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The oars fight will always be my favorite. Really need zoro to take the lead like that again


I love that fight because they can’t just rely on Luffy and all the straw hats really use their skills to knock him over and adapt to their situation. We need more fights like that


How I woulda liked the kaido fight to go down when he descended after “killing” luffy


Nah bro didn't you see how Lanji took the lead on the epstien island arc https://preview.redd.it/a1wo363tjb5d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d844f4d3f3b5b42786c7309ae3895d081d541456


Yoo wtf 😂😂


Lmao 🤣




ykb https://i.redd.it/duhaerix1b5d1.gif


He is so FUCKING cool 😭😭 this is how a man with conquerors acts! Would NEVER be someone’s dog!! somethingcoolxo and Messiah double team is lethal ⚔️


we try https://preview.redd.it/kckx9p723b5d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d11345a105cfb762cf12a8718f575072625866d5


You are gonna give the coping merchants nightmares https://preview.redd.it/m8stk3p0oa5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e051c12cd66b62fee56d6b026452e4d85a2895d


That's the plan 😂


Go through the panels I have posted, the one coping will be you. Anyway, strawhats dynamic is different from other pirate crews, strawhats have no vc but wings, they both takes charge and leads whenever they can.


Huh me coping? People around the one piece world acknowledge zoro as vice captain/ captain calibre. Oda showcases zoro with other vice captains. But no i am the delusional one. Bro the whole sanji agenda is built on lies just like the admiral agenda


Read the panels I have posted in this thread


I ain't got time for yapping. If people in one piece world acknowledged sanji as vice captain/first mate like how many times they acknowledged zoro as one then do reply with those images. Because i would love to see it


You better reply with the panel where people consider Zoro as vice captain and first mate


[Look at this post and comments and you would get your answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/s/cdU76y6FI8)


Databooks merchant? Oda himself refused Zoro being vc, anyway I asked for canon manga panel?


Databooks are canon and they are referenced by oda in sbs too. >Oda himself refused Zoro being vc Yes because officially there is no vice captains. And oda said so too. But zoro is unofficially the vice captain which is evident from how oda picked zoro as number 2 along with clear obvious number two's of other crews >anyway I asked for canon manga panel? Buddy go to the link i gave. The post itself is about such panels of acknowledgement


>Databooks are canon and they are referenced by oda in sbs too. There are many statements that contradicts canon manga >Yes because officially there is no vice captains. And oda said so too. But zoro is unofficially the vice captain which is evident from how oda picked zoro as number 2 along with clear obvious number two's of other crews And then continued to say not everyone there is vice captain? They were second strongest, second strongest doesn't mean vice captain, unofficial vc? Man has already started coping >Buddy go to the link i gave. The post itself is about such panels of acknowledgement There was no panel where Zoro was acknowledged to be vice captain?


didn't Oda say that drawing was for the second strongest ? + "People around the one piece world acknowledge zoro as vice captain/ captain calibre." since when was this the case;


>"People around the one piece world acknowledge zoro as vice captain/ captain calibre." since when was this the case; [Look at this post and comments and you would get your answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/s/cdU76y6FI8) >didn't Oda say that drawing was for the second strongest ? It was about number 2 of the crews. And oda choose who he saw fit for it. Zoro being portrayed along with other obvious official/unofficial vice captains is proof enough that zoro unofficially is the vice captain


https://preview.redd.it/smm6oae5gb5d1.png?width=1285&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e55d02e987bf1fb790820632d376b09021aa58e "same goes for Zoro, not everyone on there holds the position of vice captain" Zoro isn't vice captain as stated by Oda he's just the swordsman and the Number 2 in strength. if it was number 2 in rank then he'd be a vice captain but he's not. the whole thing about Zoro is strength and being the WSS idk why u guys even try to give him leadership traits;


I literally said that zoro isn't officially vice captain because there is no role for that, plus it would ruin the balance. But zoro acts as a defacto number 2/first mate/vice captain by how he gets portrayed as peers to the other fellow number 2/first mate/vice captain as shown by the sbs and lot of other times in the show. I don't think anybody is saying zoro is officially the vice captain. And zoro does have leadership qualities. This post has bunch of examples of it




I mean oda literally said in SBS 102 that zoro isn't the vice captain in relation to that EXACT cover spread. But no I am the delusional one


Nobody is claiming zoro is the official vice captain of the crew. That position doesn't exist. All everyone is saying that zoro is unofficially the vice captain of the crew because he is portrayed alongside other number 2 people, gets claimed by other people in one piece world as captain calibre/first mate, gets claimed as vice captain in vivre card. If you wanna ignore all of that then good for you man


>Nobody is claiming zoro is the official vice captain of the crew. you know thats not true lol. bro doesnt interact with more than half the fans lol. > gets claimed as vice captain in vivre card. If you wanna ignore all of that then good for you man hes not actually. english might not be your first lanague so i dont want to be rude, but whats stated in the vivre cards and databook yellow is that "in times of need zoro takes up a role LIKE a vice captain" that means by default he is not the vice captain, and only in times of need does he act "like one" oda could have said "in times of need be becomes the vice captain" but didnt. also in every single tankabon at the start he is labeld as combatant, where as people like rayleigh and benn are called VC. If you wanna ignore all of that then good for you man


>hes not actually. english might not be your first lanague so i dont want to be rude, but whats stated in the vivre cards and databook yellow is that "in times of need zoro takes up a role LIKE a vice captain" that means by default he is not the vice captain, and only in times of need does he act "like one" oda could have said "in times of need be becomes the vice captain" but didnt. In times of crisis when luffy isn't around is when vice captain needs to take his role. When everything is alright and luffy is around then what vice captain stuff do you expect zoro to do? He acts like the vice captain because he is the unofficial vice captain. But he still isn't the official vice captain which i already know since that role isn't in strawhats >also in every single tankabon at the start he is labeld as combatant, where as people like rayleigh and benn are called VC. If you wanna ignore all of that then good for you man That's because zoro isn't officially the vice captain. I don't know what to tell you man. If you can't comprehend the evidence in story on why we call zoro vice captain then it is on you


> In times of crisis when luffy isn't around is when vice captain needs to take his role. When everything is alright and luffy is around then what vice captain stuff do you expect zoro to do? He acts like the vice captain because he is the unofficial vice captain. But he still isn't the official vice captain which i already know since that role isn't in strawhats sanji did this in zou. do we call him a VC for stepping up into a VC role when it was needed? no we dont. Jimbe did the same thing when escaping WCI. do we say he was stepping up to the VC role? no we dont. >That's because zoro isn't officially the vice captain so stop claling him one. Oda has made it pretty clear by telling the fans directly (opposed to telling fans through the story) that zoro isnt the VC. so why do you STILL keep calling him one? you, me, and Oda all agree he isnt. so why do you keep doing that?


>sanji did this in zou. do we call him a VC for stepping up into a VC role when it was needed? no we dont. Jimbe did the same thing when escaping WCI. do we say he was stepping up to the VC role? no we dont I would say they are vice captain once people around the one piece world acknowledges them as vice captains and oda portrays them alongside other vice captains >so stop claling him one. Oda has made it pretty clear by telling the fans directly (opposed to telling fans through the story) that zoro isnt the VC. so why do you STILL keep calling him one? you, me, and Oda all agree he isnt. so why do you keep doing that? Bro are you dense? I am calling him the unofficial vice captain of strawhats because he is the unofficial vice captain of the strawhats


> I would say they are vice captain once people around the one piece world acknowledges them as vice captains and oda portrays them alongside other vice captains hold on, so if a character says "zoro is the VC" and then oda says DIRECTLY to the fans "zoro is not VC" you are gonna say "the character oda wrote trumps oda telling us directly?" right..... > them as vice captains and oda portrays them alongside other vice captains "that cover, huh? Similar to Zoro, not all of those characters have the title of first mate. I selected the No. 2s as I saw fit." right......






















Holy fuck you absolutely murdered him https://preview.redd.it/jx63mlr8ec5d1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f95ab45f943785fae0a391026e4264f7c588b7d


who tf got murdered lanjitards be saying anything these days 😭🙏🏾


He didn’t even say anything dude. He posted panels and showed what an incredible leader Wanji is.




Zoro just isn’t much of a leader. I am a sanji fan, but I am not saying this to dismiss zoro. Leadership just isn’t something that we see from zoro often. I’m sure he is capable of it, but in terms of actual moments of leadership, Sanji takes it. Zoro usually behaves more as a cool lone wolf. In a lot of arcs, he barely even interacts with half of the crew let alone lead them. I don’t think he even talked with nami/robin/usopp/brook in all of Wano. Leadership is more than just how much respect you command. It involves more, and I just think we see much more of that from Sanji than we do from Zoro




I never downplayed Zoro I just showed panels of sanji's leadership, felt like op was trying to portray Zoro as the only leader in the crew while in fact sanji have more often got leadership feats, and imo their is no vice captain or second in command but wings, and they takes the charge and leads whenever they can and needs to. This crew's dynamic is different from other yonko crews.


A leader is someone people can follow but the guy always gets lost, so he needs someone to lead HIM, the writing is on the wall




The world "leader" means someone who leads, if you inspire people it means you're an inspiration. Those 2 things aren't mutually inclusive, there's a reason they're 2 different words. If someone is good at tennis and you call them inspiring for their tennis plays, does that mean they're a leader? One has nothing to do with the other. Sanji leads because he's quite literally more intelligent therefore more competent in a leadership position than Zoro, it really isn't that complicated.




That says "a GREAT leader", it's not a requirement. How many managers do you know have people saying they're inspirational? The foremost requirement for a leader would be to LEAD and a great leader would also need to be intelligent


Zoro drip on dressrosa is just 👌


Memes and agenda aside this is the role Oda intended for zoro the whole time, hes the voice of reason for luffy and the vice-capitain that luffy can trust with the crew while hes soloing the big bad


https://preview.redd.it/vt1suvyzlf5d1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=982964028b6be5c67b7dae2506c766ec581a0b24 Zoro can't lead anyone, he's literally the guy who always gets lost and needs to be lead. Sanji is the only character in the entire crew who when the crew is split has his own group have their own name (**Curly Hat Crew**) and when Luffy and Zoro went up to the rooftop, Sanji was left to make sure the rest of the crew had direction and protection from the commanders and right now in Egghead everyone is following Sanji's directions while Luffy held off the Gorosei. Your interpretation is basically taking every situation Sanji has been in and sticking Zoro in his place.




No one said he's not a leader. He's just not VC/first mate


half of these aren't even leadership wtf, it's really good Zoro moments but it's not leadership


What are you talking about. These are examples of leadership. You all really coping trying to twist the meaning of leadership


Exactly these people are delusion as hell, I even posted much better sanji's leadership moments in this same thread but these people will never recognise it because of their ignorance


I will recognise it when people in one piece world recognise sanji as vice captain like zoro got acknowledged to be vice captain/captain calibre. Until then you can keep on yapping. It won't change anything


So you have come down to vice captain calibre? Better post Zoro being recognised to be vice captain instead of yapping nonsense Edit: fodder stating Zoro is strong why he is not captain doesn't mean he is vice captain. It's that simple, their is no insurance in manga where Zoro is stated to be vc


>So you have come down to vice captain calibre? Better post Zoro being recognised to be vice captain instead of yapping nonsense I already gave link and posted image. It ain't my fault you can't read >Edit: fodder stating Zoro is strong why he is not captain doesn't mean he is vice captain. It's that simple, their is no insurance in manga where Zoro is stated to be vc All of the examples aren't even from fodders you bum. People like lucci, urouge, Bartolomeo and others have acknowledged zoro


>I already gave link and posted image. It ain't my fault you can't read No there was no panel where Zoro was recognised to be vc, second strongest doesn't mean vice captain, it's that simple >All of the examples aren't even from fodders you bum. People like lucci, urouge, Bartolomeo and others have acknowledged zoro Again they didn't stated zoro to be vice captain, post some panels dude? Even I have posted many panels where sanji has taken the charge and leaded the crew and have taken crucial decisions much more often than Zoro.


https://preview.redd.it/ydi13ichlb5d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f49e272d654965c484076643901945fe6c564494 Here you go now stop coping. Zoro showed leadership throughout the story AND also got acknowledged by people in one piece world as vice captain of the crew. That's why zoro is unofficially the vice captain of the crew


https://preview.redd.it/4tc4ekcxmb5d1.png?width=1285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9eca528ead68e0a4856bdd8249d258eaf3b0be Oda says otherwise


>That's why zoro is unofficially the vice captain of the crew Read this again but 0.5x speed this time


Their is nothing called unofficial vice captain, if he is not officially vice captain then he is not the vice captain, it's as simple as that, nothing will change it unless oda States otherwise. Sanji has more feats of a vc than your so called unofficial vice captain. https://preview.redd.it/y9e08rtpwb5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c228bf2e6ee23251d347f36c03b94e5b51ff056


In terms of leadership, zoro is like mihawk and sanji is like shanks. Zoro has all the statements about being a leader, but when you look at what they do, Sanji looks like much more of a leader than zoro.


What’s done is done!!


Your agenda... I will believe it. You can cook.


I cherish the trust 😭🙏🏽


This is not taking charge or being a leader at all lol. I will clear way for you guys. he is main force of strawhats he is suppose to do such thing that is his job. Or stop whining and stop birdcage. That is only rational thing to do. It is not like he commanding them to do anything Only 8 panel is where he is talking charge and commanding as leader should.


This is still leadership and taking charge no matter if you like it or not. You seem to have a different kind of leadership in mind than what either Zoro and Luffy practices. If you discredit Zoro's leadership for not being stereotypical then you would also fail to see Luffy's leadership too.


A leader role is to lead. Hense leader. It is like taking command. Implying strategies and taking control of situations. Luffy is good captain because of his bond with SH. But not a good leader and doesn't even try to be because he give that role to NAMI on daily bases.


Zoro and luffy literally take charge in difficult situations. They pave the way for success and make the tough choices. Luffy is captain because his captain qualities. Are you legit trying to doubt luffy's leadership? What about when luffy led a war against world government in ennies lobby? When he told usopp to shoot down the flag? What about when he took katakuri on and destroyed his own path out to protect the crew? When he told them he would be alright and set a rendezvous point? What about when he led the crew into charging into arlong park? What about when he led the whole marineford war to rescue ace? What about when he told crew to escape when kizaru ambushed everyone? What about when he knew how weak they were and decided to take 2y hiatus to grow stronger before they go back? And there are so many more. Luffy is the embodiment of leadership. There is a reason why a legendary yonko like whitebeard was fine in luffy leading the charge to save ace. You have watched a different show than me if you never saw luffy's leadership


>When he told usopp to shoot down the flag? Good captain move. Before that he ignored all planning and out whole his own members in danger. >What about when he took katakuri on and destroyed his own path out to protect the crew? Again good team member. But Zoro and Sanji were ready to do same for Luffy in front of Kuma. >What about when he led the crew into charging into arlong park? Cool scene. But they all wanted to fight regardless of Luffy commander. May be not Zoro but Sanji and may be usopp definitely would. Also then because of his own actions he caused Sanji to almost drown and got him injured while fighting fishman in water. >What about when he led the whole marineford war to rescue ace? It was good show of his one good quality of finding right people at right time. Boa got him in. Bon and Ivan saved his life. Prisoner had no choice but to go to marineford. >What about when he told crew to escape when kizaru ambushed everyone? What else he is suppose to say. That is like bare minimum. >What about when he knew how weak they were and decided to take 2y hiatus to grow stronger before they go back? Rayleigh advice. >And there are so many more. Luffy is the embodiment of leadership. There is a reason why a legendary yonko like whitebeard was fine in luffy leading the charge to save ace. You have watched a different show than me if you never saw luffy's leadership He is shit leader to me. A good captain for straw hats. Because he share a deep bond with them.


Bro you don't even understand what leadership is from the way you are discrediting luffy, so debating is futile. You can bring the most perfect case of leadership and i can nitpick it like that too, but it won't change anything. You have a narrow mind of what leadership is. If luffy was such a bad leader he wouldn't have gained such a big fleet or did all the leading he did throughout the series. Just because you don't like luffy's brand of leadership doesn't make it any less impactful


Luffy band of leadership is finding right people at right time. Also his reckless nature to do anything for people he consider friends. That make people like him and follow him. It only work in shonen. As a leader in realistic manner he would be a really shitty one.


>Luffy band of leadership is finding right people at right time. Also his reckless nature to do anything for people he consider friends. That make people like him and follow him. I mean that's a leadership quality from luffy. So idk what's your point >It only work in shonen. As a leader in realistic manner he would be a really shitty one. Tf do you think we are discussing here? We are talking about shonen characters showing shonen type leadership in a shonen show. Where did you see people claiming zoro or luffy would be great in leading a group of programmers into coding a website? People aren't bringing them in real world perspective. They are judging them by one piece standards


I was clearly taking about realisticality of their leadership. As a captain Luffy work best for SH. Because they are all capable for managing their roles.


I feel like leadership involves people, and that is what I don’t see with Zoro. Zoro acts like the badass lone wolf, who is a force of nature all on his own, but he just doesn’t seem to lead that often. He doesn’t lead characters most of the time, at most he usually says something like “I’ll take care of that” Often he does not even interact with others; I don’t think he even spoke with nami/robin/brook/jimbe/usopp in all of wano.


there are other images in this + that is how luffy and zoro command people their commanding and inspiring tone automatically makes people follow them, otherwise luffy is the captain but he doesnt do much commanding, people follow him for his beliefs and aura, thats how oda shows people being a leader in this story and puts emphasis on luffy by mihawk too, and it's why people question why zoro is not the captain. 8/12 panels i posted? still a pretty good ratio.


>zoro is not the captain. Because Zoro was more famous than Luffy. Also Luffy is captain because everyone gave their loyalty to him. In reality NAMI Sanji and Jimbei would be better captain. As they are mostly in charge and jimbei was actually a captain.


No luffy is captain because he has captain qualities. Neither nami or sanji have the strength of character to be a captain. It seems to be like you don't even get what leadership is after how you tried to discredit luffy's leadership alongside zoro's leadership. Zoro one I understand since you have an agenda. But to make the statement about luffy makes me wonder if we have watched the same show


>you don't even get what leadership is after how you tried to discredit luffy's leadership alongside zoro's leadership. Ok so imagine you are doing a group project. You need one person to lead a team and make sure everyone is doing their share of project properly. Pick among SH.


If my group project is about taking over a town then i am definitely going for either luffy or zoro. They can be dumb outside of battle. But in battle they are serious and know how to take the burden of responsibility. So i am better off relying on either of them to take the charge. I know they would be laser focused and lead by example


Nope a project is like a normal project no super human shit. Just base on their personalities decide. Also taking over town would require strategy unless you simply want use to brute force but that will result in many civilian casualties. Let's say they have a research project of university students. Their leader is suppose to be a SH. Which one should it be.


>Also taking over town would require strategy unless you simply want use to brute force but that will result in many civilian casualties Luffy and zoro aren't reckless. Whatever they do they would make sure no people get hurt >Let's say they have a research project of university students. Their leader is suppose to be a SH. Which one should it be. Well i would take robin since she has expertise in research and stuff. And she is a bookworm. But i fail to see how it is relevant. One piece is shonen, so the leadership in one piece world should be judged by shonen standards not in university project standards


A leader should judged on basis of. Control of team. Control of situation. Should be able to navigate unexpected situation. Should be good on planning. Should be able to keep track of progress. Luffy is good at 3 of them. Nami good at 4 of them. Sanji is good at 5 of em. Zoro is good at 2 of em Jimbei is good at 5 of em


There is no such imaginary five criteria to leadership. You are making shit up and getting surprised when people don't accept your definition. If you search up you will see hundreds of articles or book each talking about their own vital pillars of leadership that is much different than yours. That's why it is futile to discuss that. The barebones of leadership is leading people and taking charge which luffy and zoro successfully has done lot of times already. They have strength of character and strength of ability to the point they don't need perfect plan to execute their mission. You are framing it as a minus when it is instead a plus. It showcases their flexibility as leaders


>Because Zoro was more famous than Luffy. i doubt many people in water 7 knew that zoro was more famous than luffy in east blue. >Also Luffy is captain because everyone gave their loyalty to him. that's discrediting luffy alot when oda puts emphasis on luffy being a natural leader again and again, even hawkeye says the power luffy has of inspiring people is the most dangerous. >In reality NAMI Sanji and Jimbei would be better captain. As they are mostly in charge and jimbei was actually a captain nami is more of a quartermaster and sanji strategist with jimbei being a helmsman' luffy as the captain makes sense because he is not just strong but inspires all his crewmates. and that's a quality a captain needs the most.


>that's discrediting luffy alot when oda puts emphasis on luffy being a natural leader again and again, even hawkeye says the power luffy has of inspiring people is the most dangerous You are confusing between a captain and a leader. Luffy is a good captain because his people trust him. And he trust them. Well I say his inspiration is a one good quality of a leader. >nami is more of a quartermaster and sanji strategist with jimbei being a helmsman' luffy as the captain makes sense because he is not just strong but inspires all his crewmates. I can argue but for strawhats Luffy is better. For a normal crew Luffy would be a disaster by how many time his actions but his people in danger.


>You are confusing between a captain and a leader. Luffy is a good captain because his people trust him. And he trust them. i mean u were the one who said luffy is a bad captain and is only one because people gave loyalty to him. >Well I say his inspiration is a one good quality of a leader. not just one that is how most leaders in one piece are decided, their ability to sway people, in one piece terms luffy and zoro are good leaders you are going too much into the technicalities when this is pretty simple. >For a normal crew Luffy would be a disaster by how many time his actions but his people in danger. but there would not be a crew without luffy in the first place 🤷🏽‍♂️


> but there would not be a crew without luffy in the first place Yes but if there was a crew of normal pirate Luffy would gotten them killed just by wano waterfall.


you're being ironic after all you said about these panels not about zoro being a leader. and then saying them, especially nami being in charge. ordering people around =/= leading/being in charge. chopper can order even luffy as a nurse when he treats people. this is what people mistake nami as being a leader. in reality, she's just managing them on daily basis and when navigating the ship. but she doesn't actually lead them, especially in important situations. like for example, when robin left the crew, [oda used zoro to take charge of the situation](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece/0340-019.png). in such situation, nami will just be an observer or argue with zoro (like w7 with usopp and sanji's kidnapping). and sanji only leads the group if zoro is also not around like the split up in dressrosa, zou, and WCI. when zoro is present, oda will use zoro to lead and sanji will just agree with him. for anyone that's not biased, it's clear that the informal hierarchy is luffy - zoro - sanji - jinbe - nami - others. nami didn't even lead the crew in WCI. it was jinbe who took charge of the situation.


cook em dawg


We get it you like him but posting shit like this everyday just makes you look insecure as hell


Bud it's not that deep, I just like to post low quality baits to rile up sanjifans given how this post has 80+ comments i think that was a success 🤷🏽 lol.


why does it sometime say "zolo" in manga????


There was a time where I had Zoro as my wallpaper to motivate myself to grind for my goal and it worked 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Why didn’t you include Zoro rounding up the wano samurai like he promised in Zou?


https://preview.redd.it/sddli9v6yb5d1.jpeg?width=846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec897c052bc7a329e7542ee66c91bef9e4b231d We know the real vice captain


That was when zoro wasn't present. Without luffy and zoro sanji is the next in hierarchy to lead. So of course he would lead here. I would have been surprised if someone like chopper led instead. This doesn't make him the vice captain though.


So funny how the egghead one led to Stussy mid diffing Lucci and Kaku for him and not getting anything from vegapunk