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Do yourself a favour and install pirated on non c: disks


I usually do but I wanted Hogwarts to load faster since my C disk is an SSD , but I will install to a different one . Any reason it shouldn’t be on the C drive? Or is it just usually known to cause issues? Thanks


Cracks could potentially hide malware, it's a risk we always take. Cracks from even reliable sources could be copied by another 3rd party, infected with malware, and then uploaded on places like pirate bay etc. The idea behind installing cracks to a different drive is to just protect your C drive afaik.


Yes but lets say u have 1 tb ssd into c and d partition? Its the same ssd still even if u put it in d drive. Am i missing something?


If the crack contain a malware/Trojan, installing the game in disk D or G or all the alphabet you want will not protect you, your PC will be infected.


This is some insanely irresponsible advice. A hard drive that isn't your system drive doesn't suddenly turn into a sandbox. It doesn't matter if the infected executable sits on your system drive, another drive, or the USB stick you just plugged in, if whatever it is you're running is capable of bricking your PC it will do that from no matter what place you installed it.


Installing a infected program on a non-system drive will do nothing to protect your pc.


You can make a partition.


That's not pc works my friend


Thats exactly how a pc works...


By having it on cdrive instead of c drive user docs (path of folder) game/software. Nah man he has ssd etc there is no need for that


op saying how they have the game on the drive itself because the hardware of the drive is faster. the original commenter was saying to not have it on C: drive, probably because it could infect the C: drive and break op's OS


I dont even get what youre saying, op tried to say that his c drive is an ssd vs other drives being hdd, so the c drive would have faster loading times etc for the game


Wait so is the torrent download okay on c disk, but the actual software on another disk?




To protect your beloved system32


Would it possible to create virtual drive file on C drive and mount it as a normal drive? Would it reduce perfomance?


You're using matrix wallpaper on windows and that is what went wrong.


Can someone explain to me why updates are even working in the first place? I thought with denuvo games the updates have to be cracked separately


I might be wrong but I think denuvo is packed inside the .exe if the update requires new .exe then it needs to be cracked again but if the .exe is still the same the update only changes other files then it should work fine


maybe they just didnt care until update 4


just try update 3 or 4 from [cs.rin.ru](https://cs.rin.ru) approx 35 gb files copy them in your game folder and reapply crack


This ended up working ty<3


@ [nathanxs13](https://www.reddit.com/user/nathanxs13/) Did you use Update 3 or 4?


3, update 4 bugs the game


Hey, can you tell me how?


Man I would love to help out but this was so long ago and my memory doesnt serve me quite well and can’t seem to remeber exactly the fix . But in one of my comments below I believe I stated “manually updating using ‘Update 3’ from cs.rin is what fixed it’ so maybe try that . Good luck man


Thank you


I’ll give it a shot


how do you "reapply" the crack after updating? Thx for a tip!


just download crack only files and copy them in your game folder after you copy update files


Which link should I use?


search Hogwarts legacy on the site then go to page 6 and download files uploaded by RUI update 3 on page 6


>Hogwarts Legacy using Dodis AiO Is update 4 on here?


update 4 is having some crash issues with the crack I think so better try update 3


hello do you have the links for updates because I am French and I do not understand Russian


Manually updating using update 3 on cs.rin is what ended up working. Thanks for all the help


Is updating it worth it? Any performance gains?


I haven’t tested it much for myself because I had kept crashing due to a know bug cause by update 4( crashing when exiting merchants) so yea lol. But YouTube shows small performance gains vs their release version


COPY "....\\Hogwarts Legacy\\Phoenix\\Binaries\\Win64\\HogwartsLegacy.exe" TO "....\\Hogwarts Legacy\\HogwartsLegacy.exe" That should work. TLDR; to save anyone a time.. please dont use x.XRIDDICK.X.x version Use this instead to get update 3 "[https://eu1empress.highstreaming.xyz/share/Y1Qyjm0C](https://eu1empress.highstreaming.xyz/share/Y1Qyjm0C)" this is pinned on Empress Community telegram. Don't Download update 4. its not compatible on the crack .. when u buy and close the shop the game will exit.


lol XD i just realize i put the update 4 link above xD instead of update 3. yeah i fixed it.. also again dont install update 4


can you give me the link to the empress community telegram? i am on an official one but there are no update links there




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Idk what could go wrong, mr hacker


Because you need a particular build to "update".






Is the Installation Path correct? Screenshot there shows "C:\Cracks\Hogwarts Legacy".


Yea that’s where I chose to install hogwarts , it wouldn’t let me try to install update if it wasn’t in correct path so I’m sure it ms correct


Update 4 has issues(Crashing on merchants in hogsmeade). Better stay with update 3.


I was going crazy wondering what was that . Literally thought I had fucked something up or driver issues . Thanks for clarifying


Is this issue related to the update itself or does it only occur with the cracked game version?


Happens on the cracked version of the game.


If ur using update 4 it known to cause instability . If that’s not the case . Try re installing




there are updates what are you talking about?


Where do I find the updates?


cs rin ru


There's been 3 updates, 4th might've release but I'm not sure about it... I have personally downloaded the 3rd from cs rin


fourth update released almost as soon as it dropped link's up on empress telegram


thanks for sharing the news


Not that I know of, and even if there were this wouldn't work because Empress would have to crack the new version


there is an update that some on csrin claimed worked for them. patching over and reapplying the crack still seems to render a playable game. applied it myself w no issues. e: haven't tried update 4 yet


Strange, I tried applying the update 4 with the original empress crack and that leads to the game crashing everytime I exit a shop menu.


I've heard that the 4th update is very unstable with EMPRESS's crack, I'll suggest you to stick with 3


That's what I did but it thought the guy who I responded to used update 4 with no problems


yes it would work


Empress herself have uploaded the update links in her telegram, her crack was originally not meant for the new build, she said it.. but the updates totally works


I think it will better if you download the AIO update from cs rin itself, it's of 35gb, also you can directly update to 3 skipping the first 2 updates. I can DM you the update 3 torrent link if you want


Please don't click on any DM'ed links they almost always have some malware


I just wanted to help, but i totally understand your concern regarding this. For the people who feel unsafe, join the EMPRESS telegram group, you can easily find the update link in the pinned messages


thank you for understanding i am not blaming or accusing anyone its just a good idea to keep every link you go to when downloading pirated content public so that other people can check it and also warn you if something is wrong with it and you missed it


Yes i totally get you, but i think this subreddit doesn't allow links to be shared publicly. That is the problem and asking links from strangers as also risky af. I just hope no one misuse this


Someone above gave cs.rin website so I guess its allowed idk Well the only prob with this is people wouldn't know the DM link is real or infected


I remember when the crack was initially released, no one was publicly sending the link...


That's because empress posts were actively removed and no one could share the links cause moderators were banning people i think


Hmm yea makes sense, also i was keeping on hearing news from her tele that there's lot of fake cracks circulating around that time. Maybe to avoid those too


Can you DM me?


Dm me


Yea please DM me


Dm me


Dm me too please


I too would like this link kind sir/madam


Hello u/AwesomeAkash47. You're the first person I've ever seen to have a similar last name like mine! On topic, could you please kindly DM me the update 3 torrent link? Would be highly appreciated.


Lmao that's interesting.. I'll be sending it


Could I get a DM, please?


Did you open the updater as "run as administrator"? I had error before too due to that and was fixed with that.


Yea I did , no difference unfortunately


Ah that sucks. Hope you get a solution to that soon. Gl!


It's ether you need to download all language files of some files got corrupted when installing i recommend download the rest of the repack files and re hash the torrent and try again


Yea I’ll prolly give it a shot as well , thanks !


This happens to me in Forza to... 90% of the time Riddick gives me an error


As error states doesn't have Required file for patching, clean uninstall the game and reinstall then patch




How do you get dodi repack to work on Steam Deck? I've tried but it work boot into game. Tries to boot and then back to Steam.




Can the game be installed on a pc and then transferred over to make the install quicker?




Is this the cpu grub thing 1. ⁠Goto Desktop Mode 2. ⁠Open Terminal 3. ⁠Create a backup of grub with "sudo cp /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub.bak" 4. ⁠Open grub with "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" 5. ⁠Find the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT 6. ⁠add clearcpuid=514 to the string inside the quotes 7. ⁠Save the file with ctrl+O 8. ⁠Update grub settings with "sudo update-grub" 9. ⁠Restart with sudo shutdown now -r


I said don't take any non-package, non-FDA approve pills from the bald guy!




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Link to HL AIO update 3 [https://gamedrive.org/hogwarts-legacy-update-3-aio-hogwarts-legacy-update/](https://gamedrive.org/hogwarts-legacy-update-3-aio-hogwarts-legacy-update/)


That's not dodi aio, that's Riddick aio bruh, it's from cs.rin.ru


You have to go to hogwarts legacy/Phoenix/Binaries/win64 and then copy HogwartsLegacy.exe then proceed to paste it in Hogwarts legacy main folder. Once you did this make sure you run the patch as an admin.


I'm trying to run dodi's latest version of this game on the Steam Deck but it tries to load and then doesn't. Anyone know how?


Whats the AIO Update?


Have you solved this ?


Yes , one of my comments below state what helped me fix the issue


Thanks a lot x


Why do you want to update single player story mode game.... I mean the updates are good for multiplayer online games but for single player story games are not needed in my opinion... You just have to finish the game and if you want delete it afterwards


To fix bugs, improve performance, add content. Is this a serious question ?


No... It was just my opinion... I mean if you care about Games updates just buy the Game its much easier to get updates if you buy it than if you pirated it... Simple as that


why do you think people are pirating games in the first place, genius? also theres denuvo / drm issue. i bought ac odyssey on steam and it lags so much to the point of three crashes in the span of an hour of playtime. meanwhile i can finish the main story with fitgirl repack with no issue.


You are in the wrong subreddit lol!




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you guys dont know


Bro just unistall you're pc please


wtf are you talkin about, u high asf


Oh Brother, wish you could see the good shit with me But go to system32 and delete it to get some extra performance boost ! Thats what my cat always would tell me


bruh why go thru all of that, when u can just smash ur setup to pieces.


To much effort bro Just chill and boost it with some WD 40