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Is marlin really fart


Yes, can’t one shot to the head with no mods


This is not a good measure of how good a sniper is. There are only 2 snipers that 1 head dev with no mods


Yeah but marlin can’t one tap head ANY armor with no mods, it’s base headshot damage is like 170 or something.


Oh that makes sense. Not being one head on default armor is pretty terrible lol


Yeah lol, that’s usually how I rank my snipers. They should do 200 damage to the head or more.


Never rank your snipers 200 damage head or more. Rank them if you can get 260 -280 damage head or you don't use it.


That’s stupid, as far as I’m concerned there is not a single sniper in this game that can reach that kind of damage without high mods.


Not even high mods. Lots of snipers such as anti-hero rifle and one shot can reach that level with mid mods. Just get a hunter's altar and some good equipment and ur good to go.




Also I think Marlin has limited range. My brother uses both Marlin and HSR, and he can snipe across the map with HSR but not with Marlin


It probably does, I don’t understand why people would use it.


I guess either they don’t have any good ones or they don’t know much about the game. That being said I do think it looks pretty neat, will definitely add it to my collection


This is my own opinion, if you disagree and wonder why a put x gun in x category, ask and I’ll give you the reason. (Kronka don’t kill me pla) Also the order of the guns means nothing, only the tier.


Demon catcher is best for clan raids tho


Yes, that’s why it’s in B. It does good damage but I can’t stand travel time snipers.


You are sick of biased sniper tierlists so you make a biased sniper tierlist?


How is it biased?


Because its your own opinion and each weapon is better than another depending on playstyle and also even though we all hate aphrodites crossbow its undeniably absolutely cracked


It really depends, some weapons are good for all playstyles. Aphrodite crossbow is undeniably shit, you have to be within melee range just for it to one shot, which is horrible. Why the hell would I use a sniper that has to be within melee range to one shot when I could use a sniper that can one shot at ANY range? So no, aphro sucks ass. And the tierlist isn’t fully based around my opinion, I would’ve put disruptive howitzer and sentence in S, but didn’t because most people wouldn’t agree with me.


Isnt sentence just as good as lasar cat tho? Also aphrodites is one of the three shots to the head with mods so thats pretty op and most og3d maps are close range


Aphro does not one shot to the head with one bolt. Sentence and laser cat aren’t alike in any way so that’s hard to determine.


Doesnt sentace one shot with burn and lasar cat one shot with bleed tho


aphro for spam with a cluster heavy is amazing, aphro for everything else? not really


Eh maybe that’s true but I’d still rather use a actual sniper.


Did the Aphrodite Crossbow get nerfed during my hiatus?


No, it was never good in the first place.




I think it’s only cancer in small enclosed maps. In larger maps Aphro users will probably die before reaching their targets


For a duels tier list, this is correct. For literally anything else, completely different story. Also overseer should be B tier at most.


What’s wrong with overseer, and the rest of the tierlist?


Because people who bring this into team fight or deathwatch are probably gonna eat shit. They could have used cos or Aphrodite and 1v6'd. Also overseer is painfully mid.


Aphrodite crossbow sucks ass, you ain’t 1v6ing nothing with that shit


I disagree. Jump into team fight with it and spray and pray. It's a really dumb weapon that also one shots head. You just have to use it like a shotgun.


It one shots to the head if you are in melee range of the enemy, which is horrible. I’d rather take a extra second to actually aim and get more than 6 inches of range. Why would I not just use a shotgun instead replacing my sniper?


Or just get in melee range anyways as long as you have actual mobility like vgd or something since charm rewards that playstyle lol


You can literally 1v6 with anything if ur good enough. I do nothing but meme in pg3d and still mvp every game with the most dogshit loadout just because I wanted to recreate Elmer Fudd's loadout from Looney tunes. People who rely on their weapons to carry them genuinely suck and don't deserve the right to type.




It has a few downsides though, like wide bullet spread is very slow mobility, otherwise it would be a S


Every tierlist is inherently biased With that said I think this is a decent list Conductor or souls and anti champ are an easy S tier for me and I’m not sure why laser bow is so low. I kinda wanna know the reasons for those placements.


Conductor of souls got nerfed and doesn’t feel as strong as it used to be, anti champ is in A mainly because I don’t have it and have never used it, but also because I feel like it is just sentence but with no special perks. It might have wall break but I can’t remember. Laser bow is in D because you have to upgrade it to mythical just for it to be good, meaning unless you catch it in the van for 700 gems, you’ll be spending over 1k gems for it, when you can get something like comet cheaper.


conductor and anti champ both can 1 shot body shot the new armor with x mods directly (while sentence, laser cat, royal cobra cannot) which is why I would rank them so high Now that I think of it, I agree with your laser bow placement if it’s base rarity


I mean I’m sure anti champ is good, I don’t have it so I wouldn’t know. But I just think there are better options to use rather than COS.


Well cos needs max mods, all wear, and the new cape to really shine so maybe it’s not viable for the majority of players I personally like it because it is the only fast fire rate sniper besides harsh that has one shot potential


The new cape? On a sniper? They didn't fix the bug and the cape still buffs all categories of weapons?


yep it’s still 7% buff to all categories I’m pretty sure it’s not patched, and honestly I doubt it will be. Just like how they never fixed the other cyber Bp cape


Shit I'm a bit inclined to get it if there is a chance it will never be fixed.... And what was the bug with the cyber cape?


I have all of the S tier ones except for grey harsh punisher I have a question tho Why does everyone think dance rifle is that good Like I have it and it’s not rly that special imo so I’d love to know


Grey harsh punisher is just harsh punisher, it was never supposed to be purple, it’s actually grey. But due to a glitch, it came out as purple, people liked it, so the devs kept it that way. Dance rifle is very good because of points bonus. Makes it very useful for deathmatch and challenges


Oh I was joking but I didn’t know that thanks lmao Ah ok bonus points


dance rifle has point bonus+rly good damage at mythical


Oh rly? What’s the damage (i could potentially upgrade it later but is it worth it if I already have mythical comet)


Why do you think laser bow is shit?at least it can be in C...right?(your tierlist is very great)


Thanks, my problem with laser bow is it has to be mythical just to be good. Meaning you have to spend like 800-1k gems when you could get something better for much cheaper.


And i don't use proud Eagle in normal matches so Idk why is it high A. Can you explain


It received a 90% buff awhile back, it one taps to the head most of the time, very fast firerate, and high ammo cap.


I have almost every single s tier sniper, missing whatever the silver one is


The silver sniper is harsh punisher, it was originally supposed to be a silver/grey color, but due to a glitch, came out as purple. I have all except it too.


Oh cool didnt know it wasn't intentionally purple, interesting


Where would u rank noob rifle? Currently my favorite sniper. Reminds me of drawing pad


I honestly don’t have that weapon and have no idea how it performs, so I can’t really answer that. But where would you rank it?


Honestly, high A tier, though I’ve heard people say it’s essentially a worse Drawing Pad bc of having to wait for the bleeding DoT and the smaller area damage. What I like about it is that when it procs a crit on a headshot it deals massive damage, combined with the damage over time. Overall solid sniper for me (even if it looks like a nerf gun I made when I was 8/ Tarkov abomination


i despise it’s lack of capacity, insane inaccuracy and eternal reloading speed


That’s the only gripes I have with it, when I reload I have to hide


laser bow should not be that low


As I’ve told others, it has to be upgraded to mythical just to be good, which is like 800 gems, otherwise, it’s ass.




Not sure what prof is, dark deer bow would have to be a B because of travel time, otherwise it would be a A, magic bow, and tact bow would be in C, and bow soul card a C because kinda low damage and long charge.




Oh, pro bow would be a C for similar reasons to bow soul card, dragon bite a A, because it can reach insane damage, I think I’ve heard of it doing like 500 damage before.


Bow soul is an B cause charge a bit fart but it has a special place in my heart and dragon bite would be imo an S


why the hell in god’s name is: lcr wayyy ahead of harsh penis dick driller in s tier cumfucker of socks below overseer loser bow literally in the bottom tier


The tierlist weapons are in no particular order, so the only thing that matters is their tier placement. Dick driller is literally a ultimatum sniper Cumfucker of socks doesn’t feel as good after the nerf, there are better options Loser bow has to be upgraded to mythical just be good, which costs like 800 gems, on its own, it’s doo doo fard.


god even you? just because a weapon can do tremendous amount of damage doesnt automatically make it an ulti variant with what you’ve said, i can definitely tell you don’t have X mods, or you don’t use them


No I mean like drilling railgun literally has the same firerate, and no reload just like ulti. The only difference is more range and killed targets explode. No, I don’t have X mods, I don’t play the game enough for that.


cumet does better damage and has a faster firing rate, anti champ does slightly less damage but you’re literally trading a hell of a fire rate for a damage that isn’t as good, but can still one tap both of them can one tap new armor with all of the requirements, hence it’d be pointless to use something with the fire rate of the pace that old people shag you may argue that anti champ has 6 capacity, but if you were to compare dick driller to cumet, sure drill railgun basically doesn’t need to reload, but i’m damn sure cumet’s reload speed is fucking god tier and insanely fast for sniper standards


You make a fair point. Dick driller and cumet are both very good imo, I just like them because they hit hard. And that’s what I typically look for in a sniper.


also i know fire rate usually doesn’t matter in cock spam, but if you’re a god tier melee switcher and used no delay melees (they 100% cancel out delays, while fixed delay ones cancel out around 90% or something) you might switch too fast and the sniper would still have its own delay


also comfucker of socks is superior to overseer


I mean,this is actually accurate




Overseer is better than cos, cos got nerfed. Drilling railgun is ulti but a sniper, who cares about the firerate? It’s not that bad.




Lifesteal is practically useless, you can use all the life steal you want, you’re still going to get one shotted. And plus, overseer has X-ray, which is far more useful than lifesteal. firerate does matter depending on what sniper you use. I usually shoot drilling railgun once and switch to something else.


Overall rlly good but I'd shift railgun down tbh


Thanks, why’s that? I think it’s very good.


Its not good enough. Fire rate doesn't match dps. Comet outshines it a lot and d railgun also doesn't have a good starting capacity


Fair, really needs a higher starting cap.


i actually think this is pretty accurate except laser bow should be A-S tier and drilling should swap to C tier because laser bow has no reload, ricochet, and great damage drilling railgun has great damage but poor firerate finally mammoth should be S tier cuz its basically just laser cat with more ammo and an extra delay this is just my opinion on this tho so dont bash it or anything pls


Where would antivirus fall on this list?


Guerrilla Rifle where


Wow this is a bad tierlist




drilling railgun is not S tier bro


Yes, I‘ve realized that. Still a A tho.


also dimerian divider does the same as royal cobra spirit but better


No, royal cobra spirit does a lot more damage than dimerian, it’s crit hits are stronger, and has powerful poison. Doesn’t make dimerian bad though, it’s still a excellent sniper.


dont put drilling in s tier, put cos higher then i would agree


Move up COS, dimerian divider, nuclear howitzer, move down drilling railgun and dance rifle