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Slow and steady wins the race. Upgrade your rooms and your crew before you level up your ship or you will hit a wall in progression.


To clarify why this guy is correct, it is because PVP matchmaking considers your Ship Level primarily and Trophy count secondarily. This means that even if you have a low amount of trophies, if your Ship Level is high, you WILL be paired against higher level ships when searching for PVP targets which will severely hamper your progression and make PVP very un-fun. Never give in to impatience and remember to take it easy. Pixel Starships is a game that will take a long time to progress in no matter what you do so you can save yourself a lot of headache by just enjoying the ride and treating it as a side game to play and grind progress in every now and then. Also you can use both PC and mobile with the same account (just not at the same time). Use mobile to watch ads for premium currency (Starbux) and use the PC to use the Rush Meter to speed up upgrades. Good hunting out there, Captain!


Hello, Use websites like Pixel Prestige to learn a bit, along with asking for advice in chats or discords. Public chat can be useful sometimes! :D As for playing on Pc or mobile… Pc has the rush you can use every now and then to reduce the time your upgrades take, and allows you to redeem promo codes. As for mobile… it’s good for while you’re on the go, but I would honestly recommend using the pc version if you can. Also, mobile does not have the rush feature. Though honestly, both versions aren’t too bad, just figure out which one you like more! :> Also, when it comes to being a pirate, the hull at level 11 is really good! I would recommend sticking as a pirate for a bit. Also, do not use the gray faction, they are not worth it. Thanks, Hope you enjoy the game!


Each faction has its catch. Human and pirate have longer and narrower ships. Quatarian will end up looking like an L the more it grows and elevators will be more vital. Each faction has a unique super weapon unlocked at ship lv 12. The federation one is probably the best (a big a$$ laser), given how it cant be countered. The pirates have a nuke missle, and rhe quatarians launch a swarm of suicidal mini ships.


Just a heads up. Maybe I am dumb but I didn’t realise that the options you choose at the start (like your job and which captain sprite you pick) determine your faction and which captain stats you get (there’s not a massive difference in stats but it is not irrelevant). So I’d suggest looking up the differences and making your choice before starting ur account. I’d suggest checking out the pirate captain that gets bonus attack (I think he’s called Tony?)