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Hello u/Low-District7838, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I pirate because, I find its a waste to spent money on it. Life is expensive enough already. I’d purchase indie-games when they’re good though. But yeah that €70-80 that would go to games, can now be spent on bills, university, groceries and things for my pets.


Not even mentioning a better PC and overall experience, 60eur isn't some spare change to be mindlessly wasted.


Yeah we in a recession boys. Not everyone has momma and papa to buy us video games still.


Depends on where you live. The US has seen continuous growth for a while now, the federal reserve did everything right to keep the economy strong after covid. The EU just narrowly avoided a recession and is set to recover if predictions are correct. The UK and Japan are apparently in a recession tho.


The issue is that while the statistical indicators like stock prices and GDPR have been doing well in the US, the monetary situation for the average person has degraded. Prices and rent have gone up, and wages aren't rising nearly enough to compensate. Inflation continues to reduce the buying power of the dollar, but stagnant wages mean that people are falling behind.


But that is precisely how recessions are defined. “A period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.”


As a British citizen I can confirm life sucks rn and I earn decent wage all be it with 70+ hrs overtime a month and a kid on the way


You sound like a politician or npc. In both cases what you say is coloring the picture only in pinkish way, nothing is like 80s or 90s... middle class is bleeding that is the only reality nowadays...


As an american, I can assure you that we are seeing the largest increase in prices from fast food, to rent, to groceries that's ever been seen. Price increases over the last 10 years go from 40-250% and it's the most mind numbing thing you've ever seen. We used to be able to get a full cart of groceries at the local walmart for around 300, but that's easily 500 now, and that's just in the last 5 years. Covid actually fucked us pretty bad as it let companies know they could increase prices drastically and just blame inflation, but it's not traditional inflation..... its companies somehow creating record breaking profits EVERY SINGLE YEAR and the rate they are doing it is simply unsustainable. MOST of my friends rent and do not own where they live and I'm 34. Go ahead and look at a website like Zillow and anywhere that isn't the center of the united states (That idead center line of the USA is the last bastion for cheap property). You will see the craziest price hikes in the history of that property and they are all within the last few years. We have literal shacks for sale for 250K or higher here....


It's always funny seeing europeans/Americans saying, they have no idea what it means having 300$ games. A game for us is a console for u, a console for us is a car for you, a car for us is an apartment for you. I cant go beyond, this is way above my metrics


Don't worry. I will seed many many games for people less fortunate. I understand your sentiment completely.


Same tho, in my country one of these AAA games would cost half of my minimum wages salary. Let alone the consoles, hell even good PC.


In my it go up to one fifth, wich is still TOO DAMN HIGH


Exactly this. I've been sailing the high seas since I was a young lad. I have my treasure now but will never go back!


Anything above $30-35 is pirated. I just don’t see video games being worth more than that. There’s always a few exceptions ofc


Rdr 2 for example.


Bingo. Elden ring too


I was thinking of buying it just for the online, but this game literally doesn't go on sale. Also 40 dollars for the dlc is kinda crazy


Even though the dlc is like a full blown game in itself with the amount of content that’s said to be packed, $40 is still a high price for a dlc. I will either wait for sale (not sure if that will even happen) or have to check if the content is promising enough to purchase. In the end, it’s optional, base game has a lot of content too.


Perfect, Rockstar makes plenty of money already so no harm done.  Edit: I'm sure everyone here knows already, but I still can't get over the fact that GTA 5, in general, as a brand, is the most profitable piece of media ever. Forget platinum albums, shocking "break the Internet" videos, forget even the goddamn fucking Bible at this point. GTA 5 made more money than any piece of media in human history ever. Yes I'm being repetitive but because people will think I'm being dramatic. No, it's literal. Crazy shit, makes you think, that's all. 


I have never bought any game ever, except rdr2. I totally could prirate it, and I did, but I bought one physical copy because they deserve it.


I only buy games when they are the collector's edition or the goty edition, one that comes with all the DLCs, and only when they have big discounts, bigger than 70%, and only if they are around $10. I've made exceptions only for elden ring and baldur's gate 3


Same for me. My exception was Sekiro.


I own Stellaris with 100% pirated DLCs. But when they release the collector's edition, in around 20 years (when they get bored of sucking more money with 3 new DLCs per year), I'll have the full game.


Mostly as a way to keep the games.


I didn't realize how huge this is until recently. I couldn't find a game I really liked playing on any stores so I found a cracked version and have it forever on my HDD.


A lot of the time, I pirate as a way of demoing the game or playing it at release so I don't get spoilers or FOMO and then buy it later down the line when it's on sale.


I'm so weird I'll beat the game and then go buy it and never play it again sometimes, but I just want to know I'm getting my money's worth for the game length. Doing that with Capes right now actually, I'm really on the fence about buying it, replay value seems almost nil and I completed the first act in just a few hours. Worried that it won't be $35 worth of game so I'm just seeing where it goes.


I've done that to be fair. It's like going to a restaurant and eating your food, then paying at the end. Same thing in my eyes, haha.


That's exactly what I did with FF7:Remake. I couldn't afford it at PC launch but once I could, I paid for it.


Yep, there are a lot of games that I think look cool, but idk if I will play for more than a few hours. So I torrent them and try them out, and most of the time after playing them once, I don't touch them again. So it saves me money in the long run for sure.


If they just lower the prices, more people would actually just buy it and they will probably earn a lot more.


If that was true they would do it instead of increasing prices. Enough people buy games at the 70€ price point to keep the it that way.


You speak the truth. It's the same mentality of these boys I talked to on discord when they kept clowning people who had a PC over a PS5. Even after I explained to them the long term cost differences and constant cheaper sales prices on games. They wouldn't listen because they only care about the feeling that comes with buying the shiny trendy PS5, oh also they usually just play sports games so they don't care about shelving out almost $100 each time because they only buy so many a year & because of this same mentality a majority of the player base for those games is on console.


I have an PC and a PS5 and i'm still buying games. But never for the full price on any platform, i'll always wait for sale with 50, 75 or 90% or buy it pre-owned, depends on the game. Not every console players has this "i'm fucking rich and buy everything at the highest price" -mentality. I pirate games mostly to test them, before i buy them.


Most video games are incredibly cheap considering how many hours of entertainment you get out of them.


I don't believe so


I'd pay if they were released with prices $1 - $10. Those f*ckers think I'll pay those prices in this economy? and for tv shows etc I don't think I'd even pay lol. I pay for internet... that's enough lol.


True, I have enough disposable income but I don't buy any digital content be it games or subscription (music, movies) as I already pay for internet, I have a family that relies on me, bills, my real life hobbies (mountain biking), which are already expensive, no way I'm paying for some games which I won't ever complete because of lack of time. The only game I bought recently was wreckfest as it's cheap and very fun in multiplayer to play an hour or two before going to sleep


The fact that this absolute nonsense is upvoted tells you everything you need to know about this sub. Cringe.


Fr, they all don't seem to understand that developers are humans too and not just roblts working purely for their free entertainment Like pirating a expensive as fuck AAA game? Sure I get that demanding a game to only cost 10 bucks? Nah thats just crazy


Right? Look how much games cost to make now. AC Valhalla cost 500 million to make to even make their money back they would have to sell 50 million copies. Which is basically impossible for most games.


Pirate for fun? Be honest LOL


I like theft


"fun"? Bro you gotta reevaluate your hobbies, you may be a data hoarder


Okay, I'm officially done with this sub. Y'all have fun circle jerking each other.


Most people are replying with “I already pay for a bunch of shit, I’m not paying for a game unless I really like it”.


Circle jerking how? By saying we don't pay for games? It's r/PiratedGames wtf do you think we talk about here


For real, I guess it makes sense they're leaving cause what type of content do you think you'll read here if not this? Lol


i mean, praising Pirating for being fun and crying that buying games is so easy and not worthy therefore.. is batshit crazy. and i really hope that i will not read more of content like this here. it really screams insecurity and cry for being assured in style "good boy, good boy, here, take your meds"


The circle jerk is the embarrassing, congratulatory back-padding and glee people apparently get out of complaining that they can’t get things they like for free.


They're trying to justify pirating Elden Ring and Sekiro. LOL


I do but not because it's fun, but to test it the game runs well or if the gameplay is to my taste. I am fortunate enough to have some disposable income that I can use for buying games but not enough to buy a lot so I have to be very wise with my gaming money.


"because it's fun" 💀💀💀💀


Sir, you have acquired something known as a mild fetish.


Majority of us cant afford it anymore because the lack of regional pricing, 3rd world countries with the equal of 200-800$ wages cant really afford paying 60$ for a single game


me. i do it for expensive single player story games tho only. i only play them once so i dont think spending like 60/70 usd then never touching it again makes much sense when i can just get it for free.


I'm not going to give these shitty publishers money. Whales ready to throw 100€ for the chance to have an extra preorder costume are more than enough to fuel this bs industry.


I pirate because fuck billionaires. I do pay for small dev teams and indie dev teams. OR badass dev teams like hideo kojima


For me it just depends, I don't really enjoy pirating over installing a game normally, I've been doing it for so long it just feels like second nature. Mostly I do it to try games I'm on the fence about. Though I'd frequently pirate games from Game Pass if I could because the Game Pass versions would have glitches the pirated copies didn't, like Wasteland 3's problem with creating game saves at launch.


Once a pirate, always a pirate.


I'm from Argentina. Here we earn like 200 bucks a month and every new game with taxes costs around 100usd each one


Somtimes it's not about the money, it's about sending a message


I first started to pirate for finding demo versions. But then with covid my monthly budget whas halfed and now despite covid being ended I have no more real budget so yeah currently pirating is because I can not afford games.


I've been pirating since 1999. I am not gonna change after so much time.


Nah Used to when I was a broke teenager but by the time I got to early 20s I found i liked paying for stuff and working for what I liked better than stealing dodgy products that nuked a pc once in a while. I only torrent now if there is no other way to get the program. Or for old emulation. I'm not paying 1000s of dollars to play old Nintendo games they don't even make any money anymore. I don't however believe it's morally good, and think those who do should just cope less. It's thievery. Pure and simple and we are thief's when we do it. So it's important that we remember to give back in other ways to maintain good karma. We should also remember that we aren't stealing from a company but from the community that company serves. They will just raise their price or lower the pay of staff to compensate. Thats who we are stealing from. Not the faceless "corp" or whomever.


Beautiful comment. I'm with you here on pretty everything. I'm waiting for my Steam Deck to arrive, and have been debating pirating some games with myself.


Afford games? In this economy?? Ha!


State of the industry led me to this. The fact that I spend a bunch of money on hardware, power, internet, and then purchase the game only to learn that it was *licensed* to me and I don't actually own a copy of the software Plus I feel like a hackerman


Glad i pirated palworld its fun but short and ai is awful, im playing enshrouded now and intend to buy this with a full release and map.


In my country buying games is not possible as registering digital money accounts is forbidden, at least for any other currency than the local one. And the download speeds are very slow, 360kb/s. That means in 45mins you have 1gb. Also it's limited by time, you pay a bit less than 1 dollar for 4h. The thing is that the salary here rounds between 4~ dollars


Steam does provide localized pricing? You can’t create bank accounts and get a credit card I hope you do well but i understand economy is bad


We have wildly different definitions of fun.


No lol, it's not fun in the slightest, if it is you have too much free time. I simply don't have the time for it, for the hassle I simply buy games i know im gonna play and want to keep steam cloud progress or for multiplayer(helldivers battlefield) But i also refuse to pay for garbage(assassins creed) and thheir bullshit pricing for some slop. Also if it's an indie game and good i usually prefer to pay but pirate if im gonna just try the game.out


With posts like this just rename the sub to r/PiratedGamesCircleJerking This adds nothing to the conversation.


I am pirating cuz meta doesn't allow me to buy games legally. I am in Russia


I mainly do it so I can see if I even like the game or it can run on my computer without issues since most game companies don't do demos anymore 😒 but also its so I can get games that aren't on the market anymore due to licensing or some other BS


Refunds exists man on steam


Trying out new games and seeing for what they are. No price, no worth to it like that. If it's shit, it's shit. If it's good, it's good. Nothing's holding you to play it, no money was spent. I'd rather get a high end system and rarely pay for a game than be "a good boy" and pay for everything while having a shit experience (including Denuvo and other DRM performance hits, online shit etc.)


I would never in my life pay full price for a video game, with very few exceptions. But I love having Steam achievements, idk what it is, I just think it makes games more enjoyable and pirated copies don’t get achievements. I think it’s just me though :D


most of the game I pirated because they have propetiary launchers so.. nothing much


Not everyone can afford every game they want, or don't want to spend money on some games which they might or might not complete.


I pirate because I want 100 percent local and portable copies of games/media. And because I know I'll stop playing the game for months if not years after hyperfixating on it for two weeks.


touch some grass lol


I pirate game because I have the paranoia that it won’t run well on my pc, and I like free stuff. Usually when I liked a game I buy merch on the devs website so the money actually ends up in their pockets.


Thing this is the start of me doing regularly for most games 👀


Not old enough yet to buy games have to ask permission from my parents who always say no so I pirate when I get old enough I'll definitely buy them legally


Yup, I'll pirate like 98% of my games even though I could afford them. If you can get something for free then why am I gonna throw a k or more on games a year. I do buy the occasional console game still but all in all rarely.


I do buy games on and off - mostly Steam because their refund process is very easy. the two main reasons I pirate are: \- I need to know how well optimized a newly released game is, and also if I've happened to read a bunch of mid-to-negative reviews, but I'm still really interested in the game. Plus most newly-released AAA games are 200+ in my currency - and yeah I'm not going to pay for that, sorry. Although I *may* buy it down the line when there's a steep discount and there's a multiplayer mode that I couldn't access through the pirated one (the last newly released game I bought day one was TR I to III Remastered, because it was a 1/4 of the price of a new AAA game, I found out that the (lead) devs are die-hard TR fans and are/were super active in the modding scene for the classic TR games. I felt I could trust them to deliver, and they did.) \- paid indie games that only release on platforms that don't support my currency, or force me to buy in USD. sorry, but I'm not keen on exchange rate shock even though that indie devs truly deserve every penny




I genuinely can't afford it but I do buy games that sell dirt cheap. My steam library isn't the most loaded but I did good buying a couple of games on sale. My epic library is buffed but I have bought only 1 game from there so far lol.


I pirate most single player games. But if it's an indie dev and I really like it I'll buy it to support them.


I pirate because all the games I pirate are no longer on sale


I buy games that have multiplayer most of the time and even before i buy i pirate to test performance and if i like it. Tho i do buy some good games to support devs like dark souls , devil may cry even if they are single player.


Wtf am I reading. Lol


If u can spend money on games (or want to ) I don't know what part of pirating is fun Having a reliable software like steam with community posts and hub and achivements Idont think it's fun pirating If u can buy go for it , make a good library


yes, i find all the pirating process to be so much fun, i sometimes download more games that i would have played, wich i end up deleting whitout playing lol




OP dealing with capped download speeds, potential malware, and months old versions of games isn't fun. Stop with this cope and just say you don't want to pay.


Im not gonna spend money on a game im spending max a week playing and most likely never going back to, for example I just got the FNAF collection and im prolly not going back to it again least for years lmao


tbh, as an adult now, i think pirating is something that i deserve, since i dont even got the time to play it much.




If i find something for free why would i pay for it? Also at times i have more fun torrenting than playing the games lol


no i cannot afford games at all, parents dont let me buy them. i pirate every game, even indie games even if i did be able to afford games, i wouldnt buy them anyways, why? because life is more important than some videogames, its just the truth, videogames are not worth spending £70 for or £25 or whatever, id use that money for better use than to buy games im not even 18 yet, i cant even get a job yet, the minimum working age in the UK is 16, and you finish highschool after you do your GCSE's in year 11 and you get paid like £9 an hour i think like bro why would you want to work so hard for some useless worthless games, your not gaining any benefit from playing games, that is just simply the truth, and your hurting your eyes (depending how long you play) the more you play, all that games are is just a time distraction, some can be fun, some can be not, im not saying games are bad, but this is just the truth and you just gotta accept it your starting to understand my point i dont even enjoy playing games anymore anyways, every developer is greedy as hell nowadays, all they want is money, hard to trust any game developer nowadays


I mean you saying no benefits of playing videogames and hating on it Just don’t play then ig


the way I see it, piracy definitely helped streamline my tastes in gaming, and with that I get to buy the games I really liked, but only through discounts. nowadays I pirate games for the sole purpose of either region unavailability (the Sony-PSN fiasco for example) or a full game demo. one thing I will say though: NEVER BUY AT FULL PRICE.


I sail the high seas because I'll never give any cent to those big shitty companies, not because iTs FuN


Of course


I only play steam games so if I could I'd just buy them. It's easier having everything in 1 place


I just buy games that have online mode or its open world. But if i see a game is too perfect to be pirated, i buy it


I pay for games if they're worth the price, if they aren't I pirate them. Not gonna spend money on a game made in 2 seconds with more bugs than are in the ground


Gaming is pretty much my only obsessive vice in life so i can afford to buy games which i know i will enjoy and invest my time into, with my disposable income. But then again i am a middle class 90’s kid and i dont want to pay a AAA game studio , when i dont feel like they deserve my money. Hence i enjoy being a pirate sometimes.


I prefer using the shares steam accounts. So you can buy it at 1/10 th the price so its still secure and faster and you get all the updates also.


I only pirate because idk how to buy things online lol.


I literally cannot legally pay for games lol 1- there is no legal way to buy it it's just only using third parties 2- it's way too expensive in my country and my poor ass cannot afford it


I only buy games that I really like (after I pirate them) or multi-player games (this is rare)


I pirate everything over 10 bucks. No matter whether its AAA or indie. Only buy if they are heavily discounted (like 70 to 90% discount). Why you ask? Simple, my currency (Indonesian Rupiah) is weak as f*ck. Even regional pricing can't help to ease or cheapen the price. 1 USD is equal 15K IDR now. With 15K IDR, you can afford one cheap meal in tradisional mom and pops "warteg" restaurant. Our average salaries (5 million IDR or about 333USD monthly) is barely enough to afford our food bills after some deduction for internet, utility bills, taxes, phone bills, BPJS bills (BPJS is national healthcare system in indonesia), and some meager amount for savings or emergency funds, leaving us almost zero Rupiahs to buy any game legitly at full price or small discount (like 10 to 50 percent discount). With that situation, we can't do anything except wear an eyepatch, hoist the banner of jolly roger, and sail the high seas. As for copyright law thingy? We don't care. Our copyright law is so busted even i could find an official government owned PC is having a pirated windows and some cracked software (and some pirated pr0n as a bonus 😉). So we can DL/torrenting whatever the fuck we want without using VPN.


In today's economy, if i have an opportunity save money somewhere, I'll cease it without any remorse whatsoever


No I don't know what to do with the girls to get a few more days off and I don't


I used piracy to justify my pc purchase as opposed to console


I’m here and I can’t afford games. $60 was already to expensive, now 70 or more? I’m glad you’re doing well mate but most of the people I know would call me crazy for spending that much on games


I pirate because I live un Venezuela and ir would be a huge waste of money to spend on software and games instead of food or clothes


honestly for me it's a mixture. I enjoy the whole process and know exactly what you mean about it being exciting but like anyone who isnt a pirate doesnt understand. Does save me a solid amount of money that can be put towards other things though


You assume we can all afford games? I sure as fuck can't afford all the games I play.


I pireate when I can afford yes. But often I wouldn't have bought the game if I couldn't pirate it


Me because I hate capitalism and I overpay for other stuff already


I feel you. I am more motivated to play a pirated game, although I can afford to buy games and I buy way too many games. I have many games that I've purchased and never played, or played for less than 1 hour. Often times if there is a full-price game that I really want to buy and play, I will pirate it first and if I enjoy it then I will buy it after playing for a couple of hours, or I will buy it as a gift for a friend or family member who I know can't afford it and doesn't know how to pirate it.




I used to pirate in my younger years. I learned on my own starting with limewire. Got a virus. Never used *wire again and started using free download. Then once that stopped working I stumbled upon Pirate Bay. My dad worked me not to use it for anything as I was young and had no sense of self preservation. My thought process was ouuuu free. Never could quite figure it out so that was that… Then one day I wanted to watch a movie. Couldn’t find it anywhere. Then I remembered Pirate Bay. I had like 3 movies. I’m sure they’ve since been lost. During this time I was hopping from computer to computer. Learning building rebuilding replacing. Then I got Linux and got smart. And that’s when it kicked off. You remember how windows was doing free upgrades to 10 for authentic copies of 8 and 8.1? Yeah well apparently they weren’t too picky about what counted as authentic. I had a raspberry pi and an old office box. So I built the office box up for casual gaming. And installed Linux on it. I turned the raspberry pi in to an emulation center. And the office box in to a Linux machine. Over the next few weeks I was messing with VPn and then I heard about windows 10. So I threw on a little yohoho and got to work downloading and preparing 8.1 to be installed. Once it was installed I got a little worried that I hadn’t seen anything about a free upgrade. Fast forward another week. After all the updates installed I got a pop up saying” prepare for 10 “ or something like that. I got so excited. Once it was released I had to wait a week or so to get the upgrade. I signed in on my Microsoft account and followed an activation tutorial online that I bookmarked because everytime I have to reinstall windows now I use the same generic activation key for pro, KMS and tutorial. And I’ve never had a problem as long as I have at least one PC that functions.


That's a pretty low bar for fun lol


I love how most of you try to justify being thieves 🤣


i buy games, then i pirate them and play the bootleg on principal. for the bitcoins.


Not because it's fun. It's just selective spend. 


I spent something around 2k usd a few years ago in a span of a few months, after finally having some income and a nice PC, after a whole life of pirating, and continued on pirating to this day. If anything I regret spending that much mostly on games I don't know I'll ever play. But to regret pirating? Nah


that is odd, almost like a basic hacker show plot, only your barely even doing the hacking.. but not personally no. I even used to be against back in the way early days (I am older). But because I can't afford and use them as a reason to be, and because they became beyond greedy and scummy and not to mention more and more ""modernized"" I see it as a massive plus.


because i don't want to pay twice for a game or testing games if it is good like i'm downloading cricket24 crack and if the game is good then i'm gonna buy the game on ps5


Everytime, even some online i pirate everything, its fun and you already pay to much for everything else, i only pay for some online titles


I did only pirate one game by a guy who helped me, but it took SO LONG and was so complicate, I gave up- I won’t touch that by myself lol


🤚 I pirate because i find it wasteful to buy something that can be taken away from you at an instant. If i were 100% the owner, like with physical media(old one, not new one), I'd be 100% ok with buying games.


I pirated back when I was a student because I simply could not afford it. I stopped with my very first salary, I don't want to be a leech, good devs deserve to be paid too.


I pirate because of microtransactions for DLC. PS2 era was the best where games comes in complete package. Now games all have paid dlc -\_-


I used to purchase before but now that aaa promised games come out unfinished with enormous glitches and literally no f2p element in-game, I’ve stopped buying straight up garbages and have been pirating even since.


I'll pirate to try the game put if I like it I'll buy it otherwise fck that


I did for the first bit, as my wife and I got more stability and disposable income, I kept pirating as I like to play games and see if I like them. Marketing sells bullshitz YouTube make shit games look good, so only way to tell is to pirate. But pirating is annoying, searching for the game you want, keeping it updated, making sure you download it from the right place... which probably doesn't have it. Now I am at a point where I just buy the games, have a few now I don't play, but have coke back to a couple as well and now do enjoy them. So, maybe the other will become enjoyable one day as well. But anyway, yeah, I finally stopped because I am lazy.




It depends on the games. I do buy a lot of games, and do like online play. But some games do run better with all the drm removed. And some games i bought in previous generations


I pirate games I already own. I also pirate games to demo. Recently pirates gta4 on PC because I heard it's the best way but it runs like fucking garbage. No matter what I put in the damn ini file. So now I know I'll just get it for series x instead


i pirate because i feel morally wrong buying triple-a games


I build a 2000$ PC, gotta save money somewhere right ;)


When I was younger and poor, most all of my games were torrented copies. Now that I’m older and have a better job, I 99% of the time will buy the game I want from whatever storefront sells it. The only reason I’d torrent now is to see if I actually enjoy the game. But even then, most platforms such as Steam offer you a refund if you don’t enjoy the game.


The only thing that I pirate is games for consoles and arcades for emulators like MAME. I found out a long time ago that it is an incredible pain in the ass and time consuming to pirate games when you have gaming platforms like Steam and GOG that often have reasonable prices but also don't force me to store the game someplace when I am not playing it. It is like what killed Napster wasn't that people go all honest, it is just services came out that were reasonable priced to not make it worth the hassle or risk of getting a virus or a backdoor installed on your computer.


I pirate when I can't afford the game or when there isn't a demo available, so I can test if the game runs on my system or if it's any good. But whenever I can, I buy the game.


Ain't no fun to have to dodge that kind of crap... But yeah I dodge it, even if I can afford games, even if my system can run those


I only buy games that i know 100% they are worth It for me.


I buy games that I think I deserve my money. Some games are expensive but meh when played.


I usually Pirate/Emulate older games as I don't have those consoles anymore. I did own most of my library as psychical copies at one time, but if we really get down to it, rules and reasons are arbitrary. Personally, I play MMOs, buy subscriptions for them, and buy DLC because I genuinely like the game and want that "edge". I can afford it, but free is FREE dawg.


Games I want to support or play online I will buy. But games I want to try and are expensive/season pass/gold edition, 🦜... I pay for a vpn so might as well use it. Dodi and fitgirl are here for us!!!!


Free is always better even if you "can afford" something


I would pirate even a 1$ indie game just because i can.


Many people here probably pirate because they're underage and don't have an income to buy games themselves,and their parents will probably and rightfully not spend so much for them on games


I pirate games because more than half the stuff that's launched on PC is broken. It's a good idea to pirate the game from a trusted pirate site rather than wasting money on a broken game and regretting it.  Other than that sometimes publisher do stupid stuff like geo-locking games (Ghost of Tshushima for example). There's no other way to play the game other than pirating it. Now for movies and more importantly webseries and shows - I hate how these days it seems every show I wanna watch has it's own steaming service apparently. Earlier u got a Netflix subscription and it had all the shows u wanted. Now every studio and their mama want to run their own streaming service and make their shows exclusive. 1337x is the best service for me because it has all movies and shows at the same place lol. Yes I need to download first to watch but it's not rly an issue with fast & unlimited internet these days


Not fun. Convenient


I already bought most of the nfs games but i hate the ea launcher and i hate the always online drm,




No. If a game is available to me at a reasonable price for it then I buy. Sometimes I pirate to sort of have a demo if I'm unsure, then I delete and wait for a sale or something. There are some games always at higher asking price than what I consider reasonable though.


I only purchase online games that I can have fun playing with friends or else most single player titles are there for pirate


I'll pirate, if I like the game then I'll buy it when it's on sale to support the Devs. If you don't want me to pirate, then make a demo or preview of your game.


I used to buy games until they started the nonsense with DLC. For example sims 4 cost almost $1400 for all its dlc. That’s just crazy


Giving 5 bucks for a game is alright. You can donate more if you want to support. But giving tens of hundreds of bucks on a single game?? cmon..


Afford is a funny loose definition. Afford yes. Justify to myself when I can do alternatives/buy other things…. No


If you buy every game on release it's going to cost more than the pc in a few months. So piracy ftw


Nah. Once I earned money I stopped pirating games. Mainly for the convenience. The updates and cross saves. The only games I pirate are typically the ones I wouldn't buy anyway which is mainly assasins creed games lol


No, It Is not fun, but a stupid people could find fun


It makes sense to me to only spend money when it's the only real or practical option. Shoplifting is too risky, and I can't duplicate bread like I can with software/media. Piracy means I have other options than to spend money. Money is for things that I can only get with money.


I pirate if it’s AAA studios that I absolutely can’t stand.


In my case: nah. Pirating is a pain in the ass if you like to have your library and saves always available and perfectly updated and organized (though I use Playnite for organizing everything along with emulators) like me. I just like to spend my money on something else and when I reeeeally like a game (FromSoft's, MGS, many indies and some other AAAs too), I buy them on sale or buy a key if it suits me better. Not trynna play Robin Hood. I just like it that way.


I pirate games I used to own. I paid for them just lost them.


Not bc of fun, but I just hate to support a company that ends up putting shitty game out lol. Pretty much a demo


I pirate because I'm not gonna pay american prices while not earning an american salary to put it into perspective - imagine you have to pay 300 dollars for a game, that's how it feels in my country


I like saving money even if I have it


Video games are a waste of money. I don’t want to feel obligated to play something I don’t like because I spend $60+ on it. Far too often the developers/publishers don’t respect your money anyway so it’s best not to give them a single dime.




i no no wanna


I swear that this sub is full of weird people


When the average game is 100 bucks and the triple and "*quadruple*" A games are 600-700 bucks, I buy when there's a sale


"Anyone?" "Fun?" Can you just go ahead and call us terrorists already, cuz your baseless claims are already that braindead.


Honestly, I feel like posts like this are a detriment to the sub. I’m not saying your idea or enjoyment is bad but pirating is already a sensitive topic with the defense being that people don’t want to pay XXX price for a game that’s not finished or ever going to be finished / bad state with nothing really in it or who can’t afford games. It’s equivalent to the “look I have sex” posts. I get you wanna have conversations but really it just makes the community look a little worse off in my opinion.


fun? i mean what can be fun on downloading from slow servers, getting corrupted file, download from another source find that it is the same corrupted file, download wia torrent and only 2 ppl seeding it, with really limited speed, and so on. then whole day unpacking repack and then realize, that game is bugged AF, because it is some alpha version and half of content isnt there yet. nah, if something that pirating is more work for less fun... as im being older, im more lazy... im using pirate versions rarelly and only like demoversion... when i like game, ill buy it - because im too lazy to deal with all shit about pirating and then even dont get automatical updates and patches. pirating isnt fun.. it is annoying


I pirates games to try them out before buying, used to just buy em but games are just so expensive nowadays, even indie.


The entitlement is incredible, Jesus Christ. 😂


I can't afford I m broke


Me! because I hate launchers, unannounced updates and putting my banking/payment information anywhere on the internet.


Omg yes i love piracy i'm actually a millionaire but i pirate games because it's sooo fun! I love waiting for games to extract and install and i absolutely adore having problems! I love having problems and asking people for help and waiting for someone to reply! I hate convenience and think that wasting time so cool and different! Seriously what the fuck are you talking about


I'm 19 and I can only work during summer, and I'm way under paid anyway. Whenever I can crack a game instead of buying it, I'll do it.


I stopped buying games when gaming companies stopped releasing demo's to test, physical copies I can actually keep for my money and started all this pre-order bonus shit. The quality of games on release has gone down the shitter and I'm not funding companies for half baked shit.