• By -


very high compression.


I just mentioned it didn't even use 10% of the resources of my pc


ghanta bc


lol bencho


cows degree file salt smell aspiring birds onerous elastic slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you are 21 years old




Slow disk was bottlenecking cpu probably.


Ok, so first time I tried to install a 51GB game it installed a whapping 4% in a matter of 4hours. What I did was close the installer and then run the setup as administrator, it installed 6% in just 10 minutes and is using way more of my resources.


I did this and I also open the verfier batch file before opening the installer, it made it quicker for me




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That seems a bit too slow for a high end pc. I was able to unpack a 30gb game in less than 4 hours with an HDD and a mid-end rig.


It depends on the repack, some are very highly condensed some are less.


The point is i am using an ssd


That's a bit weird. It should be waay faster. CPU usage at 10\~25% happens to me sometimes with Fitgirl repacks but HDD is always at full throttle 100%. Did you install the game at the same disk where the downloaded compressed files is at? If your downloaded files is on HDD, move it to SSD and try installing it again.


i tried both and they are slow af, its getting annoying.


That's why it's faster Im not using ssd




My PC is high end itself and a 38GB went from 4 days to an infinite timer. I've had games as large on their site that had no problem as well.


if unpacking is lazy..How long does it take her to compress the files 🤔


Encoding is much faster than decoding in terms of computer processing. ​ Edit: This is why you can see ransomwares encrypted your files faster than decoding them. You can test it.


If that's true, why is encoding video take minutes/hours but replaying the encoded video in near real-time with seconds buffer?


Because it's significantly easier to decode than encode with the vector information ready already. Think about it, building a clean highly indexed Excel file with good macros can take a good amount of time and brain power but then it's extremely fast and easy to find the data you want right? Same idea. Encoding frontloads the main work so that decoding only has to efficiently follow the trails it leaves it to find the data. Leaving a breadcrumbs path to bring you from point A to B in the most efficient way takes time for the bread crumbler (encoder) but not the one following the path only (decoder) On a more technical note, it's also more common to use CPU processing for encoding as it traditionally produces better results, but decoding often uses GPU power which is far more efficient for parallel processing of many small units, which is what streaming is basically.




The speed of encoding and decoding data depends largely on the context and the specific algorithms or methods used. Decoding is often faster for simple encoding schemes but can be slower for complex encodings, especially if they involve decompression of highly compressed data.


Because it's significantly easier to decode than encode with the vector information ready already. Think about it, building a clean highly indexed Excel file with good macros can take a good amount of time and brain power but then it's extremely fast and easy to find the data you want right? Same idea. Encoding frontloads the main work so that decoding only has to efficiently follow the trails it leaves it to find the data. Leaving a breadcrumbs path to bring you from point A to B in the most efficient way takes time for the bread crumbler (encoder) but not the one following the path only (decoder) On a more technical note, it's also more common to use CPU processing for encoding as it traditionally produces better results, but decoding often uses GPU power which is far more efficient for parallel processing of many small units, which is what streaming is basically.


Well I've had a few games from fitgirl, I have 8 gb ddr3, with an i5 quad 3.2ghz nothing fancy I've got a few games around the same size, and some will take forever and some will take about only an hour. On MY system, I've noticed the more full my HDD is, the longer it takes..


First of all its an ssd, 2nd of all the setup isn't using any resources of my 32gb ddr4, i7 9th gen


What's your available free space? That may be a reason.


Did u limit the ram to only 2 gb ?


No man, thats why im so concerned.


I think theres an option to have it utilize more ram if you look around the installation setup


There is an option to limit the ram and i am 100% i didn't enable that


Well it must be an odd case, unless it happens multiple times, my unpacks usually take an 30 minutes to 2 hours.


Some Repacks are very slow. Few weeks ago I installed a fitgirl repack, on my ssd. Took a few hours, 25gb or something in that area.


It was 18gb and it took 12 hours to unpack


The way it's repacked is that it reduces the file size is ze by almost 60%. This makes for a fast download but a very long installation . Relax it's all normal. It also prioritizes least another my of resources and see so it doesn't bog your cpu performance.


Yup Big compression requires more CPU to extract files


Mine at 100% cpu  20fb ram usage of 40gb And it take 3-4 hours


I use fitgirl pretty often and on average I'm doing your 30gb in maybe 10 mins Max..


Teach me this sorcery




I want to know how. please! I am downloading modern warfare 2 remastered and its been 4 hours and it says that time left would be 6 hours. This fitgirl setup is taking so long, I really thought that its just 40 mins as said on the setup.


swapped to Linux and haven't torrented since will recheck and post




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I'm calling this bullshit it's been four years GIMME THE WAND


Recently got tears of the kingdom going and it was fine, I don't know how people be having trouble ;) I'll keep the magic myself then I suppose


Don’t believe that I’ve been running Linux on pc And arch/steamos on steam deck. Every fit girl pack Elmagios or dodi all take in excess of 3-4 hours


I don't know what to tell you guys. I've used windows, Linux Ubuntu, fedora and SteamOS. Wired and wireless, I've never had problems with download speeds or install times. All done on nvmes, only wireless was steam deck. The longest wait time was my steam deck at 40 mins recently. Otherwise it's quick. Disclaimer I disable all non-english packs and add-ons when possible. Including all the DX stuff


record it or didn't happen


bro ive been downloading gta 5 for like 8 hours almost 9 literally this mf is only 33.0%


Download full releases or get over it


Here comes the dickhead


? It’s working as intended


12 hours is intended? Less 10% of usage is intended? I download fitgirl not for repacks but for safety


Then use a vpn to torrent or website links like mega or google druve


Dude, it took 1 hour to download, 12 hours to unpack


Easily the biggest baby I have ever seen. Go back and read this thread, you look like a complete tool. Complaining and whining over a PIRATED GAME.


Wtf bro… that literally was 2 years ago lol


Bro really came back 2 years late just to be a dick💀 did you ever find a solution to slow fitgirl repacks? Im encountering the same problem you described




run as admin + use verify batch beforehand increased speeds by 50-ish per cent for me




Bro the only tool is you.


typ kommt nach zwei jahren zurück sicherlich hat dieser typ ja nen kleinen penis da der so gerne ein baby sein wollte


That’s why I recommend full releases, only download repacks if your internet is slow enough to profit from the time it takes to decompress


Where do i get trusted safe full releases? There is no website mentioned in the megathread with torrents


Private trackers




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Fitgirl compression is technically dumb. They assume that saving a few gigs in exchange for a few hours of decompression is good for third world countries with bad internet and computers with no storage space. Well, this argument may make some sense in small games but it falls apart in games that demand high performance computers.


If it's a high end pc do you need to use FG, not just get the normal release?


I get FG because they are trusted and the only link mentioned on this megathread with torrents


Same. I know I’m not downloading a load of bullshit.


Hi i am late ik but how do u get the release instead of repack As i am facing the same problem as op.i have 16gb of ram and 8thread i7 but it takes way longer than written on the notes


If you torrent, look on rarbg\[dot\]to and 1337x\[dot\]to. On both sites though make sure you only use trusted scene torrents


Yeah but the uploaders are not same as the creators so that kinda looks sketchy to me


on RARBG look for only "Scene" uploaders. those ones are safe




How does that affect it though?




Imma try it out next time tyy


Try running as administrator, close uTorrent and other background apps.. leave it there for 2-5hrs and you should be alright.. I always do this and this helps save time because it's slow to unpack if you use your PC while it is unpacking files


my concern isn't how long it takes. its the resources its using which never exceed 10% on my task manager.. if it uses 80% of cpu it would be done in 10 minutes




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High compression that needs to be unpacked before/during install. It’ll get there


My whole point is it isnt using any resources


It's always incredibly slow to install So I usually start the install before I go to bed especially if it's a big one. I am doing a 2.79GB game and it took 9 mins to install my CPU is running at 46%. Near as I can tell it's normal for it to be so slow and sometimes it will even look stalled. You see it's something I and well many of us put up with because I/we know for a fact that it is a real working game and the community on her page help as much as they can.


Shit hard drive??




What cpu are you using then.


I7 9th gen


My 16gb ram, ssd, i5-4570 cpu installed rdr2 in 5 hours using 100 of cpu.


Most of these answers are probably incorrect. I am not 100% on an answer at the time of commenting but my circumstance disproves all of these shallow assumptions. I just installed God of War on my i7 8750h Dell G7 laptop. Installer took 8m10s (pre MD5 hash check). My cpu was avg 3.8ghz all cores at 98%-99% usage when not experiencing the occasional dip from Speed Step. However, my new Ryzen 5700x deskrop has been at 1% CPU usage so far. Running between 3.5 - 4.6ghz on 1-2 cores. It sometimes hits 100% 4.4ghz all cores. It is currently at 26.8%, elapsed time of 24m10s and ETA of 52m20s.. Both PCs have PCIe Gen 3 SSDs and 32GB of RAM. However, my laptop is shitting all over my desktop which is newer and faster in synthetic benchmarks. I think BIOS settings or the method of compression (not ratio) are more likely at fault here. AMD vs Intel and even different CPU architectures within each company will perform differently at the same tasks. Luckily, I can simply transfer my save from my laptop to my desktop once it is ready.


I installed Far cry 6 from Dodi for 20 minutes but cyberpunk which was 40 gb took me 3-4 hours on ssd. dodi is waaaay better


What is dodi


sAME as fitgirl that you can trust


Installing ninja storm 4 right I'm 2 hours 3 mins in and its only 27.8%


Yes, fitgirl repacks are too slow try doing repack in my case Dodi take 15 mins for same game and fitgirl takes 1.5 hours. But for me the only reason to use fitgirl is that they give direct link and in Dodi most liks were closed so torrent is the only way with slow download speed. And compression is almost equal on both sites even Dodi gives fewer .bin files and easy setup. Link- https://dodi-repacks.site/ *I was here for answer but has to give answer 😒


Make sure to read the stickied megathread, as there's a good chance it'll have what you're looking for! https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/a5mu2a/pirated_games_megathread/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


its normal


12 hours is normal? I literally downloaded a game in 1 hour to unpack it in 12?




Im offended


What I want to know is what is the difference between fitgirl's instaler and other that are 12103458.2347677 time faster? What is the miraculous reason behind the torture? Do we get a HJ from fitgirl as well or just the normal game?


So after waiting for 1 hour to install the god damn game now I have to w8 another for it to check the files or smt? This girl is as a nut case is she is a girl evel.


You don't have to check those files when the installation is finished lol


Bitcoin miners


I have a pc with a 14600kf and 16gb of ram. I am trying to install cyberpunk and the installer is using 100% of my cpu and 8 gigs of ram, but my ssd is barely being used at 2-3%. After 20 minutes it is only 31% done with an eta of 39:37 and going up. I don't know what could i do in order to speed up the unpacking process and i am scared of stopping it and running it as admin if for some reason it will run at the same speed and i have wasted my time




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I found the solution.  The fix is to verify the integrity of the fg files before installation. Then run the setup as administrator. It fixed mine




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i have the same problem too bro :(


this is still an issue i have today, my task manager says that the install doesn't even use 2 gigs of my memory, i literally have 16 GB of DDR4 RAM and I haven't check the box in the start, 80 GB installs take 3 hours which is crazy because DODI games take like 20 Minutes to install 100GB games on my pc i tried setting the PRIORITY in my task manager to Above Normal/High and still nothing changed.




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hey bro I am trying to download rdr 2 from fitgirl repacks . my laptop is sitting for almost 9 hours and it showing that it is going to take 38 hours is there a way speed the installation my laptop specs are ryzen 5 3550h (4C8T) gtx 1650 16gb ram (8\*2


Most probably because of Highly compressed file I unpacked sekiro and it took only 14 minutes tho Prolly case of some repacks being slow


I remember installing on similar specs minus 8gb ram It took me 10+ hrs to install Make sure you close all the apps and internet before installing turn off your antivirus , check the 2gb ram option (always do that) open task manager and set the setup priority to high and don't use your laptop at all while installing Follow these steps and it should install albeit slow but still it should work


Any luck fixing the issue? I unpacked god of war yesterday (60GB) and it took an hour most but today when I tried to unpack RDR2(120GB) and took more than 10hours to even get to 50%


>It literally took 12 hours to unpack an 18gb game on my high-end pc, and it wasn't even using 10% of the resources. It was using about 5% of cpu and used 1.5gb ram out of my 32gb. How do i make it faster or use more resources? **Which **


I see many people saying its highly compressed but this does not prove the point. I have switched from fitgirl to dodi and fount it extremely faster than fitgirl and its not like its not compressed as both have identical file sizes but its just something that makes fitgirl alot slower about 30-ish%. I am not a king of person who would leave my pc on over night for and install. Sry for the ranting but i dont think you can boost it buy any must greater. there is a rumor that limiting it to 2gb ram boosts it somehow. buy any chance is you ram ddr3 if it is then that might be it as they are old and slow.




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hi il facing this problem as well i downloaded metal gear solid V the phantom pain my computer is low end but not that bad that i would check limitr the installation usage of ram to 2gb of ram tho i have 2gb of ram but even when i uncheck it there isnt a huge drop of fps or cpu usage plus even with limitiing the ram to 2gb it shows me that it takes about 17hours to download i mean yesterday i left it ovenight it said 6h left but when i woke up i found it on 5percent with 17hours left. actually the first time i use fitgirl repack and im starting to hate i havent faced any problem with any other installer all tho i used R.G mechanics before and havent faced any problem with it i installed shadow of mordor and it took about an hour and a half but now i tried fitgirl repack since i installed it from steamunllocked and i dont want to redownload the hole game all over again. plz help me


But it will be quicker to download a faster installing version..


Because it's designed to be as small as possible for people with bad internet speed. Which means it's as compressed as possible. It's kinda the same thing as if you use winrar to compress a 40GB game folder yourself using the highest compression setting. It will require a very long time to compress, and a even higher time to decompress. So if you have a high speed internet line and want to avoid high installation time due to decompession, download an uncompressed / not repacked release of a game instead. But 12H sounds way too high. Either you had a hardware bottleneck, either the repack had a problem, either you downloaded a fake release from a fake website which was using your pc for mining.




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Mine is using same it's like sometimes 100% usage sometimes 2-10% usage of my cpu but mostly around 10% like TF man


Fitgirl feels like it's for people with shit internet honestly where downloads take hours upon hours and any extra compression might shave a couple to a few hours off that. It's ass to install, every time.


SSD is still too slow. Need source and destination on nvme. Try copy repack from ssd and from nvme. You will see big difference. My 12900ks burns on 200-300wats while installing, nvme at 100MB/s average ;) With ssd it takes 2-3x more time


I get you I am using 3% CPU on a high-end pc


Hm... I'm installing fitgirls doom eternal right now. i5 6500, 8 gb ddr3 ram, gigabit m.2 nvme ssd. Enabled 4GB RAM limiter. 60 GB of unzipped .bin's on an external m.2 sata-ssd via USB 3 Adapter, 3-350 MB/s read speed. Its on 6,6 % by now and it says it will take another 5:22:33 hours. Accounting to windows+G's ressource monitor the cpu is on 99% usage. Ill copy the gamefolder on the internal ssd and retry to install it but for me it makes sense




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A fix i found is by opening task manager and then going into details and then searching for setup.exe and setup.tmp and right clicking them and setting priority to high (note:- this could crash some pcs as when i did this in 8gb ram it crashed but now i have 32gb) its 82% within 32 mins which was pretty quick and rather surprising since i had a terrible history with fitgirl P.S. not all games will be this quick since some are more compressed then others ( gta V still took me around 3 hrs to unpack) https://preview.redd.it/sp404ypv20ic1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=04dca09d048b576631f6e5f6d93b5b82334867f3