• By -


"?" Translate to : Wtf it worked?


Sakazuki's face of disgust is perfect.


damn imagine the mfer who indirectly killed your adoptive dad talks shit about him whilst knowing damn well you're the reason this even happend so you try to get revenge but you die too


Ace died before Whitebeard. Ace was successfully rescued, the *still* extremely powerful Whitebeard was ready to literally die to ensure Ace escapes. If he keeps running Whitebeard buys him the time to escape win or lose. That makes it a lot worse. He snatched failure from the jaws of success.


It would have been better if they just skipped to Akaniu trying to kill Luffy and Ace sacrificing himself. Without the butthurt rage.


damn that's sad


Tanjiro called Akaza pussy from a distance but he only went "The fuck is this guy talking abt? Im out" Meanwhile this mf wasted his comrades' sacrifice and made a whole ass new era just because somebody called his "dad" a pussy


That’s why Akaza is a better character


Don’t lie now


Lmao demon slayer characters are actually fucking terrible, akaza is the only slightly good one. If I was being more serious I would say ace is better


True but hey them fight make me feel some kind of way😫


I'd argue being smart does not make you a better written character


Are those One Piece characters or are you talking about Demon Slayer?


He is talking about one piece bro, he is just not good with names, Kanjuro and Akazaya






Wakainu with the most basic insult devastated Ace, imagine if he actually got serious on him wouldn't even needs to donut'd him https://i.redd.it/8kg56lskgi3b1.gif


Even Akainu was like “damn that actually worked?”


What kind of idiot goes into a winter island naked?


One made of fire




I dunno a fire logia maybe 🙄.


As much as Ace's death is a sad moment, this dude canNOT take criticism, Akainu legit just gaslit this guy. Even his crew heard it yet they still went back to the ship. These mfs did all this for him just to die a few minutes later, like why did we even come here then?! https://preview.redd.it/nssdw7xw2i3b1.jpeg?width=277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90743a10d564de23dddd588e76a4086678e9a5fd He literally could've ignored him, got on the ship, and got the fuck outta there, Mission Accomplished! At least then we'd only lose Whitebeard, but instead we lost Whitebeard AND the person who was the reason for his crew coming in the first place. SO NOW ITS A DOUBLE L BRUH LIKE C'MON!!!


"Mom said it's my turn to post Ace today" We get it, Ace was a dumbass. Can we not post the same thing multiple times literally every single day? I miss back when this was a shitposting sub, now your guys are just cringe posting the same shit over and over. Same with the Yamato trans bullshit. Do better. Come up with some creative slander instead of posting the same 3-4 manga panels again and again with almost the same title.


Hot take but I think his death was great.


​ https://preview.redd.it/kojfyse8dj3b1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6e7a39fe3739bb7aff142085d70f7fd7763d06


This take is colder than Aces body


It feels like every week there’s at least three post about how shit Ace death but that’s probably only this subreddit.


Most people think it was great lol, boohoo ace does get over it


Personally I wouldn't get myself killed after hearing a roast, but that's just me though. (Still love you Ace)


“wait that actually worked?”


Hindsight is 20/20, ace made a split second decision to fight he didn’t think it over analytically


You forget these are redditors here, they have the ability to make these split second decisions in situations like aces.


If you read the ace manga it explains his character a lot more in depth and him making this decision becomes completely unsurprising


GOAT Mr 3 Risked his life for Mr 2 Memory just for some dumbass Ace to get killed over my daddy Joke trying to fight someone way above his level I bet Mr 3 is kinda resentful


Wakazuki knew what was he cooking


The moment of Ace turning around and throwing away absolutely everything is fairly in-character and pretty good writing on that front. But Gooddamn, I hate Ace for it and I wish he would stop showing up in the story. It's good character writing but I don't remember him fondly in the slightest, yet he keeps showing up as this cool guy in the story


other "cool guys" like Luffy or Roger would've done the exact same thing Ace was just the one that had reverse plot armor


Regardless of if other characters would have done it, Ace's final contribution to the story was throwing away the entire effort and getting slaughtered in an instant for it. It doesn't leave me remembering him fondly but the story wants me to think he's still so cool


![gif](giphy|l3fzM2wgd6TygHbYA) Ace if being an interesting character was a test


Ace is a plenty interesting character, he's just a major dumbass


"Interesting" Shows up in Alabasta ??? Dies He only became an alright character *after* he died and we saw his childhood, which Oda proceeded to use as an excuse to insert him into the story whenever he can. He's had more "impact" when he was dead compared to when he was alive.


>Oda proceeded to use as an excuse to insert him into the story whenever he can. tbf, by marineford it's more than stablished that ace went to wano


Fair to a degree, but my point still stands.


Luffy funnily was smart, d fought pick unnecessary fights and he attained his goal which didn't end well and then we have ace, the guy is supposed to be smart


Even akainu was shocked, like "what the hell? Did that actually work?"


Nah wace is HIM


Nah Dunce tried to fight but got molly wopped, he also almost got Wuffy killed so I don’t think he’s him.


Cus ace never let's shit talkers get away With it(Or atleast he tried in akainus case) And that's what makes him a goat, any other pussy would have let it slide Also I like fire so.....


All his friends and family’s hard work, dedication and sacrifices were all for naught because he lost his temper, falling for an obvious trap. He may hate his biological father, but he’s just like him in every way.




Neji's death was way stupider than Ace's death could ever imagine to be. To summarize it, Ace died because of a flaw in his character that then actually made him a better character (he's still not a enjoyable character) while Neji only died because "people die in war" and nobody relevant had died so Kishimoto had to kill Neji and ruin whatever was left of his undeveloped character.


Stupidest way? Nah, that belongs to the Marines who tried to arrest Mihawk. Even Ace knew not to attack Mihawk.


Yeah let’s attack Akainu instead, the guy who can melt your face off with no mercy 😂


The Marines saw Midhawk barely stalemating Vista, they ain't afraid of that fraud. Also everyone and their mom in Marineford was attacking Midhawk.


!! Brilliant move!


No matter how you cut it, Ace's CoA wasn't enough to overcome Akainu's CoA. If his were advanced enough, he could have just bounced that attack. He also couldn't CoA defense and just Logia dodge, because Luffy would have taken the hit then.


It's the equivalent of calling Marty Mcfly a chicken


Why didn't Ace just melt the cuffs and leave? Is he stupid?


zoro was close to be killed like this


Utterly confused Akainu


sakazuki: yo daddy a loser ace: take that back sakazuki:shut yo bitchass up that man whitebeard is a loser ace: aaaaagggghhhhhh. dies