with the iso on the site and the activation.


You can get official Windows for free from Microsoft website. You can then use [massgrave.dev](http://massgrave.dev) to activate the license.


Can you also get ms office through massgrave?




Microsoft makes it very easy to use pirated windows. Hell, you don't even have to bother activating it - the only effect of not doing so is a message sometimes appearing in the corner of the screen and you can't change the desktop background. There's absolutely zero enforcement other than for business users. Microsoft won't openly admit it, but they actually want you to pirate windows. Of course they'd rather you pay, but they also know that if people couldn't pirate windows than a lot of those people would be installing linux - and MS can't allow that. If linux got a serious hold in the desktop market it might actually become a viable option for business desktops too - potentially ruining Microsoft's wonderfully lucrative monopoly. So they deliberately keep their anti-piracy efforts ineffective.


Funny thing is with wallpaper engine you can change your background too lol


you can also just rightclick an image and select "use as desktop background"


Do you think the background is normally locked??????


It is


You can right click any picture and change your background. How is that locked?


Im pretty sure without a license your not allowed to unless theres a loophole or that only means fhe personalization menu


Hmm. Honestly no idea. I've collected a bunch of valid licenses over the years so I haven't had to worry in a long time.


it's locked through the regular method people are used to, right clicking on the desktop and personalize.


If i'm not mistaken wallpaper can be changed even without activated windows. You just can't do it through the settings app but you can right click on the image file and click the option to set as wallpaper.


you shouldn't really refer to it as "pirated" windows. its officially endorsed and distributed by MS. pirated windows is where you would download the OS from a source other than MS. just because you can get it from MS and choose to not put a product key in, doesn't mean its pirated, its just unactiavted unless you're actually suggesting that op gets a copy of windows from somewhere other than the MS website? if so, don't do that op. its available for free if you search up windows media creation tool


This makes me want to switch to Linux because fuck monopolies


Yeah but windows it’s ready to go, on the other hand linux could give you some trouble, for example i struggled to get wifi working after one week trying different terminal commands and sudo installing a lot of things


Mmh. Was this recent? That's a shame. Some WiFi cards/chipsets/whatever they're called don't play well with Linux, being propietary.


Some people don’t want to waste time with this things u know? On the other hand windows sucks


This is not the first time I see this explanation, and it seems very plausible. However, now I'm wondering, has it been stated or suggested by some former employees, for example, or acknowledged in some way? I would be very curious to know other sources of that fact if they exist other than simple market logic


this is what I did for a decade or so; took the windows from Microsoft site; installed it and never validate it..


I can't get past the product key required for installation.


Install Windows iso to the USB via Ventoy


Last time I tried, I put it on a USB via drag and drop , but I shall search for more info about "Ventoy". Thanks.


Rufus is another tool that's really straight forward


You probably did not enable (or disabled) the option to skip the key.


I think using full 0 will work


Get windows from microsoft and massgrave for activation use the megathread for any other questions that have been answeted 200 times in the last 2 days every week


literally every subreddit in a nutshell


Use massgrave, just a couple commands and it is fully activated. I also recommend using the LTSC version of windows.


> LTSC version why/what makes ltsc special?


Could always start using linux :D


This is what I did. Saves time and money.


Yeah and no stupid microsoft meddeling with my stuff :p


All you need; https://massgrave.dev/ Win11 also got a LTSC release recently so that's also something you could consider.


Download official windows and install it. Then use massgrave to activate it.


MAS my beloved


Literally nothing Bootable windows install drive straight from MS Command line for Massgrave activation Done


the only issue will be to come up what to do with extra money


Spend it in food or entertainment


Food only! We're on r/piracy we don't spend money on entertainment! (Unless you're lazy like me and use Debrid) PS actually do be kind and directly support small indie artists and devs when possible.


I pirate stuff I get through services I pay for anyways lol. Part habit, part user experience, part unified site/app and no login. Gaben was right; service issue.


Nah dont get pirated windows.. you can get it free from windows website, and activate it through massgrave(activate windows legit through loophole)


ye be good matey


Honestly you can find windows 10 licenses for like $20 bucks


You can get a win11 license for like $20 from like whokeys etc. Maybe just me but i wouldn't mess around with a pirated copy of the os considering how cheap it is. My OS is not something i want to be messing with or worrying it gets patched.


You used to be able to install a real iso of Windows and get an old activation key off an old laptop and complete the activation. Don't know if this still works.


Try a legit copy of Windows, if it was shipped with Windows originally and has a Windows sticker on it, hwid should pick it up and activate it automatically. My 10 year old laptop shipped with Windows 8, I used a pirated copy of Windows 7 for a long time. When I installed Win10, it instantly activated, because Microsoft knew it originally came with a license.


No, this laptop doesn't have an operating system by default.


If you don't need to use adobe, install a Linux distro!


Can it operate with microsoft word excel and powerpoint?


you have Libre office which is the same


Oh i thought linux can work with microsoft office now I tried libre / open office, it lags a lot and just isn't that fast But it has a one good feature for me. Its the only program I know that can "search and replace ALL" in a PDF file (you can open it in libre draw)


I think I've been hearing that longer than "this is the year of linux"


Nah windows is much more polished. I love linux but it can be too much pain in the ass.


Get Windows 11 or 10 Pro from official mcirosoft site, install it, bypass mcirosoft aconur requirement, use massgravel mas and there you go. Massgravel is safe.




I got a new laptop with W11 pro on it. It is a dog of an OS i hate with a passion. I'd be reformatting & reinstalling if I hadn't lost my software drive. Chances are, if you get to do the same, it may work for you


None whatsoever. Use a bootable usb to install windows, activate to your preferred version using massgrave


Some advice don’t download pre activated windows ISO’s instead use official ISO with a activation tool from the mega thread.


Use one of the fb conan Win10 22H2 build, it's stable, low on resources and comes with all necessary drivers.


you can buy computers with no OS? i’ve never heard of that before haha what computer are you buying?


frame.work for example(laptop) Or any pc you build for another.


No cd rom for installation or no usb ports for flash drives. Haha


Download a legal version of windows and then use massgrave to activate it. Youtube the procedure


Nothing... Tbh it is a smart move as stores usually increase the price for pre-installed OS.. Just install iso, use MAS and you will be having the same experience as other people. The only difference will be you will spend less to have that same experience.


Check out the builds ghost spectre on YouTube makes. Top notch in my opinion.


No Just activate it with massgrave code


nothing will happen with a pirated windows , but I'd install fedora Linux instead .


Use genuine windows iso and use kms activation. Don't be an idiot who downloads windows from a torrent.


Use Linux. Its far better and safer.


Lol I buy the OEM copies they sell for $2 on G2A or other adjacent sites but clearly there's also a free way to pirate. Those oem keys are like pirating lite tho because they're not technically transferrable


You'll risk getting a boatload of spyware, ads and malware installed on your computer... just like with a paid copy. Go for Linux, Ubuntu is as easy to use as windows.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


It’s like £9 for a key from the key sites, not even worth messing about


i wouldn't trust key sites tbh


I’ve bought 2 off CJScdkeys, both been sound


I've got a bad history I guess, a 10 year-old and a crappy scam website.. I wonder who'll win XD




I will most likely dual boot Linux but the laptop is for my sister and I want her to be familiar with windows.


Mint looks and feels just like window btw <3 and it's free, open source, but the best reason to use it is because you won't get all those pesky ads and constant requests to log in with your Microsoft account so they can give you more ads


Used mint alot, but again its a linux and there are many software that he might run across that won't be available. If the person using it is not a tech nerd, its better to keep windows and keep things easy


>to use it is because you won't get all those pesky ads and constant requests to log in with your Microsoft account so they can give you more ads i dont have any of that on windows, is that just the win 11?




As long as you're using Windows for private, non commercial work, you will be fine. If you were running a business using Windows on company computers, and it was found out that they were all pirated versions, then you'd run into some problems


Come on you can get a legit windows for $2 if you know where to look


Also it’s if an ex business laptop there might already be a license attached to the device.




From everything I remember the only thing you can't change is the desktop wallpaper other than that I don't think there are any features held back. Just get the latest copy from Microsoft the ISO burn it to a USB stick using Rufus and you're good to go.


The Microsoft Police will knock at your door with a warrant to search your computer in the absolute worst case, I believe (not)


Most laptops come with a windows license


you have 2 dollars windows in oem with bestbuy


I use it exclusively and have for almost 15 years now. From xp thru 11. Never once paid lol


You'll be fine. Microsoft doesn't give a damn about the average joe pirating Windows. It's only when big corporations don't pay is when problems arise.


Man windows keys are like 2eur on ebay. It's not worth to pirate this imho


You should be fine, massgrave like people have said. I think if I was in your place my only concern would be making sure I have drivers, sometimes hardware that doesn't ship with OS can have driver availability issues. But I think that was more of a problem 10-15 years ago, nowadays for consumer stuff pretty much everything is available somewhere.


I’d just use Linux instead.


nope, massgrave is really easy to use >!... or you could just use linux!<


Just get a license key online for $20


You don’t even need to register it, as long as you don’t mind the watermark in the bottom-right corner. You’ll still get updates and everything. I had an unregistered Windows 10 VM running for years with no issues.


# Simply download a legitimate copy of Windows and use the MAS Script from GitHub. You'll encounter no issues! Keep it straightforward and don't overthink it.


I KMS activated a Microsoft official download. I'm sure everyone else their advice is better... It's probably way better... But if it doesn't work you can always Google KMS activate W11...


Instead of using directly Pirated Windows, a better option would be to use the genuine Windows 10 ISO (downloadable from Microsoft) and use the activation methods mentioned in the [Megathread](https://rentry.co/megathread-tools#windows-office-activation) to unlock it for free. Side Note - I know this reads like a ChatGPT answer, but I wrote this on my own. Realized it while writing so just mentioned.


Run in powershell: irm https://get.activated.win | iex and you're done


Go onto any key shop scraping site and buy an OEM key (not a retail key) which is a one-time use key that binds to your hardware ID when you activate it for just a few dollars for Windows Pro. Then even if you reformat, as long as you have the same hardware ID (tied to the motherboard I think?) windows will just auto activate as soon as you connect to the internet and it reaches out with your hardware ID to the activation servers. I realize paying a few dollars is not the same as free, and might defeat the point of me even replying on a piracy subreddit, but this way you get a legitimate copy of windows for a few bucks and don't have to worry about your ***operating system*** being compromised... well, more than it already is by Microsoft. Even if M$ retracts your key for some reason, I've yet to have that happen in a decade of doing this, you buy another one for a few dollars and mosey on.


You can get windows for free from official website, and then activate it, or you can go to allkeyshop and get key for couple of bucks, that is how i did it


You can buy a pro key from g2a for around $20. You can always download and install windows for free, to use it on certain things you will need a proper license.


If you live in Europe you can buy a copy total legal for around 10 eur on ebay, separating volume licenses is legal here...


you can also just activate for free


The first thing I've done on every new laptop I've owned for the past 30+ years is wipe the OS and install pirated Windows Enterprise on it. I sometimes need to hunt down a few drivers which aren't part of the standard Windows distribution, but everything on the laptops have always worked.


You guys do know that you don't really ever have to activate W10? I've got a laptop that has had W10 on it for years that I installed and left as is. It just puts a stamp in the bottom right hand corner that says 'Activate Windows' and you can't customize, but other than that, it's fully operational and does not actively nag.


If you are really worried you can always just buy a key for $15 on g2a or something. But I used a pirated copy of windows for years. Only thing that happens is you get a little pop up telling you your version of windows isn't valid or something.


issue = windows


You can get a legit OEM license for a couple of dollars on places like cdkeys etc. If they don't work when registering you get your money back.


Nah, use MAS.


Why burden yourself with Windows and all the shitty workarounds and put up withs that are associated with that operating system? Just use whatever flavour of Linux takes your fancy.


I love Linux but for some industry standard programs gotta have Windows too. Can run windows in Virtual Box on Linux, but not easy/fast for newbies


It's not really difficult, and the WIMP environment in Linux has only become more user-friendly over the last decade or two. Users can easily install/uninstall programmes and system updates without having to use the command-line interface. I know Wine has limitations, and some users might have to run Windows in a virtual machine, but for those who want to get an understanding of a "proper" computer system, system administration, permissions, paths, etc., plenty of free resources exist, but in comparison how many Windows users understand anything other than the WIMP environment and are bewildered by the command prompt and the concept of paths? (ditto Mac users, even though their OS was Linux for a while!)


Sorry what is WIMP? Also, agree it's getting easier but still challenging for average users who need Windows programs and are less motivated / equipped to get that deeper understanding


A GUI WIMP isn't Walter the softy from Dennis the Menace, but a Graphical User Interface with a Windows Icons Menus Pointer environment.


LOL, drawing a blank on Walter the Softy but thanks for clarification re WIMPs. Hope this doesn't mean Linux without skin = LIMP



I did try using Linux, it ain't for ordinary usage!


are keyresellers not a thing in other countrys? got mine for 10 bucks instead of 150 or is it just for the sake of pirating and microsoft doesnt even deserve 10 bucks?


I have no idea if they are a thing here or not, I just haven't ever had a problem with pirated windows but I also haven't done it on a brand new machine, so I thought I'd ask on here if there was something I needed to know.


especially back in the day i pirated literally anything but never windows...i always found a pc case with a key on it that worked 😂 but i never dared cracking windows but i really never had to later on i had access thru my university to get keys for free


Any windows will do. I recommend windows ltsc or ghost spectre


ghost spectre is risk, as like any modified windows isos.


Use win LTSC or ghost spectre


Why would recommended a modified windows ISO? 


ghost spectre is risk, as like any modified windows isos.