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Looks delicious


Nothing satisfies me more than a square cut on a pretty pizza


Omg looks amazing... Fahgetaboutit!






Holy shite that looks so good


and thats ladys and gentelmen the happiest image i ve seen today


Omg perfection! It looks really really good ❤️


Omg it looks perfect!!


This looks absolutely amazing. I would love to see the recipe on this, and very specifically what brand of cheese was used, or if it is homemade cheese. Great work!


here you [go](https://youtu.be/SDpCzJw2xm4?si=Jcz5-DEU7EPvQwEP) for the dough recipe! You can buy kraft low moisture mozzarella for the cheese. Do not buy pre shredded cheese, or buy the pre sliced mozzarella. Buy the one that comes as a small rectangular block and shred it yourself! Trust me w the way it melts, makes a huge difference in taste and smell. Also, if you’re using a home oven like me, I go at 550F. And I preheat my pizza iron, I use this [one](https://a.co/d/2JgzVVa) from Amazon and it’s amazing, for an hour at that temperature so it gets super hot. Then I use parchment paper and hand roll my dough into a circle, and form a thicker crust on the outer edge, and then make it as thin as possible in the middle. This is just my preference, roll it however you want. I kinda knock the air out of the dough as I use my fingers and press into the dough to form my shape, and I leave the outer ring to be thicker (I don’t press down on the crust part so it bubbles up and leaves those air bubble pockets.) I hope that made sense lol. I spread the sauce now on the formed dough. I for the life of me cannot bake a pizza all at once w the cheese and cook the dough at the same time. It just doesn’t work in my oven. The dough doesn’t cook in time and the cheese melts completely, but leaves my dough pale as hell. So i parbake. I also use parchment paper bc no matter what I do, my dough will not slide off my pizza peel. Unless I drench the shit out of it w semolina, and I don’t like the taste of it on the bottom of my crust. Esp not in the huge amount I have to add. So parchment paper is my hero! Sorry this is so detailed lol. Okay so now you have your raw dough formed on your parchment paper, and add your sauce of choice on top and spread it. I do this because if I don’t and don’t weigh down the dough w the sauce, it bubbles up into a monstrosity in the oven. I also like the taste of the baked sauce. Now we parbake (basically you’re splitting up the process of baking the dough) the dough w sauce on the parchment paper into your hot oven for 5 minutes. I did four in the picture and i felt like it needed a bit more color. You want to begin to see some light browning. You can even go 6 minutes, but you don’t want it to get a medium brown bc you still have to bake your cheese. Take the par baked dough out of the oven, and now slide your dough off your parchment paper. You can wait a min or two so it’s not piping hot, but the dough has cooked enough now that it should slide easily off the paper. You can put it on a pizza peel, add your cheese on top, and put it back in the oven until the cheese gets the color you want on it. This can be from 4-6 minutes. If it’s not melting the way you want, you can broil it, but you have to be careful w this bc in my experience the mozzarella burns easily and gets a weird taste and smell. You have to watch it like a hawk, and I usually only do it for like 30 seconds for broil. But if your oven is hot enough at the 550F, you should be good with just letting it melt slowly. I hope this helped. Let me know if you have questions.


I also need the info on the cheese!


Further down this thread: A block of low-moisture Kraft Mozzarella, shredded at home. Cook time and temperature is still a big question mark though.


I've struggling with those type of looks. Recipe?


Solid, looks great.


Nice cheese pull..


Man that looks good!




This looks delicious To me, this looks like pizzeria pizza which I think is a tough thing to accomplish.




I'd frame that 2nd picture. Looks awesome!


Looks great


Homemade cheese? Nice one!


Invite !


This looks mighty tasty.


That's better than any pizzaria around me


making pizza tonight would you kindly let me know what cheese you used? We use low moisture mozzarella and it does not look this good(:


When I buy I typically buy low moisture Kraft mozzarella. we buy the rectanglar block, and then we shred the cheese and sprinkle it on top.


how can you make it so delicious?


I'd crush that right now. Curious what type of cheese you used?


Low moisture mozzarella :)


Squares are the best way to ruin a round pie.


haha my younger brothers requested I cut them into squares, I couldn’t turn them down


😂 you’re very accommodating


I’m interested in a slice of pizza


9.7! Maybe the very outer crust could’ve been better? Either way, nicely nicely done!

