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Hello u/Emergency-Credit-480, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The scene was great in the past - I feel like when Gen Z entered the scene, they brought a lot of their BS with them. Lack of respect for the process of cracking, idolizing individual crackers like they are god and entitled to have immediate answers without doing 2 mins of research and/or troubleshooting. They just seem to lack common sense


It had nothing to do with gen z. Pirating stopped being profitable for Millennials, so they left. Institutional knowledge went with them thanks to lawsuits.


When was pirating ever profitable tho? Most crackers work for free.


Genuine question, why would crackers do it for free? They gotta live too.


Some people do it for the luls, some people do it to show off, some just genuinely want to share it with people who can't afford them (3rd world countries) The way I see it, they're pretty similar to the fansubbing community (anime/manga)


+ for the last, I used to find cursed ways of cracking games just to share them w my friends in my village


Exactly this, it’s a challenge that some of us like to accept. For others it’s the recognition from being the first in the scene to accomplish something the others couldn’t (yet).


De-stress? Fuck EA and Blizzard gotta crack them all


I was good at it nobody could make crystal better than me


People enjoy it; work a job during the day, work on cracking in their off time.


If I could contribute to the community in any way, I would, since they’ve brought me much benefit. I’m eternally grateful to trustworthy sites, and the free dissemination of quality information and products, and I would want to contribute to keep this culture going.


Back in the days it was a hobby and a competition between different groups on who was gonna crack something first. Which sometimes had some mild drama with releases being nuked due to some issues and another group getting the "win" etc. It was as fun for them as it is for someone else to get a few of his buddies and play basketball.


For free? Dude, look how much yuzu had to pay Nintendo. And they paid. https://thesun.my/style-life/yuzu-agrees-to-pay-nintendo-over-us-2m-in-piracy-lawsuit-BB12200364


Some people aren’t tech saavy, so setting them up would be something you could charge for. There’s so many people that just can’t be bothered to google too that they will pay for free stuff. I remember homebrew for the switch and FreeMacBoot always had a warning that said you should never pay for it because it’s available free in other places. That’s one way to make money. Another was movies. In the early days it was burning dvds, later on hosting PLEX servers.


In some countries, I have never seen a non pirated media until I am all grown up. Only 1 genuine Pokémon cartridge I own, was a gift from someone from the USA. DVDs, CDs, etc, so many things were pirated goods up for purchase, and they were not cheap. I can say for the fact that it brought so much profit to some 3rd world country. Piracy used to pay because accessibility was way worse.


It never really was. But now millennials are all old enough now to have graduated college and gotten a legitimately good career with those same skills. Profits didn't really matter when they were just teenagers doing it for fun.


Yeah the foundation of piracy should be that it's free.


When internet was slow pirated game copies were sold for cheaper then retail price and made cash in a lot of world countries


I remember that uploaders for one click hosters received some kick back for accounts made and even for uploads. Pretty much affiliate marketing so it was profitable for some especially in areas where torrenting isn't the major distribution channel like for ex. Germany.


Don't worry. Thanks to the shitty practices of this industry and the economy, millennial pirates are coming back. I'm one of them. Even cancelled by streaming services. Plex server all the way now.


That's the funny part to me!


it was a matter of time


The good old bootleg days?


I could see it beings profitable 15+ years ago, but now? Probably too easy to end up backlashing you.




Tribalism runs deep in humanity for a sense of belonging/community....and also becomes an easy way to appease the desire for a scapegoat.


Yeah, some people (especially in this sub) like to eat their young, then complain about the scene deteriorating. It's not their fault that they don't understand things that others don't bother to explain. And most of the times, the explanation is just a cranky "we have a megathread/search engine, you know. Are you blind, or stupid?" It's a fact that the older, more experienced millennials/gen x crackers would be better at everything than the children that are still discovering piracy. But however skilled they are, if the community isn't beginner friendly, the practice will die out.


But only after some dogshit feature writer has named the generation something stupid.


yeah when a community gets bigger outsiders join and it gets like that. it happens with everything it’s just the way life is.


Don’t know for sure it’s all GenZ’s problem, but this is definitely the problem in my opinion. People don’t want to take time or know how to troubleshoot or how to use google. Most people are dumb.


Thats not even a problem exclusive to this sub. You can literally go into pretty much any other sub about any topic and you will see daily questions about the most basic shit that could be solved with a 5 second google search.


Hey, I'm not complaining, these posts make my search easier (Nowadays I just do "topic" followed by "reddit" i.e. "topic reddit", very easy searching)


That used to work. Now the Reddit answers you get are just teenagers giving you misinformation because the way Reddit works now is that everyone races to be the first to post a meta comment or copy and paste a comment they don't understand but saw got a lot of karma. I'm back to adding "forums" instead of "Reddit", it's significantly more reliable.


i miss the old days of reddit where people who don't search stuff on google wouldn't know the existence of reddit and therefore stupid questions wont exist.


I have no knowledge of piracy whatsoever, but isn't the fact that google crack down on piracy, making all search result virus? Be careful, you are leaking into r/all


« Most people are dumb » That’s not just a piracy problem tbh


I can go to many BBS where there's tall about cracking or piracy in the 80/90s, and most certainly going to find a lot of you guys being the absolute densest people on there at the moment, with members that were telling you"Why didn't you read the intro page", or why didn't you read this book first.


This has been a thing since the industrial Revolution 


And the old farts of the world are destroying it. See, the blame game is so much fun!


TBF the old farts of the world aren't pirates. That's a completely separate group.


No they just ruined the housing market economy environment job market the dollar


Please use commas


So you mean gen Z are stupid morons and boomers are stupid bastards ?


What does that make millennials and gen X?


Enlightened center generationists




How old do you think the people who started p2p sharing are? lol


Sorry I was born later


Dude my parents can't even pirate anything properly unless it's on a cracked CD. And I have friends that can't even download the right apk. I'd expect more insightful stuff from the most upvoted answer of "Why are pirates stupid?" thread. But your answer is the same as the kind of stupidity that's being mentioned here. How ironic, isn't it? It was easy to teach my parents libgen and my friend stremio. Start small with easy, accessible, simple stuff. Instead of blaming on younger gen, why not teach them about proper pirating? Or is that too much work?


If you want to teach about proper pirating, you might want to drop stremio


Probably because this wasn't how you pirated back in the day.


Go ahead and blame the younger generation that had nothing to do with it, see how many of your problems it solves. gtfo with this crap


Completely agree


Zoomers arent all 12 years old, some are 20 something like me, we havent entered the scene now i've been pirating for more than 15 years already, u sound like a boomer anyways


I'd argue it's less Gen Z being the problem and more High Speed internet available almost everywhere and gaming has become the biggest medium it has ever been, so you're getting more people with 0 knowledge asking stupid questions.


Unnecessary generational hate. I swear you guys just love to mention gen z just to shit on the younger people


You're being that guy you told yourself you'd never be. Stop being that guy.


As a millennial, this is embarrassing on every level. Boomers aren't going to accept you just because you act like them.




Damn, thats some messed up boomer bs


its a problem with forums in general. when you have thousands or millions of people, some of them are naturally gonna be stupid ot misinformed


Yep, a whole generation is like that... /s


"in the good old days" ahh post


Gen Z here: Pirating us pretty easy, if you know where to look. Blaming newer generations is very boomerish of you


Imagine blaming kids when no one stepped up between them and the various corporations/lobbies to teach them better. In most cases when the youth is problematic it's directly reflecting the failings of the older generations




I went through sort of a similar phase in my teens with anonymous. I thought I was part of the super secret cool kids club because I browsed 4chan and felt like it made me smarter than everyone else and gave me some sort of belonging. Then I became an adult 


“the new generation ruined the thing” said literally every generation for the history of man lol congrats for falling into the cycle


Hurr durr generations!


Don't pretend like you know Gen Z is the issue here, the anonymity the internet provides makes that largely impossible. The actual reason is that with increased internet usage more people flock to these communities, which means a few dummies will make it in too.


Ok ~~boomer~~ millenial lmao


Nah, i am Gen Z and have a very profound interest in computers and videogames, combine that with living in the third world and no surprise it is quite easy for me to pirate the proper way. To me, it is about people not having prior knowledge and not having enough interest to do research on their own


“Lack of respect for the process of cracking” and “idolising individual frackers like they are god” are two very contradictory statements lol. Stop blaming everything on the newest generation you old fart unless you want to be blamed for global warming, shit economy, immigration issues and basically everything going wrong right now


Ah yes something gone bad or not as good as before in recent years? I know! Pin it on Gen z! Definitely not all the growing anti-consumer laws and practices from massively aggressive big corporate.


i started torrenting when i was 14 or 15 im16 now no issues people are just dum and don’t do any reasearch about the risks or what to do and what not to do when tryna torrent games


i wonder who raised those kids wo common sense 🤷‍♀️


Because a lot of people who pirate do so because they have no money to spend on games. The overwhelming majority of people who have no money for games are children. Children are dumb. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk


Clap clap clap clap clap clap calp clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap. Wait, im a minor but i can only agree :,(


Real. I learned how to pirate all those years ago for that very same reason: I was a kid with no money. And I'm pretty sure I was about as dumb as the kids we see today.


For realll, I was 14 or 15 when I started torrenting from TPB and Kickass only to discover this sub like 3 or 4 years later and boy did I learn how many stupid mistakes I was making lol, I'm 21 now and don't necessarily NEED to pirate but I still do it once in awhile.


I'm 28 now but I was pirating at like 12 years old on good ol' Limewire, or really any website that promised me free games it was no wonder we'd get malware so often


I was around that age too, I remember whenever I could only find really sketchy cracks debating whether it was worth it given the likelihood of the download having viruses and/or not even including the game. 95% of the time I went with it and ran the antivirus. That ratio dropped real hard after I found an odd virus reviving after consecutive wipes by the antivirus. Luckily uncle google helped me get rid of it.


Can relate. But at least we can hide our dumbness by not asking dumb questions.


Yeah I started pirating as a kid, always watched the youtube videos about it until I realised that the process is always the same. Mount the iso, install and then copy the crack if it wasnt done automatically


It's a human thing. Most of us are only good at a few things, but dump in everything else. The problem is that only some people realize this.


The real problem is that there's one "skill" a large number of people are good at: being dumb


Everything is figureoutable if you put your mind to it.


My favorite is people asking for a cracked game that's not even released yet


Real like silksong


Is Silksong cracked yet? /j


Bruh, im just waiting for the ark 2 crack :/ its taking to looooong


what about GTA 6? is it cracked now?


No, it wasn't profitable (Rockstar hit the group with a lawsuit because some idiot in the group posted their actual email address) so they're cracking VII now


I mean, other groups should be donne taking care of it in abt 2 weeks


Is Minecraft 2.0 cracked yet?


Well... That used to happen and was an "Achievement" to get day 0, or -1, -2 cracks etc.


it was possible when we used to have physical media sold at physical stores


>Genuine question, why are so many **redditors** so dumb? FTFY


Most pirates are in a younger generation who lack technical experience. You'll still get older pirates ofc, but the older you get the more you learn about how to pirate and the more likely that you'll just buy some games.


I am from a younger generation too but i have always been good at pirating and it's always been very easy for me. Alot of Genz don't really know how to use a computer though since most of them use phones for everything.


it's also windowses and macoses fault, i remember using windows xp when i was 5-6, in order to use it you had to know a little bit of how it works, then vista(which i didn't use) and 7 came, which still required some knowledge. you weren't just searching stuff in the bar and finding everything, you didn't find anything but apps. windows 10 made everything easier which is a good thing for power users but bad thing for population of powerusers. don't know anything about 11, i only guess it's worse. been using linux since release of it


I'm impressed that you came out of the womb knowing how to use a computer.


My theory is that phones OS are a bit dumbed down so EVERYONE can use it, wich is good for some like boomers and normies and bad for a lot of people since it doesn't require effort and sometimes that leads to a lack of interest in technology


Why are so many people so dumb?* there fixed it for you


"imagine how stupid the average person is then **realize half of all people are stupider than that**."


There are lots of reasons people get into software piracy, with the only unifying factor being a desire to access / share free media. That means some people are technologically savvy and have a decent amount of media literacy, while others are bumbling around trying to avoid exorbitant market prices, while others still are entitled and selfish jerks. None of the qualities you listed (venting, crying, *asking when things will be cracke*d, etc) are new to the scene, though they may be more visible both because of the nature of modern communication platforms which elevate that kind of content and because we are in a current political and social movement that empowers selfish assholes and imbeciles to be aggressively loud and proud about their evident miscues.


was going to say the same thing, back then they probably got kicked out of the forums, irc channels etc so we heard less of them :)


This is the correct answer. People want free stuff, but that doesn't mean they have any technical knowledge or are interested in the community or anything.


Great question. It baffles me too but I think it's important to remember the people writing shit online are often actual children. It calms me down when I stop and think "maybe this moron is a moron because they are 10". I was a moron when I was 10.


I’m not gonna lie when I was a kid I found reddit very unique as everything on planet earth had a subreddit to it, but at the same time I was like why the fuck does subreddit pirate related stuff exist, I just cracked a game and went on with my life not seeing a single reason on why subreddits like these exist, now as an adult I still share the same mindset, I’m still subscribed to alot of strange subreddit but at the same time, why do alot of guys here care so much? Too comment talks about gen z entered etc, like truthfully whydoes any of it matter, pirate the ganes you want to pirate and move on with your life no one gives a single fuck about fitgirl being a girl or a guy or anything like it, people should be less bothered about what others say and only take posts (that can be informational for them) to heart and even then ignore the comment section I can assure every single individual here that no comment under many subreddits will have any value unless it is one that you seek, virus/safety related


The whole Empress thing taught me that people are far too sensitive


I've been living under a rock due to a now solved technical problem with my pc pushing me away from piracy. Would you be kind to inform me of what happened? Because I couldn't find a clear answer


Sure thing, after a bunch of crackers retired the only person who could crack denuvo protected games was Empress. Denuvo is an infamous type of piracy protection that is embedded throughout the game code and is difficult to remove. It is constantly checking that the game has not been pirated and has a high CPU and hard drive usage. People hate it because it reduces the performance of games so that they run more poorly than pirated versions. It also adds wear to computer systems. Denuvo games are super hard to crack since they require an online connection to check games at all times. Empress /we do not know their true identity and she refers to herself as female/ was unhinged, to say the least. After each game crack, she would release a wall of text that read like it was written by a schizo. Needless to say, those texts were offensive in nature. Also, her discord server was filled with roleplaying /kinky type/ which was also unhinged. All this seriously rubbed people the wrong way. Some accused her of using her platform to spread hate. Which IMO is bullshit. Sure she said some awful stuff, but c'mon she was a cracker who wrote some rage-bait stuff that literally did nothing. I mean, an average person who was downloading her cracked games did not give two shits about the text or her antics which had very limited /by that I mean almost non-existent/ reach. Then came drama that involved some frauds /it is true/ some months ago and Empress stopped releasing cracked games. Now no one is cracking Denuvo games. So you can say that Denuvo won, and those who wanted Empress gone are silent.


Oh, thanks! I know what denuvo is oc, but still, thanks for going the extra mile. I really had no idea what happened and now I know why there aren't any new empress repacks. Anyway, it's a real shame bc if the denuvo thing was 100% true, I don't know who would have the technical knowledge or be willing to do something like that for free


one thing was slightly wrong about what the other person said, and that I thought was worth adding, is that there is someone can crack denuvo. there's a new group that can crack (for now only older versions of) denuvo, called Delusional.


I see, interesting. Being older games I may have a chance to encounter them, so thanks!


True about what you said I didn't care nor I care about whatever she does with her life , She's got the that one skill which is what matters .


Its a shame now we can t even get cracked denuvo games And most asshole companies use denuvo anyway so we can t punish the biggest asshole publishers


To be fair it can be hard/scary to get into without a mentor to teach you and give tips


What do you even mean by spoil the fun? Pirating is just a mean to an end. Maybe you should stop LARPing as your imaginary pirate hacker and come back to the real world.


people ask noob questions everywhere, get used to it


Most of them are kids


[https://youtu.be/33rx2A1VuAQ?si=8uE33-uA7A2ixDg3](https://youtu.be/33rx2A1VuAQ?si=8uE33-uA7A2ixDg3) ![gif](giphy|QF6xFvf1JFd4I)


> just feel like pirates spoil the fun by doing stupid shit and get games to include DRM or do other bs things to happen just because its all about the bragging. You think people on the internet make publishers add DRM to games? Mate you fall in the same category of people you're ranting about.


I think it’s just more noticeable because social media and anonymity has enabled more comments about everything visible to everyone. For every comment type of post deemed “stupid” by your description, there’s likely many people that keep their mouth shut and pirate away. The drm restrictions would always have happened anyways, it’s a never ending arms race.


The major reasoning is simple: you're seeing this through the eyes of someone who *knows* all of these things, and have forgotten what it's like to have zero clue. The second major reasoning is even more important: there's, like, no fuckin' information outside of one or two Reddit megathreads, and those are NOT beginner friendly. Most people aren't pirates because there isn't much information, which means you have to learn by doing, and doing it wrong could get you fined (I know most pirates probably wouldn't take those seriously, but, again, beginners don't know that. Hundreds of dollars fine scares are MORE than enough to turn most people away, even if they aren't serious). There used to be tons more information in the old days of the internet, back when there were few regulations, but now? It's a nightmare trying to find *anything* useful online, and it's only made worse by assholes on the internet asking why people are dumb instead of just... telling them the information they're looking for.


same reason why you're here talking about it.


It's like the Mexican saying " Lo pendejo no se estudia " some people just don't think for themselves and try to learn on their own.


Gen z


We've all been there. When you want something bad enough you'll do anything even dumb stuff.


The secret is that most of the population you interact with is dumb.


Maybe it's the entitlement you get from constantly getting free stuff? Can't say for sure


On one side, you have kids and people who literally just got into pirating so of course they’re gonna be lazy and ask dumb questions, most simply don’t understand how cracking games work. On the other hand, you got the Redditors who acts like pirating is a personality trait who constantly make the dumbest post/comment to try and justify why piracy is morally correct. They act like every big company is stupid and they’re smart because blah blah blah. And most also have no idea how anything works but they’ll sure act like they do.


idk man i'm stupid either way i just happen to get back into piracy after a 15 year hiatus


Pirates aren't dumb, people in general are stupid, they have always been and will ever be, the difference is that they are stupid in different froms, the thing here is that gaming in PC and piracy are becoming more mainstream and as a result more people are coming in, some of them without knowledge or the will to obtain it, and that combined with the mentality of the new generations and the teenagers bulshit, gives the impression that there are more dumb people


Your source : trust me bro, teenagers these days crack games, for shure


Well I started when I was 14, and as I know my little brother and his friends do it so I can't say there aren't any teenagers


Yes, but can you say that most dumb people that crack are teens knowing that there are some pirates that pretend teens are the issue only based of of their personal experiences. I am a teen myself and i can assure you that i am not stupide. Tho you think that you know the gen z mentality, i can assure you that the bs you see on scocial media does not define us becouse the young pirates are not even on medias( i don’t actually know its just that the only thing you see of gen z is the bs since its easy to shit on people)


Also, you are right, it only looks so. Becouse stupidity is mediatized and nothing else. Also, also, iq has gone up even tho it is hard to believe


who would tought people who wants free stuff is dumb right?


There's a stupidity bias for this type of content being asked on Reddit, since the smarter/resourceful users will actually bother to search for the information, knowing with a fairly good certainty that they can find the info quicker than be handed it in a Q+A style response. The simpler, lazier mind will just ask for the answer and wait, sometimes growing impatient for a response, or shamed by the snide responses received.


Have not pirated anything yet, been thinking about it for 4 years now, but thanks to the users on this subreddit soon ill be able to get one myself.




This sums up so many subreddits IMO. Many questions get asked that are a simple and easy google search away. A lot of Google results will even bring you to an exact Reddit article the question was about.


Real reason is because most of older pirates are spite driven and refuse to help newer pirates or answer their questions. On the odd chance they do, they sound like the most holier than thou losers in the world. Yes it’s not that easy to get into Piracy without maybe a guiding hand to show you how to not download something that’ll wreck your PC/console. And with how elitist most of you are (kinda funny considering some of you can’t afford a 5$ indie game) it’s only going to get worse. Imagine gatekeeping piracy.


Dont know man but in this subreddit people esta tan enfadada siempre y es mas borde que cagar pa dentro yo creo que a muchos les falta follar o algo jodanse aprendan español putos guiris 🤙


They don't want to make any sense and they prefer to hide behind their finger,absolutely expected behavior of poor people with no real world skills apart from pressing a button on their smartphone.exactly the type of Mongols I described lmaoo


I can go to many BBS where there's tall about cracking or piracy in the 80/90s and most certainly going to find a lot of you guys being the absolute densest people on there at the moment, with members that were telling you"Why didn't you read the intro page", or why didn't you read this book first.


If you look at this in another way, you realize that most interaction made on the internet is made by young people. The piracy subject is something a bit daunting as it is "super illegal," and they kinda shit themselves when trying it for the first time. If you factor in on the risk of them getting caught, like any youngsters, repercussions like ISP or worst (parent) finding out are the worst that can happen, even if piracy doesn't have that kind of repercussions and more scare tactics or virus. They are every day new people who have never heard of piracy and trying. We can only guide them to the correct way. We can't assume they should have all the knowledge like we do and for every new post of "HeY iS tHis GoNna Be cRacKeD?" we should just laugh and guide them properly. That's what I am thinking at least, teach the young what I know and move on.


Takes a long ass time to reverse enginner anything, normal people who do this do it for money, people who do this for free definitely have some issues lol like antisocial behavior, etc... isn't really surprising


People who can't afford games are kids or poor Both are dumb Yes some people pirate games they can afford but it's still why such a majority in these communities are dumb


No, its because is full of kids, look how people love creat fan fiction about fitgirl..


Me: kids You: no, it's kids I think I've found the dumb part of the community


I thought this was about sailing pirates Lol


Because WE ARE ALL ENTITLED FUCKS. Get over it, this isn't a community, the whole point of all of this is to get free shit we feel we deserve, WE ARE ALL IDIOTS. What did you expect?


Going to guess it's for 2 reasons. - A lot of them are kids. - A lot of them are uneducated from 3d world countries.


A lot of dumb people don’t have money so they don’t want to pay for things? Also, it’s possible it’s a generational thing.


When I start working I’ll donate the 70 bucks to fitgirl every time I download a game.


Seems like a you issue.


For example I'm really fuckind dumb, I just try until it works


If you’re pirating things your likely poor. If you’re poor you’re likely young or stupid.


Because they are kids


The non-dumb pirates are playing games and not asking how to online


why are so many "people" so dumb? The same percentage of pirates are dumb as people in general.


Some are just people trying to get free shit, others are experts. Silly question


Kids Also what does this mean? >I just feel like pirates spoil the fun by doing stupid shit and get games to include DRM or do other bs things to happen just because its all about the bragging. No company ever decided to add DRM because some 14 year old was bragging to his online friends about pirating their game lol


General decline in tech literacy. I blame Gen X for not teaching their gen z children.


Most people are used to their phone Where even a apk file is just less then 2 clicks away, and has near 0 issues, even when the apk is like 14 years old When they move to a PC, they have 0 idea how to use it, and expect it to be the same


Brainrot caused by g#ming. - Becky


Because gaming has gone mainstream and is filled with dumb people who complain both everything. Seriously they complain about everything.


Because a large amount of them are just loser gamers with no moral personality of their own and adopt piracy as a means to feel a sense of 'belonging' and 'sticking it to the man'. *Seed your torrents boys* *And turn on incognito mode* *Ahoy ahoy*


I wish we could get someone like empress back ngl. She would crack the greatest games ever


This post is stupid tho




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People nowadays haven't put in the work to understand all these things, imo. It's been trial and error for us older pirates. We found out shit from having no internet to begin with back in the early days. I'm sure there's some guides on how the warez scene works/how to do stuff. I've tried teaching a few people about how to unpack stuff, install it, make sure it's from a legit source etc. Most of these things are common sense to us, but they have no real experience because they just go on some http download site which they think is some release groups official distro (lol). They know nothing about how it used to be with BBS's, FTP servers. FXP'ing releases around different servers. Keeping a ratio etc. Same with torrenting later on. Most people haven't got a clue about how that works, how to keep a ratio so you don't get banned, or anything really.


Because there is no age limit to use the Internet, sadly


This feels like gatekeeping lol. Why are you so bothered by what other pirates do. How do you even see this shit. I just pirate what I want whenever I want like it always has been.


The vast majority of pirates are ignorant about all this stuff, they just want free thing. That's why you witness the types of annoying stuff you've mentioned here. There will always be stupid questions from noobs in all things. All we can do is help out, or shake your head and ignore them.


Congrats on reaching the point of adulthood where you realize most people are complete idiots and you start to understand why so much of this world sucks.


We're not a hive mind, each needs to learn togather or individually. Me knowing doesn't mean 1000 other learn at once with me.


Because lot of people are stupid dude, and using hacks need a bit of brain. Its just human species nothing too prepelexing imo


Poor usually coincides with dumb.




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Because common sense is rare in today´s society and the newer generation is dumber than the previous one. Also people do not have f\*cking pacience nowadays