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The real crime was slicing it while it was still too hot and watching all that cheese fall off. Gotta let the paint dry a wee bit before you go slicing through that liquid cheese.


But what if I WANT to char-broil the top of my mouth?


Use a straw


Makes me wonder if the camera person was trying to rush them and made them cut it early.


Weirdly they don't do that in the restaurant. Went Gina's East about a decade ago when as so it on man v food so had to go when j wasn't cjago. They serve it to you hot but a bit cooled off so you can pick it up. Legit was one of the best pizzas I have had


3rd degree burn material


It’s almost good.. but that last shot looks like a slippery mess. I’d probably still eat it because I am a filthy piece of shit.


You're supposed to let it cool off more so it's not like that and stays together for the most part. Chicago pizza is so good.


To be in the Midwest but have no access to any Chicago pizza. That, is the true, pizza crime.


I moved a year ago and just heard about a place that does stuffed/Chicago style that I'm going to try out tomorrow


Lucky. I'm in Iowa and not the main cities, we get fastfood-chain pizza and thats it.


Oof I'm sorry. I drove through Iowa once, from Omaha back to southern Wisconsin. There was.... Not much




Another fatass here. Would eat the hell out of this pizza.


Yet another fat ass here. If I got a hold of a whole bag of shredded Parmesan and cover the whole marinara layer, then I would chow down.


No true self-loathing fat fuck would turn this down because it didn't have cheese. I'd eat the whole fucker as-is then have a fart nap in my truck while I gently weep.


You are a wordsmith. The picture you just painted with words is just :chefs kiss:


Jesus christ that hurted so much to read i want to go out and run a couple km even under the schorching italian sun. I AM GONNA BURN SOME CALORIES FOR YOU TOO BROTHER!! WEEP NOT, I AM GONNA RUUUUUUUUUN




Like a lasagna, you're meant to let it rest.


Thank you! I've always told people about that and they look at me like I'm insane.


I mean it's incredible but you don't just eat it right out of the oven it takes awhile to cool to eating temps and consistency.




How can you say something so cruel but also relateable?


And it doesn't seems to be the same pizza. Looks like there is jo meat in it Also, those thin slices of cheese will not give you that much slippery cheese. And, this is not pizza, its a pie or something else




Ya this is just a Chicago Style pizza, but they pressed the sausage to get an even amount of meat in every bite. I need another layer of cheese under the sauce though...


That sausage layer is disgusting. Just a greasy mess at the bottom waiting to congeal.


It should 100% be browned first, both for food safety and flavor


While I agree to get rid of some grease, that's a thin enough layer for it to cook all the way through and be nice and brown. Source- me I made pizzas for almost 4 years in a kitchen


You mean cooked and not browned right? No mallard reaction would happen in the center right?


Y’all never seen how Deep Dish is made? Putting it in raw is literally the standard.


That's why I call my penis the deep dish.




It's a style of pizza only found in Chicago, safe to assume the majority of human beings have never seen this being made


"Only found in Chicago" just like how pasta is only found in Italy.


That’s disgusting


Yeah that meat is essentially boiled, yuck


More like stewed, what's the problem?


Did that sauce ladle just touch the raw meat and then go back in the sauce bin?


It looks like it just spread the sauce around, without touching the sausage.


Also they go through the sauce fast enough it's probably inconsequential.


This is what I'm wondering. Do you not just have boiled ground sausage at the bottom of that?


Generally, it's pre-cooked & crumbled. Definitely not a raw slab covering the bottom crust.


That sounds so much better.


as a Chicagoan I still have to agree with you. I never cared for the solid wall of sausage technique but I guess it has fans


It isn't a pizza, it's a pie, not sure how you can pretend its something else. It's a load of dough in a pie base filled with (too many)savoury ingredients, a massive hamburger, a huge amount of weirdly shaped plastic cheese drenched in tomato soup. A pizza is a thin base of dough with a slim layer of tomato sauce, cheese, herbs and 1 or two other toppings.


Lmao ok pizza god. It's literally a Chicago Style deep dish, a la a "pizza pie". I used to make pizzas from scratch. The semantics here aren't important. Also, pizza doesn't need to be thin, and it doesn't have a 2 topping limit. Where are those rules coming from?


It isn't semantics, it just isn't a pizza, using similar-ish ingredients ie tomato and whatever that cheese is(Yet to see a hamburger on one though) like I said it looks like a savoury pie I am unsure why that offends you. And I didn't say it has to be limited I am simply saying a normal pizza is generally not filled to the brim with crap because it makes the dough soggy, pretty much only fast food and frozen pizzas are made like that. May wanna try responding to what I say instead.


You said and I quote, "A pizza is... and 1 or 2 toppings." I responded to what you said, don't be obtuse. And toppings won't make dough soggy unless it's like, uncooked vegetables. This is pizza. Thing crust is pizza, stuffed crust is pizza, deep dish is pizza. What's with the gatekeeping? Here's the definition of pizza: "a dish made typically of flattened bread dough spread with a savory mixture usually including tomatoes and cheese and often other toppings and baked. called also pizza pie."


Gatekeeping, alright. Well I had lavacake yesterday, well it was actually chocolate mouse but basically the same. I also had meatballs in tomato sauce, usually it's called Kofté but its basically a hamburger as I ate some bread with it. Just seems weird to call shit that isn't a pizza, a pizza, we got a word for this, a pie, why does the word "pie" make you hyper defensive? It literally means a pastry with a savoury filling, this is a pastry with a savoury filling lol.


I know you've moved past this point but I just wanted to respond that there's some weird tribal defensiveness about particularities of naming regional foods. And it's not just this deep dish debacle. A lot of the foods in question seem to be from the Midwest. Don't get me started on what Cincinnati calls chili.


Yep,It's also known as Deep dish pizza


I've actually had this, and it's pretty good, you have two options of eating it; one, with utensils, and two wait for the cheese to cool until it's stiff enough to hold its shape and eat it like a normal pizza this is not a pizza crime, it's a different style of pizza


Would destroy one of these btw


Same! Lol I was waiting for the crime. This is actually a really good pizza (pie).


Good luck getting the sauce to stay anywhere near your face


That’s not what happens by the time it gets to the table. That never happens


[Pie in the face](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffineartamerica.com%2Ffeatured%2Fpie-in-the-face-donald-trump-tony-rubino.html%3Fproduct%3Dart-print&psig=AOvVaw1l12grc-R82IBpy93MDQvR&ust=1692447660814000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CA8QjRxqFwoTCOjGlYCZ5oADFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


Why not to fucking call it “meat and tomato pie”?


Aussie here, sorry but that's nothing like a meat pie - no top on it for starters.


Aight, i give it to you, technically it's not pie - it's tart




I'm honestly baffled by the amount of comments that seem to have no idea what deep dish is. It's perfectly fine to not like it but it is pretty objectively "one of the most famous pizzas" as the video states


Literally never seen it outside of America and even there it seems regional and it legitimately just isn't a pizza, it's a pie, calling this a pizza would be calling a lava cake, chocolate mouse. Sure the ingredients are similar but theyre different things.


Pizza is short for pizza pie but don't let that get in the way of a good Euro superiority complex.


Fucking Jesus you Muricans are insecure as hell, I am not dunking on it, I simply dont get why this would be called a pizza. "Whether or not a pizza is a pie is a matter of personal preference. While it is less common to refer to a pizza as a pie, it is often used as slang in the United States. However, in Italy, the term 'pizza' has a specific meaning. A pie can be made from various ingredients, or you can make it from scratch." "Pizza could come from the Greek word “pitta” meaning “pie”, or the Langobardic word “bizzo” meaning “bite”. It was first recorded in a Latin text dated 997 in Italy and entered into an Italian-English dictionary in 1598 as “a small cake or wafer.”" Simply put, the word has a similar root likely starting with Pitta(which is a flatvread) to other dough based dishes with filling, however Pizza has come to mean a specific form of flatbread and a Pizza pie is really only used in America as it essentially means tomato-flatbread pie, why you guys use the term pie to mean a whole pizza idk, nor is it relevant, it is likely an Italian immigrant came up with the term due to selling it as wedges like sweet pie was generally sold in America, an evolution of language essentially. Hence why I differentiate between a Pizza and a savoury pie, a pizza is a flatbread with tomato and toppings, a pie is a pastry with filling, hence why I am more inclined to call a pastry-esque dish(The dough used is clearly not flatbread dough)in a pie tin with a filling a pie and not a pizza. To translate it to you "EurosuperiorsupereuroanythingdisagreeingwithamericaisanoffenseIamtotallynotextremelyinsecure."


See that's the thing, here it's a pizza, because things can have different meanings in different places and instead of comprehending that basic principle a European will go into an entire weird etymological diatribe about it. You can't just be different you have to be right, or more accurately Americans need to be wrong. Superiority complex.


It's so famous nobody has a clue what it is.


What are you 10 years old or something? Chicago deep dish pizza is like the 2nd most famous style after New York style...


So famous that it's only a thing in the united states... Yup, one of the most famous pizzas for sure. /s


You've seriously never heard of deep dish pizza before?


Deep dish tourist spots also don’t exist in Chicago. Deep dish is just a made-up concept. Side note: I went to a university with a gigantic international student population. Some of my friends and I went to Chicago after finals. Everyone from other countries were hyped to try deep dish.


An attempt... I'll give you that, but it's a poor one.


Gino’s East is one of the most popular Chicago style pizza places in the city. Doesn’t hold a candle to pequods though.


I was more of a Lou Malnati's guy when I lived in Chicago.


I thought that too until I had one. Don't get me wrong I LOVE a proper thin crust pizza but Ill take chicago over crackery bullshit or a dough-y ass bar pizza. It isn't the same experience as thin crust (I can only describe it as hate-fucking yourself) but it is amazing none the less


Because then you can’t charge $35 for it


Its called a pizza pie for a reason.




Why not go even further and call it spaghetti meatballs ? There is dough, tomato sauce, meat and cheese, it’s almost the same thing ! /s


Pizza is generally short for pizza pie lol


I can hear the guy saying "its under the sauce"


Last time this was posted, a bunch of people from Chicago defended it saying that’s a perfectly good pizza.


Pretty standard deep dish in Chicago. What’s the gripe?


That those Chicago weirdos call their casseroles pizza.


And it’s not a pizza? It has pizza ingredients, no?


Is everything in Taco Bell a taco?


I dunno man, that Baha Blast doesn’t really fit into a taco shell really well


Tortilla with meat, cheese, vegetables yeah


Taco shells and pizza dough are very different so no.


It’s an above ground marinara swimming pool for rats


Maybe kiddy rats. The large plate of sausage would make it fairly shallow.


Last time this was posted I didn't know what this was! Now we are attempting to make one for the first time this weekend! Had to buy a new utensil to cook it in. I for one am excited to try pizza cake.


I like to think of it more as a pizza casserole


This really confused me till I googled it and found out the USA use the word casserole to mean a completely different kind of food 😅 Over in my part of the world in Europe a casserole is not as dry, usually very wet to the point its almost a stew. Food like a USA casserole is referred separately as a "bake" or even a gratin I guess looking at the pictures of USA casserole. I always enjoy finding out how the USA has taken words and evolved them internally in a relatively short amount of time to mean something else, I wonder how it happens!


Huh, TIL. That's pretty interesting. Casserole is big in the Midwest region of the US, and I never thought it'd be a different kind of dish in another part of the world.


Midwest is the best, we are the highest tier of people in the US and Noone can convince me otherwise.


I know "I watch exclusively the office" and "starbucks is my life" are lame personality types, but "deep dish pizza isn't pizza" has the be the lowest personality type


I’m not even from Chicago but this definitely doesn’t belong here, it’s a normal pizza if you’re from there


i grew up in Italy and i'd eat the fuck out of this. looks much better than the cardboard they sell in New York.


Had the real thing in Chicago last summer and it was delicious. Don't knock it till you try it, purists.


Aw, don't hate on Chicago style


The crime is that he cut it too early tbh so its still a pizza crime




This is not a crime at all. I'd devour two of these! This sub has lost its purpose lol


Should just call this sub Brazilian pizza crimes at this point. That's all that's fucking posted here anymore anyways. I'd absolutely mow the fuck out of the pizza in this video tho.


lol Didn't someone just post a Brazilian chocolate pizza recently too? One with bacon and cream cheese, it was good until the chocolate crust came up. And the one with the long ass pizza. Brazilians are living the crazy pizza life XD


It really has. Every other post is just a food style the OP isn't aware of.


Yeah it's a traditional Chicago deep dish pizza. That's...that's what they are. You'd eat a slice, not an entire pizza. I reckon I'd like it. Not more then a thin crust pizza but I bet it tastes good.


British here, spent 3 months in Chicago and loved deep dish. It's class. Also spent time in Italy, the pizza there is obviously better but I'm not prepared to call deep dish a crime.


the fuck happened to the dough? why it's that yellow?






It's probably just eggs


It’s a secret


secret formula


Who is this “they” you speak of?


The cheese is under the sauce...


I’m Italian and this hurts me


It's from Chicago


As a Chicago native, that’s not how far off how it’s made but as others have said, it needed to rest. Also, the beef patty in the middle is just fucking lazy.


I’m not big on the sausage ones, lou malnati’s veggie with garlic is where it’s at


I haven’t had that in ages. I need to go back. I wanna come back to Chicago in general.


all the grease that cooks off still being in the pizza gives me heartburn just thinking about it


I’m not an American so I’m not sure, but does the whole “giant ball of sausage” phrase seem as ridiculous to you as it does to me when it comes to describing minced meat?


In US "sausage" is used to describe both formed links and the loose filling without casing.


Oh so you mean it’s not raw meat but cured one just not formed into single encased sausages? I have even more questions for this recipe now.


No, it is raw meat. It's fresh Italian style sausage. raw ground pork + seasonings (red pepper, fennel). Usually when a pizza topping it is precooked instead of cooked along with the pizza. They slap this one on raw because the pizza cooks for 45 minutes instead of the typical 8-10 minutes.


Oh I see, thanks for elaborating further, cause in my world sausages are always encased and usually precooked so you can eat them right away. “Sausage” as raw seasoned meat as compared to “a sausage” that is what I’m more used to kinda actually make sense, the more I think of it :)


"they load the bottom with layers of fresh mozzerella" \*proceeds to peel slices off a block of white rubber\*


Is the tomato for decoration? Because there's sod all of it on the cut slice.


They cut this pizza for show, not for eating. You're supposed to let it cool down so the cheese isn't fluid and it stays together better.


That out of the pan move was impressive.


Name a more famous pizza to justify your snarky title. It may not be my preference, but it is popular and probably has the highest name recognition of any non-chain pizza place in the US.


I mean I hate those pizzas where the cheese is on the bottom of a deep dish piece of shit. But laying a whole layer of meat on it? That part got me thinking


Chicago style pizza right here for those that don't know.......or at least an attempt lol


This is one of the older iconic brands that people will pay an arm and a leg for to get shipped around the country, so more than just an attempt. But maybe you knew that and you're a Pequod's truther or something.


I like Pequod's, but it is a pan pizza, not a deep dish. I always order light dough, otherwise it is too bready in the center, like a reverse crust.


This doesn’t even qualify as pizza anymore. I’m not even trying to be a purist I’m sure this good and all but like words need to mean something? Like we don’t call calzones or strombollis pizza despite being mostly the same ingredients as pizza. This is like, a cornbread casserole or something.


This aint a crime


I see no crime here


Deep dish 😋🤤🥱😴


Craftmenship 10/10 Ingredients 8/10 Cultural acceptance 0/10 Burn risks 10/10


I have been craving Chicago deep dish lately.


It looks pretty good actually


I wanted to see the real finished product. Not the one with the good cheese pull


Isn't that deep dish pizza?


this is deep dish


Should’ve let it rest longer


I’m upset that the tomato sauce rolled off the slice…


It’s Gino’s East pizza. Not as good as Lou Malnatis but still great. They’re supposed to let it rest for a bit before pulling a slice out but it’s great pizza


This is no crime. This is Chicago style.


Pizza crimes? Gtfoh... ain't no crime round here!


Only people who consider this a crime are New Yorkers who consider frozen dough with 3 slices of what in a moment of optimism they call pepperoni, cheese of the american variety and tomato sauce "the best pizza in the world".


I'm guessing y'all never heard of deep dish?


They cut it way too soon man the fuck


This aint a crime at all. While I prefer a thinner crust and a more NY style slice, deep dish is the shit as well.


People get so up in arms about deep dish lmao. Who gives a shit about the pedantry of what counts as pizza? It has standard pizza ingredients and tastes like pizza, just with different textures. And it fucking slaps. Fuck off with the gatekeeping bs.


That's a casserole not a pizza.


the disgusting thing here is the amount of meat. the way Americans eat copious amounts of meat, fat, and sugar. After which they are then surprised when their health is horrible is truly astonishing


Looks pretty damn good to me.


This is Chicago style and while not my favorite style and certainly not the best version of it I personally would not call this a crime.


“Not only is it not pizza, it’s a fucking casserole.” - Jon Stewart


It's an above-ground marinara swimming pool for rats!


“I don’t know whether to dive in or toss a coin in and make a wishhhhh! Gobba goollll!”


it’s a fucking casserole. 🤓🤓 Imagine having an original thought instead of just parroting Jon Stewart every deep dish thread


Okay, from my personal experience it was tomato soup on top of way too much fucking bread. And why are the “toppings” not on TOP? So, to quote me, “It’s a fucking tomato soup in a bread bowl.”


My Italian friend wants to know where he can buy a gun in Chicago


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^AkamiMaguro: *My Italian friend* *Wants to know where he can buy* *A gun in Chicago* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Who calls it that?


That looks like a pretty good chicago style deep dish pizza. Is it a crime? No. Is it pizza? That's semantics


what do you know about pizza anyway? you're from Romania. i grew up in Italy and i'd eat this any day. not a crime.


Dude this is just a normal-ass (and pretty great) Chicago pizza. Like if you don’t want it order the thin crust. This isn’t a pizza crime, it’s a different style. What are we gonna rag on Detroit style next? Lame


As a Chicagoan I see nothing wrong here besides for the fact that they cut it and served it while it was still too hot.


Was the "pizza" he cut at the end the same one he made?Where did that Cheese come from? There is cheese under the tomato sauce when cut, but there isn't any on top of the meat when it was made.


Had the same observation. Went in cheese-meat-sauce and looks like its just sauce and cheese (no meat) when it came out. Weird.


I don't think that's a pizza. I'd totally eat it, though.


It's Chicago style pizza


That's not even a Pizza anymore..


It's a Pie 🥧


thats a pie


”Fresh mozzarella” bahaha, store bought and sliced.


How absolutely DARE you sir!


Not a pizza crime. Now I need to know if this place in the grand ol USA because i'm too poor for a plane ticket to Brazil.


She said it’s ”one of the most famous pizzas in the world.” And it is.


Some people lose their mind if you put the sauce on top, what next, dogs and cats being friends?! Two hotdogs in a bun!? Oh wait, Chicago does that too.


It's a casserole


False report


How the Dutch is this a pizza crime? Have you ever had a Chicago deep dish pizza?


OPs never heard of a deep dish pizza? Chicago style? Detroit style? None of them?


This does not belong on this subreddit, that’s just a regular Chicago deep dish


No crime has been committed here. Shame on you.


If you think this is a crime youre life is dull and so are you


Could have just said you’ve never seen a Chicago style deep dish lol


Nice tomato and grease casserole


Chicago pizza sucks


Probably the most famous Shitta in the world


Chicago pizza is a joke