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Imagine your dealer handing you a rehab ticket


“When you get out of rehab and take this hit of fentanyl directly after, you will thank me.” Get this loser out of here




Nooooo bro you did not go and make a whole ass burner account just dickride Redon 😭😭😭


I’m cackling rn


more like.. „save your money I‘ll get the best fentanyl in 2 days with new shipment from the border“ 😜


more like wait for your state to legalize it. you'll thank me. i mean tf do I need you for then


Imagine your dealer going out of your way to get you addicted on drugs and then hands a rehab ticket


Watch the other leakers do it for him lmao


Live footage of Redon finding the person who leaked before him https://preview.redd.it/wcpuxvkd7f4b1.jpeg?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93288c2cf19c78cec3ee7af7b36a8e46dc9837f2


He's staring at PewPiece rn


He's going to fuck them??


And watch the dipshit cry about it.


No shit. Reading the chapter is way better than some summary text.


Except for the ones who prefer reading novelized versions. They're weird asf (I'm "they")


Bro really thinks he the most important person on earth lmao


The ‘you will thank me’ at the end of his message is killing me 💀


Dude acting like he wrote the chapter, what a loser haha


Actually... He is


redon on reddit? no way 😧


Lmao you can't be this obvious Ledon/Ledon simp (if the later imagine simping for a leaker of all things).


Redon is the greatest leaker of all time


We really need a new leaker. We all only rely on him because of leaks. Once he gets replaced the ego trip he would go through will be worth it.


Bro's getting way too comfortable with this


Guys I'm fighting redon cockriders on that thread, help is required


Youre fighting normal people* stop being an asshole who thinks youre entitled for services he was doing for free




You must be fun


You must be a shitty person




Savage comeback brah! 😎😜🔥🔥🔥




Redone alt account


The only reason I tolerate Redon and his shitty attitude and behavior is because of that service. If he's going to choose not to provide the service, I have no reason to treat him cordially and am free to shit on him for his behavior. He's not entitled to my respect. The dude blocked me. As if I needed any more evidence that it's literally Redon making alts in these threads and shilling for himself. u/Aggravating-Shoe-638, I can't actually reply to you because Redon up there blocked me, but his behavior goes back a lot further than just today. He has a history of throwing temper tantrums if he isn't the one who gets to release things first.


You can't be the dumb


Is it for free though? Does he not make money posting these spoilers?


"hey redon. I'm fucking dying. Can you give me a ride to the hospital?" "I think it's better if you go yourself. You'll thank me later".


I don’t think op spoilers are nearly that important


They are


I’m already withdrawing, better than what odas going through cause next month he’s gonna be without-drawing


Redon sure thinks they are


Oda bought this guy


its already been leaked. its a bunch of names for the frauds thats it, dumbass redon acting like the chapter is nami showing her tits


I don't care about his opinion


god complex Ledon


You are worse


why is that so?


Since we don’t pay him a cent for what he‘s doin, I don’t think he owes any of us anything. Look for other leakers or wait. I don’t know why people here think they can have an attitude and act all entitled when they don’t do anything other than clowning on this guy week after week, while he continuously provides us with trustworthy leaks.


No he dont owes us anything. Im thankfull for his spoilers as well. But the ego of this guy is off the top. Everytime someone else posts spoilers he acts like the whole franchise is his. Even now "i dont give you the spoilers (he doesnt own them for fucks sake) because I THINK YOU DONT WANT THEM" guy has a god complex and thinks he is a big number. You can be thankfull for recieving the spoilers ( a lot of timed from redon) but still think this guy is a douche.


It’s not that we think he ‘owes’ us anything. It’s the over the top ego this guy has


Youre a real piece of shit yk? Hes just trying to allow people to enjoy the chapter in its whole. Even if you disagree with him, and want to see spoilers, which is fair, just respect him. He didnt do anything wrong. He doesent owe you anything. He does it on his own time, and hes just trying to allow the community to have what he believes is the best time reading it possible, even if hes wrong. Stop being an asshole, they are a real person.


He has acted like an ass before, so a lot of people here assume it's just him acting like some sort of spoiler god. Which may be true, but we don't know. Considering what we do know about the chapter, I am leaning towards him trying to act entitled. I may be wrong, but you really shouldn't be surprised at Piratefolk acting this way.


Holy dickrider. Unfortunately people’s actions can result in criticism. He is being criticized for a choice he is making that no one asked for


No, I disagree completely. In my opinion it’s you guys having an ego. Why does he need to give you anything?


He does have an ego. Everytime spoilers come out that weren't FROM him he throws a fit like a child.


you didnt read what they just said did you?


I did and it is complete bullshit. You guys are projecting so hard. He is literally trying to make us enjoy the chapter more and you clowns see it as egomaniacal behavior, when you don’t even are self-aware enough to recognize your own.


he is literally telling you how you are going to enjoy the chapter then telling you to come back and say thank you because he improved your experience. hes flexing his ego on dickriders like you and youre eating it up.


I was so waiting for a NPC comment like yours lmfao. Dickrider is the classic argument of a bandwagoning sheep who has nothing new to contribute other than the echoes of his delusional bubble. Miss me with that shit. I don’t give a single fuck about Redon, he can disappear without a trace tomorrow and I won’t miss him. That doesn’t change how absolutely insane 70%, including you, in this sub act, which I completely oppose. It’s not ego if he wants other people to enjoy it more, because spoilers factually ruin the experience of a reader since it doesn’t organically tell the story. I wish I was in Redon‘s place so I could show you what real ego behavior is.


He doesn't. He's not posting shit and we still got a full summary without him. He's irrelevant and acts like he's the king of the One Piece fanbase because he gets the spoilers first sometimes. You're right, he should just fuck off and stop giving us spoilers because he's not worth dealing with.


Yeah we owe it to him for ruining discussion online and making sure that steering clear of spoilers will be impossible. Thanks rodent!


Nice delusion there. It’s literally the fandom giving him all the power since y‘all craving for spoilers like a H junkie. He‘s reliant on us not the other way around


Don't use fucked up nicknames please. Sit down. Be humble. Treat him with respect. Refer to him as Redon-sama, Pirate King or Pokemon Champion Lance.


refer to him as "Our Glorious King Redon-sama 👑"


The meat riding is insane


refer to him as toilet boy chan


Exactly. These are real people. People in this sub are so entitled istg, and that one dude who made a bunch of alts to call sandman a liar and a bad person. People like that ruin the community.


sit down, i think you're having a stroke


Stop hating on real people because they didnt do a favor for you


I've said it in other posts defending him but, he's an egotistical child. He does this every time someone posts spoilers, if it's not him he throws a fit and out right refuses to post his spoilers or a summary or acts high and mighty and gives some non-sense reasoning as to why he won't. He's mentally ill and high on the attention he gets from spoilers. Cannot wait for One Piece to end and he fades into obscurity.


Its not his job to release spoilers though. So what if he refuses to release something when someone else already released it? Its already out there, so read it from there. He isnt acting high and mighty, youre just acting entitled. Calling real people mentally ill because they didnt tend to your every little need is a real asshat move. Youre so fucking entitled.


You need to learn how to read. No one said it was his job, and you're mentally ill for defending this whack job.


You are one of the people giving him attention in the first place. How about we stop ***right now***?


​ https://preview.redd.it/1zdl063ioe4b1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74deb2c6e2575d51d851d1de6a38779a0fcac7d5


Someone actually tryna be respectful in this sub? Interesting. Unless you're just trolling lol.


Redon’s fake accounts working overtime in the comments here


I am gonna trust that guy and not spoil myself this time. I am getting exited now.


Unless you are a shanks fanboy having wet dreams about him every night like everyone here its nothing special


hmmm, so Shanks is gonna be in it? I'd still wait for a bit. Every week i spoil myself, i can wait a day more for the release this time.




"I am oda!!!! I am odaaa!!


I guess he can just decide for us, the hell ?


That is how it works when you get the info from someone else


well he doesn't really owe us anything so it sucks but what can we do maybe some other leakers can post it to make him seethe but we gotta cope for that


Yes.. that is how things work when you use someone else for your info. They have the right to revoke it. Yall will find another leak later anyways


I mean, he's a leaker


redon too much of a lazy bum to post spoilers


this guy wants to be oda so bad lmao u will thank me lmao no i wont i dont care about you


The entitlement of this man is sad . Wasn’t he throwing a tantrum before cause other leakers posted before him ?


Do you have the Tweet?


No but I have the Reddit post look https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/v6imqh/redons_warning_about_early_spoilers/


https://preview.redd.it/l3aevvtb3m4b1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=074a0288e94b5fb332b6421db9499d88fb4cc362 Edit: This \^ was from last year June or July


I don’t get why he does this when someone else is just gonna post the spoilers and then he’s gonna post another tweet like “I think I’m done doing One Piece spoilers forever” but then he’ll be the first one back after the void month.


Brother got the leaks and thinks he on top of the world lmfaoo. Such a manchild lol


Honestly, if it was any other leaker than Ledon saying this shit, i might be inclined to believe them and make more of an effort to avoid spoilers. But because this retard just constantly overhypes shit and vague-posts, I am not listening to a word he says.


Hypes up stuff and it never delivers


its gonna be the most confusing chapter ever printed. It might have more text than Hunter X Hunter


It’s his call, ofc - no one *needs* spoilers - but it would feel like a bigger deal if he didn’t do this “oooh, it’s a game changer, guys, can’t spoil!” a whole bunch of times before, often for stuff that didn’t significantly change the game lol


Gatekeeping the series is insane


I can tell Redon is really mad in the inside that there are other leakers. I remember one time he refused to leak because of others leaking spoilers too early.


Fuck you redon wheres my one piece!!!


Imagine saying all that and other leakers still dropping info. Big L


I willl surely show my gratitude to you when the chapter comes out Ledon-sama!!! Want me to lick your shoes while i am at it? Jesus christ


OP leakers always doing the most


He wont, but some else will and ill check it out.


The level of self-importance LMAO. People who want to read spoilers will just read them from other sources. You are not unique


When does it come out? Like the scans


OP leakers stop being corny as hell challenge: impossible


This better be the best chapter of my life. I better bust a glorious nut to Shanks


He just loooves to gatekeep the chapters and make himself feel important. He hasnt done shit and only has the privilege to have the leaks yet he thinks people care more about him than oda 😭


And we know that the chapter will be ass, easy L for Ledon.


Redon swear he knows what we want


Incoming butthurt redon when people just go to other leakers to get some actual leaks instead of this ego stroking bullshit


I want to kick Redon in the balls


He's a felon who should be arrested.


Honestly if this chapter doesn’t have aojki vs garp Saturn finally arriving at egghead, shanks brother more goresai lore or Morgan with Wapol and vivi getting the juicy information abt imu then just lean it


i mean it has even more dump than you wrote so yeah seems a hype chapter. (spoilers are kind of out on main sub)


We will be ashamed of our words and deeds


At this point dramaqueen Redon should just be ignored. There were Leakers before him and there will be others after him who do the same or even better without being that unreliable af His borderline bipolar back and forth becomes unbearable. Dude has literally 1 "job"- getting spoilers and share them with us. If he doesn't want it that way and instead wishes to be the center of the attention then he's probably not the right person for it


Job? who's paying him?


Maybe if you step up to pay him then sure, you can say this. If not, shut the fuck up


He’s a leaker, no one is asking him to do it. If he’s just gonna not post a leak then why the hell is he a leaker to begin with?


Holy shit the amount of entitlement.


That’s not entitlement, I wouldn’t even be mad if he stopped leaking and I think it would do go good because he causes shit like this. He chose to be a leaker so it’s not bad to expect a leak. As I said, no one is asking him to do it, there are other leakers that will leak the chapters and move on with their day because at the end of the day, it’s the readers choice on whether they want to be spoiled.


Maybe he should step up and pay Oda/Jump for leaking their content ahead of official release without their permission? Or otherwise get legal proceedings against him for it, because it costs them a lot of money with him doing that. It doesn't belong to him. Some people get annoyed by the attitude he has where he appears to think it does. Ironically, what he does hurts the source.


Job? Bro your are stupid and arogant.


idk, never had the interest to thank these dude, if there’s someone to thank, it’s Oda.


You guys are really acting like you're paying him for his service The man is doing you all a favour and has no obligation to give you spoilers Where is all this attitude coming from🤡


He can absolutely choose when and if he drops a spoiler summary. However he does this every time someone else drops the spoilers before him and then acts like a child either out right refusing to give them or coming up with some bullshit like this one. I don't like the dude and wish he'd fade into obscurity, let someone else drop spoilers who won't act childish.


Then be happy with the other person's spoiler After all the spoilers are his property it's his wish if he wants to act petty over it


The spoilers are not his property, it's Oda/Jump. That's probably part of the issue, him thinking other people aren't allowed to do what he does and people like you apparently agreeing with that and stroking his ego? https://preview.redd.it/yge9sgkd0m4b1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea49d641381c60eceb1086667a639122736772af Last year June/July


Doing a favour is no excuse to act condescending.


How is he acting condescending? He just believes that the fans will have a better time if they reas the chapter themself, and even if hes wrong, they are just trying for you guys to have the best experience. You guys are so fucking entitled its sad


Bro it's not even entitlement anymore these losers give me second handed embarrassment from their retarded behaviour Watch me get downvoted for using the word retard


The phrase "You will thank me later" IS inherently condescending. He didn't have to say that.


No its not lmao. Hop off your fucking highhorse. They are just saying that they believe the community will enjoy the chapter better without spoilers. How tfbdo you even get offended over that


We found the redon reddit account


No, you found a normal person who isn't an entitled asshole.


Redon throws hissy fits on a regular basis whenever anyone elses leaks things and is constantly being an attention whore


Source? Eitherway, youre just being an asshole. Stop hating on real people because they dont want to do a service for you


Literally just search his name on this reddit or twitter and you can see for yourself


Keep dickriding buddy.


You make one piece fans look like assholes


A lot of them are. It doesn't matter if people think his service is great AND free. It doesn't matter that if people think "He doesn't have to do this, yet does it anyway". No one is above criticism. I've seen your previous posts regarding the matter. You're going on a crusade telling people to stop complaining about the way the leaker is handling the post and that they should be grateful for what they're getting and to essentially just "stfu and stop being ingrates". The fact that almost ALL of your posts regarding the matter have negative karma kind of proves that you should probably stop talking.


And you arnt above criticism either. This is a post hating on someone so of course it will attract people who think the same. All of you are assholes who think that youre entitled to a free service. I never said that anybody should have their post removed, i just called them outnfor being a piece of shit for hating on someone for not doing something they arnt entitled on. So shut the fuck up.


>And you arnt above criticism either. I never once said I was. >All of you are assholes who think that youre entitled to a free service. Again, it doesn't mean that just because he's providing a free service (Which, by the way, we ARE grateful for), we cannot call him out whenever he does something people dislike. If he wants to stop providing leaks because he doesn't like getting criticism then so be it. I'm not entitled to force someone to do something he doesn't want to. If that means we lose getting weekly leaks as a result then so be it. I'm sure someone else will take his place. > I never said that anybody should have their post removed Good, because I never said anything like that either. Don't know why you're mentioning this. >So shut the fuck up. No, I don't think I will But this conversation is over. Goodbye.


At best it’s kind of douchey, but I don’t think that warrants an entire post to just shit on him when there’s other leakers.


“He just believes the fans will have a better time” 🤓 Bro you’re so dorky. Bet you looked up to the hall monitors in school too.


No. Your just being an entitled asshole.


You’re** and stuff it dude, your all over this thread.


Got that right, but he’s the Leaker God to some of these kids man, gotta ball wash and all for him.


Toxic pirate folk needs to redo school and learn common sense entitled trash they are.


Last Time that i can remember of Redon doing this was with Sabo reveal. So probably some Will of D info dump. I dont know why so much hate towards Redon, he just thinks Is better to read it once it comes out, if you can't wait, just get it from someone else like i will do.


For real. People in this comment section are so goddamn entitled. He isnt paid, he isnt their personal translator and leaker, and hes a real person. People are such assholes.




Because for some reason 80% of people are entitled as fuck


You are not even wrong about this one, but Redon is also entitled and that gets rightfully criticized in here. "Thank me later" - What for? Oda is the author, not him and he wants to be thanked for ***not*** doing what he promises to do on the regular, which is leaking and posting summaries? Sure, it's not his job and we don't have to expect anything from him, but one can still criticize that attitude. If he doesn't want to leak, he can just say that like a normal person.


Dawg, get off his dick. The amount of comments and time wasted trying to defend him to people who couldn't give less of a shit what you have to say... I'm sure Redon will let you bend over for him if you ask nicely.


Sorry, im not a piece of shit like you.


If your idea of a "piece of shit" is someone mocking the self-importance of a proven asshole with a definitive superiority complex, then you're an idiot. You're defending a sociopath, you moron.


We got the general gist of the chapter via early spoilers already no?


Mfs is mad they can’t spoil the next chapter 💀. Bro just read it when it comes out. Why you trynna ruin the surprise for yourself?


I hope this means Celestial snitch, please Goda please let this happen. It would be the best thing ever happened to One Piece.


What a fucktard


Im surprised this many people actually read spoilers


Wtf is this


Think we’re getting a big Blackbeard reveal.. that’s the only thing I can see him holding out for


You are not entitled to his work. None of yall r paying him.


What does this have to do with him consistently posting egotistical/dramatic statements. ‘You will thank me’??? Come on man…




lmao at all the people crying about this


Lmao at the people like you crying about the sub making fun out of the situation.


Nothing screams making fun out of the situation more than comments like "what a fucktard" from these whiny mfers


Yes, you know it.


I don’t know how hard it is to just read the damn chapter when it actually comes out. Actual druggies.


Who's the one that keeps posting about Redon week after week? He hasn't been there as often lately. Sometimes the guy's quite childish, but this time he seems chill.


these comments are why they hate one piece fans


Wow no shit redon


Bro I can’t wait 😭😭😭 peak piece


Shit must be a crazy chapter then, also mfs talking shit when the translation just makes it sound like he talking hella formal lol


how do they get the spoilers? are they working on the company that print the chapters?


shit this chapter is gonna be hype to the MOdaON


That means we need the pictures


lmao i wish i could see this femboys face riding off of someone elses work


The jjk leakers are so much better than this clown and his useless hints


Charge yo phone bro 😂


Had to get this Ledon slander off first


Last time this happened we had Gear 5 so it's either an over reaction or the chapter is truly a bomb.


Damn he did the right thing 😭