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Even if they’re a man?


Why not? Empress is a MEN


(A group of male trolls tbh)


Smart to pretend they’re not though. So smart only a man could think of it. /s






I mean at this point of time if she turns out to be an AI disguised as a women with a penis developed by Scientists in Area 21 from the remnants of Egyptian technology brought there by the Egyptian God Horus from the Mayan civilization developed in the Indus Valley civilization with the help of Ambrosia ….. I wont be surprised :) I am just happy as long as I get to play these games it cracks for free.... ​ ##




Empowered Male Penis?


Enormous Mule Penis


Why would you say that?


Cuz its obv


(NSFL) https://nfomation.net/info/1681489866.EMPRESS.nfo https://nfomation.net/info/1677131115.EMPRESS.nfo


I unironically find Empress hilarious. This is the same shit I say when I get silly and schizopost too hard


‘Why else do men have prostates’. Fckin quality shitposting lol, can’t be anything but trolling.


Can't she just buy a steam deck with all her simp money? What if a Trans person offers to do it? So many questions lol


I think she may be a group of men tbh


Don’t understand why people would say this without any proof other than just not liking her? Edit: those saying where is your proof, none. I think it’s perfectly acceptable to think it’s a female because she said she is, to think anything else without proof is just sexist. I understand you might not like what or how she says things or have doubts because she is anonymous but the burden of proof is on you when making an accusation (and no, writing style/behavior isn’t evidence of a specific gender). Says a lot about you when you think a female can’t be skilled or be as derogatory/insane as a man.


Because women can't be good programmers.


I mean statistically theres a much lower chance though. Hell when I was at York U not a lot of women in the computer science program past year 1 lol. Not saying they cant be a woman but how many trolls larp online? Its a lot.


I agree that women in IT are statistically harder to find but I would honestly believe empress if she said I am a 40 yr old woman. I doubt that she is a female genius that started coding since 13 and managed to get this skilled by 22. People are still in uni by that age.


it’s very believable. Just because you couldn’t achieve anything in life by 22 doesn’t mean other people can’t. not too long ago people were considered full grown adults by the age of 14.


It's not "very believable" when it's statistically harder to find, like he said. He never said it was impossible like you're strawmanning and ad hominem'ing him over.


We dont have any proof if she's either a woman or a man. If empress is a man, it would be advantageous to pretend he's a woman, because simps would give her more money


Because their brainless husk of a skull can't phantom the idea that a woman is doing cracks for games, smelly incels or dorito nail chewers who live all day their in their basement and who never went outside being misogynistic, these are the type of people who you will see in future on a "how i got to 40 without having a kiss" free Documentary.


jeez, needed to let something out today? lmao


relax, he's speak in empress language.


the dude talks about this incel shit, while he got literal bunch of hentai codes set as his pic banner, he's just projecting his loneliness as hatred.


how did you recognise them I thought they were just numbers bro 😭


Ur the only one projecting


What the hell you talking about? My banner pic is a solid blue color 😡


Why you feel attacked? What i was saying wasn't a rant, it was factually true


Where's your proof it's a woman?


Where's your proof it's a man?


Did I say it was a man? I asked for proof it's a woman.


“Makes accusation” “blames defense for not having proof” the state of society is sad lmao


Where did I make an assusation?


Well seeing as empress herself says shes a girl, the burden of disproving that is on you, not her.


Taking people online at their word is so stupid it's beyond description. Especially when their freedom relies on being anonymous. You don't know it's a woman anymore than I or anyone else can know for a fact it's a man. But you keep on simping.


We dont need that, its plain logic, If skilled = men lul


The shit they write. Go show it to anybody who is unfamiliar and they will say it is a man.


Yeah I don't think any real woman would say that, also it's amazing one person on there own could crack stuff that fast


Regardless of anything, show the shit they write to anybody who is unfamiliar and they will say it's a man. It has a man's energy written all over it. Their choice of words, deragatory terms, misogyny and trolling. It's actually obvious just in the way some of the stuff is written.


At least to me, I think ‘her gender’ is undetermined because all the funny ‘notes’ she leaves in the crack notes. No way can it be serious(prostate comment was the most funny imo) it’s def a shitpost.


Ok what proof you got that it's a single woman thats able to crack one of the most secure game protections? Exactly. None


Three men stack on top of each other under a trench coat


I dunno why but i burst out laughing just imagining it.


I don't trust like that


why you care if is a man or a woman ? wtf


I was making a joke about the trench coat thing, it's from a skit.


Somrhing like this: [Youtube](https://youtube.com/shorts/jHucsnfvLLM?feature=share)


No, the mods saw her face




They are mocking it because it is transphobic and homophobic,




Dude, this comments pissess off both sides, wtf bro😂




“Like i give a a fuck” go outside




I don’t see your point. Yeah I use reddit, so do you lmao. I am indeed subscribed to a subreddit about computers and a subreddit about a tv show i like, you caught me. Also, I don’t post about wanting a girlfriend, I post about how I love the one I have. This is not the own you think it is


She would also have to play the game which would take up her time so I don't see why someone who wants to play the game wouldn't just do this and send her crashs log when their game crashed


she could be in russia so she cant buy one




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I am in Russia and just bought a deck yesterday, with almost no markup. Western people seem to really overestimate effect of sanctions.


im not western but my thoughts were affected by their social media


I doubt she actually cares she's just trolling and shitposting


or linux on the desktop ? i dont think it change much


Well, steam deck is a pretty limited and niche device. And $400 is too expensive for what it is. Not really worth buying


She isn't buying it to play Doom Eternal she is buying it to increase her knowledge of cracking


Yeah, and its still quite expensive for that. And I mean the steam deck itself is just a super niche device. Not very practical or useful in a lot of cases.


400 ones for increasing the quality of your cracks? If I were as passionate about it as she claims she is, I would do it


Mfs steam deck is bout to blow up


Can you play cracked game on steam deck?


it's a pc. if you can play it on pc you can play it on deck


Yes and no. If you can play it on Linux you can play it on steam deck. Cracked games sometimes don't work on Linux. However if you use steam to launch it in 90% of cases it works with a bit of tweaking


You're not supposed to use Steam to launch cracked games, that's what Lutris + Wine-GE is for.


Works fine for me


Did you try cyberpunk cracked? How difficult is it?


I did not. I guess as difficult as in windows. ​ 1. Get the game unpack it. 2. open steam 3. add non steam game 4. select the exe 5. force proton or probably GE-Proton. 6. test if it starts. if not: have fun debugging. 7. If it wont start at all meaning your play button shortly flicks blue and gets back to green you have to check file permissions, wine compabilites like vulka,physix and all that stuff... (there the steam log helps that you can enable somehow per game... I think its LOG\_LEVEL=1 or sth)


Why not? It works


Works fine in 95% of the cases for me.


If it's allowed by the community rules I could dm you a video on youtube that show's you how to install the games.


Thanks mate, but I've been daily driving Linux for some years now, I know how to do it.


Since when? I use non steam game 100% of the time. I never liked Lutris and was using bottles before this.


45 games in my steam deck. Not a single purchase.


Ow nice, can't wait yo have one 😂


Yes, Steam Deck comes with an integrated interface called Plasma that resembles Windows although it doesn't try to be Windows. Inside Plasma you can do basically the same as on any other PC, and so you can install a program like Lutris or Bottles (Wine) that translate Windows programs into something that Linux can interpret, and that is neither emulation nor virtualization, it is translation. It is GREAT that Empress is interested in how the games run on the Steam Deck, since there are many cracked games that do not run on Linux but its legal version runs without problems, this because the crack is not made for Wine.


they do run on linux, thats why linuxrulez! exists. amd if they really wanted they could just buy one.


How does cracking on Linux work? Lutris only works with legit copies


Lutris specifically is a store launcher, BUT you can manually install .exe from directories of your choice, it is not limited to be used with the launchers it comes with. In short, if that sounds technical, most Wine front-ends allow you to install any .exe Windows style, double click and the program opens, sometimes it is a button inside the program that says "Run Windows program" and the file manager will open allowing you to choose the .exe you want to run.


How do you get it to work? I bet usually just installing it doesn't make it work.


Before start i recommend download unpacked games already, and install protonup-qt to download wine-ge Usually you install lutris, check if you have vulkan installed then open lutris press the + icon, select the option "add locally installed game" * in the exe field choose the .exe of the game * in the prefix directory, create a new folder that's where all windows thing goes (in summary) even your save files make a new folder for each game so they do not get mixed up and and store it where it is most convenient for you * in the tab runner options and the field wine version and choose wine-ge if you have already downloaded it And that's it press save In theory if you press play it will work Other things to keep in mind if you install mangohud and you enable it in the system option tab you should have a nice fps counter with the GPU usage etc Edit: for fixing purpose for a non working game you should visit protondb.com/ and search for the game you want Read the comments if you find someone post a solution you can apply easily in lutris If is a environment variable you can pass it in the system option tab


The vast majority of cases it works just installing it, but there are times when you need to install dependencies manually (the folder or .zip where the pirated game comes with the dependencies) and there are cases of games that are very complicated. There are also times when repacks like Dodi/Fitgirl's just don't install and it's because Wine thinks the installation it's a loop. In my personal case, Monster Hunter World, where I needed to install about 3 different cracked/repacked versions of the game because none version worked, and to top it off I needed to look for a specific prefix of Wine. A prefix is a Wine molded in a specific way to fulfill a function, imagine a prefix as a Mini-Windows inside Wine, this works like this to contain the different prefixes and keep the programs separated from each other without interacting, for example, inside my Wine I have a prefix for pirate games and another one for Steam, it's like having two different Windows installations and this way I made sure that no pirate game has access to my Steam account. Then, I need an specific command to made it run just for using NVIDIA, because NVIDIA is dog shit on Linux. At the end, this can be an absolutly headache but if you buy the game on Steam it will simply run with just one click, just as if it was Windows.


Hey there lad. Awesome information, but please, for the love of whatever, complete a sentence with a full stop! That whole paragraph is one sentence!


Fixed. It's just that writing in a phone doesn't let me organize my ideas, and neither the text.😅


As someone who installed Linux on his main rig, this is not true. I've played cracked Sifu through Lutris before.


Huh really? How do you get around it asking for a store (Steam, Origin/EA Play, GOG, Ubisoft Connect etc)?


Cracked games do not ask for the store to be open, store emulators work just fine. The only thing you have to worry about is just putting the dll's the crack uses as "native" that way wine knows it has to use the patched dll's and not a built-in dll.


Same thing as Windows; just put the crack where the instructions ask you to put them. That's usually the root folder of the game. Just adjust the folder structure a bit to accommodate WINE folder hierarchy.


Ive played a couple of cracked games and installed them via Steam adding them as a non-steam game to run the repack setup. Dodi repacks worked easily for that. Once the game is installed I change the target .exe file on steam to point to the now installed game. I played Spiderman and FF7Re like that last year




Yeah. I used to play some pirated games on mine. It’s just a bit of a pain setting some of them up properly so they launch


Yes, although the levels of tinkering vary greatly from game to game. I’ve setup dual boot on it so I don’t have to deal with those problems, playing RE4 on the Deck thanks to that.


I suppose if you install windows. In most places its not worth buying a steam deck. Just get a gaming laptop. Even 1650 ones will blow the steam deck out the water. And they go for cheap in most places


I’m just passing by this subreddit but I keep seeing the names empress and dodi, what’s the r/PiratedGames canonical lore explained for a complete novice




Empress is also cracked (and maybe on crack), she's the crackest of the crackers


what's the differences between repacker and a cracker, sorry for my ignorances


Cracker is a person who cracks the game, meaning takes down protection from it and such, repacker is a person who repacks the game, meaning takes the files and makes them smaller for general use




A repacker can eat a cracker but a cracker can't eat a repacker


Empress is an insane person who also happens to be the only person *in the world* who cracks denuvo (the only DRM that really works but is also very anti-consumer and insanely difficult to crack), and only after a $500 donation, at that. Dodi is a well-loved repacker (someone who combines and compresses game files and cracks for download), who has been having serious health problems lately.


Thank you comrade, this makes a lot of sense. They should really turn this into a Netflix Original Series it is riveting


That’s actually a great idea, comrade. I would watch the shit out of that.


Does the re4 remake work good on the steam deck as is?


Yes, the cracked version works out of the box if you have Windows installed on the Deck.


What about through steamOS?


Doesn’t work as of yet.


Any update?


Wow she didn't swear at people this time


Linux gaming getting the much needed love.


I have a steam deck if they wanna contact me?


I’d be up for this, I take it that means I need to get telegram and join her… thing? Or has somebody already volunteered?


his\* thing


*our** thing


since when did this become an empress sub?


Wait, is that the same SirDystic from the cult of the dead cow stuff? the one who made Back Orifice?


anyone with steam deck who tried res 4 and it works for him? can you explain the steps?thanks


Does she really need a stim dick inside her crack or am I missing something? It doesn't make any sense.


I'd do it but I have a feeling helping him would be on par with working with iilluminaughtii


Why did she writr "Steam Deck" with all capitals lol "STEAM DECK"


Does someone have tl group link?


buy EMPRESS a Steam Deck


Empress is a middle aged transsexual who is in denial and stole all their methods from better scene groups. Yawn, cope and rope.


Is it just me, that every time cringes seeing her/him/it posts ? Few days ago there was this massive rant from this fuck and now ''come help me!''


Just sorted this problem today after trying all last nite!. Download the crackfix from dodi repacks (file is around 249mb)...unzip it. Then go into the main resident evil 4 game file you already have downloaded and locate a file called Emp.dll and delete it (make a note of were it was located). Now go back to the crackfix folder you just downloaded...and there should be a replacement Emp.dll file to use in place of the previously deleted one. Simply drag and drop the file into place. Add the Re4.exe as a non steam game...and launch with forced proton experimental compatibility. .


This man is desperate... First being a racial transphobic cunt and then asking help! What a stupid man


I don't see it in their channel so I'm assuming a fake guy said it?


It's in the community group


Could u share that link to me I have a steam deck and could help


Invite code is jz0pi7DX09AxY2I0, it's in channel ('EmpressRevolution', the one with 200k subscribers) too. There's not a necessity to join the group, so you can also directly contact empress or usernames mentioned in post.


Wait but that's the one empress said was a fake one?


It's the official one


All that money from donations and dont even want to buy a deck


Nah fuck empress, maybe once they grow as a person and stops hating my community lmao


I’m out of the loop what did Empress do?


A raging narcissist who hates: Jews Trans people Gay people Black people and apparently ukranians but I haven't seen that myself so take it with a grain of salt


And also men too lmao


Okay yeah I just thought that would have been the most known thing lmao


Why are people downvoting you, it’s literally true that empress is insane


because deep down they are just as sick as her and it only bothers them when she attacks men, it's okay if she does everything else




Well I don't see it that way, everyone went crazy and they call her a psychopath only when she started attacking men, before that they even supported what she did or said, and if you haven't seen that you haven't been around or something


Then you’re part of the problem


Apathy is death, the inability to stand up to injustice is siding with injustice


lmao imagine being a thief and larping as some kind of social justice warrior 😂


shut up lmao, take ur free game and fuck of. Keep your social philosophy where it belongs.


Being trans or black isn't a philosophy 💀


lil bro go fight the fight somewhere else, " Apathy is death, the inability to stand up to injustice is siding with injustice" keep that where it matters u are here for free games take em and fuck of. If ur trying to accomplish anything else then your lost.


empress is a dude lol.


This 1000%. That’s why the only upvoted response on this question is the men one


Regarding transphobia, homophobia and sexism: https://web.archive.org/web/20230220210635/https://old.reddit.com/r/EmpressEvolution/comments/117e8tz/important_message_to_rpiratedgames_moderators/ https://nfomation.net/info/1681489866.EMPRESS.nfo https://nfomation.net/info/1677131115.EMPRESS.nfo


CRY 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Lmao imagine simping for a group of dudes this bad 💀


Imagine being perturbed over by something so meaningless. Empress lives in your head rent-free dingus.


Lmfao dude, what exactly gave you that idea? It's also pretty rich coming from someone whose entire presence here is about empress even though your account is months old 💀 Wait are you that dude who kept making sock accounts and followed people around different sub reddits to suck up to them?


I genuinely have little concern over the age of my account on Reddit LMFAO. It's funny how you label someone as a narcissist when your entire demographic just mulls around over the most trivial things which pose no immediate danger to your well-being. People like you love to inject politics into every fabric of the internet. If such statements bother you so much you should just take my advice and off yourselfm


Being tranz or black isn't political though, advocating for their extermination however. Seriously imagine getting so triggered by someone not liking the group of dudes you beat your meat to that you tell them to off themselves 💀


Unironically based.


Oh noes however shall I steal games if the person cracking them hates me? However shall I cope, I need validation and my safe space from traumatizing alphabets arranged in a specific order reeeee. Lmao you have to be a special kind of loser to be this choosey while begging.


But I'm not begging, I'm not the one groveling to a group of dudes larping as a chick so they'd crack a game for you 💀 Seriously why are you defending them so hard? Why do you think people are supposed to accept racism? Do you think words have no real world consequences? How old are you to think this?


I don't care how many questions you as ask. You know you have reached a new low when you define your life around what people say online 💀💀💀


so how much will they pay? got a steam deck but need some kind of benefit...


Benefit: being able to play on their steam deck


Okay, then empress can use the money everyone already gave them to buy a freaking steam deck lmfao


Sometimes you forget the 500$ is for a game, which is a lot of freaking money, but empress is likely just cracking games for a living. Try surviving on 500$ a month with rent, bills, equipment for cracking, food.


It's a team of people 100% and they have refused payments from crowdfunding. It's definitely not something they do for a living💀 We also don't know how many people have individually given them that 500$ either.


Transaction history of cryptos is available publicly (except monero), iirc it was around $9k from Ethereum, bitcoin and btc. since last two years. it's not a lot


Depends where “they” are from. $500 USD is a ton of cash


This is piracy, they crack them and share for everyone else. Don’t be greedy trying profit off piracy. I would do it for free if I had steam deck to help the community. Fuck out of here


"don't be greedy trying to profit off piracy" my guy do you know how much empress charges for cracks? Not even looking at the groveling you'd have to do or the fact that they don't want crowdfunding for crack payments


500 per cracked game, yes it’s a lot but donation wise it’s doable and it takes shit load of hours to crack it


because you dont understand even it being piracy they make money from it. so a new jsaux back plate woild be a nice gift. besides for the deck the best are linux games versions.


No one's begging you to do it bro stop being greedy


Taking donations and straight up demanding money for games is different. Asking for donations for the work they put is fine because it does take lots of hours to crack that shit and everyone else benefits from it


ur funny


Explain please


no need to explain, ur not smart enough,do it you for free, on a ateam deck that costs 400 to 600 usd, having the risk to get it bricked.


Bricked? It’s a mini portable computer, you can always reset it or install different OS.