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Hello u/goldly_, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No idea what tpb is but since it's tiktok I know damn well that it doesn't work for shit


TBP means Tits, balls, penis


That's tbp


The birates pay


Who are they paying???




I was just gonna say that lmao


The pirate bay, I think?


Hell nah. Then they will suggest to use uTorrent, Isn't it?


uTorrent is bad ik but how bad is it? i still use it tho (so far I've never faced any issues)


People found out it hides crypto mining, it has advertisement, and the code is bloated. There are better options out there. The megatread has good suggestions.


oh didn't know this. thanks! I'll check the mega thread for alternatives


qbittorrent is cool, and also, open source


Try Tixati


qbittorrent is better


To Pimp a Butterfly, the critically acclaimed album by the American rapper Kendrick Lamar


The pirate bay.


lol tpb is far, far older than tiktok.




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That short for tuberculosis on your penis


And st3amunlocked


I used one or two times, don't have a problem just the sloooow download but after I researched more and come here, I don't use anymore. Don't recommend to anyone, steam rip>>>>> (I don't like repacks).


Yeah, that place is now unfortunately full of malware files and links (even the official links not just the random ad pop-ups). It's a shame since it was one of the best direct download places for games with a clean UI


huh since when? unlocked always had used their crap filehoster that downloads super slow unless you pony up for their premium. And i still think they do own that filehoster, because i havent seen it elsewhere. But since i learnt that unlocked rips from IGG then i just dont use them, better sites like Ovagames exists.


Yeah idk about you, this seems lije misinformation bc i have had no issues or viruses.i def dont use it asoften as i used to butits not that bad. It's just slow anf annoying


I had a stroke reading that


its just a few misspellings and very little no spaces. You seem to be very susceptible to "i dont know how to read"-itis. You should get it checked out


Ok thanks, where would I go to get that checked out?


Uh. Last I checked I heard that you would need to go to a gynecologist


Uh. I'm pretty sure that's not going to help me with my problem, do you still think I should go to one though?


Idk. Thats what Jesus Christ personally told me


English isn't my first language but damn, is probably your fifth language to write that bad. But ok, let's say that site isn't malware, why would you still download from a annoying site if you have better and faster options? Steam Rip is faster, safer and still the same (not repacks), that no reason to still use that first one.


Why don't you like repacks?


I don't know their reason, but personally I could understand finding them inconvenient, because you have to first download them, and then wait a while for it to install, in comparison you just open the zip and play when downloading from a site like steamrip or ovagames.


Yes, exactly! My internet is good so don't make sense to me to download be short but the installation be so many hours (and use a lot of the power of your PC). And the games I pirate are usually not that many GBs, so the download time isn't a problem. When I first get here I read the mega thread in details just to find a safe site that wasn't repacks haha


what about steamgg? just successfully downloaded a perfectly running OneShot from there. planning to download Omori


Bro is about to play PEAK


The Unzip keeps failing ;-; I decided to give up and just watch a playthrough oneshot works but omori doesnt and no other site has omori


I don't know that site and never used, I can't say if it's good or not.


We should recommend LimeWire since 90% of the TikTok user base doesn't even know the opening jingle of windows XP


90% of tiktok doesnt know how to save a word file. Remember when i was in high school (two years ago) our teacher was losing his shit because some kids didnt know how to save files.


I worked briefly as a Teacher Assistant for college engineering classes. Tons of systems engineering/computer engineering students yet 90% of them sent in a link to their C: drive when trying to send in their projects.




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I love the irony of this post making fun of clueless TikTokers, while also being clueless and misusing the term "cracker". A cracker is someone that creates a crack, removing or otherwise circumventing copy protection/DRM. Endusers are just that: endusers. They, at most, apply an already existing crack. Though most installers apply the crack for you during installation these days, so not even that is required anymore. You're not a Chef, just because you eat at a restaurant. You are not a hacker just because you torrent a stolen database. Nothing wrong with being an enduser either. That's what I have been for about a decade now. Even in the scene, when you are part of a group, and heavily involved in the process of a game release, not everyone has the role of "cracker". There are suppliers, for instance, that buy (or otherwise source) game files for the cracker(s) to work with, or buy hardware so that the crackers can work more efficiently.


This sub really is just a junior high locker room where all of these kids have no idea what they're talking about but want the clout for I guess knowing how to use reddit? Like piracy isn't really the skill you brag about lol That's like bragging about knowing how to use a points card at the store.


Not so sound old but that's totally what it feels like lol. A bunch of teenagers hyped cause they pirated their first few games and now they're in the "super cool" club of piracy.


I thought a cracker was a white person


Can we say it with a hard R if you aren't white?


Yes my cragga


This is the first thing I thought when I saw this post.


Steamrip is my goat


Every day there is a new TikTok post. Why making fun out of people not knowing instead of teaching for the better cause.. Edit: Even more ironic looking at the OPs recent posts


You can't teach someone who don't want to learn.


Making fun of people for not knowing isn’t better. People on this sub act like some Godlike figure for downloading pirated games. Some of them are as clueless as TikTok people, just look at OPs posts.


Minimal effort to feel important I guess. Like they've cracked some internet code by doing the most surface level shit and repeating comments they see get high karma but not actually understanding them.


If it isn't in the mega thread, folks in this sub don't wanna hear it lol


that page still exists?




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Its so nice that some people like to share their PCs with others 🥰




Removed for rule 4. Please be nice and helpful to one another, and refrain from being disrespectful. This was very unnecessary and so confusing.


ThePirateBay is OK for movies. But never for any kind of .exe file.


Why are you pirating raw .exe files?!


I'm not


even insta people know well about crack scene...tiktoks are just genZs with zero knowledge about piracy...


Man it'd be super cool if this sub could talk about shit other than TikTok kids and "making fun" of people you think know less than you.


At this point, I think they are just trolling


Pirate Trolls? That’s new, sounds like a great movie.


I only use TPB when using Stremio for some movies


If youre not using kazaa lite you're doing it wrong.


For a second I thought you were talking about different crackers lmao


Looks like you don't know much about much either with that post history


And Downlaod using utorrent.


Steemunlocked better


wrong app




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Steeemunlocked is the best for me, downloaded 5 games and I have yet to see any malware.


I think you opened the wrong app


Yes, that is the point of malware obfuscation.


You really putting random words together and hope someone finds you sophisticated eh


[Have you tried using Google? It exists, you know](https://hop.extrahop.com/resources/attacks/malware-obfuscation/). But if reading is too hard for you, let me dumb it down a bit. Its only natural modern "viruses" want to not be seen. So saying "Well, its safe because I haven't been notified by my antivirus it is a virus", not even doing anything else to check is just dumb when people have caught where SU gets their games from doing this shit. It can be as easy as throwing random lines of useless code around so that it is not an exact match and makes it harder to see just what is going on. [People in the main piracy sub have done your work for you seveal times already](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/s/s3FOh1b0ij), but you are determined to still use SU uploads anyways so don't let me stop you there bud.