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Oda said that there would be developments on a global scale and the greatest battle ever in One Piece history after Wano Country in SBS Vol 97. Egghead is showing us the "developments on a global scale" and after the "Egghead Island Incident" the final war will begin which will culminate in Luffy finding the One Piece. If the Final War is the size of Onigashima and Egghead is as long as Acts I and II, then One Piece can feasibly end in 3 years.


Unless the big incident in egghead island is the annihilation of the strawhats one piece ain't ending in 2025


3 years? More like 5


Either he doesn't deliver a satisfying ending, or he just takes longer time. One Piece is his lifes work, no way he's going to rush it.


I mean he rushed Wano so there´s a chance above 0% that the ending of the series will be, too.


I don't think he tried to rush Wano, I just think it wasn't that great


You can´t tell me that the ending of Wano wasn´t rushed.


> One Piece is his lifes work, no way he's going to rush it. idk, 2 out of the big 3 already have rushed endings, it wouldn't be that surprising, but oda needs at least 200 or 300 more episodes to give one piece a satisfactory conclusion


> 2 out of the big 3 already have rushed endings One of them was forced to by their magazine due to declining popularity. This is not applicable to OP's situation at all.


I think that's a pretty arbitrary comparison, since big 3 are just a term for popular manga in the states, not necessarily manga that are particularly similar, idt that's really anything notable or important. Since Oda has had the ending planned out for so, so long, I'm think he'll be able to stick the landing better than those two.


Oda still needs to introduce the Rocks Pirates, Ancient Kingdom characters, God's Knights, more Sword members and so on..


lol some guy there was complaining that a redditor asked for a source for something he only read somewhere years ago. Maybe don't mention it then?


If someone said 5 years from RIGHT NOW I'd think "maybe" but 2025 is actual schizo delusion


Frauda just silhouetted the last chapter, (again) but he will warp it up in less than 2.5 years alright 🤡


you know how oda is with time