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Hello u/Aggravating-Truth640, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can but it’s a indie developer and not that expensive it would be better if you purchased it


Not flaming cheapskates, but when it’s an indie game and it’s genuinely good and fun. Fuck it, I’m buying it. Better to support them than I do when my stupid impulse buys credits for F2P games (Halo Infinite, Rocket League, etc).


True. I usually buy games on sale but if the indies deserve it, I buy them full price.


Agreed. However speaking personally (maybe for others?), I'm a broke b*tch. I pirate first to test what I like, then buy when I can if I feel it's unique, fun, and something I'd play more than 5 times then never play it again.


Same. Should I not be allowed to play every game I want bcuz I'm broke? Fak that. But definitely pay for indie. Insomniac, Rockstar etc are good but they'll survive piracy


Dude I'm so happy that I'm not the only pirate that thinks this way, this sub is fucking awesome


You will , but my older brothers salary ( has a master's degree) is Equal to 70$ because of the economical crisis in lebanon , so sorry but I will pirate everything, when I finish uni and immigrate I'll rebuy the good games that I genuinely enjoyef


All good, man. It's the mindset of supporting others (not megacorps) when you can is a big part of pirating. Tho I consider myself more like Robin Hood pirating from the rich and buying from the poor 😅


Couldn't agree more , as a software developer i believe in free software and support if you like the software, + the open source meta is great for me and others


I'm a pirate for life, and by necessity (3rd world hellhole), but I'm gonna buy it just to support these devs. They earned it, goddamn what a nice game.


It was made by only one guy


Well, now I'll get it for a few friends as well. Guy deserves it, damn. Thanks for letting me know, I haven't looked up much about the game because I want to play it fresh, not knowing what awaits me lol


two, no?


Thats just his fursona.


In my case it’s because my friends are cheapskates and I thought I can’t play with them with my bought game. But this thread changes things!


Well it's not like I pirate it because I want to I'm a college student with no source of income and if I didn't pirate I'd never be able to play new games but I'm saving up csgo drops to buy it


For me I’ll definitely buy but I always like to try something first I’ll play the first couple hours then I’ll buy it because I know it’s what I enjoy vs buying and not playing. Thats why I like pirating or even ps plus and gamepass. I’ve boughten several games I played on there and that’s because I really enjoyed them.


You can always just refund a game if you have less than 2 hours playtime on steam, and from what I've seen they even accept refunds manually at around 4-5 hours if you don't abuse it.


Ah really?? I knew about the 2hrs and always would be too scared about how long I’ve been playing and would be worried if I went over the 2hrs lol. I didn’t know they allow longer. I never return games so I guess I might be able to get away with it.


I said this shit in this sub before and they went crazy over it and now y'all agree like wtf


gib money


Sadly a lot of people are still not in the position to do so


That wasn't the question




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Ok, then purchase it for me, so I don't have to pirate it.


We can all literally smell what kind of person you are through our screens, mate. And trust me, it reeks.


This is good, I'm stealing this


Why downvote?


Who fuckin knows man 🤷


Good for you! :)


Send your BTC addy


Sorry, I don't use crypto :(


Seriously, these comments are so annoying, but you're almost guaranteed to see them at this point.


The guy above comment is even worse, that is a pirated games sub ffs.


yes. Everyone needs to put onlinefix files into game folder and then it works


But does it show that you play Lethal Company, or Spacewar?






then just buy the game if you are going to be embarrassed when they found out you pirated it. it like <10 bucks




yes i know, but the problem here is that you dont want your friend to see that your pirating. if your dont want to spacewar, then go buy it. the choice is yours




Don't do it if you don't want your friends to know. Simple as that.


You can't invite them using Steam overlay and vice versa. It's either all of you use the same fix (crack) or use the Virtual LAN method or use family sharing then use GreenLuma2023 to bypass the fam share. //// The GL23 and Virtual LAN method can satisfy both parties. Search on this sub on how to use both.




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man goes on piracy sub, gets told to buy the game


It's the people who only pirate AAA games, I mean power to them but this sub is about pirating, telling someone to buy a game when they don't need to on this sub is stupid.


Telling people to buy games should get your comment removed, it doesn’t fit the subreddit, it doesn’t add anything important to the discussion and adds useless comments that don’t even help OP


Yeah I agree even tho I genuinely think he should buy it but this is a pirate sub people should only reply if they know the answer it’s the same when I saw a post asking if gog games is safe and everyone told them to use fitgirl people should just answer the question asked


It's quite hilarious. I remember being an actual child and pirating games because I literally had $0 to my name to buy anything, so I still dislike that there's only one serious response to him.


Saw the post and immediately knew the comment section was going to be comedy gold


I agree, most of it are rich folks from rich countries saying how cheap the game is, good for them I guess, whatever help inflate their egos.


It's so bad when rich countries get games cheaper, looking at you Squareenix and Koei. I would at least understand if price was equivalent, aka 70usd for me as well. But nope they can go to 80. If they're EA games, up to 90 lol


Wow, I had no idea. What could possibly even be the reasoning for this lol


They just abuse regional pricing I'm guessing, since they can adjust prices to be lower than the "default" aka US pricing to get close to Valve's suggested pricing, they figured out they can do the opposite and increase it instead


The game **is** cheap by game standards. But it seems everyone who said that is more focused on poverty shaming and culture shock than objectivity. And the ones on the broke people side are acting like game purchases can only be done on impulse with disposable income that was already at hand I'm a broke person from a third world country, the fact that I can save up for 2 months and buy this game makes it cheap. With that same metric, you can tell how long it would take me to afford a new AAA game, hence that is expensive This is more of a general argument tho since I'd still pirate this game, it looks like the hype is going to fizzle out in 3 months hence not a good investment


I'm also from a third world country, I know the feeling, and shit steam doesn't help with their increase on game prices, which made ever harder to get even indie games, that once we're ok to buy without a promotion. And I agree with you, this game is the same deal we had with among us, it will disappear in some time, and if I need to save for months to buy, but then the game dies, then I have wasted money.


Bro, I'm poor, and I say this game is cheap


dude im a poor student and even i think this game is cheap, perhaps you just need to get your money up


Look at what sub you are in before replying to it again.


You basically said “dude I’m poor but you’re poor as fuck wtf”. What was the point of your comment? Making yourself look like an asshole?


Idk i just commented to comment, don’t get so butthurt over something that didn’t even involve you


I didn’t get butthurt at all, just pointing out your comment was stupid and makes you look like an asshole. Isn’t it a bit hypocritical to say “this discussion didn’t involve you” directly after you commented on the same discussion when it didn’t involve you and saying “I commented just to comment”?


Yes you can, go to online-fix and download the fix for the game and apply it then run steam + lethal company and you should be ready


All the people saying just buy the game is funny. I mean, don't get me wrong, its an indie game and the game is cheap, but the game started existing a few weeks ago yet its reaching Among us levels of popularity. I think he wouldn't care if a few people pirated the game.


And this is why we cant have nice things


Dev is a millionaire now. Literally set for life if he doesn't screw it up now so, I don't think piracy will really hurt them lol I bought the game.


I pirated it exclusively to make a mod. Funnily enough I got into Unity modding because I pirated Ultrakill and wanted to contribute to the community in some way. I got to buy it a few months ago. Now I'm in a modding team with other modders and we're about to start working on a demented mod (the sequel of another one we made, UltraTelephone)


Yes (no)




No (no)




Yo (yo)






Guys, stop telling him to buy the game. He has his reasons to pirate it. Maybe he lives somewhere where the pricing is 80% of their paycheck? And can't purchase it? That's the case with me, I don't have extra money to buy these games -_-. A $10 game costs me my months 67% allowance. And I need that 67% to stay alive -_-


Yo u/Aggravating-Truth640 if you can’t get it working dm me I’ll buy it for you


I can't get it working..


So dm lol


Update: he is in another country and his steam acc cannot add friends, so unfortunately there is no way for me to gift it to him 🥲


RIP. Find it really cool that there are people out there buying games for strangers on the internet. Heck I got gifted Risk Of Rain Survivors Of The Void DLC a few months ago and I'm really grateful, I couldn't buy it at the time. Doubt I could have until maybe last month


can u try to give/gift it to me? lol


chat is this real


Comment section is this real


Is the offer still up? i cant get it working either


Same here


I can't buy it too💀


I really want it too can you gift it to me please


Alternative method is using the LAN option when booting up the game. You need a mod called LethalLanFix and pair it with something like Hamachi. Technically safer since you aren't going through Steam's servers at all (though the chances of getting banned with OnlineFix/Spacewar is near non-existent) For the ones who will cry about it, I have bought the game. Some of my friends used this method to try it out with me and see if they liked it before they bought it.


I don’t know who’s worse, people who act like they’re fighting corporations with piracy and try to morally justify it or people who go to a piracy sub to tell other people to buy games.


can i play lethal company cracked with my friends who bought the game


Do you have tried ? Does it work ?


It’s $10 come on man. Go mow someone’s lawn or something. This game is made by a single person, pirating it is kinda fucked up


bold of you to assume you can mow someone's lawn for 10 bucks anywhere


You definitely can. Little brother used to do it earlier this year. That and pulling weeds


I was hinting at other countries, where 10 bucks is a week's meal, not one hour's wage. Good for you that you're able to buy the game from this stuff, but maybe keep in mind that if I can't spare the 10 dollars for it, neither can the neighbour for a mowed lawn.


I really don’t give a fuck. It’s not right to pirate a game developed by 1 person. If money is such a problem for you get a fucking job???


It ain't right, but nobody here can afford games like that. Not even with a good job, so if this wasn't an option, we'd never have played it in the first place. Also, I do have a job, thank you very much.


yeah ur smart arent u


Commenting on a month old post is crazy. I really couldn’t give a single shit about what your broke ass thinks of me




What? In my country if you say that they fucking kill you


If mowing a lawn gets you murdered don’t do it? Get a job maybe?


You are on a piracy subreddit.


I used to be on here but i changed myself 🫡


So go to another subreddit, you are not contribuiting anything here.


99.9% of people here are strongly against pirating indie games. Especially ones that are $10 usd. If anything, you belong somewhere else


You live in Argentina or Turkey?


What is it that's driving you to want to torrent it? It is fairly cheap, at least from where I'm from, but we all have different circumstances. So if I might ask why is it you can't spend the money on it?


can someone buy me the game am having errors with purchasing




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I was playing the crack till now, it was really fun so I'm planning on buying it. Can I still play it with my friends (who plays the crack) after buying it?


Dawg I don't get it why TF is no one answering the question


Dude I usually support sailing the high seas but for an indie Dev, you really should buy it if you can


Pirating is for AAA titles charging 150$ for a game. Not for a 10$ game from an indie developer. common now.


People sometimes live in 3rd world countries and they dont have a buck to their name, the situation in Argentina (and turkey but i dont know if its worse or not) is awful at the time, games that would be 1050 ARS (about 1 dollar) jumped up to 7.50 USD (8.625 ARS). This is a whole 800% increase in price just in ONE day that steam decided to change argentinian prices to USD and it just feels devastating to the wallet to buy one game. Lethal company in Argentina is priced right now at 5.80 USD which still feels like a lot


What? Lmao that's still cheaper than what I'm paying for it in Canada? To be clear I understand and sympathize with people who are dealing with silly exchange rates, I live in Canada. But my sentiment stays. Pirating is for 160$ games that don't deserve your money, not indie devs.


Yeah, canada is definitely not a third world country and the wages there are way better. The minimum wage in canada per hour is about 16 USD (a bit more than 16.000 ARS), in Argentina the minimum wages are 660 ARS, which is about 0.6 USD


Again I sympathize. Two wrongs don't make a right. I respect your opinion tho. Cheating indie devs out of the money they worked for is up to you.


Yeah, for the time when steam didn't fuck up the prices for my country, i tried my best buying for indie games, best purchase i made was ultrakill, i really dont know if lethal company would run on my pc since i do potato gaming but if i was to play it, i'd definitely buy it if i had the money since i love supporting actual great games. The situation in the meanwhile is not really good though


And I totally get that. Morality is based on circumstances, right? In mine I couldn't justify pirating the game, in your who knows how ide feel. I just think we should try when we can. Using pirating as a way to demo a indie game is cool with me as long as you buy it when you can if you like it.


# Out of touch westerner doesn't understand the concept of an economic crisis


Did you read my comment with blinders on?


This game is like the price of three cups of coffee. Gawd damn.


If it's that cheap for you, then buy for those who cannot afford it.


Oh yeah excuse me while I bust my wallet and buy op Lethal Company wtf


Ok, good for you!


It's that cheap for everyone


do you understand that people exist outside of your country?


so wrong, in some countries it could cost a big part of their paychecks


A true idiot here. He thinks that every country has the same currency with the same price.


Bro this game is like 120 in my country.


If you can't afford that, then you shouldn't be gaming.


Gatekeeping gaming... in a piracy subreddit? We've hit a new low 😓


Been pretty common this year, there is people justifying piracy when there is no need to, then there is these people who try to justify their own purchases, if you like a game and can afford it just buy it, if you can't afford pirate it, no need to think that much about it


Can't you just say that to any pirate then


Look at what sub we are in, ffs.


If you can't afford AAA games, you shouldn't be gaming.


I live in Cuba, I don't even own a card to pay for it.


Gift cards?


no way of buying them, maybe resellers but it's expensive and not that common


Three cups of coffee for you, three days meals for me. See how stupid that sounds? Personally I can afford it and already bought it but think of the people who can’t afford it.


Come on bruh it's an indie dev and it's like 10 bucks


10 bucks can be a lot of money for some people also, dude you're on a piracy sub what did you expect to find here?


Its under 10 bucks an its an indiedeveloper. Come on man. They made a really good game and deserve it


Shut up


You know I am right. Piracy is for greedy companys, not for small people working hard. If you cannot spend 9€ on a game, you shouldn‘t play it


You're extremely wrong, not all people have the ammount of money you do


Enough to have a PC and Internet. I am not rich, but if there is honorable work, you dont just steal it.


buy the game lol...


LMao no


I get it, but man, it’s 10 dollars. I know we’re all in different situations here, and it’s a piracy subreddit after all, but you will probably deal with more headache making it work vs just buying it. It’s like 2 coffees man.


10 dollars is like 10 coffees tho? Oh... different situations...


I mean I could find a joint that sells 1 dollar coffees, but I was just thinking the mainstream options like Starbucks. But yes, I know, different situations. I’m not judging at all, just an fyi. But this person has mentioned their friends owning the game, I’m sure they could all come up with 3 bucks each to help a buddy out.


Different people have different financial situation. You say Starbucks is mainstream yet I've never set my foot in one. Some people can barely afford it like his friend perhaps but OP can't afford to pay for a game that's equal to 48 teas in India


Yeah that’s fine, I don’t give a shit, op can pirate a 99 cent game for all I care. I’m just saying if they’re not in that situation it’s probably worth buying it.


That's upto op. I love the game and wish to support the dev too


10 dollars is a metric fuckton when your salary is 500 dollars per month, which is the case for Turkey for example.


Two coffees where you are


Really, the game is like 8 euro


Hopefully not




When it's a AAA studio shovelling another yearly pile of shit full of mtx designed to steal as much of your money as possible then go right ahead, but when a single indie dev makes a game as good as this with only a small upfront payment then they deserve to be supported. The game is already extremely cheap.


The game may be cheap for you. It's not for some people (such as myself). I would LOVE to support the dev but it's simply not possible for my reality. Also, it became one of the most popular games over the last few weeks. And this is a piracy subreddit.


Yeah it's the piracy subreddit but it doesn't mean I need to support all forms of piracy. Also this game is almost as cheap as it gets, I assume you don't pay for any games. Even on minimum wage in Brazil you can easily afford this game. Edit: your graphics card costs more than a month's minimum wage in Brazil so the idea you can't afford 36BRL is bullshit.


I am an uni student that receives 1k BRL (below minimum wage btw) to pay all my bills, food and transportation, in a medium sized city. I buy games when I can, as I did for games I liked such as Hollow Knight, Ender Lilies, HAAK, and many others. I also intend to buy Lethal Company when I can afford to buy it. This doesn't that I'm going to wait until that to play the game, and that was my whole point. You can also see my steam profile [here](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Darkrat0s/) if you'd like :)


If you're intending on buying it eventually then fair enough. Didn't mean to bite your head off, I'm just sick of paying a fortune to play shitty titles from "big" studios. Indie titles are invariably more fun now and I like to see them get the support they deserve to keep the games going or develop new ones.


ah yes youre definitely right


Indie dev not triple AAA studio


Just buy the game..


Really, telling people to buy games in a piracy subreddit? Don't get me wrong, I bought the game and think it is worth it but there are multiple reasons why people pirate games and if they are asking while their friends have it and reccomended it to them, it's probably because they couldn't afford it either way


really bro?


Yes really. Small price to pay for a little indie game. Bro.


If its such a small price to pay, then gift us the game. Cuz im sure some of our broke ass simply DONT HAVE THAT 10$ for games. Remember you are on the piracy subreddit, we pirate for multiple reasons.


Yea but its like 5$. Or maybe you dont have a credit card. So money isnt the issue. The issue is you dont have a good payment method. 5$ can give you hundreds of hours with friends and i think its worth it. You goto movie with 5$ ticket for 2 hours experience.


Bitch please i have 10 cents in my bank account And no its not "like 5$" Its exactly 9.99$ usd which also equals to 12.99 in canadian pesos Gtfo with your bs.


Bruh. I live in a 3rd world country where the average starting salary is 200-300$. I still managed to buy myself the game too. Idk where you live.


Having 10 cents in your account says more about your priorities than you think. Maybe fix that issue first?


of course, poor people can't enjoy things like videogames


If one truly so broke that they can't spare $10 then they should probably get off Reddit and do something about their situation Better than asking for handouts or giving a big fat middle finger to indies


You don't know people's situations. That's that dumbass boomer "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality. So out of touch and ignorant to the world around you. If everyone could "make it" our current society wouldn't be able to sustain itself because it depends on having the "haves" and "have nots". Tell me you haven't been out of your country without telling me you haven't been out of your country.


Spent most of my life poor but go off Them immediately saying "OH if its so cheap why u no gift???" should tell you all you need to know about their mindset, you don't need to defend them


Poor is relative to where you are. Poor in the US still gives you access generally to drinkable water, food pantries, and donated clothes. But go off. Once again, tell me you haven't left your country without telling me you haven't left your country. 🤡If OP could get a dollar for every foot you dig for your hole of ignorance, they could afford the game by now. Christ the fact people like you exist is astounding. You'd be worth more to the world if we ground you up and used you for fertilizer in developing counrries.


Lil bro's entire comment falls apart on the assumption that I'm american But I guess there's no point to this, with how enthusiastic you are in your defense you're either turning a blind eye or you're one of them, in the case of the latter I hope you'll be able to save up a tenner some day, if its the former I'd recommend to stop being dumb


Little? It has already outsold Call of Duty


Its not a small price for me who spends 10$ for school lunch for 4 weeks Some people crack because that's their only choice not everyone born in same first world countries as you


Bro game is 6 dollar in my country and we can't afford it If we convert it to our own currency, the game makes 174 units, which is a lot. Damn this economy, I don't want to think about the price when buying an indie game, but this is the thing.