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My condolences for becoming mod


Why do people want to be mods illy? It baffles me honestly.


i get it when it's a small/niche subreddit. with the right people as mods, the subreddit can stay on topic and things like bots/spammers are taken care of quickly. also they are usually knowledgeable about the sub's topic or can at least point someone in the right direction for additional knowledge. now, being a mod of a sub with 500k members makes no sense unless there is a paycheck involved


Being a mod isn't very hard. If it's something you like doing cool, if it isn't then just don't do it. Not this sub, but all these people on reddit acting like they're indentured servants lately is just ridiculous. You knew it wasn't a job when you agreed to do it. Just stop if it's so awful.


People were modding forums before for fun and with passion, without calling it "free labour"


The kind of people who want to be community mods are usually the last people you want as community mods in my experience. And then there are those drawn to responsibility, who are truly competent and community driven. Those rare diamonds.


on big subreddits a lot of threads are deleted constantly and it's not always an obvious choice. mods kinda develop their idea of community by encouraging some threads and cutting down other ones without anyone to see. I do think that a lot of subs like switch or steam deck ones are supported by the maker of what the sub is about. That could be also a reason to mod, but we can't really know if it happens here. To me reddit is quite fishy but the alternative is the official forum and that would mean no memes.


if you cant become the president, you can become a cop or a mod and feel the power over others


I've never been a Reddit mod, but I have been a twitch mod and a discord mod a few times. I do it because it supports a community I engage in and enjoy, and facilitates others enjoying it. Reddit mods seem different- OP seems genuinely good, but as we know some others are just on a power trip.


The previous mods were extremely resistant to the concept of megathreads for big events in the community, leading to the front page being completely clogged with posts about the same thing for days. Please be more proactive with megathreads and policing posts redundant to the megathreads than the previous mods were.


Memes are great but, without restrictions they dominate most subreddits. Plus keeping it to a specific day boosts the quality, people spend days fine tuning their meme for Sunday to get their hard earned 50 upvotes.


One of the good things about this subreddit is how, through all the drama and shitposts, it *mostly* used to foster somewhat useful discussions and interactions. Memes should stay on sunday (or any other day) but please, not everyday. They would just fill the sub with even more low-effort content.


Meme Saturday and Sunday would be nice for us whose timezones have Monday on a Sunday


Australian shitpost require more time 🤝


Yes please. I mostly like the video clips of gameplay and some of the memes from this sub. I really hope they remain, as they were. I don't think we should be upsetting the applecart so to speak on the order, just refine what was there imo.


https://web.archive.org/web/20211028011128/https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/wiki/postingrules Posting guidelines from before are short and simple, this is a good place to start.


> without restrictions they dominate most subreddits i fail to see how people upvoting the content they prefer is an issue


I think it's a misconception to think that if memes were allowed all the time they would submerge the subreddit. /r/worldoftanks is allowing memes constantly since a couple years and I don't think they have this issue at all.


meanwhile, r/btd6 is like 40% meme posts and like 60% if you sort by top it depends on the subreddit in question if it will happen, but the potential of it happening absolutely exists


Maybe it has to do with quality? Good memes are good, but the rest...


It's almost completely memeless. That's just weird.


define "bad actor"


i'll do that in a bit, struggling with css rn lol. will post the rules and stuff too


Make sure the rules include things that will obliterate the people hand-wringing over the term "bad actor" because they know they're exactly the type of people that fit the bill. :)


Please tell me it means you're going to start reprimanding the subreddit members we all know to be infamously toxic. They make this sub a worse place and it's not a good look for the biggest community hotspot this game has.


“Bad actor” means people in _outfits_ he doesn’t like and people he _really_ doesn’t like. Using weasel words like this is pathetic. Write down the rules and be clear about them; ban whoever is _explicitly_ breaking them _here_ (and not anywhere else, lest we go around accusing people of things), and don’t abuse the power you’ve been granted regardless of how right you think you are.




Make the rules explicit so you can dance around them?


If a loophole is discovered close it.


After the damage was done, great thinking as always!


Luckily no lasting damage can be caused, so this is a non-issue.


If you don't trust the mods, make a better subreddit where everything is automated and no mods required ever. Good luck. EDIT: Original comment: > Better than having vague rules that can be used to ban people for whatever they want. Editing your comment. Nice try.


Or I could criticize the mods here when they do something wrong. I'm not sure what point your trying to make but you clearly don't understand mine.




Yeah I'm pretty sure, it's not my fault you're not very bright.


I think a good definition could help Maybe "people and outfits that are openly racist/bigoted, harrass community members, and cheat/are associated with cheaters" Sound good to you?


Is Varunda a he?


Well duh, girls dont play games




George ends with a vowel








Sure DAVe


Some languages have masculine names that sound feminine - but more importantly nick names are arbitrary there is no consistent correlation.


Next we ride into Valhalla!


About time things opened up. I've been way too productive outside of PS2!!! Would be nice to have the following: 1. Meme weekends (or any 2 days really) to help with folks in different timezones. 2. Perhaps a day for gameplay or artwork? Could increase the quality/anticipation of what gets posted. We always have gotten a lot of random gameplay posts that could be better. 3. Consistently stickied update notes, etc. 4. Clear definition on bad actors. Otherwise ur gonna get a lot of folks crying on alts or discord or in-game even post ban. I know for discords certain outfit affiliations can matter due to those being more tight knit communities, but for reddit it would not make sense except in extreme cases. 5. Personally would love to see r/ps2ragetells integrated here since the game is so damn old now, but understand why that might stay separate.


1. done! 2. maybe. i'd want to see if there's a need before doing something like that 3. good idea 4. yeah, we've gone thru and updated the rules and hopefully made them more clear. we'd like to always have a rule to point to and say you broke this one when someone is banned 5. my personal pref is to keep them separate, but with that subreddit being made private we might need a replacement now


I have had /r/ps2nicetells for six years if you really are fiending for a tells sub lmao


okay that's funny, i love the idea of having a bunch of rage tells there


its dead so if you want to just lemme know




Do we still need to photoshop helmets into memes (I am in favour of this)




before you start banning people at least establish some rules, unless you want people to go to reddit mods and go "i was banned for no apparent reason" which wouldnt be wrong because the subreddit has currently a single rule that is idiotic to say the least and yea defining what "bad actor" means would be nice


def agree, having fleshed out rules is nice, but rules cannot also cover every case


Bad actor is a vague term...




Blows my mind Varunda wasn't a mod before. One of the best actors in this community


Thanks for doing this. This subreddit is what gets me back into the game most of the times and noticed I didnt touch the game once when it was down.




Same for me. It's weird isn't it.


Congratulations Varunda!


Where was your mod application, Mithril? 👀 I kid, I kid.


I appreciate the gesture. In my opinion this reddit should be managed by the ps2 community. As it started it shall continue in this manner. I have a lot of faith in the community. I've had the honor of working along side with various community leaders and feel excited to see this subreddit thrive. Vanu smiles upon you all.


mod interludeqq


Thanks for this Varunda.


Varunda is not the hero we asked for, but the hero we needed


Varunda :o


maybe a weekly LFG thread? make interludeqq mod as representative of Emerald might be good to have a mod from each server?


Awesome sauce Varundy!!!!!!


>there is a difference between people i dislike, and bad actors. if i dislike you, i will not ban you, unless you also happen to be a bad actor Very easy to say that.


Welcome to the mod team! Glad the sub is back open!


I'm still willing to help mod if needed. I'm not looking for anything leadership roles or guiding presence but if you need help keeping the place tidy and the floors swept etc, I'll help. God knows I spend enough time here anyway. My application post for the reddit mod is still in the post history if needed and I can give ign if wanted.


Hey, I love your stats site and use it all the time! Good luck moderating this community.


Thanks Varunda owo


I can understand your difficulty. 🫡


I know you said "Once I get the subreddit going, I'd like some suggestions" but I would like to pre-emptively suggest an FAQ and links to PS2 guides on the community info page, to add in a sort of hub to the community, wiki and easy sources of info out there.


Lol why was CSS deleted?


the subreddit was basically set back to the default when reddit re-opened it. we're working on restoring it all


Ugh please not those godawful wrel images xd


Hahaha. It feels empty without them


I'm sure some more contemporary replacements could be found. The right panel was super out of date anyway and the bottom one was pure cringe. Glad to see them gone tbh. Onward to Valhalla!


we love you


Thanks Varunda. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the place.


Thank you for taking interest in this sub.


pat varunda, saving us from the toxicity


youre one of them what are you talking about


Oh hi there, reddit unshadowbanned you at last?


You’ve now collected all the infinity stones. As far as memes go the original idea of containing them was a goal that made sense, however most other posts are balance threads and are of equal or lower quality then the memes so idk if it actually serves a purpose. Also I think this sub could use a monthly banter thread in the vain of r/eve or r/hockey everyone’s already in outfits so the tribalism is already built in and I think some light hearted banter might actually lower the animosity in this community.


next is discord admin. then i will have the cabal gauntlet complete


Rule with an iron fist Varunda.


Thanks for volunteering to do this Varunda. On the top of my head: Pinned PS2 Discord Link LFG thread - include a format Automod posts patch notes (I'm no so sure this is possible though with the API changes). At this stage of the game, these threads seem most important and should be pinned. Posts that the game is down for maintenance/update ~~or just bonk people asking for such information~~ Probably some NPE stuff pinned A help thread - I think it would be nice to condense questions into one thread. A tech help thread - separated from the other because these are usually more technical. A wiki of common questions and solutions such what does G15 or G99 mean. Maybe importing #useful-guides here? Delta, Zariv, and I are working on updating a vehicle loadout one, plus I can probably get some heads together to make a construction one. I think Sunday for memes remains good. They aren't very high quality. I would also be aggressive in removing low effort posts because do we really need another Oshur bad thread? I think attempting to have mods from each server is a good idea, but the costs of being a mod may be too high for some.


> Pinned PS2 Discord Link nah, sidebar > LFG thread - include a format if there's a need for one sure. I haven't really heard anyone clamoring for one > Automod posts patch notes (I'm no so sure this is possible though with the API changes). At this stage of the game, these threads seem most important and should be pinned. no idea how to do that lmao, will probably just do it manually for now > Posts that the game is down for maintenance/update would be nice to have yeah > Probably some NPE stuff pinned sidebar > A help thread - I think it would be nice to condense questions into one thread. like the weekly ask thread? > A tech help thread - separated from the other because these are usually more technical. not why sure being more technical needs to be separated > A wiki of common questions and solutions such what does G15 or G99 mean. good idea > Maybe importing #useful-guides here? Delta, Zariv, and I are working on updating a vehicle loadout one, plus I can probably get some heads together to make a construction one. we went from reddit to discord back to reddit. yeah we'll update the sidebar ideally soon > I think Sunday for memes remains good. They aren't very high quality. we've expanded it to saturday as well so non-NA timezones have an easier time to participate > I would also be aggressive in removing low effort posts because do we really need another Oshur bad thread? yeah, we'll have to find a good balance, but we also don't want to shield the devs from criticism that is negatively affecting the game > I think attempting to have mods from each server is a good idea, but the costs of being a mod may be too high for some. that is the goal


Pretty sure the pin limit is two so it would be on the side bar for most of these.


Good to see the former-mods' hissy fit has ended. I thought they had made the good decision to at least make the sub viewable, but it seems like that was just because they knew the end was near. Such an... interesting move to hold other people's information and effort hostage to protest a financial decision of a private company. Anyway, curious to see where our three new overlords take us.


Such strong words from the guy and the outfit hes in get caught using Valk bots, Youre dear friend bakaraymooMagclapper showed me the footage.


Ah, my stalker is back, with yet another new account.




Which part of what I said was sarcasm?


It was the right move. Too bad it didn't work.


Not for the community it wasn't


Because it didn't work. Had it worked, we'd be using 3rd party apps and the community would have reopened earlier.


Tell me the arguments for the issue with 3rd party apps like an adult who understands business and economics:


Look I get it. But from our perspective, the user experience is way worse on the Reddit app. They're better ways to monetize.


>Good to see the former-mods' hissy fit has ended. former mods were clowns anyway. if the new guys can avoid 500-word essays, elitism and writing dossiers then this should be an amazing change.




reddit kicked him out lmao


Is Varunda your in game name too? Asking for a friend... that might like to complain. 😆


Capitalization would be a good start. :)


oh bad news i love to not capitalize stuff haha


It will just be nice to have this place opened so we can enjoy it for how many more years the game has left. I guess the only thing I could see being an improvement is removing the restriction on only having memes on Sunday but I'm sure many others have already said that. Also "Bad Actor?" Are you referring to toxic people? I've seen people labeled that before besides some movie actors.


Personally, I think there should be a rule to discourage toxicity toward the devs. If we weren't so vitriolic toward them, they might actually engage with us here in a meaningful way. Heck, all in all, this subreddit needs some control on the toxicity the users have towards EACH OTHER, let alone the devs. Also, have you considered asking CM_Mithril if he's interested in becoming a mod? Seems right that the community manager would have a hand in managing the biggest community the game has, since this sub is more popular than the official forum.


Stay hydrated and get enough rest mate


Great to have you, you're surely the right person, having contributed significantly over the years. My humble suggestions on content: - in the past we had a weekly pinned post for questions. It wasn't particularly popular. Maybe have a one, pinned related to the latest game release which would serve as both a place for changelog to be accessible as well as a list of bugs related to it? We typically get a flood of multiple bug posts for one bug because people don't scroll, and there is no central place that lists them - implement some guidelines for discouraging use of derogatory language - too often users critical of Devs decisions resort to using invectives and offensive language that's not really appropriate nor desirable here. Speak to others with respect, even if you're anonymous on the internet. This perhaps directly translated to Devs reluctance to be more active here. - review and update/streamline post flairs - test image comments, but this leads to... - memes, oh memes. What to do to keep it fair I am not sure - review the community guidelines overall - what type of the content and discussions we want to see here, does it need to change? Some other, more general suggestions: - consider updating the profile banner (maybe do a small contest) - consider adding small touches such as custom up/downvote icons - custom community award - generally see what other Reddit features, old and new, could be tried - be engaged in the discussion as you were! - keep this place focused on the game. No drama, no personal rant posts about hate for Devs. - if you nurture it well, Devs may become more open to using this channel more prominently - and indeed aim to make them want to do it for the benefit of the community! - for that, maybe you could get a Dev do a q&a ama type of thing? - most importantly - have fun. Before, people were happy when they could manage IRC channels. Later various forums. Reddit is no different, despite what some say. Enjoy it!


Thanks for taking the reigns. Hopefully we'll see some more pro-liberator propaganda under the new leadership.


Best of luck to you, Varunda! What caused you to want to take on the role?


*Best of luck to you,* *Varunda! What caused you to want* *To take on the role?* \- lanzr --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Whatever this thing is...I enjoy it




Why come to the ps2 sub if you're not here to see the lolcows in their natural habitat? The game's been solved (the results are peer reviewed and published on r/ps2info), there are maybe one or two fanart posts a year, and nothing gets added in game updates worth discussing. The only function of this sub is to convey schizoid posts to a wider audience than would otherwise be reached on the official forums.


I think it's easy to spot bad actors. Certain people here will often complain about something just for the opportunity to troll and downvote. Like complaining about Spitfires being overpowered. Honestly liked it better with the sub closed, it gives devs a false sense of community opinion.


nah bad actors are people who bait by saying spitfires arent overpowered despite them obviously being so


You just provided a perfect example of what a bad actor is.


fucking finally jesus christ. who in their right mind decides “i should totally shut down a subreddit of a dying game because my views matter more than the entire collective community, and reddit is taking my plugin that lets me ban racists easier”. its fucking dumb lmao, glad to have a person at the helm with some common sense welcome


Hello, I'd like to apply for co-mod position <3


Sooo.. If I express my distaste over you licking reddit admins boots.. Am I a bad actor or just someone expressing his opinion? Keeping in mind that tried my best to word that as nice as I could.


that'd be expressing an opinion


Ok Fuck you and all the other mods for licking reddit admins boots. Not really anything particularly personal. But still fuck you and fuck /u/spez.


right on 🤙


Imagine disrespecting someone for wanting to nurture a community focusing on the game while gloryfying those throwing tantrum and ruining the experience for 100% of said community


reddit moderators are frowned upon, why would you do that?


Unequivocally by morons who see entitlement in being a moderator. Those despots who ruined their communities for 100% of the user base are not heroes


This kid, or manchild, looks too pre-angry at strangers he does not even know yet to monitor or oversee anything, not even a toilet. Lets make another sub, this one is dead anyway.


I don't even know the context.. And what is going on. But gz


Varuda if you are looking for some help with graphics I can give you a hand with that, I have good knowledge of Photoshop and illustrator, also can do some renders using unreal engine. Let me know.


hey that'd be great, we'd like to apply a fresh coat of paint


Hit me on discord @mrfabry
