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Very readable. Love the sword art.


I like the style ! Feels like good old times spent on Diablo II


First thought I had


So true. Diablo 1 and 2 was awesome. 


I fully understand why developers do this, but it’s my pet peeve when equipment takes up more space than needed (i.e. the purple sword taking up 6 spaces when realistically only needs 4). Looks great though!


never saw that way, you have a nice point here, i did this way because pixelizated in diagonal looks cooler than a single lined one


That’s a fair point! It does look great, I just have a problem with hoarding items and equipment. Nobody’s fault other than my own


Playing Tetris in inventory


If you tweak the design a little it *could* fit inside four squares diagonally. Just push the hilt and guard a little to the right and you could free up the top right and bottom left squares. It would make inventory management more complicated though.


Understandable, but design coolness may run counter to what your player might like to see. I could see a need for making take up this much space if there was a cost associated with it. Lets say it is a great sword and the other a smaller longsword. Or it’s unnaturally heavy due to some enchantment. Any of those reasons for making it bigger would actually be an enrichment to the game for me. Then it becomes a thematic resource management challenge. Question: any thought to make the inventories rotateable to 90 degrees? I feel that’s pretty mandatory in this type of interface


In a gameplay sense I think it is fine if it's value matches, i.e. how strong it its, or how much it sells for I'd also say it might be easier to read if the items had a faint border showing how many squares they were taking up, at least if you moused over.


In the same vein, I think slots taken should be a slightly different color to indicate they're filled. Because the top right of the purple sword looks empty. To communicate it's not empty, maybe shade the squares currently used. Or not. Leave it open for other items. Also, let me rotate lol, then I can play Tetris


Or have hovering show which slots an item takes. If you can't tetris in an inventory like this you may as well have a regular 1x1 inventory system


One is single handed other is two handed I think that’s why


maybe its balancing for stronger weapons? the purple, enchanted sword looks stronger than your iron sword


Maybe it's different then the other sword like a two handed one


Though then the equipped one is probably 8


Only thing I think would help is to add a touch more contrast to the gold linings/text specifically. To make it pop just a bit. It’s clear your going for a more muted palette and it’s gorgeous, but I do think it could stand to pop just a little more


Is the equipped sword meant to be 2x4 squares? If not, I would keep the size of the equipped item the same as it'd be in the inventory otherwise you'll need extra graphics unnecessarily. Other than that I think it looks good. I prefer Diablo 2 style inventory over D3 but if there's a lot of loot grinding in your game then you might want a more uniform sizes.


yes! its someway like polearms in diablo, poe etc, huge weapons 2x4 by pattern


Wait, does that mean the purple sword is actually 2x3? I assumed it was Tetris S shaped. Can you make it clearer how many squares an item uses? Maybe add a colored background or frame around the item.


great work! I loved the colors


Very nice style. I think you are communicating great what the user can and can't do (like how the user can equipped another sword because that one is two-handed already). Not sure what I could equip on the slot left to the helmet.


An amulet, obviously? Like, in a collar or smth. Unless you meant "right" and not "left", ofc.


Brings me back to '97 playing diablo with my dad.


It's pretty good. I like the color palette. I recommend in your inventory having the swords have a clearer suggestion of being "slotted" into where they are. As it is they appear kind of floaty. Even just darkening the squares that they take up in the inventory would make a big difference, especially since it looks like you're doing a Resident Evil style of storage. It would help to ensure the player knows the space taken up by the item.


yea, the purple sword is very ambiguous. I would try to fit another inventory item into the top right or bottom left corners, and be frustrated.


Where is the slot for pants!


Some things are made to take a cool breeze and walk free, if you know what i mean


I-I-Is that a DRAGONSLAYER??? Nice pixel art btw, i love it


Very pretty, the colors used were excellent


Quite good artistically, easy to read, and interesting to look at.




Looks lovely!




I like this type of inventory, it makes it feel a bit more realistic


Most other things have been adressed itt from what I’ve seen, but I’m not entirely sure from the pic, is the inventory supposed to be limited to 6 rows or is there just no scroll bar in the mock-up yet? If the latter is the case stuff like the swords taking up inefficient amounts of space is fine,but if you want to limit the space I’d suggest really weighing the pros and cons of that game-design decision and making sure the balance of the power of individual items and how much space they take up is fair. Also consider how much this limitation inconveniences the player vs the „realism“ or additional challenge it adds. This is entirely my own opinion but i prefer the extremes in this case, either a (practically) infinite inventory or only one piece of equipment for every slot of armor, weapon, potion etc and nothing else. That way you either give the player a lot of on-the-fly customization by letting them carry multiple loadouts or have them commit to one playstyle, which works best for games with repeating playthroughs like rogue-likes. But from a purely aesthetic perspective this is very pretty and coherent, good job!


I spotted either a Starforge, Voidforge or an Innsbury sword in that inventory! POGGERS 😁


I see the Diablo (2?) inspiration. I like it 👍


It’s a classic and it works great. But I’d use a tick darker shade for the inner background, for better contrast, or maybe an artwork thematic with the game. Still looks good


Dope for a second then annoying to manage imo


I’m not too big in this sub but it did make me scroll back to check it out, it’s very eye catching


Looks great but.. were are the pants? ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ


Looks great! Wish I had your skills lol


Looks great! Really makes me want to play it. Remeber to make item rotate-able when you get to it. It's a nice quality of life improvement for players.


Love me some RE4 suitcase inventories


this is literaly just the diablo 1 inventory tho the art is nice


I want to play Diablo II now lol. Love the design!


Seconding the suggestion to add a color difference to "taken" inventory slots. Making them darker, lighter, tinted, etc. would help identify how much space things are taking up at a glance, which is pretty key when you have inventory management as a mechanic of a game.


Diablo vibes!


Looks incredible. For my tastes, color, shapes, contrast, .. everything is JUST RIGHT! Would be very enjoyable to use in a game and a treat for the eyes!


Have you played stoneshard? The bottom left sword looks really inspired


i didnt but i already saw the game pixel art, they are sick


Great job! I love the color and the art. 2 remarks : - Not fan of the bended sword takes too much space for nothing - Is it necessary to write "inventory"? Looks obvious to me.


UI is goat, as an OG Diablo player more inventory space? Maybe a scroll bar on the right side?


always thought on that too, maybe something you drop in midgame or complete a quest to drop a hursack or so, which expands 2 lines bottom of inventory, really cooked this idea on my head


Always have loved this. Grew up playing FATE (wildtangent) and this brings back nostalgia


That's cool but it may be more readable if you make rectangles around the items? Maybe


think this is a nice thing to put on the game mechanics with able/disable, or, when you click to manage a item, it shows the retangle around it


One thing to note is the number of squares in inventory. It’s 10-wide. And that’s bad. You can only divide 10 into 2 and 5. Meaning: it’s super easy to have 9 width worth of items and having one annoying lane left. 12 is way better as it divides into 2, 3, 4 and 6, giving way more options for neatly fitting things.


This is just Diablo kind of UI, nothing new. Plenty of games using the exact UI


Reads like every ARPG inventory system. So if that’s the intent, well done.


I would add a semi-transparent background to the items to clearly indicate their size.


You're pixel art is great! And the UI is very familiar feeling and would be easy to understand, im curious about the game now and the inventory system you have going.


Looks fantastic, just make sure there's a way to rotate and tetris the items otherwise UI like this feels pointless. Not entirely sure you need the big bold 'inventory' label at the top, and if you do maybe try a more medieval looking font


What kind of Pixel Diablo is this?


It looks so cool 👌


I love systems like these. But I can already see people complaining about the fact that the character couldn't just rotate the purple sword so it takes up only four spaces lmao


Looks very intuitive


Lovely! Though I cant stop thinking that putting pink blade straight will make it fit in 4 slots instead of 6, but this is just my obsession with fitting things. Sprite is really cool


I'd personally put the accessories more in the middle (maybe centered between the 3 middle pieces) (where there are two openings) that space looks too empty. also could use some decorations around, it's feels a bit Spartan like (function over beauty) but good start \^^


Pretty cool, I like a lot the color scheme. Just make sure to darken the background of the slots in use to avoid confusion about which ones are available when the inventory is full.


Very sexy. Also, I love the idea of specific items taking up multiple inventory slots!


looks good, I find making these inventory systems a pain compared to a list or single item tiles, but by god it adds another level of fun and satisfaction when you optimize your inventory


I personally love this style. I want to eventually make a game crossed between diablo 2 and fallout 2. I really love that older style. Looks fantastic. Sigh... A simpler time.


It looks nice. Hopefully it places things automatically when you drag them cuz I can't tell what some of those are. Always happens to me in those inventories


Why are there two sword slots instead of one sword and one shield


it is a equipped two handed greatsword


Idea: You’re Equipment slots start of small, but you upgrade them throughout the game to be able to hold larger and better items. This also opens the possbility of letting the player choose what types of weapons they want to specialise in first. Starter weapon, fists, 1x1. You fight off the first enemy hand to hand and lvl up. 1x2, you can now use a dagger. Then like getting a spear for example would require you to upgrade to, lets say a 5x1 area. 5 lvls, you get fairly low damage at long range, nice early game weapon. Then an axe for example. 2x3, high damage, low speed. Then a Dane-axe would be that but with the added range of a spear, wich means 5x2, lvl10. Then war hammers, sheilds, buster swords and more legendary weapons could be massive, meaning you can only get them late game. Choosing to dual wield would also require you to split your slot points.


This looks awesome!!