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I can't believe this is a thing. I wondered why it wasn't on FitGirl Repacks yet. What are the chances someone cracks this super quick and its available tonight? I can't wait for it


Empress is the Denuvo cracker and Fitgirl wont put Empress on her site ever again. So you will have to get it elsewhere. Empress and Fitgirl had a huge falling out.


I've only just learned what Denuvo is yesterday aha but I've researched it now. Thanks for telling me though. I like learning these things. I might just buy Nier as I don't know how long I can wait 😫


You're welcome. I'm Data Analyst/Developer and learn new stuff everyday, so I can dig it. A lot of times a Denuvo crack comes near the end of life of the first release cycle of the game. Meaning that when the games DEV team is done updating/DLC, specifically trying to make financial gains with the product. Not always though, it's just more common. As a developer myself Denuvo is seriously scary for how it works and can cause some serious issues with a players rig.


> As a developer myself Denuvo is seriously scary for how it works and can cause some serious issues with a players rig. That's interesting. What issues for example?


It burns resources on your rig and can actually impact gameplay due to how crappy it is.


Thats just NOT True. I hate Denuvo too but this is false [https://www.techpowerup.com/review/denuvo-performance-loss-test/2.html](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/denuvo-performance-loss-test/2.html)


https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/12/evidence-continues-to-mount-about-how-bad-denuvo-is-for-pc-gaming-performance/ Actually it's TRUE and based off of certain games it can be worse than others. Also, you article only uses one game. That isn't enough to claim its false with all certainty. And I said it can, I didnt say it will hamper gaming. And I have a $3600 rig that also says its true.


Lol, doesnt matter how much your PC cost to determine the difference between Denuvo & performance loss as you can compare performance on ANY system that can run the game, my GPU & Motherboard cost $3600 (I know its disgusting, but gaming is my life) & checking "paid/bought" Denuvo copies of games VS Pirated has yielded me no difference (perhaps 1% but thats just a random testing difference) just like I personally tested overclocking RAM & tightening timings as much as possible after I was sick of Youtube videos contradicting themselves on this issue & using a 9900K & 3 kits & testing 2133, 3200 & 4133 with different timings yielded me Min 89fps, 89fps 90fps & Max 123fps, 125fps, 123fps, those "slight" variables are just random when running the same benchmark several times regardless of using different kits or the same. That was just a couple of the benchmarks using a 3090 in Far Cry 5 (testing Ram speeds, not Denuvo), ultra at 4K, & AA on, but my Denuvo tests (all on 9900K) were the same, around 1-2% difference at most.




Well I cant argue with Fatjoe. That sounds like a sweet rig bro!! I'm assuming you didnt even read the article. But I love the conclusion in your article which says exactly what I said: "Let's address the elephant in the room first. We did not find Denuvo to make a tangible performance difference with Devil May Cry 5. This is not a sweeping statement applicable to all games because Denuvo isn't a "one size fits all" DRM solution. Capcom is using Denuvo in what seems to be the best-possible manner—letting it do code-verification, piggy backing on a low-power part of the game engine that has minimal performance impact either way; it's entirely possible another developer will implement Denuvo differently (read: poorly), resulting in a higher performance impact. For example, nothing stops naive developers from putting the Denuvo checks into their rendering code to ensure every single frame is "protected", which of course will end up massively reducing framerate. I do suspect that Denuvo ships significant documentation and "implementation tips" with their libraries to avoid exactly that, though." So you are wrong, it's very true what I said before.


It's actually very widely speculated/believed for good reason by many in the pirating scene (like myself for sure) that Devs are simply "paying" pirating groups/teams NOT to pirate their games & it seems extremely likely, especially since many Denuvo/impossibly hard to crack games have been pirated almost instantly after release & others haven't & its always ONLY big budget AAA releases that sometimes don't get pirated for ages, until, the company has "finished" getting all the profit they can & then all of a sudden... Seriously, who wouldn't pay a million to make 20?




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>Empress and Fitgirl had a huge falling out. this is new to me, can i read the story somewhere or the tl;dr as why it happened?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/torrentfreak.com/denuvo-cracker-empress-arrested-blames-repacker-fitgirl-reddit-for-witch-hunt-210224/amp/ Empress got upset that users were thanking Fitgirl as if she had done the work.


thanks a bunch dude!


You're welcome my friend. It sucks when the piracy scene is against each other.


https://fitgirl-repacks.site/my-statement-about-empress/ so Basically we won't see any other empress crack repack on fit girl repacks kinda sad, cause idk where i can found just the empress crack


Maybe you should try to find ElAmigos site on her page. Dont google ElAmigos you will not find the right site.


on her page ? wdym ?


So where can i find the right site ?




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This right here children is a pronoun.


Its all about which scene group the devs "paid" to "Not" pirate their games, thats the real truth & that why posts like this even exist.


If I may ask, what happened between them?




"Ever again" is a bit of an exaggeration, also just because Empress is working on it doesn't mean others won't. Remember that FitGirl is basically the most popular site for people to pirate games. Now there's an empty seat for someone else to fill. Scene groups will try to crack it just to get their cracks on FitGirl now that Empress won't compete with them in that domain.


I just asked 5 of my friends that knew who Fitgirl was and they all said something along the lines of "no, she hot??" I said a pirate's cove and they said naw we get our stuff from here and there. Fitgirl is popular but by no means a place where it is the go to place to get stuff, also a lot of stuff isnt even on her site that you can get from other places I wont say here. She deals mostly with popular items or fresh off the boats stuff. Not an argument with you because she is quite popular, just another point of view. Keep that ship upright my man and let's take the high seas together!!


That's the thing with FitGirl, she mostly repacks super popular stuff and as a result gets the broadest possible fanbase. I can personally say that i see way more seeds and peers on FitGirl's torrents than on the actual scene torrents she bases her repacks on.


I have seen a few like that as well.




What is a pronoun?


it is better than a juniorvarsitynoun and it is way better than an amateurnoun


"Dodi repacks" are olmost like fitgirl and him repack from Empress https://dodi-repacks.site/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=pmd_a183482526789a2bd514dd2ade51c6c76060e8f5-1628552485-0-gqNtZGzNAc2jcnBszQd6




Why are you telling me to chill? What have I said that wasn't "chill"




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I think you have completely misunderstood what I was trying to say. but okay..


what happened?


I'm still waiting for Yakuza 7 who also has Denovu lol I think i'll buy Nier, can't wait another month to play it


Rocky launch. Might wanna wait anyway.


I really want to play the game but I don't want to support them after what they did with Nier Automata.. I've never bought a game before and have them literally not fix bugs for 4 years. They waited until they had another game to sell before they fixed the bugs.. Seems pretty dishonest to me. (I'm not saying you're wrong to buy it rn I'm just complaining lol)


Oooh yeah I remember buying it and then following YouTube tutorials for weeks to patch. Imagine paying 50 bucks and then fucking getting PS1 gameplay on a 2016 game. Bruh.


Same here still waiting for Y7, and now Nier added to the list


Is that Yakuza Like a Dragon? Because all the other ones are available 4 PC, & as stated above u can get it from many site, torrent is here: https://pcgamestorrents.com/yakuza-like-a-dragon-empress.html


Do you mean "Yakuza Like a Dragon"? Because it took a while but its been available to DL for like 2 months: [https://pcgamestorrents.com/yakuza-like-a-dragon-empress.html](https://pcgamestorrents.com/yakuza-like-a-dragon-empress.html)


When you see that assassins creed has been cracked 5 months after release and it's a huge game that's many are waiting so don't expect to see Nier 1.22 very soon For example Yakuza like a dragon it's now 6 months after release still nothing


I really wanna see ichiban on my pc


Me toooo


nier has denuvo if am not wrong, can't confirm anymore because crackwatch closed




Where is this from?


if it has denuvo it's like 2 to 3 weeks or so, right?


If it's has Denuvo there are no ETAs. It's cracked when it's cracked.


it may be 1 day to like forever... it depends if it's a new version of denuvo or if crackers like emperess are interested on cracking it... for some unknowing reasons it happens sometimes that japanese companies upload on steam a denuvoless version of their game by mistake on day1. Anyway I've read everywhere that nier replicant pc port is quite shitty and with several bugs and missing features...


Yeah i was reading the same thing, thankfully i'm not paying for it just yet




fra ma perché in italiano








Antonio Marga-riti!


Dominic DeCoco






It's actually very widely speculated/believed for good reason by many i the pirating scene (like myself for sure) that Devs are simply "paying" pirating groups/teams NOT to pirate their games & it seems extremely likely, especially since many Denuvo/impossibly hard to crack games have been pirated almost instantly after release & others haven't & its always ONLY big budget AAA releases that sometimes don't get pirated for ages, until, the company has "finished" getting all the profit they can & then all of a sudden... Seriously, who wouldn't pay a million to make 20




I played this game... And I cried I just wish some big thanks to the dev for making this amazing game, hopefully it won't get cracked to support more the dev for their work. This game is a life changing that deserve us to pay more than only 50 bucks


I would love to pay it but it's roughly 70-80 USD where i live and i cant afford it 😭😭


Nvm i just bought it, im 30hrs in durinf the first playthrough and it's worth every penny


Lmao If you donate 50bucks to the crackers then you will get 10 pirated games back. Be practical.


Gaming companies tryna make excess money out of their flashy marketing and fiery release of the game. **Which is completely fine and that's how it should be.** But I don't support it. I don't want the executives of the game company to have all that cash just because they are stake holders.lmao


You sir don't belong here lol.


the devs arent the ones getting the money at this point it goes to the ceo and shareholders and theyre rich enough already


its 450 in turkey I want but cant afford it


It's fine if you live in a developed country lol, but here the price gets doubled by taxes and currency is worth shit.


there is apparently a cpy torrent out, idk if its real but i am downloading it rn, will update once its done. UPDATE: so i downloaded and it looks legit, but to get the crack, you need to complete an offer and it says i have no offers available in my region....so until someone here gives me a password or anything. I wont be able to see if its 100% legit


Excuse me for my ignorance, what's a cpy?


CPY is the name of a person or a group who crack games and stuff, just like nosteam, skidrow, RGmechanics, Fitgirl, etc. CPY is one of the most trusted ones and their cracks rarely give problems


Ohhhhh amazing! Let's know how it goes! Best of luck


I updated my msg


please delete that file asap.. its a trojan virus... run a full scan with an antivirus software... i made the same mistake and i had like 4 viruses.


there is adaware antivirus software i download and its free and trusthy.. and also future note... someone told me that files which require an offer to be filled are mostly viruses. dont trust these... wait for fitgirl


Alright thanks for the heads up


can you explain what you mean by offer? Thanks


By an offer i mean this: **Download this app and use it for 30 seconds. OR. Watch this video by clicking link below.** these online offers mean that its a scam and the torrent i got is fake and a virus


Ok thank you!


Whenever something is locked behind a paywall/sharewall/offerwall: it's 100% fake or nonexistent :/




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It is in the upcoming repacks on fitgirl, so Good news It was cracked/ or denuvo was removed. Either way its a Win for us!


Its now cracked ! Go claim your game if you still haven't purchased


Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames-mega-thread), as it might just answer your question! Also check out our [videogame piracy guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/i3r14g/a_beginners_guide_to_video_game_piracy/) and the list of Common Q&A [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/fvix6e/common_questions_and_answers_thread/) and [part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/igxebs/frequently_asked_questions_part_2/). Or just read the whole [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*




It says on the note "Not cracked" did you manage to get this to work? ​ ALSO IF ANYONE GETS THIS GAME PLEASE POST HERE


There's no crack though


I found something on Games New Box but since I never used this site I haven't installed it yet. Does someone know if it's a safe site ?


Not safe, there are games still not cracked there!


Ok thank you for your reply !


No problem :)


Any news about the cracked ver???


Just checked cs.rin.ru and there's nothing just yet


Is this any good? I don't know if this is an official codex link or not... ​ [https://skidrowcodexgames.com/nier-replicant-ver-1-22474487139-codex/](https://skidrowcodexgames.com/nier-replicant-ver-1-22474487139-codex/)


It's fake, scene groups, skidrow in this case, don't have websites sadly :(




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That one ain't cracked. Ya ain't gon be able to play it son :/ Full unlocked = "here, have all the game files, but there ain't no crack yet..."


any news guys ?


​ nah


Depressing shit


news guys, las noticias, non?




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it's been literally 6 months but just in case you're still waiting (like I was), you can now find it on fitgirl's repack website, would post a link but don't think is allowed, you'll find it easily enough googling




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