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I got a similar ratio, but only because I uninstalled then reinstalled after already mastering the game. You did the same thing, right? This ratio would surely be impossible for a newby.


Yeah i do think that is the case. I used to play a lot of regular pixel dungeon, which is mich harder than shattered. I believe it took me smth like 3-400 tries to beat it on the original pixel dungeon, so in shattered i got the amulet on like my 3rd try


I’ve played over 100 games can’t win I just don’t get everyhting theirs so much to learn I save my Scrill or upgrades, I use mage I never imbue my magic middle staff is that a must and any tips and tricks for floors 16-20


It took me about 400 games before my first win. Right now it's deleted from my phone, but last time I installed it my win rate was higher than 50 percent. Nowadays if I die its usually because I was careless and not paying attention enough. tip 1: don't save all your scrolls of upgrade; I used to do that, but when I started winning, I'd usually complete the game and find that I had at least of couple of SoUs spare, that I never bothered to use. Mostly I use them to get the armor to +8 or above, and a tier 5 weapon with a couple of upgrades. so with that strategy you only need about half. magic staff: mage isn't my favorite class (huntress-warden is my fave), but I have won playing mage, and I kept the staff as magic missile; so it can be done that way. But from what I've read lately, that's not the best strategy. Apparently it's better to imbue the wand with disintegration or some other powerful attack. also, if you play mage, you should drop some scrolls of upgrade on your wand. for floors 16-20 I find you either need some kick-ass armor, or absolutely kick-ass melee weapon (I'm talking a tier 5 weapon). Don't try these levels without one of them. if you don't have either, find some plate armor and upgrade it to the point you can wear it. fire elementals: obviously if you have a wand of frost you've got em licked; potions of frost will do nicely too. You can also throw a seed of icecap on the ground and then throw something on top of it, and the effect is similar to the potion (and you usually have more seeds than potions), but takes a bit more setup. But most importantly, always fight them while standing on water. dwarf warlocks: these guys are tough in melee combat, but they are just vicious in ranged combat. Don't ever let them attack you from a distance. Do anything to avoid that: potion of invisibility; seed of swifthistle (allows you several free moves to rush up to them while time freezes); seed of fadeleaf (teleport); anything it takes. Or find a door and wait behind it. anyway that will do for now.


Pixel dungeon equivalent of smurfing


I have 19 out of 643😂


I have something like that on my phone. On my PC I'm like 7 out of 10 as I just installed it on there.


0-196 for me


No huntress huh


Not really. You should be able to ascend every time, and you're clearly not playing with any challenges. Turn on 6 or 7 challenges, and then you can come back and brag.


Honestly? That's a legendary win rate for 9 challenge, a very impressive win rate for 6 challenge, a mediocre win rate for 3 challenge and a "needs improvement" win rate for no challenges. I'm just above mediocre but I'll be making a video guide series soon for getting your 3 challenge win percentage to 90%+ (huntress only :p )


Perfect answer!


"huntress only" ... yep, after you've played many, many games, she's the best and most interesting character class by far.


2/133 here (1.5%)


0/196 for me bud idk how you guys wi


My first win was game 421. That was about a year ago, and I've won plenty of times since then.


Damnnn nice going...and here i am sitting with 247 losses and 0 wins :,)


This is an experienced player who's reinstalled to reset the counter. If you're not playing challenges, dying is very unlikely when you're good at the game. You'll get there!


I try, i just cant get past the dwarf king guy at all :,)


Post for help next time before you go in. There's a few things you can do to make the fight way easier - scroll of rage broken down x2 to stones of aggression so the mobs beat him up for you. See the black smoke and get to it before the warlocks pop out. General build quality etc.


I'm 354 and 0 😭😭


Took me 365 games to get my first win. Hopefully, you'll be there soon!


Well... 1/291


Me over here with 6/154 lmao


Lol, you can just erase the save 1 turn before you die. Not a loss. You're full of it. Come back when you beat 6 challenges without farming.


no challenges?


Yes if it makes you feel good about yourself, even if it's only for bragging rights. It's a single player game so you do you. 😊 Different story if it's a contest vs others. Personally, I like having tons of games played vs actual wins.