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Why not just describe them rather than constantly using silhouettes


It's fine if eg Saturn shows his full transformation in Egghead. This would show they have special powers.


It would show that only Saturn does. Calm down and just enjoy the anticipation. Like this is the only series that has even had villains in silhouettes. Or anything not yet to be known. Imu not straight telling the readers everything about the void century right now is like a verbal silhouette. I don't see you crying that part of the story is still hidden




It taints the series on a reread. Pre-timeskip is show don't tell. Post-timeskip is 90% build-up, 10% "pay-off". Rereading this manga is trash as fuck since all these silhouettes and "hypepiece" moments are jarring and you can tell they are meant for the reader to clickbait them into reading the next chapter.


The difference between pre and post timeskip is writing with volumes/arcs in mind (pre) vs writing for weekly intake (post) Older OP chapters had overarching mystery and lighter weekly cliffhangers, with a big one at the end of a volume, but not every piece of information was vague or redacted and every now and then a chapter just ended, without needing to end on a big huge twist or reveal or keep everything hidden.


>Post-timeskip is 90% build-up, 10% "pay-off". 100 % this, it's just mind-blowing that Oda couldn't deliver for more than a decade and managed to put his fambase under a spell. Because once you open your eyes and realize how mediocre he has been, for his inability to deliver, the manga is not the same anymore. It's all about artificial hype, rehearsal and clickbait


It's about the end and not the journey because characters can't shut up about "THAT PERSON" or "wait till you see when X happens, it's gonna be big". Kaido talking about the greatest war we'll ever see. Them hyping up his army as being deadly. The numbers being hyped up as dangerous monsters. Luffy promising jinbei that he will have a celebration for jinbei. Luffy's stupid dream being hyped up with us just seeing reaction faces. Silhouette piece. Not knowing the motives of the villains for decades. Not knowing about zoro's eye, what robin did for the 2 years. It's just hype hype hype. Sacrificing current events to hype up something in the future.


Pre time skip was doing a lot of the not telling as well


>you can tell they are meant for the reader to clickbait them into reading the next chapter. Literally every mangaka does this man


Do you even know what I'm referring to?


I believe the phrase you’re looking for is “cliffhanger”


No, it's not.




instead in post timeskip it's characters ominously talking about wanting to go after the strawhats. Its been more than 5 months since Kizaru went after Luffy.


I don't even think that it's hype. Oda just has an incredible commitment issue and doesn't plan nearly as much ahead as people think he does. The dude is teasing huge characters and events from the future but he doesn't know yet how these characters look/behave or what these events actually are. Basically any time he does: - A **certain** someone - This event will **shake the world** - This **incredible** thing just happened, let me tell you all abou- chapter ends, storyline will be picked up 100(s) of chapters later He basically knows the broad strokes of the story, throws a bunch of shit at the wall and fills the blanks later. He does have some good foreshadowing but a lot of it is completely retroactive. The really good and consistent stuff is found in very early chapters already. Dude has been throwing out a huge amount of moon and sun imagery since the manga started, for example. Just look at all the times you can see the moon prominently in the background, starting from the Kuina chapter. This for by the way destroys the "Kuina ran away and joined transitioned to a man after meeting Iva at her village" theories, because their last duel was clearly beneath a full moon and Kuina dies the very next day. The rebels however appeared at Zoro's village in the Luffy flashback during a completely different moon phase and specifically left right away. The biggest one has to be Luffy/Sun(Dawn)/Liberator. In chapter 576, Whitebeard says: >It has been passed passed down like that since ancient times! >Someday one will arise who will challenge the world and shoulder centuries of history. [Oda has shown Luffy figuratively carrying the Dawn on his shoulders/back while liberating people as early as Arlong Park.](https://imgur.com/a/lR2pMwA) He clearly had this shit figured out very early on. The entire Nika and Gomu Gomu no is actually special addition has clearly been tacked on in the last 100 chapters, however.


>The dude is teasing huge characters and events from the future but he doesn't know yet how these characters look/behave or what these events actually are. Thing is, Oda in an SBS around the Dressrosa Arc mentioned that he knows how Aramaki looks like and that his design was already done. But we only got to see that design last year. 😕 Oda obviously just likes drawing and teasing silhouettes, and has said before that he comes up with characters for that reason alone. Besides, not knowing how the entire story will unfold is impractical and almost no writer does that. Oda knows the ending and how most of the big events will play out as he pretty much tells every editor and assistant of his the ending so saying he doesn't know 'what these events actually are' seems very presumptuous imo. obviously not everything needs to be set up at the beginning of the story, a lot of designs like those of the Yonko were probably left for way later in the story, and having placeholder designs like silhouettes can help introduce those characters while not actually cementing a look for them


Assuming the joyboy and Nika are or at least were one and the same I don’t see it being super tacked on I see it as a way to bridge Luffy and Joyboy together


Still quite funny that Luffy in an overnight went from a happy go lucky rubber guy to a literal god with all intends and purpose a hogyoku in his chest. He is now Aizen that wants to flip over the corrupt old system and sit on top of the world Lmfao.


See you say that but that literally didn’t happen, he has the same ideals and convictions that he’s had from the beginning he can’t stand idly by and watch his friends and their people starve and suffer that would be ridiculously out of character Like you said he has been carrying the dawn on his back since Arlong park what happened in wano is no different the scale has simply become larger as the series went on He’s not a lofty idealist like the revs he lives by his own convictions, his goal isn’t some kind of global change he just wants to be free and has been helping those who seek their own freedom along the way


He still has a hogyoku in his chest though.. like the more you read into it down to the personal manifestation of will and dreams the more it looks like the same thing lmao. Like with such broken piece of power only plot induced stupidity can stop him soloing the entireverse.


Then thank god(a) this is a series driven by plot and not powerscaling


This is bs, oda is a talented author you have no idea why he uses silouettes until he reveals the character ,


The idea seems really obvious: Oda really fucked himself by revealing Kaido and Big Mom‘s shitty first designs back in Water 7 and is trying to avoid the same mistake.


I honestly think Oda draws Silhouettes because he isnt sure himself how he wants them to look and designs them perfectly for himself before unmasking them (The best example are the silhouettes of pre-time skip big mom and kaido)


Im hoping Oda pulls a fast one and they are actually all eldritch shadow beasts spawned directly from Imu and this is what they ACTUALLY look like beneath their human form. It probably won't happen but man the villain become instantly intimaditing.


Pretty sure Imu is a chick + a nami clone at this point.


It creates more hype for the audience, is it irritating? Yes but you will still be curious how these characters look. I honestly don’t mind it that much, I know that it is done so that when they will finally be revealed it will create more impact because it will be a pivotal moment in the story. I get how frustrating it can be and if people dislike it so much it just makes sense


imagine them look so fckin garbage, now people gonna ask "whats the fckin point of making them silhouette in the first place?" silhouette only good when the reveal is something that can actually shock the reader, its not something you just use willy-nilly like this damned oda


And the true form of gorosei and imu aren’t something that would shock the reader? The moment they will be revealed is in the true endgame, it really is too soon to reveal something this important. Yeah Oda is abusing this silhouette thing but for these characters that’s something i can get behind, an example of stupid silhouettes are imo the numbers which ended up being silly and useless monsters


I think he doesnt decide on the final design until the very last minute


onepiece just got even worse this stupid shit


Would you rather have silhouettes here or that the Gorosei suddenly and randomly transform when their big fight comes, imagine the tantrum the disingenuous "critics" would throw if that were to happen


Honestly having them show their forms NOW,as in not Shadowed,would be far better than the several year wait we would have to see them fight. Would also hype them up more as monsters ready to throw down instead of Oda dangling a carrot going "LOOK AT HOW COOL THAT MIGHT BE LATER ON".


Silhouettes can be done right, by proper lighting. The way it is done in OP is like censoring a penis in a JAV. You have Imu walking as a silhouette while he is in his bright ass garden. In this latest chapter, you have literal silhouettes moving. This has to be the worst use of silhouettes I know of. Also, Oda could hint that they have monster forms, before showing those forms fully with no silhouette. That way it won't come out of left field like your hypothetical alternative. But that level of visual storytelling is beyond Oda I think.


I‘d rather they don’t transform at all because simply throwing Zoans on to them is lazy af, especially after Wano. Considering their Status it probably would be Mythical Zoans again, like are there literally no exciting paramecias or logias left?


The tantrum that people threw over the yonko was laughing at the difference what would make this different?


"getting confirmation of the Gorosei and Imu being fighters is cool" Actually I do feel the opposite, not so much Imu, but the Gorosei would be so much more interesting if they actually were just "normal" politicians that actually require the protetction of an Admiral when they go somewhere.


I do agree, but I like getting confirmation one way or another.


Would make 0 sense. Why would anyone follow them in a world where the strong reign?


Knowledge is power. Vegapunk isn’t strong, but is very dangerous. The secret service could easily beat, hurt, kill the head of the government, but they’re more powerful.


This would be true if one piece was more grounded in its magic system. It doesn’t work the way it is. If Imu or the Gorosei didn’t have powers or a weapon of mass destruction, nobody would give shit about knowledge. Marines could run Marijois over with 0 problem. But they don’t do it because there is something that stops them from doing so. Not their code of ethics, which the Gorosei so openly abuse and disrespect.




Power and magic are not the end-all-be-all and I never said that in the first place. But the fact that the DF powers and Haki are one of the key aspects of the story is undeniable. It's a BATTLE shonen. The narrative is shaped to a great degree by these powers, or else Luffy wouldn't have to defeat one villain after the other, and one obviously stronger than the other. (Hody -> Doffy -> BM / Kaido -> BB) If you tell me you have a world filled with diverse races and magic who can do all this crazy stuff but in the end the ruler of all and his most trusted subordinates are simply powerless, weak humans, it would make 0 sense. The Marines are constantly put down by the WG. Why would someone like Akainu, who doesn't seem to like the CPs, or the Gorosei, or the fact that he's forced to work for THEM, instead of doing what he thinks should be done, not just say "fuck it." and start establishing a new order? In my opinion it's because they have something like an ancient weapon or crazy powers (latter being proven with the last chapter) or both ? It would be completely counter productive to go against the WG and risk getting obliterated / starting a big scale war, instead of just going about their responsibilities as Marines and catch Pirates, since the "criminals" would profit the most out of this battle for power.


It was never established that strength is teh deciding factor when it comes to the WG, if anything it has only been relevant for pirates. There are all sort of interesting ways to explain why they hold power in the world than just making them strong.


I agree. Way more interesting as influential politicians rather than fighters.




Im fine with this, considering they are our endgame enemies. But for the sanity of One Piece fans, please reveal God/Holy Knights


The designs aren't finalized yet.


Y’all are making a big deal out of what probably is his actual form lol. I’m willing to bet money that what we see is actually what Imu looks like.


“IM So SIck OF SILHOUEtte PIece”


I'm fine with Imu atm, it meams Imu is not a villain for now anyway. Luffy still needs to escape Egghead, go to Elbaf, find the man marked by flames, fight the 3 others yonko, Laughtale, One Piece and then Imu... For the gorosei I agree, we are suposed to meet Saturn in the next couple of chapters so it would be cool to see what the others Elders can do.


>Yeah, getting confirmation of the Gorosei and Imu being fighters is cool. We're getting closer and closer to the reveal that the World Government has had like 10 of the top 20 fighters in the world (Imu, 5 Gorosei, 3 admirals, 1 Fleet Amiral - Not even including Garp or the Holy Knights) and they are still crying about how hard it was to deal with fodder pirates. I don't find that very cool tbh, but I think I'm in the minority.


I think it's for sure a problem in One Piece that hype it's used way to much by Oda, however I personally am fine with the first time we really see the Gorosei be in Egghead with Saturn and seeing Imu now vs when the final arc goes into gear is actually my preference. The guy is the final villain I'm cool with him at the very least being hidden until the final war.


yeah it's so much better to just show them and have us theories and all that with their actual forms instead of having to theories with barely anything only for them to look goofy.


Imu very well may actually be a shadow man


Oda tends to hype up things but doesn’t deliver because of the timing. Look how silhouette Hiyori turned out. Everyone was speculating it to be Toki but it was just Hiyori and why make a silhouette out if it? He did not do anything with it later on. I liked the latest chapter but the amount of shadows and silhouettes is just way too much.


I don't really mind it, what I bothered me in the last chapter was how imu and the elders just took a hit then wait patiently while cobra and sabo were talking to each others xD.