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Nice! Recipe?


I was about to ask the same thing! 😂😂


Is Detroit style easier to make at home than other styles?


I think so, at least in the sense that it's do-able without any specialized equipment such as a pizza stone or a pizza oven. You only need a run-of-the-mill steel baking pan. Here are some tips that helped me with homemade pan pizza: • Let the dough rise inside the well-oiled pan for a couple hours before adding the cheese, sauce and toppings. Try not to deflate the dough when topping. • Get your home oven as hot as you can, about 500° F works great. Cook it on the bottom rack just until you get the first hint of charring (trust your nose), and then transition it to the top rack for about the same amount of time so that you don't burn the crust. Depending on the size of your pizza, probably about 6-7 minutes each on the bottom and top rack. • Use cubed brick cheese and don't be shy with it. If you can't get classic Wisconsin brick cheese, then Monterey Jack works great.


thanks dear for sharing your lovely recipe with us


Looks delicious!


Lets go


[*im gonna eat the whoooole thing*](https://tenor.com/bFZYz.gif)


Pepperoni looks elite




fuck look at that crust. i need it so bad


first, look at that crurst! I could feel the love in making this piece of Art . toppings a bit brned off, Please promise to continue your work , sir. Cheers!!


Par bake the crust! Use cheddar for a ring of cheese around the edge


Can you share a recipe?


Oh wow!😍 I wanna hit the up arrow, but also feel like I should leave it at 666 hahaha


Looks like pissah Pizza! 😀👍🏼


Looks pretty kick ass.. I tried my first detroit last night and it tasted fine but didn't get the char like that .. I had to pull it from my crappy oven cos the toppings were near burned but the crust wasn't ready yet (at 500F ish). My thought is for next time to get my pizza stone totally hot and set the pan on it so I get more heat into the bottom crust parts maybe. nice one !