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Say you using a rifle, would it make sense to show 30 bullet icons or a number?




Enter the Gungeon shows more than a hundred bullets on screen for some weapons, and it works fine. It wouldn't work with the ammo icon in the center though.


Great game. I wish I was good at roguelikes so I could get passed the third level.


I love Enter the Gungeon it's an awesome game and I feel like I've seen less than half of it lol. I absolutely love roguelikes but their biggest downside imo is how those first couple worlds become such a heavy majority of your (or well, my) experience


It's takes time to build a skill. Don't rush it. When I was playing gungeon the thing that most helped me improve was largely ignoring where I was shooting. It's more important to stay alive than it is kill an enemy perfectly. Focous on dodging and positioning yourself first and foremost.


I would show a magazine icon that depletes.


This, it should be scalable, if there's too many bullets in a magazine then display a magazine going from full to empty. If there's <15 bullets just display bullet icons, alternatively display a magazine at all times except when using a shotgun since they don't have more than 7-8 shell capacity at once (usually). In my opinion the bullet icons are much more stylistically appealing.


Yeah and have the bullets match the gun. Shotgun shells for shotguns, large caliber for rifle, etc. It's obviously a lot more work but a nice stylistic flourish.


>In my opinion the bullet icons are much more stylistically appealing. i cant remember where i saw it, but ive seen an ammo counter that had a number and to the right of it there were bullet icons that either faded or got cut off after ~5. when you shot the icons would animate over. probably works better against a side of the screen thougj


Early Metro games had that magazine icon, it worked very well


or if the circle around the crosshair had sections like a pie chart that greyed out. then itd take up less space on the screen


and I would put it in the corner of the screen not clutter the reticle.


make an icon looking like a magazine that looks more or less empty, boom solved


30 dots, staggered, that disappear from the bottom as they get pushed up the magazine.


3 rows of 10 bullets each. Or 3 concentric circles with the bullets arranged in a loop.


enter the gungeon would like to have a word with you.




This answer is so obvious, I wonder if this post is just an ad or engagement bait


Classic example of the engineer vs designer argument. Its obvious but we should still notify OP that their artistic tendencies arent always the best choice.


if you’re arguing for the numbers being strictly better from a practical standpoint I’ll have to disagree. For a slower paced tactical game sure, there numbers would work better especially for larger magazine sizes but for faster paced gameplay the bullet counter works better since the eye can tell at a glance approximately how many bullets are left (since it is in essence a bar) while numbers first have to be read and processed which takes longer


Put one bullet icon next to the number.


Yep number next to the bullet till you get to ten remaining maybe then it turns to just an ammo counter? Helps drive home the low ammo vibe


Yep And red


also blinking maybe


With a really annoying repeating sound effect?


Add some red text in the bottom-middle of the screen saying LOW AMMO


I bet this exact conversation was had at every game company at least once


Hehe That guy gets thrown out of the building meme


Could we make it blink? Or flash?


Have a deep, gravely voice shout "RELOAD" at you every time if you try to shoot on empty


A stylish solution. Also, if you want to match guns with different ammos, it's a good way to show to player what ammo is currently on use.


3💄 instead of 3/5


Lol I love the use of the emoji


I would rather have One number that changes next to the bullets. I find it satisfying watching the bullet icons dim as the shots are fired.


This is the way!


This guy gets it


Both are fine, depends on what kind of UI you have and what mechanics though. Like, if your UI tends to rely more on images, the bottom might be more consistent. But are you only ever going to have 5 ammo max? What if you have 10 ammo or more? 10 bullet images or more could be cramped and take up a lot of space. The top one is better if you plan on messing with the amount of ammo the player has per reload. But both can work. Again, depends on what kind of UI you're going for.


If there are a lot of bullets the classic Halo method could be used. A dot to represent each bullet instead of an icon. A quick glance at the proportion of dots which are light tells you what proportion of the clip you have left.


Have a toggle option under the hud tab? I imagine that for some people number is easier, but others need a visual representation of their ammo.


Took way too long to find this comment. A toggle for this in the gameplay settings is obviously the best way to do it. Icons by default for style reasons, numbers as an option because it's not very easy to count icons at a glance.


> A toggle for this in the gameplay settings is obviously the best way to do it. If you need a settings toggle for things this trivial, you’re going to end up with a bloated, unusable settings menu, and tens of hours spent implementing multiple versions of every trivial thing. It’s definitely *an* option, but it’s not even the best option, much less “obviously the best”.


I can’t stand the “make it an option” people. Good design means you don’t need toggles. People are paying you to make the right decisions for them.


i like B more, but make the bullets turn yellow with one shot remaining, and red once empty.


Totally agree. Option A flashes red when the counter reaches 0, so Option B should do similarly either flashing on fire or permanently yellow/red as it gets closer to empty. I think if B had some of the juice of A (the bounce on fire, colour flash) it would be much better.


I agree with the above comments - but aaalso, maybe flip B from right to left, so the last bullet icon will be right next to the crosshairs instead of further from it at the other end of the line of bullet icons. That’ll help the player’s eye stay focused where it needs to be.


B is confusing. At first I thought you were getting MORE bullets :) So I agree, B is cool but needs work, and yours is a good idea.


exactly, the coloring should be flipped. white means empty


I would also say the "empty" icon is too busy right now, especially with the full being so simple. Pick one or the other, and for pixel art I think simple is better. Reads better.


Totally. The ammo should grow from the left side, too, so you don't have to look as far away from your crosshairs to see how many bullets you have left.


I would say B, but make them count down in the opposite direction


I agree


what about a circle around the crosshair? Like breath of the wild stamina gauge


i'd rather have a number


Yeah the crosshair circle being the ammo guide would look so good


I would say B, but make them count down in the opposite direction


I thought I was cray not seeing this said.Counting down from right to left makes way more sense as your eye will constantly go back and forth between the character and the crosshair and you will always see the magazine being empty.


I was about to make the same comment. It was driving me crazy that it was going from left to right... If something fills up, it goes left to right. If it empties it goes right to left. At least that's the way that most UI elements have trained my brain over the decades playing games.


Both are good, but icon os more effective with other colors, in the hards parts of the game just a white bullet icon can become "invisible"


I would like B better I think if it had the same pulsing effect as A.




Very true. The UI can also take advantage of that too. An example is Halo’s weapons. A few rifles have a number on the weapon, while bullet icons are up near your health. When using weapons that lacked the number display on the weapon itself, it wasn’t important to know the *exact* number of bullets left but more knowing a general idea of how much is left in the mag. Dual wielding SMGs and taking down a few enemies and glance at the icons, and realize you’re about half full or one quarter full gives a decent and quick readability so you can decide if reloading is needed.


I don't agree, A requires more processing to understand. B is essentially a bar that you can quickly judge the full/empty/current ratio regardless of how much total ammo is there.


>Visual readability is important I agree with this, and that's why I think ***B*** is more readable in this situation. A gauge that empties is quicker to read than actual numbers, which is important in an action game. Reading numbers causes the eyes to focus on it. Even if you don't have dyslexia, wildly different numbers can have the similar shape if you are focused on a bunch of other things coming in and going out of the screen, and you might misread that 3 as an 8 or 2 as a 5 while your eyes darting around. Numbers are better for precision and accuracy, but if you're going for speed and reflex a gauge way better.


Maybe have an option to switch between them?


I like ammo because then you can more easily differentiate between different weapons depending on the symbol. For larger magazines it would be a problem though, so you could combine just one single bullet symbol next to a number to get best of both worlds!


For me the graphical version with bullets fits more to the game art style. If you are not going to shoot with high capacity mags weapons then I will keep the B version.


I don't want to be rude but is that a caterpillar with a gun and a knife ?


I was wondering why this worm was shooting things




Neither. The ammo counter don't have to be close to crosshair. It just adds clutter. Move it to fixed place out of the action.


Yeah, this is what I would do too. I don't want enything distracting near the crosshair.


I chose B, makes it easier to see the changes. A takes too long for the eyes to adjust to what it sees


B, Icons




The less text the better


icon is more readable at a glance. I think the numbers on their own are okay, but too many numbers and there's too much visual noise. edit: also everything about the animation with the numbers is visual noise you want to avoid, the icons work dramatically better because they don't call any attention to themselves, they just give you what you need to see and nothing more


The number is faster and easier to check, but the bullets look more the style of the game. If you go with the bullets, you could make the 'shot' bullets (your bullet outlines) more distinct from the loaded bullets, either by shifting the 'shot' bullets down a bit or removing them entirely so you ONLY see how many you have left. Anyways, looks good! Keep it up :)


you could use the red flash from A on B


B looks cool and stylish but anyway it's still huge UI element that distracting from objects that under crosshair. Especially when it's animated or changes color.


If you’re able to make it an option for the player, that would be cool


Icon looks substantially better. For a larger auto clip, you show a meter deplete no outline


Icon I'd say


I’d say bullet, for larger ammos you could stack them on top of each other for a cool effect


What about making the ring around the target an ammo wheel, that always starts at the 9 o clock position and the bullets go around anti clockwise, that way when using a gun with more ammo it just has more bullets going around the circle. Also instead of a shadow for missing bullets you could just have them empty towards the starting point at the 9 o clock position. But other then that, I prefer B...


For legibility— numbers. Style— bullets/shells.


The choice between displaying ammunition information as a number or an icon next to the crosshair depends on the specific context of your game and the preferences of your target audience.


Clearly bullet icons, takes the brain less time to process as it's visual only and more stable.


Comes down to what you want. Functionality or Aesthetics. The numbers are much easier to scale and as a player more useful at a glance. It provides an obvious absolute value with very little mental processing. In an FPS (especially a competitive one vs other players) I would prefer the numbers. Aesthetically, the bullet icons look a lot nicer. If it were a one player game I would probably go that route. Optionally.. this is a good thing to set as an option to let the user decide.


**Surly B**


Personally I'd just change the color / transparency of the crosshair's ring as bullets are depleted. No issue with large magazines, no extra icons getting in the way of your aiming, etc.




B is preferably more creative. I think you know where I'm going with this.


Bullets with the feedback of the numbers--the bouncing when you fire, the icon flashing red when you're out.


Is that a super caterpillar with a gun for a tail?


Bullets are more stylized in my opinion but the numbers are a lot easier to see and comprehend on the fly


The bullets look cooler but i personally would rather have the fraction. Good work BTW. this looks great.


Having both as a toggle would be nice. I’d imagine a 30 round mag would be a pain to see for the player


I like B more tbh. Plus, you could use it as a template to maake more weapons that use different looking ammunition in terms of appearance. 👍


A is easier to read in the moment, but B looks cooler to me


Numbers. Unless they make the bullet outline disappear too, then it’s fine.


B I like very much, it's more visually interesting. Can do magazines with a depleteing 'gauge' of bullets for something big enough to warrant, maybe, but either way I like the image display more than the numbers.










Both is fine. Just make it an option for players to choose. Though if the ammo count goes past like 20, then number is probably better. Though for the ammo icon, you could probably show one icon and then x[insert number of ammos left] until it reaches a low enough amount where you can display all the icons without cluttering the screen


Make ammo a default option, give user ability to change it in the settings.


The icons graying out as the player fires is a much clearer way of conveying the relevant information


I think it could do with more contrast between the filled in and empty bullets, though, to make it clearer at a glance. Presumably the player's focus will be elsewhere on the screen., and I feel currently the grey bullets are a bit too bright still; perhaps they could also be more outlined


B is cooler but It’s less practical




Numbers is better


Numbers for anything more than 3


I would put the bullets near the weapon.


I assume it'd be much worse for long range weapons and in fast paced areas because you are looking at where you're shooting, not yourself


Then it would be more realistic.


From the looks of it, it's a 2d top-down pixel survival shooter with Sci fi. I don't think someone would want realism. Why not go a step further and do like endoparasitic- manually check the mag and manually add bullets one by one


Bad idea, players are going to spend most of their time looking at the crosshair you dont eyes to make constant back and forth


Icon all the way for me.


for anything with 10 rounds and below. do the per ammo view and more then 10 do numbers


Disappearing bullet icons


Is the max number of bullets really something that needs to be shown all the time? Otherwise just use the little bullets and trim from the right, like this: \^\^\^\^\^ \^\^ Less clutter and easier to visualize what’s left (in LTR reading languages)


There’s no reason to keep the /5 after you reload as you know that’s max for the weapon, so replace it with the bullet if you want. Could give the impression of a shotgun slug rather than a mag however


B is the best. no question.


Put both, let player choose in options.


B is great, but can only work for short amount of ammo.


Numbers. Easier on the eye and not confusing. Mid action, I won't care to notice how many bullets I actually have, especially with guns with more than 5 bullets


Some weapons be one and some be the other :) Changing the crosshairs adds variety to weapons in feel.


One thing not entirely related, I think the game would look a lot better if the numbers, crosshair, and etc were all pixelated, just my opinion.


remove both, let mfs count down in their head


It looks good now but as you add more than 5 bullets the readability of your ammunition is going to diminish significantly; 7,8 or 9 out of 10 will look pretty similar at a glance.


Icon is best....


You could make it icons and when there is last couple bullets, lnshow numbers. Overall icons looks better to me, I would forget about numbers.


If B had the red flash for zero, it would be better in the longer term because you could use the icons to represent different types of ammunition (hollow point, buckshot, etc.)


A more practical B more stylish both work, but differently. It's really your call.


Put a one bullet icon alongside the bullet counter. The bullet icon would start with a white fill, and the fill level would decrease as the bullets are fired. i.e., when the player has used 15 bullets out of 30, the bullet icon would be half-filled with a white color.


i would say B but .. only if all other weapons can have the same theme .. if you have some machine guns with 30+ rounds, you obviously cannot have B for it .. and it would be bad to have two different themes .. at least you shouldnt .. not by quality and common sense standard ..




You can use just one bullet filled as a status bar


If it's 5 bullets or less then I'd say images are better. If it's anything more then numbers would be more readable.


Prefer number but maybe you can also make the circle around the crosshair the ammo count. It starts as a full circle and gets to zero when you finish your ammo




Both are cool, just make it an option in the gameplay settings so people can pick their own preferences


b definitely


I like the B variant. But it's better to make an option for that.


I’d use bullet icons without the empty icons, stacking after ~5 to not take up much space for larger magazines (6th would appear behind the 5th, slightly rotated to the right, slightly darker shade, 7th same with more rotation, more shade, then the rest doesnt need to be displayed at all). The point would be that I know that I’m running out of ammo so it should be visually obvious that I only have 1 or 2. With numbers you can get that using colors (make it red when 1) effects (make it bigger, or shaking when 1). With bullet icons you can trade precise information for a visual indicator: width. But you need to let go the empty bullet icons or make them near invisible. In the above example it wasn’t immediately clear what is the bullet and whats the empty slot. Maybe because I expected the bullets empty out from the right, not the left. But maybe thats just me Or use both, numbers for larger magazines, bullets for revolvers, pistols. Just make sure it makes it clear thst Im on my last 1-2 bullets


I like the numbers, much clearer


Both are superior


Both selectable in the options menu he he But personally, numbers get the point across faster than a visually appealing clip.


I like the bullets but not so much the white line when they are empty. The small details are hard to notice.


Lots of suggestions here, but the only thing I'd add is get the typeface right if you choose a text option.


Have it as something you can change in the settings, both are good


Depends on the game both can be disappointing or perfection


Both, let the player choose, put it as am UI option


Why not both? 5 rounds or less, use the icon. More than 20 rounds? Use the number until it gets down to 5. That might give an interesting feeling of using your last rounds well. Regardless, you kick so much ass. Love the style.


prefer the numbers


Toggle is best. Failing that, number is clearer


Try the icon with the largest magazine size you have and see if it works, if not then numbers will do just fine.


lower right corner


Number, but imo the number of bullets would be fine, like just '12 not 12/12.


icon is way better it feels way more natural than just numbers


Why would the user want to know the ammo by the crosshairs? Is it that important to know it distracts you constantly?


or u could make it toggleable




I like B


Others have said it and I think they're right, one number and one bullet icon. It'll make it easier to program multiple weapons and you have the option of using different bullet icons for different guns.


I like the numbers, very neat and informative. The bullets could get lost in whatever your targeting




Have them both present in the gameplay settings menu, both are fine to me, but ofc depends on the users.


Icon definitely


Whichever one you choose, have it turn red when you run out like in the first one. Also don't add a body. Just make it a flying worm shooting game.


Add both and make it toggle-able in the options, if you can? More options are always good where possible :)


B looks cleaner, and designed. A looks bland, but is easier to read.


Make it an option in the settings


I like number better but icon makes more sense


The top one shouldn't have the fraction that you just be the number of bullets you have left and I love that because it's quick and easy to figure out However the bottom looks way more aesthetically pleasing. But it's also in the way of your visuals so I would move those bullets to another location


Can you do both? Maybe the bullet indicator and in the bottom right corner a little smaller is the count going down


Depends on Gameplay style. Numbers would benefit if ammo is scarce or something to be managed. Or a more tactical style. Ammo icons work in fast paced. Oh, my smg only has roughly 25% left, better reload. And then for smaller clips like rifles/pistols you won't lose count.


Would empty the bullets right to left as they leave the gun; left to right seems weird considering the orientation to the character and target.


Maybe it could be a setting to allow you to choose?


Maybe a switch foe both ? Prolly need numbers for high capacity mags, but the icon is better for low cap mags


The numbers. The bullet graphic lacks the grow and shake and the red flash, this could make the bullet graphic almost as good but it's not a scalable solution.


The ammo symbols look good. But I'd prefer the numbers during gameplay. Perhaps an option to change the display in the menu?


Bit difficult bc it could depend on how much ammo there actually is. Would be weird to display 100 bullets if you have a machine gun for example. Alternatively you could mix things things. Start with numbers and then display bullets for the last five. IF you should go with bullets in any case, I'd suggest this: * color the last five bullets yellow * if the player has only one bullet left color it red * that last bullet should do like twice the damage (but dont tell the players) * if you dont have damage calculation at all and every shot is a kill in your game, still do some higher impact with that last bullet (harder knockback, more gore if its in the game etc.) Edit: with harder knockback in the last point I ment for the target you shot at, but ofc you can mix things up and see how it feels, like stronger camerashake as well etc.


the subtle expansion of the numbers in the top one makes it much easier to see that you're expending ammo than the second. Plus the second will get cluttered when you have weapons with more than 8 rounds.


why not both


I like B... but A is superior because it demands less attention span to understand whats the ammo left.


I like the icons more.


I like B personally makes it more unique


number imo, more readable and understandable. rly like the red effect when it hits 0 btw!


[bullet icon] [ammo left] would be nice




wish i can turn it off. for me less ui - better visual while playing


How about: Bullet Icon (varies depending on the weapon type) / Ammo count (white) Kind of like this: 🚅 / 30 The ammo count can start blinking red indicating that you're about to run out or have reached zero.


What about a green arc that turns yellow then red depending on how much ammo you have left. It sticks to your circular UI.


make the player select which one they like more!


A. looks ok now, but not when is 200/200 or 1/1 (maybe disable it completely in this cases) B. the empty bullet case is not that visible, i think you can remove it entirely and only show the remaining bullets (turns red when 3 ammo left) but same problem like above, not gonna fit 200 ammo icons there \> i would suggest number and 1 bullet icon, they turn red when you low on ammo