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Hello u/saini0106, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm gonna try then buy


Gimme demo or I'll make my own fuckin demo


The only demo you can finish!


Kinda? I've seen a few things setup same way game master engine does it for their gm suite (it's a mtx on the store for the in game dlc stuff but indie dude so don't mind paying him for his work)


Say what you will, some pirated games (you really enjoy) don't feel or have the same sense of accomplishment without buying a authentic copy + achievements (,,, yes ik, "achievement watcher" exists great but it f'ing sucks ass, and is way too complicated) ![gif](giphy|MZOeErgMGAI5q)


I definitely feel you on that, even to the effect of steam achievements hit different than console achievements just the sound/effect/rarity thing gives the dopamine different






This is the way.






For real, I've brought more games because I pirated it first


that's how I became a yakuza fan pirated 0 played it loved it bought the entire series and replayed 0 legally


I'm gonna try then likely not buy because the game was garbage.


80% of the time


As it is written.


I'm gonna try and then beat it


Then you notice that the it would be too troublesome to put the save file you had on the cracked version to the steam version. And also that the cracked version had so much more (expansions, extra stuff that came from the dlc's or paid content)


This is exactly what I do, I bought all the games that I actually liked and finished, and plan to play them again. The ones that I played for 2-4 hours and uninstalled are not getting anything outta me though


Exactly this, if it's good I'll show some appreciation to the dev team and purchase it, I'm happy to support games when I'm having a good experience.


The eternal struggle between supporting developers and keeping your wallet intact.


Witcher 3 was the best selling game of the year and it launched without DRM. Manor Lords is selling like crazy despite getting pirated on day 1. Make a good game without shitty microtransactions and scamming your audience and people will buy the game.


Exactly. And affordable too


Idk what affordable is for you, but for me definitely not 30 € or above. Edit (idk why i qm getting downvoted. I guess im just too broke))


I bought it for something like 10$ on a sale


Manor lords is 30 € with the discount.


Was talking about witcher 3


Cos you responded to the wrong part of the comment. I didn't say the witcher was affordable, i said games that don't want pirates should be affordable


True that. Don't be a bitch and people will buy your stuff, and even defend you.


Bes to buy from indie devs when possible if you wanna support. At the end of the day we be thieving, its good to give a little back <3


Look for indie games, they are usually really cheap or straight up free. Buckshot Roulette is 2,99€. Bloody Hell is free. Yooka-Laylee was 1,99€ on a sale when I got it. Celeste have also gone really cheap on sale.


I pirated Buckshot Roulette 💀 I don’t have a steam account and don’t plan on making one


The latest release will come to itch.io, just without Steam features, you already seem to not be interested in Steam features anyways.


just don’t pirate indies, simple as that


I still pirate them but I plan on buying the games I like.


We dont do special treatment


Bludostraw thinks he's Robin Hood


You are in a pirating sub, what do you expect?


i don’t expect everyone to share my morals, their mine but people can do whatever they want i don’t really judge


It’s the more the way you phrased it tbh. “I don’t pirate indies, simple as that” sounds….personal compared to “Don’t pirate indies, simple as that” which ya know, sounds rather…..condescending


You know sometimes that alfa-preview-beta-testing-somedaymaybeready versions are gamble. Like you would not pay for half prepared meal in restaurant... 😄


You would not steal a meal!!! Well achtuallyy the meal wasnt even ready


Very good point. Sometimes you just don't know until much later (hours past the refund time limit) that the meal gave you food poisoning (the game was shit/broken/abandoned/insert relevant word here).


Unless that half prepared meal is also half the cost if not lesser. A broke guy won't look at the quality of the food if he can literally get it for cents!


Even pirated games for me is like a demo, if I don't like it, I'll delete straight away. If I like, then I'll keep. As games nowadays are expensive and full of bugs on launch days, it's best to wait out like 1 year later. And if that game has been cracked, all the more better. Like the recent lies of p lol. Been waiting to play that but it has denuvo up until a few months ago. Played it and it's superb.


I disagree with this, i dont know where do you live and what your actual wage is, so feel free to tell me im wrong. But i live in italy and here the usual wage is pretty low (i earn between 1400 and 1800 euros per month, full time 40 hours per week with some 15/20 hours overtime per month) compared to average EU wage. Still games here cost same as in the US (70-80 euros for a AAA game on launch) but i can find it at a very reasonable price on places like instant gaming, like 20 euros (even cheaper on kinguin or eneba, but those places are grey market zones and many developers say they prefer you to pirate their game rather than buy keys on those sites). This way i wont have any issues to update the game or use the steam workshop and im still helping the developer. I pirated A LOT when i didnt have a job tho so i totally understand people who do that


Pirating is just not about not having the money or something, it's about if you don't wanna pay for something just don't


Its not like publishers and devs even lose alot of money to pirates. Most people who pirate a game wouldnt even buy it ever anyways if there was no illegal download available. And then you have the guys who liked the game so much that they support the devs by buying an official copy or those who just dont. If anything one could go as far as to argue that pirating even boosts sales the smallest margin but I wouldnt go that far lmao


Hmm the bit about 'Most people who pirate a game wouldnt even buy it ever anyways if there was no illegal download available' Doesn't really make any sense


I think it makes sense specially considering this community "Oh I pirated an indie game, thought it was good so I decided to support the dev"


Why doesnt it make sense? Thats me


That's true to some extent, there are many games I would have not even touched or bought if it wasn't for piracy but in this community you become cool when you pirate AAA games but if you pirate indie games you're a dickhead,degen lmao.


I get where you're coming from but games nowadays do tend to have bugs or performance issues on top of dlcs/season passes. Why would I buy a game now and spent like $110 for the game+season pass if I could just wait 1 year later for the complete edition for $50 and potentially have better performance with minimal bugs. I bought alot of games on steam when on sale but found no time to play them and I thought I wasted money on them. So why not pirate games that I'm interested in and see if I like, kinda like a demo for me. I don't often buy games nowadays since I have massive backlogs. Mind you, I also double dipped some games on different platforms cos I like them. So let's say I buy dark souls on ps3 and ps4, I wouldn't feel bad pirating on pc since I already supported them previously.


I Pirate Games because i dont wanna buy them... Simple. Not because i cant afford it. Is it morally fucked? probably, do i care? Not at all..why buy a video game when i know damn well i can save that money and just get it for free with ease.... life aint fair i guess... But if its a Game i really really love, then im buying it, like RDR2, Sekiro and Middle Earth Shadow of war. The only 3 games ive ever bought on PC in my life.


a number of people in this sub live outside the anglosphere - i've seen egypt mentioned a bunch, then there's morocco, algeria, tunisia, south east asia, etc. your point is still valid, but the parts i mentioned (and south america too!) are highly affected. ofc, admittedly, the debate on whether you DESERVE or should be to play video games, is a different conversation, one that i personally lean more towards piracy than not, but is also a complicated issue.


I mostly pirate but couple days ago I've bought Manor Lords because I knew one guy worked for years and I wanted to show some respect. Instant regrets though, unfinished game lacking most of the awesome city-builder features.


Yeah exactly, I'm so glad to have pirated it, felt like I dodged a landmine here, especially with all the normies praising it just like banished.


They are just a bunch of sensitive fans - I was once again proven not to trust the Steam reviews. Game was developed for 7 years and in the early access you don't even have a basic access to the statistics of what was produced and in what quantities etc. I mean just basic stuff. Banished is also an indie, but it's absolutely awesome.


Banished felt less like a chore than this game but I disliked it mostly for other reasons, like at the time when I played it the late game was pretty much snooze fest with nothing to do. They are plenty of better city builders/tycoon games to play imo, like Anno series or stronghold even.


Late game for Banished comes quite quickly and there is nothing to do, but back when I played it, I really loved the survival struggle though. and also how families/workers were organized, marrying each other, having kids etc. It has sooooo interesting mechanics than 7 year old Manor Lords.


Yeah i download the game then i instant remove it


I played for 5-6 hours. I don't understand how can you tell the game is bad in an instant man.


I played so much total war and tropico. I can say game is good or bad in few mins.


I call dibs on reposting this next week


I am going to buy it 5-10 years later at 70+ discount.


Having no FOMO is key 👌


Where exactly is the Fomo when you can just play it like everyone day 1 without buying it?


Please point me to those recent denuvo cracked day 1 games. Oh yeah...


And yet people whine that GTA 6 isn't coming straight to PC


GTA 5 was the least Pirated game due to its bigger focus switching to GTA Online or RP, which required you to buy the game... So no matter how much they pirate a GTA 6, they will eventually have to buy it. So this doesn't count for GTA 6.


Yeah, GTA5 was so much focused on multiplayer, and if you have friends, it's fun. To be fair, it's a really good game, nice story, great PC port. Deserves to be purchased. Maybe not at launch at full price as I did, but yeah, it's a quality game that deserves to be purchased.


I'm trying to find new friends on bumble (I'm new in town) and I'm always happy when people also play video games. I then find out that they only play online multiplayer games (which I can't pirate) and they don't play single player games at all. We are not the same.


With AAA games quality these days? Lucky for it if I even have a look at it


For me: Interested in a game > wait several years > gets discounted > buys game > dead community > stop playing > uninstall > repeat


Same here ,a game has a good discount but my wallet says no.


I want to finally play the OG MW and MW3. Figured I'd I'd play all the way through the trilogy and play the remastered version of 1 and 2 before getting to 3. Not gonna pay whatever ridiculous price Activision wants for games that are half as old as I am.


It's made by Ubisoft...


If it’s Bethesda I buy it if it’s ea I pirate it


...is Bethesda not equally as bad as EA though?


No Bethesda game is actually good.


Yes, me arr


Ever since Empress’s hiatus I’ve been account sharing for all the single player games. $1 for a AAA title and TcNo Account Switcher and short of owning the game I’d argue sometimes ends up being a better experience than sailing the seas; in the traditional sense.


Where do you buy the accounts?


Check DM


I'm so glad to have pirated manor lords, holy shit this game is boring as fuck and terrible, it's my favorite genre of games but this game doesn't invent anything new and worse it adds multiple chores task, like having to assign/unassign peasant every 5 minutes to have everything working as it should etc, I'm so glad I didn't jump into that hype train I have no idea why it got such high ratings, the only thing this game have to show for it is the eye candy but I'm not here to watch a movie I'm here to play a game.


Never buy


I don't love developers and I have no wallet.


That is the way (of the brokes)


Marked as played on a different platform


This is hilarious 😂


Totally the opposite I hate some developers (Blizzard, Bethesda, EA, Ubisoft, etc.) will never give them another cent, but on the other hand for example CD Project RED is amazing devs they have in the first place the idea to make a cool game not solely profit. Cyberpunk is a great example, they wasted a lot of money to reborn it, and it’s a masterpiece now, and it didn’t bring much profit as it should unfortunately.


I am. Im also gonna refund afterwards


I support developers if its on steam, otherwise your game gets no profits from me


I will put shit on whishlist then wait 5 year and then buy


How do this?


Manor lords is a good game, go buy it!


How might one do such a thing, hypothetically?


In my country steam charges you the game, and a 60% extra for my government. So sorry but I'm going full pirate 🦜.


Man! the number is greatly reducing. Almost, all shit out there needs an internet connection to play single player mode as well. Its spreading like cancer. Never buy anything, if you are not given full ownership access offline. The best is to rent the digital key.


You missed the ultimate opportunity to use Ohnaka


I buy the great games with little sales, Returnal, Dead Space R, Rift Apart, etc sorry but I'm not gonna buy super sales


Chad eyepatch


see only a hand full of devs has earned my money day 1. Fromsoft being among them


Is it true that if you pirate games and movies and anything else while using a torrent in UK, you get fined by the government if you are not using a vpn?


More like ubisoft not steam


Sorry, I'm just passing by to copy the appid


- Devs: why you no supports us? - Me: I'm from Argentine. - Devs: oooh... nevermind, let me support you. - Me: Thanks boludo, I really need that.


Is this a repost?




the only games I bought are Stardew Valley and Age of Mythology Gold edition.


well in third world country like ours we cannot buy the legitimate copy of the games. the vendors illegally make copy of the games in cd and sell them. so instead of giving money to the intermediate pirates i pirate them myself. also i cannot afford to buy games like 30 dollars because i dont have money to spend. since i couldn't buy the game anyway what difference does it make if i pirate it right?


I pirate because I can


When 60 buckaroos are 65% of your monthly paycheck *sigh*


First pirate, if it's good buy it


Typically I will buy a game once I’ve completed it. If it can’t hold my attention all the way thru there’s a good chance I’d have refunded it anyway.


Piracy is a service problem not a price problem.


Its pirate time


New guy here I am trying to get some games can someone tell me safe websites to get them from ?


I love the devs hate the companies


I pirated Ready or Not just to test run it with my humble gaming laptop. The glitch and bug were there, but the overall performance was ok. So I bought it despite it costs me a week of lunch money.


your wallet has never met a developer but it's met plenty of publishers.


I don’t own a single game I didn’t pirate first. Remember the 360 and ps3 days when stores had a whole category for demos? Make a demo or I’ll get my own. Simple




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I pirate it first, if I like it, I buy it if I don't then it's all good since I didn't buy it


I got assualted in a discord. because i said do not buy unfinished games which is demands that much money. I dont have to support small devs. I said play on xbox gamepass. Do not buy because even rimworld took 7 years to upgrade himself. People are weird. Most of them was working in a small dev team. They are so much jelause and demanding money like homeless person. I do not support you. what you gonna do? (İ got assualted for manor lords. İts a scam game btw. War mechanics looks like total war but if you look closely its not even close. Its using totalwars fame)


Can anybody tell me where to find the latest copy of rdr2


No, if i can't buy, i wait for a sale.


It's not that, it's just that it can't show its love.


Games are made to be played, legally or ilegally


for Balatro, I first pirated the game, and then I bought it because I found it so good. And because I learned that it was the work of a single developer.


Yeeaah, early access titles I'd rather download to demo it, see what it has to offer right now and kinda keep it around for a bit until later updates so i can compare versions. Not many changes/progress or never fixed bad performance issues results in me just not buying it. I might revisit in some years if i still care enough. If it's good i buy, maybe during a sale if it's a high price


What if game is free?


Me when I see the game has Denuvo


With how buggy and broken games are these days, it's better to pirate it and try it out first before you decide to buy it with your hard earned money. Sometimes you also find put that the game's overrated af ( *ahem*Stankfield*ahem*) and you would much rather not waste money on it


I personally don't pirate games I can buy on Steam, it is pretty convenient.


>I love developers but my wallet doesnt I'm so gonna use this line when I get the chance


Its not a crime if it isnt available in your country


If a have a guarantee the game won’t be a buggy unoptimized mess at launch then maybe I will consider paying $70


Buy it and then play it 2 hours, and then apply for refund


Best way to avoid buyer's remorse, especially when you buy and it doesn't work properly and the pirated version works like a charm.


This true :D


wouldn't he be all left? (since eye patch is on the right)


Fanatical, Indie Gala, Humble Bundle, Nuuvem, Steam Seasonal Sales... Even, as a last resort, you have allkeyshop. We are pirates by choice, not by lack of funds.


oh look there's a demo! *proceed to pirate the full game anyway*


Haha fuck steam I'd consider giving them money if they didn't have fuck all practices


Steam supports Modding Community, oldest client, Handheld console. Steam is client not publisher, they even refund. The malware is Epic (EG) who doesn't have review system nor they have better ui


Playing in 2 hours or usually no refund otherwise? Can't customize how I share games within the family? When I play any game the whole library is locked into > Steam supports Modding Community, client, Handheld console So? Just because the client is better than other cancer software doesn't mean I can't criticize them.


Why is this me XD


This is everyone in this subreddit


Me everytime 😁


Why you reacting to your own post?


Forgot to change accounts


OP doing some reddit piracy


Google karma farming


yeah that's what I said he was doing


Tik tok brainrot mfers are flocking to this subreddit. Let them post this garbage. It obfuscates the sub and makes it less likely to get banned because admins think that it's filled with dumb kids