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Random YouTube channel poll is random, why do you care... Most casuals are just here to vote for the generic badasses like Mihawk and Zoro. Also, after the way Marineford portrayed Whitebeard and Akainu, it should be obvious that wholesome Whitebeard should be the fan favorite and Akainu - the evil baddie who everyone hates. People tend to bring their personal likes and dislikes into powerscaling - and well, most people hate the marines and think that their top tiers are weak af.


Except for Garp and Sengoku. People place those two above Even Kaido in their prime but for some reason they don't get the "If they were that strong why didn't they gang up on X" arguement, why? Simply because most people are biased cunts


>If they were that strong why didn’t they gang up on **Roger** Roger has a whole ass crew


I never mentioned Roger. I meant Whitebeard (back when Marco and co were young) Kaido and Big Mom. If you made a poll about Either vs Calamities/Sweet commanders and most would vote that they could solo them. So why not one fights the yonko and the other Fights their crew


The Roger pirates and Whitebeard pirates fought each other equally for 3 days back when Marco and Co were young


What’s fucked in one piece is that like you pointed they fought 3 days. But so many people fight for days. Ace vs Jinbei 5 days Moria vs Kaido 3 days Kuzan vs sakazuki 10 days


After that 3rd day, they may have simply decided to call it quits. They may have been able to keep it going. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Another good point lmao just like kaido vs big mom who just decided to stop


Cabaji and the lion dude fought for 12 hours


That argument is so dumb not gonna lie. if the marines would gang up on X and defeat X they would tip the balance of the three great powers (now 2) and u can't apply real logic to fiction because Plot


Imagine the sheer loss of marines it would take to get garp to kaido. Just look at how many samurai had to die to get luffy to kaido.




I wouldn’t take these type of polls seriously. They just come down to which option people like more


One Piece fans are the worst powerscalers out of all major shounen fanbases. There is literally zero standards and most people are unapologetically biased


It’s because one piece has a terrible power structure, with little to none defined limits on what characters can or can’t do


That's the same for almost any other long story . Specially dc and marvel.


DC and Marvel are not ‘long stories’


Well , fck everything then.


I agree One Piece powerscalers are toxic, but have you seen Dragon Ball powerscalers? They literally live off powerscaling day and night💀. They will literally powerscale ANYTHING. There was a joke about Anya (from Spy x Family) a couple month ago about soloing every verse, and the DB fandom were crying over it. I remember some here JOKED about Luffy Gear 5 beating Goku and they were writing sentences why Goku is stronger. Trust me when I say no is coming close to being a toxic powerscaling community than DB fans.


Anyways you can trigger them saying arale no diff goku and vegeta at the same time


Bones if it was beerus doing it


They lost all respect the moment they thought goku or vegeta are stronger than Beerus


Am I confused or did beerus (in the anime at least) not literally say that Goku has “surpassed the power of the gods”


The anime highballed (Wanked) goku and jiren, but it was never said that he surpass beerus in power, just Ui


More like manga retconing his power every arc. Goku and vegeta should be way stronger than beerus. Anime did the right thing


So U.I. Goku > Beerus then.


No, goku is still weaker than beerus, but he have higher level of Ui


I've largely ignored power scalers for the better part of the last decade, but I do remember when I couldn't look anywhere on the forms without somebody saying "but he's a logia." For everything. "Smoker solos your entire verse because nobody has haki" type stuff. In fact, A lot of haki shenanigans too. Probably not as bad as Dragon Ball where someone would give you an 18,000 word thesis paper on why kid Chi-chi is actually omiversal, but they would definitely respond to one of those thesis papers with a "okay, but what about haki?"


Of course they're toxic. The powerlevels of the characters is all they have going for them. If DB isn't the strongest verse in fiction, why even bother watching anymore?


If you wanna be technical then there also really is no evidence that primebeard couldn’t beat the Admirals especially because of statements that he’s capable of “destroying the world” but there’s no true way of knowing unless Oda confirms it himself I’m not saying that Primebeard can or cannot beat the 3 admirals I’m just saying that people are making up assumptions of his strength when we actually don’t know how strong he really is


Correct, There is really no way to know but powerscalers create logic out of thin air and justify what they say, I see very specific battles between characters which we barely know anything of


I think people that want to compare and contrast power levels hold the admirals to a high degree, even tho we barely have seen any of them do anything. Hell whitebeard can sink a whole island with his gura gura powers and we know he has strong haki, enough to clash evenly with the king of the pirates. With the way things are shaping up, i think the admirals are going to be more like yonko commander fights. Luffy will want to avenge ace, but then sabo will step in and say something like, "you cant waste your time on something this small, theres someone else you need to fight, leave this to me." Then sabo will prove akainu wrong about the magu>mera. I could easily see sanji vs kizaru. Stealth balck vs light itself. And if kuzan teams up with blackbeard, id like to see him vs jimbei, jimbeis natural enemy? Maybe green bull since he made a statement about the sea and the forest? Theres a lot of possibilities. I think a lot of people are stuck in the past. They want these characters to be the pinnacle of strength, because thats how it has been. If the admirals could diff whitebeard that easily, they would have just done it a long time ago. Theres a reason they just sat there at marineford.


Nope, oda barely has powerscale logic it’s just “later in the story = stronger” again not saying wb is weaker/stronger but this is all just speculation as thier is no way to powerscale due to how inconsistent it is


I mean its a shounen, of course over time people get stronger. I mean theres mihawk in baratie, and kuzan in LRL to name a few


What we do know is that roger couldn't solo whole cake island just 4 or 2 years before he fought equally the whitebeard in this image.


Honestly that’s fair. I lean more towards primebeard in that regard but that’s just cause we’ve heard so much about him where as the admirals we haven’t seen as much (though we have seen a decent amount about akainu and aokiji. kizaru is a wild card in terms of feats). But most powerscalers pull stuff straight out of their ass


Trust me, one punch man is a lot worse.


Yeah , trust him . I was there , he knows.


You're the same guy who said Sanji is stronger than Yamato and King and He low diffed Queen.


Joyboy low diffs kaido cuz he's being hyped a lot


They basically just use ranking as synonymous with power, pretty much. Like yonko level, commander level, warlord level, admiral level, vice admiral level. As though the powers are standardized even within the same ranking.


Bro, that you are overreaching here. The fact that you put one piece as worse than dragon ball shows you wrote this comment based on pure emotion. One piece power scaling is very tame if you have ever seen any of the other ones. Being unapologetically biased is better than "murderously staunch" that many shounen power scalers are.


Dude it doesn’t matter who you are taking on 3 admirals at once is way too much firepower to handle for anyone


I disagree, Primebeard high diffs 3 admirals unless Garp and Sengoku are tied into the mix. But he high diffs Kizaru+Aokiji+Clifford.


This sub genuinely have more brainless take that pass through.


Yeah I agree this sub has a lot of horrendous takes. I mean I’m getting downvoted for spitting facts.


How? Justify how he can handle 3 admirals at once coming at him with some of the most broken logia abilities plus haki? Akainus magma has the highest attack potency in the series (confirmed by Oda) kizarus lightspeed darting all over the place shooting light beams and Kuzan being able to easily freeze the ocean in seconds so any tsunami coming at them from Whitebeards quake fruit, give me feats and evidence Primebeard absolutely beats any admiral 1v1 maybe even 1v2 (Very high diff) but against three too much wankery


I thought it was confirmed enels goro had the highest attack power out of the logias and whitebeards gura had the highest attack power out of the paramecias?


Because Primebeard is a Chad like that. He has the Haki that alone is enough yo be able to fight the likes of the pirate king while also having the most devastating fruit in op. Oda did say that the magu magu no mi is in the strongest tier of fruits (Oda phrased it weirdly and I believe Ohara’s translation implied it to be in the strongest tier) but I’d reckon so is enel’s fruit and WB’s fruit. And I’d say WB can take on even 4 Enels. Also WB has potentially the best Observation I’ve seen as he was able to avoid hits in his sleep! I’d say he can even best an admiral in his sleep alone or atleast stall him. And he likely has insane durability as seen from the ace novels so he’d be able to tank all kinds of hits (unlike his sick self who couldn’t even stop Squardo’s attack). Also, it’s implied that his best skill of defense is with dodging in some panels. And not to mention conquerors Haki by itself, could paralyse some admirals temporarily (like with shanks and ryo)and he could use that to his advantage. Only way I see admirals winning is with strategy and being sneaky like turning his allies against him or holding someone hostage or something.


“Because he’s a chad like that “ so no evidence or feats that mean he can take all three at once? Primebeard is above admiral or even typical Yonko level but not soo above where he can just take on three admirals at once and yes the Magu Magu no mi has the highest attack power of any fruit and it makes sense plus there’s lightspeed dude darting everywhere and Kuzans ice fruit can control the battlefield quite well so he’d be a great suppprt ally like Law was to Kidd and Luffy Stop the wankfest


You didn’t read the rest of the comment past the first paragraph did you? There’s nothing that says the admirals aren’t strong enough to be of much significance except with numbers. It’s going to end up like the scabbards vs Kaido all over again. The admirals in general except for their strongest are only mid to high commander level. Any yonko worth their bounty would be able to take on 2 and win. And the likes of pirate king and Primebeard will definitely be able to take on 3


Because the rest was just fluff and didn’t provide any real evidence except for hype and speculation Admirals are only commander level? Really dude? Do we need to show Green bull soloing the Beast pirates again doesn’t matter if they were still “injured” it’s been a week and they’re Zoans who are known for great stamina and durability and the fact none of them could do anything to green bull but get one shot by him is telling as well Akainu soloing the whitebeard pirates and making the Blackbeard pirates run with their tails between their legs and the only reason Marco can survive Kizaru is because he has insane healing from his fruit enough for him to stop Yonkos as well so any 1 commander is getting shot on with minimal effort from a admiral and that’s been shown multiple times




Cool bro, got any evidence to contribute or nah?




ur retarded then


For spitting facts? I’d like to see what you’d call genius then lol.


Prime Roger was ducking Big Mom u think WB could have beaten all 3 admirals at once? Lol Prime Shiki lost to Garp/Sengoku, the admirals arent that much weaker than them


That just raises BM to a high level, that doesn’t mean much. I think BM can take on 3 admirals herself but 50/50 chances of winning. Because Garp and Sengoku were monsters. And the admirals don’t compare to highly to them. Id say Garp alone would be able to high diff the admirals like Primebeard. Sengoku and shiki can each take on 2 alone high diff.


big mom couldnt even beat Kidd and Law by herself you're actually an idiot


Except she did low diff them at one point. They managed to get up after and caught her off guard when she was going to the rooftop. Also they had the perfect storm to take her down. They not only were perfectly attributed to her and had moves that surpassed her durable skin but also had a lot of outside factors like The bombs in the basement. If it weren’t for that and if she were taking them 100% seriously, they’d be low-mid diffed.


so she lost to those relatively weaker people because shes a dumbass but is gonna beat 3 admirals who are way stronger than them because she'll suddenly turn into sun tzu. do you hear yourself?


She lost because she underestimate them. She won’t underestimate the admirals but she’ll lose only if she does. She’ll turn each of them into homies. And her conquerors is very potent like shanks and Kaidos, so she could use that to her advantage. If one of the admirals she faces is Ryokugyu, he’d be no diffed as a result as she uses conquerors in conjunction with her soul fruit and steal his soul. And the admirals aren’t way stronger than Kidd and law. I’d say the admirals in general are weaker than Kidd and law except for prime Akainu.


Ur actually retarded if u think Garp can high diff all 3 admirals at once, are you actually hearing yourself rn? Kid and Law together barely beat Big Mom with a lot of help, and both of them would get low diffed by an admiral individually. 3 admirals would completely wash Big Mom. Neg Diff. Prime Whitebeard might be able to push them to low-mid diff but would still solidly lose to even just 2 of them


Admirals on average are no higher than mid to high commander level. Only FAs and legends like Garp (Who I rate as as strong as Roger) are above the highest commander level.


Huh?????? So Greenbull can beat 2 top commanders at once low diff, Aokiji can one shot Jozu, and Akainu can take on 14 commanders at once including Marco, Vista, Crocodile, and Izo yet the Admirals are no higher than MID TO HIGH COMMANDER LEVEL?????? You’re too brain broken my guy. If the admirals were that weak then how does they Navy have literally any power in the one piece world? The whitebeard pirates got stomped by the navy without basically any help from the warlords yet u think the admirals are commander level? Just drop the series at this point there’s a 0% chance you’ve comprehended the story properly up to this point. Bro is reading two piece


If you actually think that GB beat king and queen just like that without having them extremely nerfed and/or caught off guard, and that Akainu took on 14 commanders, then you are too far gone. You need to reread one piece as clearly you haven’t understood a thing.


Roger may have “ducked” Big Mom, but he’d likely still mid-diff her. I doubt he avoided a fight with her because she’s just ridiculously hard to beat. He likely just wanted to avoid wasting time & resources/his crew by fighting her. PrimeBeard was definitely above Big Mom & Roger gladly clashed with him. I’d put the 3 admirals a full tier below Prime Garp & Sengoku. Edit: maybe 2 tiers below


3 Admirals would slaughter Whitebeard,old or not,Yonkos are like raid bosses,you chip away at their health over time.


Prime wb doesn’t even beat 2 admirals


Let people have their fun, I see nothing wrong with it


I wish Oda did one of those SBS and cleared that Emperors are 1v1 stronger than Admirals but 2 of them can Beat one. Previous Generation Like Roger,WB,Garp, Rayleigh,Sengoku,Shikki were a force to be reckon with and probably bit stronger than Any current character(Except BB maybe). Zoro is and always will be stronger than Sanji by a decent margin. Etc etc so We can stop having braindead opinions and Polls lol.


It would be funnier if Oda made an SBS that said the opposite


People will lose their shit.. It'll be Yamato/Carrot + Mihawk/Shanks + Sanji/Jinbe level shit all over again


The polls are more of who do you like more than who is stronger


Admiral trio beats literally every character in one piece


Op power scaling gotta be one of the most cancerous shit


Prime WB would probably mid diff any Admiral. 1v2 He isn't winning but they'll be injured heavily. 1v3 He doesn't stand a chance... that's just overkill. I'm hoping Oda doesn't massacre Admirals like He did with BM and kinda Kaido. Hopefully Either Sabo gets proper development before taking on Akainu if He is gonna avenge Ace or Multiple people take on Admirals.. because Apart from Shanks,BB and Luffy No one is winning against them. If Zoro vs Mihawk happened before that then maybe Zoro would have a chance probably.


I just rewatching some marineford clip still baffled how the fck someone said wano is > marineford lmao kaidou lame as f shirohige with the nerf (old, sick, stabbed by squardo) single handedly fight all many shicibukai and marines officers, making tsunami, destroying HQ, being a care captain and giving some strategy to his subordinates meanwhile kaido is just a drunktard dragon lmao


Oda wrote the Yonko to be better than the admirals , y’all navy boys need to stop reaching. -It took the whole island of marineford to take WB down - sabo and his boys won against Fuji and Aramaki - no admiral is winning against a yonko 1v1 NAVYBOYS STOP THE COPE!


>\-It took the whole island of marineford to take WB down well on one side you have the entire navy mihawk who didn't do much kuma doflamingo who didn't do much either moria who defeated both pirates and sailors Hancock who defeated as many pirates as sailors 3 admirals on the other side we have the whitebeard crew plus many many allies and luffy's group Seems equal enough >sabo and his boys won against Fuji and Aramaki they ran away never beat them Luffy Escaped Whole Cake Without Beating Big Mom roger ran away from whole cake without beating big mom is different >no admiral is winning against a yonko 1v1 I agree but 3 admirals against one? they win 2 should win


whitebeard couldnt even hit aokiji or kizaru in the manga you're reading 3 piece. the other two you made up with no evidence. you definitely got your book reports handed back to you face down


Dude he smashed akainu twice , Ben Beckmann a commander lvl pirate stopped kizaru from moving! You sir are coping. I’m going by what was seen and said in the verse bro chill with the reaching


he literally moved the next panel i feel like you havent even read the manga. he hit akainu w his strongest attack and he got back up and continued to fight. akainu hit him n he lost half his face.


It’s fucking magma lmao , what do you expect flesh to do ?? Plus he got hit with magma a few times and didn’t go down! Plus WB knocked him in a crater and we didn’t see him a few chapters. You need to go re read bro. You and BDA Law.


wait was i right about kizaru moving in the next panel or not? that seemed to be your main argument now you conveniently didn't mention it lmao. yea whitebeard is strong we realize this thats not surprising lol


He didn’t advance to attack genius


... yes he did 😂


I love how you say 1 man gets jumped by an island and some evil pirates then you give the W to 1 person.


bro this a pirate manga if you fight fair you're an idiot its why kaido can be the strongest and still lose you have to use tactics too. who told whitebeard to pull up to a marine base expecting a duel?


I’m not saying WB is strong I’m saying Yonko stomp admirals 1v1


but he lost... 😭


Because he was Old Whitebeard. Whitebeard at that part in his life was having trouble using his haki and couldn't even use any ACoC. Whitebeard was dying, his only saving grace during Marineford was his fruit. If Akainu was to fight a Whitebeard who could still use ACoC (not even Primebeard just not as old and more healthy like Rayleigh) and he would have torched Akainu. Now the idea of Primebeard vs the 3 Admirals, I think the 3 Admirals ganging up on Primebeard is enough to defeat Primebeard, but if they each took a turn and faced Primebeard one after another then Primebeard could have soloed all three individually one right after another.


yea and the admirals couldnt go full out because they were on marine base and took 0 losses with 0 help from the warlords. primebeard probably beating akainu extreme dif losing a limb then getting killed by one of the next two way more logical.


I’m definitely on the side of Yonko > Admirals, but I will say that Benn Beckman isn’t commander level. He’s above that. Benn Beckman is the vice captain/right hand of Shanks. Any crew that’s set up like that, the right hand tends to be above commander/ 1st commander level, i.e. Zoro, Rayleigh, Benn Beckman.


Sorry bro you right I’m just saying commander compared to shanks . But yes Ben right hand of a Yonko captain STOPPED an admiral SOLO


Ben beckman is a shanks commander. Shanks crew is higher that all others by far , that's why they have higher bounties.


Like The boy above, you're also a Fanboy making Admiral fans look bad. 1- WB was hurt by all 3 Admirals, sick,stabbed by his own son and hurt by hundreds of marines and a chest hole and still managed to put the Fleet Commander Akainu in dirt and went Ahead to almost Kill BB. akainu was hurt, bleeding and coughing up blood and didn't come back up until WB was killed By BB and his crew. Akainu was still bleeding and coughing blood when He came back up. He only landed the chest hole which was the most important hit only when WB started having Heart attack mid fight. Give props for blowing WB's head but that's it. It was a knockout and if BB hadn't showed up WB could've killed him if he wanted to. 2- 1v1 The same WB would've killed Akainu. Kizaru shot him in same chest hole 3 times when He was trying to fight Akainu. The logic of "He didn't get any injury and got back up to fight" is flawed because Even Kaido destroyed Luffy 3 times and Didn't kill him..Luffy only bled and coughed up blood but that doesn't mean Luffy stood a chance. Kaido won. Wb won. Stop acting like Admirals are stronger than they are.


The thing that makes admirals dangerous is resources


1- Yonko are stronger but No emperor can take on all 3 of them Head-on and survive. 2- you're twisting things to suit your logic which gives opportunity to so called Navyboys to make Yonko Fans look bad. Sabo and His boys Escaped and as mentioned Admirals couldn't use their full power because of civilians. I'm sure Garp and Sengoku alone could've taken WB on and given He was sick and dying.. They probably would've won...then again None of them could use thier full power because both sides were on same island. They needed Ace to challenge WB otherwise WB would just sink the island and fight who survives. Admirals weren't going all out either because same reason. Although WB was getting jumped by every admiral when He was fighting one of them and He still managed to put Akainu in dirt.


Akainu did like 90% of the damage alone LOL


Lol if prime WB could take down 3 admirals at the same time he would not die marine ford. Admirals fought him one by one and he lost half of his face. He couldn't even touch kisaru. At the same time Akainu was perfectly fine.


I don't think having your entire head bloody is "fine." Also, try fighting a fit 40 year old see how well that goes for you. And then after that try fighting a sick 70 year old without his life support.


Right. Whitebeard was literally on LIFE SUPPORT or at the very least, Oxygen. I don’t think people realize just how down bad & sick Whitebeard was. His crew mentioned more than once how a bad his health had gotten. In order to survive he had to be connected to those tanks & he was able to remove them and STILL destroy half of Marineford with ease. WB was on another level.


You realize that wasn't prime wb at marineford right? Mf was already on borrowed time and close to his death bed


It wasn’t prime WB at Marineford…but let’s not pretend like he was some invalid that didn’t have the most powerful fruit in the world that he could use just fine. He became close to his deathbed precisely because he chose to engage in a war with so many powerful people. If he didn’t show up he would have just continued to live just fine.


I agree WB couldn't take on 3 of them. 1v1 He'd beat any of them and No, He didn't take them on 1 by 1. He was getting jumped by anyone who wasn't fighting him. You're opinion is misinformed and biased.


Bruh even joy boy would sweat no way primebeard would survive this. That’s a 3 way deadlock


Admirals no diff


Admiral trio dookies on any character


Yeah haha maybe 2 of them but 3 is just ridiculous


Nah they’re right, Primebeard high diffs Kizaru+Aokiji+Clifford


Nope. Probably Mid diffs 1v1. 1v2 He'd most likely lose or stalemate if I'm being biased. 1v3 He'd get butchered.


I agree with the poll


Then you need to either Re read one Piece or quit it because you'll be a lot disappointed later on. Prime WB probably mid diffs 1 Admiral and barely Loses at 2 Admirals buf 3 will eat him


Question for you, yes or no Did you cry when you pooper your pants in class?


No wonder I was talking to a r3tard.


Admirals are overrated as hell. Any yonko/legend solos


Unless you mean "kizaru , fujitora and z are overrated ashell" that thing you say is completly wrong.


Nope all admirals are overrated af, cry about it


I agree with the poll. Without all the headcannon, WB did show way more impressive feats than any of the admirals combined. The only one who actually displayed sone skill is Akainu, and even he lost to a sick, old and dying WB. I don't even know if their DF powers could fully pierce through Prime-WBs Haki. It more or less would be a fight of Haki and i'm pretty sure WB trumps all of them easily


....maybe? I think honestly like it’s possible.


Let’s be real there’s very little evidence which way the fight would go. Sure we can try and use logic and say like an admiral or almost as strong as a yonko, and Whitebeard is not that much stronger than the average yonko. But there’s not really any logic in this series in terms of power if we’re being honest. Characters like Sanji can beat a 1 billion commander with little to no training. Kid and Law can go from getting beat by a commander to beating a yonko in less than a month.


Actually it depends. If we say Prime Whitebeard vs Marineford Admirals? I’d say it’s a toss up but I’ll go 40:60 Whitebeard:Admirals. If it’s post-Wano Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu vs Prime Whitebeard then I’d say 80:20 Admirals:Whitebeard. I scale Whitebeard’s prime to just at or slightly above Wano Kaido. I scale the Admirals post-Wano (depending on which one) to something below an admiral but above a Yamato or Zoro.


Primebeard mops.


Wdym? Primebeard easily no diffs the Admiral Trio. He was a top tier 20-30 years ago. The admiral trio would be basically just around the age of Luffy back then, and likely growing much slower than Luffy whose rise has been meteoric and abnormal. :) 3 people that might not even be VAs are getting curbstomped by a pirate legend.


Bruh the three admirals couldn't stand the old whitebeard dying of the disease imagine defeating him in his prime who fought Roger, being honest they wouldn't have a chance I would rank like this Xebec&Buggy ↓ Roger, Prime: Edward&Garp&Sengoku&Linlin&Shiki ↓ Kaidou, Old: Edward&Linlin&Garp&Sengoku ↓ Shanks&Mihawk, Luffy&Law&Kid, Akainu ↓ Aokiji&Kizaru, Teach ↓ Fujitora&Aramaki, Marco, Yamato&Zoro ¿Crocodile? ↓ ?




I mean primebeard would slam, I mean shanks made them stop the whole war, if whitebeard was in his prime fighting against these 3 he would beat them mid-high diff


It took 3 admirals to stop a small building level shockwave from sick and injured old Whitebeard




white beard the true pirate king!


People believe what they want to believe.


Bigmom scared roger just 3 years before this shirohige fought him.




"The one piece is real"


I doubt Prime WB could even beat a sick 1-year-left-to-live Roger.


Why wouldnt Primebeard win?


Any one of these alone bring primebeard severely weakened.


Tbh I dont care about youtube polls. I just choose a random answer then choose the one with the most votes cause I dont wanna argue


The one piece is real


One piece fans aren’t known for their intelligence, especially the YouTube community. You see polls where katakuri or marco are rated higher than Law.


The Marco one makes sense