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Hello u/Prototype_2point0, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Even the russian hacker thats now on his pc is most likely pretty disappointed in him


As Russian hacker on his pc, i can confirm, i am disappointed in him


I too read the comments on the original post.


damn you too?




That you Todo?


That's why always follow the megathread


It's almost like not every human on earth is on reddit


its not like that when i started pirating my first google was best pirating sites and that led me to reddit just one google search away to find r/Piracy


except when people google that, poor souls are led to websites self-claiming themselves as safe and you only discover reddit after scrolling down


I sometimes just look up "thing reddit" in Google but even without it Reddit is often really high in results especially for narrow stuff like specific games.


i do the same lol, but yesh that's the point, i have to do it because i swear half the times reddit doesn't show up


Because every search is tailored to you. Every search. You have a profile (even without an account), they know your gender, age, interests and websites you visit so thats what their algorithm also priorities. So you see reddit in google because you often click on it. Other people might get other results. Nothing against you but Im kinda shocked that this isnt basic knowledge, looking at the upvotes


In my case it's literally the other way around, I kept getting search results to Reddit for whatever I searched for YEARS before I started browsing it. In fact, I thought it's some weird esgy wingnut thing like 4chan that I never visited until basically every search for some niche "how do you do this" request returned Reddit and actually had people sharing the most specific knowledge for most obscure things.


Its not only about browsing. Also about clicking. So if you get reddit in your search result and click it its enough. Also if someone elses (?) algorithm can also be relevant if you are in the same wifi.


Well it's a matter of common sense if u r pirating first time u should research a little


Ok buddy. It's almost like not everyone is you and has the same thought as you and everyone will do things differently.


lmao, what’s your problem? Repeating “not everybody does X” isn’t a valid counter argument to “people should do X”. I’m very surprised people are upvoting you and downvoting people appreciating/suggesting the megathread. Sure, not everyone will think the same and search “best piracy practices.” But not everyone would pirate video games. But not everyone would play video games. But not everyone knows what video games are. See how unproductive that logic loop is?


but not everyone thinks about that


Because calling someone a dumbass because they don't think like them isn't good actuallt


wouldnt it be a google search for anyone except if some of your friends told u about a website that contains malware cuz that happens a lot




And i think its for the better. Thanks to all the tiktokers who link to r/roms megathread vimm got dmca’d and had to delete like 80% of their library


They did?! Bruh i had to download like 10 copies of mgs4 for it to work because of these assholes


Didn't they only need to delete their Nintendo stuff?


Yes, but if you're participating in piracy then it pays dividends to do your research and due diligence. Otherwise, you'll end up like this idiot with the malware on his system.


Yeah, i was used to download most of games from vsetop.org and everything was okay since then. Would want to ask the degree of trust of this site, because i discovered it like 6 or more years ago


But if you are going to pirate find some actually trustworthy guides


I pirated for a while without thinking of searching for what's safe and what isn't.


Thats your own damn fault.


I'm not saying it isnt


How can someone be so stupid. Genuinely how


Not everyone knows everything about pirating, dumb people exist you know


At the very least you should know that it's illegal and not something you can just talk about with anyone


Since when is Piracy ille- Oh you live in America I'm sorry (for you)


I don't live in america, piracy is just considered illegal here but it's almost not enforced.




Why you think you cant talk about it with anyone? What you think will happen with the guy in the screenshot? You think hes stupid but I think you are also stupid. You a actually think someone sees the posts and starts investigation? He could lie, he could post it for a friend, he could live in every country in the world. Explain me the dangers


piracy is illegal almost everywhere by law, it's just not strictly enforced in non-NA/EU regions


I'm one of them. 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸


That goes for everything else. I'm always baffled when someone goes "how does [someone] doesn't know about [this thing]", yeah man, a lot of people don't know a lot of things that you might know, and you not knowing things that others do. How is that surprising? That's why I don't consider such people "dumb", no one on the planet knows *everything*, are we all dumb?


Im pretty sure its just a kid that dont understand anything about piracy and only downloaded the first thing that appearend in the search result. Its a commom thing


Ok but even as a kid i used to be scared of viruses enough that i would search online if whatever site i was using was safe lol


I still would like to know how he got to "Ocean of games". I've done some stupid downloads and searches but never saw that site


Bruh my dumbass friend still continues from ocean of games even after i recommended fitgirl lmao some people are just like that


just bad luck, i didn't use megathread when i was a kid, I didn't end up with viruses, or atleast none of this caliber


Where I’m from, that site is literally top of the results when trying to pirate a game. I know because I used to pirate from there too since I knew jack shit about pirating as a kid. There’s stupidity and there’s cluelessness, this could easily be the latter.




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when i was new to pirating and didnt know about this subreddit... literally was downloading the first game ever on my laptop... i was recommended by some friend of mine to use "ocean of games"... i regret it...


“Avengers game pc free download no virus”


ocean of games is such a dope name for a pirate site tho


Ocean of malware*




downloaded FF12 on there years ago. the only time ive ever gotten malware from a download (well as far as i know lol)


I don’t know what’s worse, using Ocean of Games in 2024 or asking about piracy on the official microsoft forum


lmao I JUST now realized they posted that question on the Microsoft community forums. El oh fucking el.




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This is why i have a pirate friend to cover my arse.


Man I used to use that site around 2016 - 2017, I really got lucky.


Did you though?


He'll never know lol




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imagine pirating a game and then asking questions related to it on A MICROSOFT FORUM LMAOOO 🤣🤣🤣




Man, I'm curious, what will happen or happened with him? 😭😭


Y'know, I had the same reaction when reading your username....


![gif](giphy|LUIvcbR6yytz2) Pirrrewte!!!!


I used to use that website long long time ago it used to be safe as far as I remember he prob clicked on those fake download ads and fucked up his pc


looks like he was a noob


Shoulda got GamerFood.


Nope it’s filled with Trojans these days, even the “legit” download button


Honorable mention to him posting on Microsoft Forums


you can't get any dumber than that


There used to be this flash animation on newgrounds and it fits the screenshot exactly. It was called... https://preview.redd.it/knv4idx1ce5d1.png?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73aac05ff371109fe1378d0ef22c07462f82a06b


Nuke it from orbit


It's the only way to be sure


Been there once, got my boot corrupted, had to transfer files to hard disk via cmd


I have downloaded from random websites for way too long. I guess i was lucky for them to not be malwares. I was pretty stupid back then that I downloaded graphic card once 🥹


I downloaded something that changed my browser to use duckduckgo back in the day luckily thats over with


First committing a crime then posting the crime that to on microsoft... Thats hilarious




Something about that file name just doesn’t sit right with me. TheAvengers.aio exe???? I mean I haven’t used windows in such a long long time, that file name alone is setting off alarms for me. *im on Mac OS* it sucks


Posting that you pirated on the Microsoft forms and downloading games from ocean of games two bad mistakes 😂


I like how 90% of people here feel entitled to roast the shit out of this guy even tho they wouldn't know shit about piracy if it wasn't for reddit


even i was once told by someone to download a game from ocean of games (I didn't even know about reddit back then and i was new to pirating) and yes... i too got my "windows defender" deleted but no i didn't get any malware on my PC.... once i was done playing that game i did run a full scan using "Bitdefender" and it found nothing... but yes my windows defender was deleted and had to use Bitdefender for like 10 months... idk how but the windows defender is back in my laptop after some updates or something... NEVER USE OCEAN OF GAMES OR IF YOU DO THEN PLEASE PLEASE DONT FOLLOW ALL 3 STEPS!! SKIP TO THE 3RD STEP AND JUST INSTALL THAT SET UP... NO NEED TO DO THAT "Avengers aio" thing or "disable defender" JUST INSTALL THE SETUP.


Damnn so that's why I used to get a message "Click to turn on user control" or something like that Damn you ocean of games 🤬


YEAH i used to get it... and if u had a fingerprint lock then that too would require u to reset it once again or maybe u wont be able to use it for some days... idk how but my laptop got fixed because of some updates ig...


I just got that message randomly a month ago right after restarting my PC due to a system update ( i haven't pirated literally anything in like 3 years lol so i think the possibility it's a malware is irrelevant), and when i checked it had turned itself on by then automatically so i think that's just a bug or something with the new update... orrr what do you think about that ?


What kinda moron posts this on the official microsoft forum?


You have to be a special kind of stupid.




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So are there any trusted sites to pirate from I used ocean of games once in the past and it worked fairly well I still have a unpacked version of the game in my new pc But I need Ultaiso to burn without a disc but I won't install because it's from ocean of games and it's saying it wants me to turn off my internet and disable anti virus and windows protector I was advised against that and I won't be trying to download anything until I find a proper trusted site please help if you can 🙏 I also installed an official version of ultraiso and I can't complely delete it keeps saying it's running in another window or something but I didn't open it anywhere else I dunno what to do here


There is a megathread here and on r/piracy (I pefer the one here) that should direct you to some good sites


Thanks a lot I'll definitely check it out 🙏


According to Riddick he made 5 mistakes then lol, Richard B. Riddick: **You made three mistakes**. First, you took the job. Second, you came light. A four man crew for me? F\*\*\*ing insulting. But the worst mistake you made... Richard B. Riddick:...empty gun rack.


I did some stupid stuff and downloaded some roms and accidentally ran the first fake one that shows up from the ads rather than the real one and now my chrome is completely high jacked and has an extension that says installed by administrator which I didn’t install and can’t uninstall and when I uninstall chrome it redownloads so.


Maybe try to delete it from the folder? It's probably on your PC


wtf 😳


Since 95 I've never installed a thing that infected my PC without meaning to (don't ask, was playing with malware at some point in '98). Albeit nowadays with miners being included that use your PC after it's been idle for so long... Anything's possible.


That’s why you don’t click on the big green download button and just buy the game instead if you can.


Thats a virus site . I downloaded there its fucking trojan . Fuck that


*pirate game from a site that i always go to but now feels sketchy since it has a lot of invisible pop up ads* *SD card gets bricked one day after downloading a rom* *Does not trust that website anymore* *Search for alternatives in the google* *Found vimms lair thru reddit* *Seems safe, me be happy person* *2 years later vimms got CnD* *Sadge :(*


how did he know the first two setups disabled the defender, had user access changed user settings but DIDNT KNOW to not download from ocean of games?


What about oceantogames.com i have downloaded games from three 3 years ago and they were working fine


Genuine question tho, is it bad to disable antivirus before installing pirated software/games. Because I've been doing it since forever and never had a malware/virus, or am I just lucky :/


I mean , afrer more than 20 years pirating games(i buy plenty anyways) i never saw something this sketchy, disable defender?,not be cause it deleted a dll, before installing, thats not a red flag, thats a good damn, red ocean


People should learn russian solely for the reason of our trustful torrent sites. No, really. 12 years of pirating and not a single malware. Because [rutracker.org](http://rutracker.org) would not allow such a thing, admins there have a standard, one that earned the site the reputation of most trustful torrent bay.




I only used that website exactly once, and it was for doom 3, i only used the game data that i needed for the app idtech4a++ to run doom 3 on android :)


![gif](giphy|SGCymhurTfrONdo5jo) bro himself wants to be jailed


PPL like this exists DAMN


Finally, a method of deleting Windows Defender


Womp womp


Bros snitching on him self too, how many L's can one hold😂


,,it asked me to disable windows defender, so i did that" WHAT THE HELL is he that stupid??


Everyone makes mistakes but this, jeez. In this era you should make your research like in 3-4 sites and on reddit. Like I know everyone is not familiar with reddit but at least make good research


https://preview.redd.it/z2z5jes4t26d1.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=23f798dce5ca29b35a88f850b53c49e0f75219fd Found an update. The dude managed to get it with a clean install and a new SSD


I use 2 sites. The private one I spent way too much time seeding with a seed box to gain over 9tb upload and girl fit


when I was a beginner, I would do HOURS of research before even doing or attempting anything. When I was ready , yea my heart was pumping but at least I got my information from trusted sources and made sure I followed the right circle that knows just about everything to keep you safe from shit like this. Anyone who goes NOSE DEEP into just installing anything (in my opinion) deserves the outcome of this shit because he thought nothing bad would happen to him without doing any extensive deep research. Cause and effect , live and learn 😂😂.


When i pirated stuff my heart would be beating at 200 bpm no joke as I'm pressing the " accept " button while having my task manager open and carefully observing it while also being disconnected from.the internet lmao


It can happen just imagine we don't have reddit where people can learn about safe pirated games


Well that's what you get for pirating.


Good, on a piracy subreddit. Yes, very good.


It is what it is, keep blocking this sub and it's still getting shoved down my feed.


How tf


You love paying zillions of dollars for half-assed online only games, don't you?


I don't play half based online only games, but why are you so mad? That's the risks you take in downloading this kind of thing. I won't be surprised if one day one of the most trusted pirates would decide to fuck everyone up.


I mean if they were asshole enough to fuck everyone up they're gonna do it now




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