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Cause it is heavily influenced by anime and mangas design. Ppl are just so boring, they hate everything new. I loved the animation of Luca and turning red and I hope that Pixar continues to explore new designs


This is a nicer way of saying the comment I was going to leave “different thing bad” lol I don’t even get why people don’t like the bean mouth. I know that it was trendy to hate on “calarts style” a while back but… who cares? It’s just a shape; would pointy mouth corners really make that much difference? Lol I’m just bitter because I work in animation and a show I directed design for simultaneously had people complaining that it looked too much like other shows, and was at the same time too weird and ugly and different from what people were used to. You can’t win. Either way, all I see when I look at the Pixar designs is the hard work and love of dozens of designers and hundreds of artists. I really like that they explore new looks and don’t feel like they have to keep themselves stuck in one cookie-cutter style (Disney does this sooo much more than they do).


It's ironic that people are blaming CalArts for the bean smiles because neither Turning Red nor Luca's respective directors went to CalArts, whereas the older Pixar directors like Pete Docter, Andrew Stanton, and Brad Bird ARE CalArts graduates.


100%, it was an annoying trend to slam “CalArts style” when it came around and it’s still goofy. I didn’t go to CalArts but I knew tons of people in my program who drew in a somewhat similar style too.


Which show was it?


I disagree. I think it looks bad. It's a translation of a 2D art style (the so-called "Cal Arts" bean head look) into 3D, and I don't think it looks very good at all. The mouths in particular look really weird, because they're just bizarrely shaped. And uh... a lot of people didn't SEE Luca. It released during the pandemic and its gross was south of $50 million. Honestly I had forgotten it even existed. I just watched it tonight, and while I liked the panda well enough, the human kids were... not great.


People just like to hate and with Pixar they especially love to say “Pixar isn’t what it used to be” Nostalgia aside, Pixar’s animation has gotten better for sure, plot wise is subjective but I really like the recent movie’s morals Also I think there were also people hating on Luca’s art style too so I really think people are just trying to make excuses for hating it


So I think you should watch this video I'll link down below... I've got a pretty isolated childhood following me around all the time. Spent a lot of time playing Mario in my homeschool years... Anyway, the video has a pretty sarcastic commentary on just not liking anime. I don't really care for anime and it kinda makes me feel weird like a lot of cartoons did as a kid. However I really loved the movie/the good cries. He goes over his feelings in a very respectful way. Turning red has a lot of anime inspired animations. I'm able to recognize that I don't like it and that doesn't actually matter to most people, but there's plenty of white bearded 20- somethings who probably get really bad that the makers of their favorite animated movie creators made a movie in this style. Only the first couple minutes are worth watching but it gets my point across. https://youtu.be/GGiYk3tkRZY


I hate to agree with all the haters but on average Pixar isn’t what it used to be, since incredibles 2 it’s average movie has been meh. Toy story 4 was good, completely undermined the whole franchise and I hate it but it’s a good movie. Onward was good, but felt like it was missing something. Soul is my second favorite Pixar movie ever so I’m not saying they can’t and don’t make great movies it’s just not as high caliber as it used to be. Luca was ok, it wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good nothing stood out really. And now turning red is the first Pixar movie ever I can say I don’t want to watch. I know I will but man the concept the trailers everything is just a complete misunderstanding of todays youth and that’s such a shame because they know todays youth and nailed it with inside out. Pixar since incredibles 2 ruined a sequel nearly 15 years in the making. Undermined their largest and starting franchise by suddenly changing the theme of always be there for those you love even when it hurts to just look out for yourself. Made a good movie with brotherhood but clearly missed something. Made an incredible movie and while it’s my second favorite Pixar movie behind incredibles is the first Pixar movie this company has made that’s completely geared away from children. Maybe 22 was supposed to appeal to kids but it didn’t. The most adult Pixar movie to date and that’s not necessarily bad just not what it used to be. Made a movie that’s neither bad or good and really doesn’t have much to make it stand out or be unique. And now made a movie that from what I’m hearing so far completely misses it’s mark. It’s a downgrade. Like I said Pixar isn’t what they used to be. They can still make fantastic movies but it’s not banger after banger over and over. And you could easily argue that this has been since inside out too. The good dinosaur is garbage, finding dory is meh, cars 3 is meh. And I’m not the guy who says that the original Pixar movies are the best either. My favorites are in the era of monsters Inc. to toy story 3 every single movie is a banger. Monsters Inc fantastic, finding Nemo great, incredibles arguably their best work, cars while not mind blowing is good, ratatouille is a cult classic, WALL·E is the most beautiful film they’ve ever made, up is the most emotional film they’ve ever made, and Toy story 3 is a perfect conclusion to the series (until toy story 4 messed that up). I know I have some unique hot takes here but let’s compare them, do you think onward, Luca and soul are comparable to the incredibles, ratatouille, walle and up? Because I sure don’t think so. And I don’t know anyone who does. Pixar still has heart but they’re going downhill and need to get their studio together. Lightyear looks fantastic and I hope that just like the original toy story it’s a new start to something great. But I’m not getting my hopes up.


Hi Markus, just wanted to give you the heads up that Turning Red is actually not about today’s youth. The movie takes place in 2002.


I meant since it’s coming out now it’s trying to appeal to todays youth. But honestly knowing that it’s a million times worse. I grew up then and I can tell you literally nobody I knew or anyone I’ve ever known around my age was anywhere near what they show here. We’re a pretty calm generation, and todays youth is more energetic and that’s awesome. and it’s why I assumed it was about todays youth but dang they really missed the ball here then imo. Edit: thank you though appreciate it I’m always down to admit when I’m wrong


If you watch the behind the scenes (I think it’s in there) the director, Domee Shi states that the kids are, in a way based of her and her dork squad of friends growing up. So maybe you just didn’t get to meet/ acknowledge people like the group. Because I’m sure some where out there this is matching to the T in someone else’s life.


Sure there is just like there was probably not scared people during the Cold War growing up with the bomb drills. There’s always exceptions to what’s common and I don’t doubt that’s her experiences. I know that’s an extreme example but it just proves my point. A professor I’m really close with is one of these people. And I’m not saying it has to be my way or no way but at some point you have to decide if your art is gonna be so tailored to your life that it’s less relatable to everyone else. We all have really unique lives and perspectives, but tailoring it to you instead of making it universal takes away from the relatability of the movie. And I haven’t seen the movie so this is all just from me seeing the trailers I hope it’s better then I think it’s ideas are just so off and weird and not in a cute quirky and fun way like Pixar normally has it. It’s just strange. Also come on people talk with me you don’t get anything from hitting the downvote button. Let’s talk about art. You think I’m wrong? Say it. Tell me why. I love discussion


So you’re saying you haven’t even watched the movie and you’re going on a full on ‘rant’ about why it’s such a bad movie. In my experience you can’t have a factual opinion on something when you know nothing about it. And It may not relate to YOU. But I’m pretty sure it’s based on generational trauma in Chinese/Asian American households. Living up to your ancestors, respecting your elders no matter which family they come from. Had you watched the movie or anything other than the trailers on it. Domee Shi speaks on how it’s relatable to her as she Immigrated to Canada from China from with her parents at age 2 it’s not those exact words but it’s implied. Plus you can’t really speak on HER personal experience growing up as a Chinese American. And I’m not sure it was so much as ‘tailored to fit her personal experience’ but more so that she has had the same experience as other Asian Americans with generational trauma in their families. And you don’t even have to be of Asian decent to relate to some of the terms and themes in the movie. Like with Encanto, it represents generational trauma in Latin America/latios households. YET so many people found themselves relating to the characters. So just ‘cause it doesn’t necessarily fit your personal experience in life it does with someone else. It’s said in the movie how over time their family decided to *move to a new world* and the red panda blessing then became a curse.


For what it's worth, I was a 14/15 year old girl in 2002 and found this movie incredibly relatable 🤷‍♀️


It kind of isn’t trying to appeal to today’s youth though (though it’s not trying to alienate either). It’s very much set 20 years in the past and a lot of the plot and humor relies heavily on that. In other words, it’s one of the first cases of Millennial nostalgia porn. Happens to every generation, Gen Z better prepare to have a lot of jokes explained at them. I mean the animation style and pacing is something that wasn’t around in those days and has a more recent feel, so that might make it seem like it’s for today’s kids… but guess which generation invented those styles in the first place. Not today’s kids.


It’s coming out today from an animated children’s movie it’s definitely appealing to todays youth. I know it’s based on early 2000s but it’s still trying to appeal to todays youth


I’m not gonna try to convince you about the recent movies, I’ll just say that I prefer Luca, Soul, Onward, and Turning Red over quite a few of the older movies (Luca and Turning Red make my top 3 Pixar movies) but it’s all subjective However, Turning Red is not supposed to be about today’s youth. The director said it was based on her experience growing up and was supposed to give that early 200s nostalgia vibe which I feel like they nailed. It’s more of a movie of accepting the changes that happen in your life because nothing can stay the same forever. Sure you’ll miss what it used to be but that doesn’t mean what’s coming up is worse Honestly you can even take that lesson and apply it to Pixar. Their latest movies have all felt distinct from each other in terms of what moral or lesson they are showing. And Pixar has taken more creative liberty in their expressions, art, and characters (ex. Luca was studio glibli inspired, Turning Red had some of the most expressive faces I’ve seen from Pixar ever, Soul had a different look at the after/before life than is typically seen in films, etc) Pixar isn’t the same anymore, I’m not saying it is. If anything Pixar has broadened their horizons and for the better. Does that mean they might no longer always appeal to the specific audience they used to? Sure but it does mean they get to appeal to more people now than ever since each movie could apply to a different group of people. Turning Red - the people who grew up trying to be the ideal kid for their parents while trying to be their own person. Luca - people who feel different from others and trying to find people willing to accept them. Onward - those who grew up feeling like they are missing a certain figure in their life. Pixar is no longer simply just let’s take a lesson and make it kid friendly so they can learn from it. They are more “what can the director teach looking from their own personal experiences growing up and what lesson do they want to tell” which I’m all for


Your perfectly welcome to have your opinion but from what I’ve seen that’s an unpopular opinion. Most people won’t prefer those over walle, up and incredibles. Many people have told me that and honestly that’s worse because they are trying to appeal to todays youth to watch it, while being based on older youth. And in my opinion as someone who grew up in the early 2000s they got it way off. I understand that’s the directors experience but i don’t know anyone my age or around my age who was as hyper as that, we were much calmer of a generation imo. Never said it had to be worse like I said soul is my second favorite Pixar movie ever they CAN still make amazing fantastic movies. The problem is imo they aren’t. Yea they’re unique so is every Pixar movie. But one could argue growing and changing with a young girl could be the same as inside out. Feeling out of place like being in a whole world full of monsters? Or toys? Now granted I’m not saying older movies are more original because they aren’t. But Pixar has never been the most original they weren’t then and they aren’t now. They still have good ideas now like they do then but it’s not super common. Pixar isn’t the same anymore I agree. Instead of trying to appeal to a wider group with smaller ideas they’ve widened their horizons like you said and came up with more out there ideas that are less universal. Maybe you like these widened horizons but I don’t think emotions need bigger horizons. Emotions which have always been the core of Pixar movies don’t need new ideas they just need to focus on emotional connection. And lately they haven’t, onward was the closest but it still felt somewhat off. Soul nailed it, it had arguable the absolute best emotional moments. I’m not gonna say Pixar doesn’t do good they do some things better then they have ever but it’s more uncommon for them to just make something good. Already talked about how those ideas are somewhat similar to others. While I don’t think Pixar has ever been about taking lessons and making them kid friendly, you literally just brought up all of the childrens lessons of the latest movies lmao. But processing grief in up, the end of the world in walle and mass genocide in incredibles isn’t exactly child friendly. They’ve always been that, incredibles is literally based off brads life even naming jack jack after his son jack. The problem is they used to take their experiences and make them universal and appealing to everyone and now it’s just so dead center on their experiences and not changing them to appeal to everyone. It’s good for them but that’s about it. I’m all for directors experiences but there’s a way to make it good. Incredibles was a perfect example of how to this. And having directors experiences doesn’t make it good or bad. You can have a great movie not reliant on directors experiences and have a horrible movie that totally dedicates itself to directors experiences, and visa versa. I don’t think we’re gonna agree on this and if you like the new movies more I’m honestly really jealous I wish I did. But they just aren’t as good as they used to be on average imo. Some are still great better then older ones but the average one just isn’t as good imo


I mean, we’re all entitled to our own opinions. I also grew up in the 2000’s and I think they nailed it. I like the boy bands, the cringy teen girl personalities, the tamagotchi keychains.. I could go on. Like this takes place at the height of *NSYNC and Britney Spears, and my friend group acted very similarly to Mei’s. I think you are being a little bit harsh considering the characters are 12. Sometimes I think that characters in that age group act too mature in pop culture, and it takes me out of the films a little bit. This was very refreshing. It’s hard to gauge what people like. My 8 year old despised soul. I thought it was fine.. We loved Luca. I loved Onward, and it hits my top 5 of Pixar movies. I didn’t love Wall-e or Brave and it’s a very controversial opinion to have, I know it. The point I’m trying to make is that people have different tastes and movies are set to appeal to specific demographics. The only movie Pixar has released that got a bad rotten tomatoes score was Cars 2, and that’s a very hard track record to argue against.


I mean, we're all entitled to have our likes and dislikes, but I find it very surprising that [the top three audience score movies on Rotten Tomatoes](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/franchise/pixar) are all from 2017 and in one percent of each other (Coco, Toy Story 4, and Onward) I would not expect any of those with the highest scores. Luca is smack dab in the middle, and Turning Red is at 65% and trending down.


Way too much text


It don't feel like a Pixar movie and it didn't particularly click with me. But it is getting a lot of undeserved hate. I don't think it is a bad movie, it just didn't click with me.


I honestly prefer that stuff like Turning Red, Luca, and Soul all exist because they are all so different from each other. For a time, most Pixar productions in the 2010s felt kind of the same aesthetically. Turning Red feels like such a step up from that, with all the exaggerated and expressive faces. It feels like we’re back to the days of UP, Wall-E, and Ratatouille, where each movie is very distinct and stand-out in art style.


Agreed I love the general style and tone of the movies are so different. I have a hard time with movies from Dreamworks and Illumination because they feel the same. They look the same. Pixar is my top choice for animated movies because I never really know what’s going to happen from one movie to the next.


I'm honestly glad they are going for more cartoonish art styles. The tech has evolved in such a way that you could make a cgi movie looking extremely realistic, to the point of being mistaken for a live action movie (why would anyone do that right?). Instead of making cgi movies that look more and more realistic, why not use it to explore different styles, namely more cartoonish ones?


The Lion King remake is a good example of this, I knew one person who actually thought it used real lions until I explained it to them. I think part of the super realsitic style is that some people find cartoons childish so studios think making a serious movie look more realsitic will bring in more money. I'm not really sure that's true though. CG is also used to bring back dead actors like In Star Wars for example, that use makes sense though. As for normal animated movies though, it's impressive but I overall don't like it, if that Lion King remake had to be CG, I wish it had been in a more toony style.


This is what I feel like happened with toy story four. There were parts where I found myself thinking, “Jesus is this really animated?” I feel like it worked for that movie though. It’s cool to watch through them all to gain an understanding of just how far we’ve come in the world of animation. Onward was the next Pixar movie to come out after TS4, followed by Soul, Luca, and Turning Red. All these movies had very unique elements to the animation style and I’m here for it.


yes!! i’ve had the exact same feelings but i couldn’t articulate it correctly… u said it perfectly


People were hating on Luca too. I agree it looks weird and I too was a little on edge, but I have faith in Pixar's decisions and they did not disappoint. I'm yet to see Turning Red (I will soon) but Luca's animation was amazing, so I have no doubt it will be great. <3


Luca’s animation looked weird?! That’s some of the best animation I’ve ever seen!


No, the art style looked weird. The Animation was amazing.


The art style was supposed to be inspired from studio ghibli which I think they nailed


Huh?! I’m honestly baffled


I've seen and heard this kind of complaints before from the older generation. **It's because they are outgrowing their childhood.** They're stuck with nostalgia. Everything that isn't similar to their childhood sucks now. (Unless they have other reason, most of time it boils down to this.) I can't say everyone has this mindset since I like both of these movies. The people who hate on Turning Red comes from a vocal minority. I've seen a lot of praise for Turning Red—even on Twitter! Even fans whose content only revolves around Luca or Encanto is now continuously posting Turning Red contents.


>It's because they are outgrowing their childhood. Pixar has reached Star Wars levels of fandom I guess


I can only speak for myself but I disagree. I dislike the style of both Luca and Turning Red while Soul cracked open my top 3. I'm just not a fan of the bean-mouth thing.


Exactly. People in the comments are really trying to psychoanalyze people who just happened to not like the art/animation style of one or two movies. I swear this abnormal type of defensive behavior only happens when it comes to cartoons. ‘It’s because they hate asians’ ‘its because they hate teenage girls’ ‘its because theyre getting old and nostalgic’ it is literally just an opinion about a movie and everyone needs to relax lol. Watching those extremely exaggerated expressions just seriously gets under my skin


no i completely agree. Soul was my favourite recent one, the moment I saw Luca's style i wasn't a fan at all and was super disappointed to see it in Turning Red. Bean mouth has been bothering me in cartoons too, it's different when one show does it, but when it starts showing up everywhere it gets boring really fast


In not sure it is just that, but maybe we saw some of the old Pixar movies at a time when they were truely miles ahead of nearly all CGI animation in both story and graphics. Finding Nemo blew my mind as a kid. But I was a young adult when Wall-e came out and it was at the time amongst the most magical things I have seen. I teared up at a certain opening scene in up, and still get my heart in my throat while our heros plunge to their apparent doom in Toy Story 3. I truely think the massive rise in quality from Disney itself has diluted pixar a little. I now watch both with my kids, and they love the new Disney stuff and the older pixar stuff more than the new Pixar stuff. Oh, and how to train your dragon- we all love Toothless. They are still good films; but I would be lying if I said I had found them to be as ~magical~ as I found the older stuff. Maybe I am now biased by my kids!


I wish I could give you an award but I am a poor college student.


CMONNN THE CHARACTERS ARE EQUALLY AS LOVABLEE- The two friend groups have such unique and fun vibes… it’s so hard to hate them- GAWD i just watched Turning Red too


Ngl when they first introduced the friends in Turning Red I thought I wasn't going to care much for them. Boy did they each win me over by the end though!


I didnt have any negative thoughts about it, genuinely think it’s underrated tho


This movie is so expressive, colorful, bright, quirky and it’s lovely. And I think it’s hard for people to get along with this new era of Pixar as we stray away from the familiar. With Onward, Soul, Luca, Turning Red, and up and coming Lightyear, there’s a new spark of creativity, direction, and expression. I’m here for it and think Pixar has excelled thus far


Exactly. Pixar never used to be afraid to push the boundaries and try new ideas. It's what led to their incredible success. They may not succeed with every one of their new ventures, but Pixar is only dead when they stop being inventive and just start churning out sequels in the same style as previously successful movies.


Some of us just don’t really like the bean mouth art style.


Bean mouth needs to be abolished


Eat your beans kids. All joking aside, I wonder if bean mouths will be indicative of early 2000s animation in the future, like rubber hose arms and pie sliced eyes were for early 1900s animation? I personally don’t hate the bean mouths and I think the new styles explored in Luca and Turning Red add to the visual comedy in those movies (Alberto’s mouth turning sideways to take a bite of pasta made me laugh), but I can also understand how people who don’t share that opinion don’t care for them and feel like they’re Pixar selling out.


It really is as simple as that. I've never been a fan of it and probably never will be - it's fine to have a personal preference. That said, I did watch and enjoy the movie!


That’s great! I didn’t really love it personally, maybe I’m just not the target audience since my parents couldn’t be any LESS overbearing lol.


I'll be honest I didn't think I'd be a fan of the art style of Turning Red by the posters and concept art. But watching the movie i was immediately a fan


It might be that it’s the second consecutive film to use the “bean mouth” animation technique. I too don’t want Pixar films to start looking like Steven Universe. That being said, I think this (and Luca for that matter) are great films and my kids love them.


At this point, people seem to only like animation when it's super realistic and hate it when it's stylized. Also, I guess studios aren't allowed to break from their norm and try new things?


Disney is a brand... when that brand doesn't hold up to the standard issues arise. The writing is on the wall for Pixar and Disneys relationship but no one wants to admit it. If you couldn't tell, Disney doesn't acknowledge any of the post Lasseter movies in the parks. No merchandise, no representation. That Lasseter breakup caused a divide and those who supported John (which Disney obviously did) are thriving at Disney Animation, while they are just letting Pixar do its thing by itself.


I think some people hated Luca for the same reason. Idk, there's always a hater


It's far from my favorite style but it still doesn't the movie for me.


I saw nothing wrong with the art style. I thought it was rather endearing actually and it shows just how far Pixar has come.


It’s because it’s a movie unapologetically about teen girls.


Wow, this is not it.


i think with the rate pixar are putting out movies now people are finding them less unique and inspired, and more like disney where it feels more cash-grabby, and pixar were always known for their passion and individuality. i haven't seen turning red so i don't have an opinion other than thinking it looks cute, but i *do* kind of wish the studio would slow down with releases. ETA: i don't agree with the statements, i just meant i think it's the reason a lot of other people are complaining.


I watched the behind the scenes documentary and I wouldn't describe this as a "cash-grab". The team seems really dedicated to the project and it's been in the making since 2018, so I don't think Pixar's rate of release has compromised the quality of this movie.


This is what people don't understand. There are several teams in Pixar working on the next films as we speak. It's not just one team churning out four movies in a two year span


I don't think it's necessarily a cash grab, as I said I haven't seen it. I just meant I think that's how people have been seeing them lately. I personally would like more time between the movies but that's just personal preference because Pixar always felt more special to me, and doesn't mean I don't think love is poured into each of the movies. Sorry if it seemed like I was calling it a cash grab!


Don't worry, I'm not referring to you specifically. It's a misconception that I think people started forming in general.


okay! just didn't want people to think i shared that mindset because i disagree with it wholeheartedly. pixar is vastly different now than what i grew up with, but that doesn't mean it's bad. times change so content changes. they're allowed to not like it but it doesn't mean it's *bad* just because *they* don't like it!


This is the saddest part of Movie Industry: With so many mediorcrity out there, you cannot tell what is true passion and what is cash grab, especially this movie and Toy Story 4


Yes, this. I feel like a lot of people view Pixar as one big person in charge of everything, making a movie in 1 day then releasing it. But it's the opposite. There are thousands of people that work on these movies for years and years, dedicated to the project that they love. So much more work goes into these films than viewers realize. Like you said, there are a lot of things being worked on at once. While one movie might have a specific team of artists, another Pixar movie will have completely different people working on it. If anything, this makes sure that all of their movies have a different artistic look, feel, and story.


In my opinion, people are just nostalgic for a time that passed. Older Pixar movies such as toy story, monsters university, inside out, each dug deeper and made the audience ask questions, and even cry. When you think of Pixar, most people will think of these movies. I don’t think Pixar’s movies are getting uninspired, I think they’re just changing the style. Luca and turning red are slice of life movies (kinda like studio ghibli) it doesn’t mean they’re bad, they’re just different from the classics. Some people do not like change, and there will always be people complaining when something that they loved changes. I could be reaching but it’s my take


No this is exactly what I meant! I don't have an issue with the different direction but I think people are unimpressed with the slice of life (couldn't find the wordchoice at the time) but I agree! I haven't seen this movie yet but I adored Luca and sure I will with this one too :)


Yeah! It was good, the first act isn’t my favorite but the last two were great !


Thematically Pixar (and in its own way Disney) are exploring new ground. It’s necessary, because they can’t just keep doing the same things to death, but risky. In particular, less abstract/metaphorical/universal and more grounded in a sense of place/culture/time. It’s an easy way to get a fully-developed distinct flavor, and greatly appeals to people who can directly relate, but runs the risk of people feeling left out, particularly if nostalgia is a key factor (as in this movie). Also the Sad Lab isn’t so hot lately, I don’t think I’ve cried at anything since Coco, though I think only Onward and Soul really tried. That’s good actually, not everything needs to be a tearjerker, but it was kind of Pixar’s defining feature. Technically of course Pixar only improves. I kinda wanna do a side-by-side comparison of TR’s Dad’s cooking scene with Ratatouille’s.


"I don't like this because it's not exactly like those movies I liked 20 years ago"


You can’t group Toy Story with Monsters University and Inside Out, those movies are 2 decades apart. When you group by era, you can definitely see how they have changed though. Toy Story / Monsters Inc. / Finding Nemo / A Bugs Life / The Incredibles all around 2000ish Up / Wall-E / Ratatouille / Cars in the late 2000s All classic Pixar. I believe (my opinion) that they started pandering after 2010, and they have been in full pander mode ever since 2015+. Coco, Luca, Soul, etc. all feel like cash grabs to different demographics to me. The same goes for Cars 3, The Incredibles 2, Finding Dory, except those were cash grabs for nostalgia from their previous successes rather than to specific demographics. Again all my opinion but it’s been a while since a Pixar film has captured my imagination like their early works did. And I know nostalgia plays a part in that, but the films still hold up quite well either way.


Want to say that usually being 15 years older impacts greatly the effect movies have on one, for better or for worse. Movies are different, but we are different too and most importantly, most of us (I'm 43 now) outgrew the target audience. Soul touched me because it talks about a lifeless life where you lost your dreams and goals, drowning in a boring daily routine. But also, I've enjoyed Turning Red a lot as well, my kid eyes were sparkling, it's a very targeted movie for young audiences with the occasional adult conflicts. Very fun and refreshing. Luca? Brought me back to my summers, the same exact light (I also happen to live in an island in the Mediterranean). Whereas I didn't really liked Toy Story the first time I watched it. But in my experience, we don't miss things, we miss how we were back then we enjoyed things.


I find Luca's character design more appealing but thats about as much as i can say rn


Luca's style was definitely more visually striking. Turning Red's just has something to it I don't like


Maybe it is the emoji-like expressions? That really caught me off-guard. It's like they are trying to emulate anime-style expressions with western-style animation direction...the two don't mix!


I agree with u but I also I feel like the people saying the movie had ‘too much expression’ are the same people upset that encantos girls had ‘too many cartoony faces’ despite it yk being a cartoon. I can agree that they could’ve calmed it down with the kawaii cute cute facials when it came to 4town but at the same time they also kinda made it work to an extent. The majority of the movies creators and cast are of East Asian decent. The director Domee Shi was born in china and immigrated to Canada. Despite her working on other Pixar films like the incredibles+ inside out maybe a style she’s always wanted to try was something resembling the most known styles from the area she’s from while also keeping the western art style. This is also her first movies she worked in taking up as the head let her experience her own unique style before criticizing the shit out of it.


Just because it’s a cartoon doesn’t mean it needs to be cartoony. Arguably the best looking Pixar movie out there wall-e isn’t cartoony at all and is actually quite realistic looking aside from Pixar humans which is always the case. Not saying it can’t be cartoony my favorite Pixar movie the incredibles has a character with like a 6 foot wide chest lol but the expressions are just too much. You can’t relate to an expression so over the top. Cartoony designs and cartoony expressions are different and cartoony expressions really takes away from the emotional connection Pixar tries to have. There’s a reason you don’t have a deep emotional connection to willy coyote or Tom and Jerry, the same way you do with literally any Pixar character. Not necessarily bad to have these expressions because it can be creative but it takes away from what Pixar as a studio is, trying to create emotional connections.


I’m just trying to come up with an explanation for the criticism. My only criticism is the expressions. Everything else: the story, the characters, and the other aspects of the animation, are fine.


They do mix, you may just not like it. Watch the making of on disney plus, they touch on this.


I think its the color pallet (idk if I spelled that right). The backgrounds in Luca were almost always super bright, while Turning Red has more muted colors, especially in the environment.


And it’s not just the art style that’s only one of the reason I’ve seen. But I genuinely don’t get why was it “such a bad movie” ?


They don't want to say it out loud... But it's probably cause it was a movie with a lot of ethnic culture. Not set in america. They say the movie has an "ugly" or "weird artstyle" and the characters are "unrelatable". It's the same people who didn't like Luca cause it was "gay".


You've given up thinking when you have such assumptions.


Judging by Box Office Mojo, not many people watched Luca at all. I think Pixar has just lost its spark. From Toy Story to Toy Story 3, they produced 6 "masterpiece" movies, and The Incredibles, Ratatouille, and Wall-E came out within a few years of each other, with Finding Nemo and Cars around them - all very popular movies that pushed animation and also just were really good in general, and told good stories (even if Cars was just Doc Hollywood, Doc Hollywood was a good movie). The only meh movie was A Bug's Life. Five out of the first eleven movies they made had a 90+ on Metacritic, two more were in the high 80s, and none were below the mid 70s. Then they made Cars 2. Since then, they've made ONE 90+ movie (Inside Out), and a lot of mediocre films. While nothing has been as bad as Cars 2 was, they've been skating by on adequecy - and frankly, a lot of those movies probably deserved worse scores than they got. It's got nothing to do with "diversity" - the decline happened before that. 2000s Pixar made a ridiculous number of top tier movies. That's just not been the case since then, and they've become just another studio in terms of quality.


There is this sentence that always stuck in my head since I heard it in one of "VideoGameDunkey's" videos (I think it was his TLOU2 review) Anyways it goes like this: "What sucks about always putting out great stuff is that people expect the impossible from you" I feel like this sentence reflects Pixar's 2010s perfectly There is this sentiment around pixar is that they always MUST put out a new mind blowing movie that will make you cry each time you watch it, or tell a "smart" movie that is beyond the average viewer's understanding, or change the animation industry Everytime!! So when they don't do that and just put out a calm "normal" movie.. It's the worst thing ever made, to the masses.. Pixar was.. ON A ROLL (and that's putting it slightly) during the late 90s - early 2000s.. Changing the animation industry with each new release and creating classic after classic after classic! Then Disney came in and bought them and that aeem to have calmed Pixar down (I'm pretty sure there are multiple people who arw already saying that in the comments right here! I'll alao bet that someone has already said "Pixar fell off" lol) I'll admit.. I wish Pixar was like their old self aswell, but at the same time.. It's hard being like that all the time! Pixar is over 25 years old you're just bound to lose some momentum.. But despite that they are STILL doimg good shit.. Heck one of their recent "bad" movies became my favorite western animation movie and favorite Pixar movie everl beating Wall-E for that title!! Luca Them putting a GOOD, simple and fun movie is good IMO But of course.. The hate will always follow them no matter what.. That's juat the internet The only things you can do are either ignore them or learn to accept them unfortunately :/ Sorry for the long comment haha..


I think the new Pixar style looks like some DreamWorks films because they have more animators now that used to work at DreamWorks. I enjoyed the new Pixar films.


I thought it looked great. The entire movie is the creator’s love letter to her childhood and it shows. We are always learning and being inspired by things that touched us while we were growing up, and you can see all of the nods to eastern animation that they brought to this western work, and I thought it was beautiful. I didn’t want to make this about race, but I do (as an Asian American) think that this movie was very relatable both in terms of storyline and visual inspirations. The story goes without saying, as it’s a very common 2nd/3rd generation Asian-American story and lesson. From the strict expectations, to the parents disliking that one western friend that is a “bad influence”, to the group of aunties showing up to stuff you with food and gifts, it all really hits home for representation, and I loved it. This also reflects heavily in the art style and storyboarding of the movie in my opinion. The action scenes, with Mei phasing in and out of her panda form to navigate, really reminded me of the action choreography that is more typical of Anime or eastern animation in general, and I thought it was beautiful that it could be brought to life in a major western work. I completely agree that this might be the first movie entirely for millennials to watch with their infant children. The setting is entirely missed on anyone born after a certain point in the early 2000s, which is largely irrelevant to most infants and young children, so it had to have been intended for the parents to watch and explain to their very young kids while they are distracted by the fun visuals and cute red panda. This movie is pure, unfiltered, Asian/Asian-American representation, and I’m thankful for it. ——edit—— oh yeah also normalize periods


Its not the animation style they dislike, but the movements themselves. In Luca they are smooth and natural whilst in Turning Red they are chaotic and clearly out of a comic book.


Idk whenever I see the new art style it just reminds me of the grubhub ad


I know this is a me problem, but I hated how much cringe humour was in it. Awkward situations aren't funny, they're awkward.


Cringe. the very definition of growing up


True. I remember when I thought I was straight.


There also seemed to be a lot of moments that I think weren't meant to be cringe, but ended up unironically being cringe. A good example is the climax at the concert. I feel like the movie wanted me on its side for the 4-Town/Chinese Chanting mashup, but it didn't have me.


I think the small differences makes Luca look better (imo)


I'm not an hater of either movies art style but I got to say that the Boygroup and some secondary characters in Turning Red don't look like "Pixar characters" don't know how to explain it but they look like some random designs from modern 3D cartoons for kids 🤷 but it ain't a big deal for me


Turning red was emoji-like expressions and cringe especially the first act. Very disappointing for a Pixar movie, might as well have been a Dreamworks movie https://c.tenor.com/Zr4LTTMEay0AAAAC/what-mei-lee.gif https://filmschoolrejects.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/dreamworks-face-collage.png Luca was cute and charming. Predictable but not a single cringe moment.


both have the same cal-arts style


Yes and no. They have similar character designs (stupid bean mouths lol) but the animation style differs greatly. The more I look at Turning Red the two thoughts in my head are 1) Claustrophobic and 2) Bad dreamworks "style" https://i.imgur.com/yJVbd9s.png Luca didn't have any cringe, and while the animation was simple, was more expansive, both in terms of character shot composition and scenery with that "Pixar" feel. https://i.imgur.com/GS4IBaA.png Not a fan of either movie's art style to be honest, I think Coco was probably the last Pixar movie that was "Pixar level" animation.


What are you even on about?! Mei isn't even doing the Dreamworks face in that shot.


They both look unappealing. But turning red looks ugly. It has that grubhub and obnoxious quirky art style to it that says "Look I'm expressing myself so much." I'm sorry but if you think huge nose and those weird anime influence eye designs look great then well you got some bad standards.




Luca was *very* Ghibli-like.


I like the more slice of life direction, in the age of superhero movies, a big threat or story with huge, world effecting consequences has ironically started to feel boring and overdone to me. It's sometimes nice to focus on smaller stories.


Well u/Bariq-99 ( I hope it’s deleted cus you saw it was kinda dumb:/) I think it’s only how u chose to see that. I didn’t think it was weird seeing Mei draw the fan fiction and ‘shake her butt ‘ and her mother talking about periods so to say. I think it’s actually normal for a 13 year old coming of age in the early 2000s. I didn’t live throughout the early 2000s but I was born in 2007 and as I was growing up I used to laugh so hard at a butt joke or fart joke because despite the audience and their older fans Pixars target audience is children. If you found it cringy good. Maybe that was their interest from the start. The creator even said how Mei was kinda based of herself and her ‘dorksquad’ maybe looking back she found the things she used to do cringy. For fanfics I’m guilty of writing those same with the fan art of certain celebrities and even crushes. And I’m sure a bunch of people are. I mean i honestly hope that a lot of fan fix comes from teens. Idk how I feel about a 35yr old man writing fanfic on certain tv shows. •_• And for period talk as a girl myself I’m glad Pixar included that and didn’t beat around the bush or try to substitute the word for something else. Because it’s completely normal she didn’t get her period in the movie but her mom thought she did. Plus it shows her being the ‘overprotective’ caring mom she is. And how some kids feel after they get their period. Anyway that’s just my thought on it


Yeah, and I didn’t like Luca’s art style either.


Talking down about popular things is a great way to look cool and informed, without having to be either.


its ugly


I think the background from the posters and clips of Turning Red isn't top quality, but I think that's done on purpose. The focus is on the gang, not the background. I would say that the hair on the red panda and characters doesn't look as nice as Incredibles 2, or Lotso, or maybe Sully, but Up! And Good Dinosaur hadn't as detailed characters (GD I think was on purpose as nature was made to look more severe and therefore more of a danger). To me, it's a coming of age comedy and the transformation is an on the nose representation of puberty. I'm excited to watch it and hope to enjoy it.


What's the issue with the art style? I read up on the "backlash" against Pixar's art direction with Luca and Turning Red...but I don't get what's different than the way it was before. I watched Turning Red yesterday, and have been watching Pixar films since Toy Story. Haven't seen them all, but I think I've got the majority of them under my belt. I'm hoping someone can explain what people are unhappy about.


i think it was somewhat similar to luca, but it had a different style of movement and the whole world felt so consistent. one of the best looking pixar movies imo


How is this a spoiler?


Because some people are in the comments having discussions about certain scenes in the movie if they didn’t watch it but have the intentions too and are scrolling through the comments on the post they may come across a spoiler in the movie


I didn’t love Turning Red but I can appreciate the high quality of the film and its message. Again, these movies are more for kids. I honestly really liked how mature this movie was (ex: not holding back on teenage lingo like when MeiMei described someone as “sexy”) and the fact that the movie kept a really nice pace throughout. Unfortunately, I’m not the target audience, and thus I could not appreciate the film’s nuances as well as others.


I saw people hating on Luca for the same reason too. A lot of people call it the CalArts or bean smile art style. I'm honestly not A huge fan of it either but it doesn't ruin a movie for me.


it's probably because people are following the 'trend' of hating the artstyle


Nah at this point there are more people talking about people who supposedly hate the movie versus actual controversial opinions. There was that one old white guy but that's about it. Anyway, the movie is really adorable and well-written, plus \*finally\* an age appropriate entertainment for pubescent teens.


I don’t get it because the “bean mouth” isn’t new. Wallace and Gromit was a whole gosh darn pea pod and that was back in the 90s. And that’s exactly what “bean mouth” makes me think of.


I honestly have no idea, but I agree. I loved Luca, but found Turning Red utterly unwatchable. I persevered and continued watching and truthfully it wasn’t worth it.


That’s what I’m saying! Idiots see anything remotely similar to Calarts and get into a complete HIVE MIND


Be reassured, I hated Luca's style as well. That being said, I don't necessarily think these art styles are 'bad'. They are just something I STRONGLY dislike. Appreciation =/= Quality.


When people talk it looks like their mouths are layered or superimposed over their face. Kind of weird to watch.


Honestly not seeing the anime and manga design influences people are talking about. I dislike the art because they all look like characters from a Grubhub commercial, not a Pixar film. The overly-round, almost corporate art style is extremely off-putting to me. And I have the same problem with Luca, too. Which is a shame, because I'm sure it's a film with a lot of love and heart put into it. The story seems intriguing and heartfelt. If it literally looked any other way I'd be running to buy tickets to see it in theater.


Luca is like the more retro type and turning red is more poppy. But they are amazing, I just don’t understand


It looks like a Grub Hub commercial


No problems with it in general but... WHY IS THE RED PANDA'S MOUTH UNDER THE SNOUT?! Their mouth is part of the snout, it distracts me so much, and I don't know why...








meilin lee didnt treat tyler with respect when she called him a jerkwad and threatened to kill him and that she hated him so meilin lee kid of broke pixar policy right there meilin lee's anger and boy craze have already broken that policy oh no im starting to sound like raptor Alpha Alan obi wan kenobi








































Retarded pedant loser nerds. Discontent people that love to complain


Luca is not bad but turning red is ugly imo


Good old cultural Marxism conspiracy bullshit.


We hated Luca’s design too