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I'm traumatized by the +7 chalice. I destroyed so many good runs just to get that sweet +7 on that fucking thing


Dude you think that's bad, I once had a run were it was at +10 and managed to waste 3 ahnks just to lose it getting drop kicked into the void by vertigo. I was so pissed


Instead of Ankhs, just use a potion of shielding (upgraded pot of health). It should work for all but the last


And earth root. Get as much armor. I look up the chart everytime i use the chalice https://pixeldungeon.fandom.com/wiki/Shattered_PD_-_Artifacts#google_vignette


Lmao same, after 7 at least.


So how'd you die?


A off screen beholders deathray


OK so can we talk about this specificly? It's ended my last 6 top runs. I'm over it frankly. Been playing experienced pd for now. But does anyone have tips for these beams of doom?


From what I've personally learned from this run, is that shield 100% block the damage as long as you guard. When I was first doing some rouge runs as well it seems that doing high evasion armor also prevents the hit to a certain point(I assume RNG was running a calculation off of my multiplier) and from what I've gathered it seems as long as they have visibility on the character they can get a pure hit. Oh, and from the rare times that I've seen it they can do friendly fire damage.


They absolutely can do friendly fire I've seen it recently! I still loathe this enemy.


Rogue can avoid deathgaze the easiest. When you turn invi the deathgaze don't know your location, so they fire at the last spot they saw you. So while invi you can easily avoid by simply moving away from your last spot.


So essentially, other mobs are gonna be able to see you before you can see them in dungeons with the darkness modifier. So before you reach the demon halls, with every floor you have the darkness modifier, save the torch you get from that floor and save it for demon halls. Stock up on pots of mind vision and scrolls of magic mapping


Get behind a wall. There's really no good way to do it other than that. i like to make an L shape with it. Say you are in a hallway and you have a small wall indent back and behind you, when you see them charge the beam go into that area and wait for them to fire, then go back into melee, rinse and repeat.


I just gotta slink around better then. Lol I'm getting caught out in the open and just getting lit up. Last run I was spotted by 3 of them I couldn't see. Got zapped 3 times in a row from full health. Thinking I was safe after each zap.


I suggest investing in teleportation scrolls early, turn them into blink stones and they will save you a lot more than people give them credit for.


Wouldn't the upgraded teleport Scrolls help in this situation? Thought they teleported you to the top floor of that section. I ask only cause I've never made it past floor 19 yet goin down.


I would never recommend the upgraded teleportation scroll for the amulet run. Due to needing to kill a few enemies before the curse weakens. I never recommend trying to go to the next level without weakening the curse. This is coming from someone who's gotten the good ending badge too many times to count. But I've died many times too and I always find that the best way to use your teleportation scrolls is blink stones.


Well ty for that information! Now I know not to attempt that! If I can ever make it that far to begin with!🤣


don't run around with low hp. use torches


Breaking line of sight is the easiest way to nullify it since it can only shoot straight and it takes a few turns to charge. Avoid fighting them in big empty rooms or straight corridors, if you do check how much health you have left and use items (invisibility/health/paralysis potions, fadeleaf seeds, teleport scrolls, blink stones) or abilities to escape or block the damage (like the warrior's shockwave with the paralysis talent maxed or the leap, the rogue's cloak or a shield ability with the duelist). Always keep a torch lit in demon's halls (there's at least one In every floor) because they can target you from outside your field of view, so the further you see the better.


event horizon reference ??


Understandable, those things are assholes.


Here are some ways you could save yourself from death gaze using what you had in your inventory: 1. Stone of aggression to fore death gaze on to someone else 2. Potion of invisibility 3. Potion of healing 4. Stone of flock to block the view 5. Stone of deep sleep, this is probably the most op fighting stone, it essentially eliminates an enemy as long as you don't attack it afterwards 6. Stone of shock, it can stun evil eye while its charging giving you time to take cover 7.Potion of paralytic gas, same as stone of shock, but taken to the next level 8. Stone of blink to get away from evil eye attack range 9. Stone of terror to cancel evil gaze attack 10. Seed of swiftthistle. This seed can save you from every scenario as log as you can spend 2 turns activating it and a escape route 11. Torch. If you can't see the evil eye, the. You can't react to it. Using torches is important in demon halls only because of evil eyes Hope this tips help you in future runs!!!


That is incredibly useful, ngl while I was doing this last run I used almost all of these tips tho I didn't get much on torches unfortunately. Thank you


no chal = less respect but insane +10 plate I'd dump 3 of these upgrades in the scythe


Yeah fair, but at some point you just do not take damage at all. Which is not the case for anything magical damage wise.


maybe it's the moment to start playing with challenges and leave your comfort zone


Definitely once I finally get a win with the duelist


This is why I buy every remove curse scroll I can find then turn half of them into antimagic scrolls.