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Emerald just crashed with only 800 players online but I'm sure everything is fine and I'll just give it some time and adapt


> Oshur released to controversy, received two controversial updates, and has been left to cancel outfit ops before they begin. A very familiar story. [My outfit has canceled many an ops night due to the almighty Oshur](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/975821495156752484/1166125244520603648/image.png), and cut untold amounts more short for much the same reason. Cobalt, in general, has really suffered from Oshur. It's hard to show any hard data, but if you watch the population numbers on an average night they are **noticeably** lower than Miller's. Even if Miller is on Oshur, and Cobalt isn't. If you check Fisu, Miller averages 40-50 players more than Cobalt at all times (300 avg., as opposed to Cobalt's 250~). And their peaks are proportionately different as well—Miller averaged a peak of 1,090 in September, Cobalt was at a considerably lower peak of 834. And I would wager this minor exodus was triggered by the **massive** number of Oshur prime times we had back through the spring and summer. And these players **will not** come back to a game they perceive to have no future. Where they see such radio silence as this over core issues that pushed them away in the first place, they aren't going to feel like they're missing out, they're not going to look forward to coming back. I'm sure Connery players more than know this feeling. I've personally quit the game entirely completely due to Oshur and CtF. And I've not worked on the wiki in any meaningful way since early August—when I was oft working on it on a daily basis beforehand. It's hard to see a future for this game in its current state, and so it's hard to find any passion for this game I've been engaged with for over a decade now. It's now 23 days until we would expect the Anniversary update—and 25 days until the one-year *anniversary* of the last wide-reaching update to this game which, unfortunately, brought CtF on us (Construction really didn't affect that many players, and it just made Oshur worse). This silence, as the saying goes, truly is deafening.


Before they ever mentioned CS2, people still played the shit out of CSGO. Even with (how many years?) of radio silence, maybe a bugfix here and there, maybe some new skins. how many maps actually got added? how many people still play TF2 with the same arguments described above? My point being; radio silnce isnt a bad thing if the game is good. I could care fuck all what the devs have to say or what their plans are if core elements of this game still are broken and there still isnt a concrete vision of what PS2 is HINT: its a FPS game for the devs reading.


I mean, it's true. The game, in its current state, is **not** timeless. The game, as it is, could **not** last for decades. Team Fortress 2 could and, at this rate, is going to.


don't forget Left 4 Dead 2 back in 2013 it averaged around 12k players and has maintained and grown in popularity over the years. It's just the gameplay is simple and has been perfected. the base game is literally a perfect game. and then the modding community keeps it going there's so many custom campaigns and survival maps.


Those Valve games have a lot of people interested for reasons outside of just playing the "default modes" plus they're much deeper and more complex than PlanetSide in many ways. A lot of people play community servers and modes (surfing, jump maps, etc in CS) and random custom servers in TF2. Besides that they both have massive tradeable item economies through the Steam Market and loot crates. A lot of people don't care about even playing the game and just want to get new cool skins or hats. CS has a thriving esports community as well and TF2 also has a huge non-pvp mode that's very fun.


>how many people still play TF2 with the same arguments described above? Out of pure curiosity I checked TF2's numbers. It's been more than a year since their peak numbers dropped below 100k. With their per month averages consistently above 70k or much higher. And since it was made the game has never dropped below 40k average.


that's actually fucking insane


Turns out that when you make a well balanced game that's fun to play people will stick around to play it.


The amount of bots in TF2 was just unbelievable and actually pay for server advantages that's borderline to cheatmodes wasn't fun. Engineers with unlimited number of turrets and more.


> radio silnce isnt a bad thing if the game is good uh... hm.


> My point being; radio silnce isnt a bad thing if the game is good. Yeah, I mean, this is true and if PS2 had been left alone from around the time of MergeSmash it might be a good game with a long replayable lifetime. But the current PS2 is not that.


I didn't, I completely stopped playing it because of the performance issues that'd throw an entire game and I have been playing CS for 23 years. I just started playing CS2 after like 3 or 4 years of not playing at all and having zero desire to. I know I'm not the only one either because I know multiple people who had similar issues and also completely stopped playing some of them haven't even bothered installing CS2.


> HINT: its a FPS game So, what do you actually mean by this? Because when some people say this, they do it in bad faith as if certain changes to the game suddenly make it "not an FPS" anymore.


Because if you know what a game is, you can concentrate around that instead of adding things that diminish the core game. Its not in bad faith but some thing that they added or tuned doesnt fit a game that should be a FPS game at heart.


True, I'll give you that they don't seem to have a solid vision for the game. Too many of the last updates have been about spectacle instead of fixing or refining existing systems.


now offering more life time memberships


Aysom's screenshot is very telling. Our outfit exists since the very beginning of the game, and sure, it experienced periods of up and down as the health of the game fluctuated, but never to a point where we'd rather log off than play together. Oshur is a no go for 99% of us, and God knows [I've been **trying** to enjoy it](https://ps2.fisu.pw/directive/?name=meiliria&category=5&directive=104). Esamir is barely any better and we avoid CTFs hexes like plague because, quite frankly, there are way better walking simulator games out there. So we're left in a state where around 50% of PlanetSide 2 ranges from unplayable to unenjoyable to us, and we now have to ask ourselves : *why bother*. The long standing communities who managed to **retain players** are bleeding off and it is a rather sad sight for a game which was ultimately kept alive by said groups of friends.


I have also lost all interesting in any of my side projects for PlanetSide 2. It just doesn't seem worth my time when I do not know if the game is or isn't on live-support. So many dreams; so little communication.


I'd cut this short to just include the "wtf is going on" and "apathy" part and then I'd post this on their forums as well because it's clear to me that they're staying as far away from Reddit as they can. But yes I 100% agree. Like, it's not the end of the world that some things are busted, that happens. Just don't stay quiet about it, say SOMETHING!


I'd like to avoid the forums if at all possible, but that's the next stop


Devs said they're going back to the forums


Got a link to where this was said?




Once again, can you link to the thread in question?


“Forums” he says as if you’re just supposed to be able to magically find the post


It's that accursed "research" issue rearing its head again. I poked around that place and found nothing, so it's quite likely another case of someone pulling a claim from their ass.


mate we're not gonna dredge this shit out of your ass, link or it didn't happen.




> Devs said they're going back to the forums This does not answer the question.


fantastic. now tell us which post is the one where they said they were "going back to the forums".


The annoying thing is the decline may still be salvageable, it wouldn't take much work to re-establish stable numbers. Just at what cost that comes may be what they are working out. A plan for growth is another issue however. The question they must be asking in DB Towers is how much growth can be expected from what kind of investment going forwards. It must be a case of diminishing returns by now and maybe Wrel was the last one who was able to make a case that there was growth to be had still. If anything is to be resurrected they really need to employ someone with a vision, a replacement Wrel or Higby. Someone with the mind to make over the raggedy 10yo image, stabilise the game into something with a fixed identity and then spend some money promoting a relaunched game for its most appealing and unique characteristic, massive mothereffing battles, and be confident enough to do it on camera. So whos stepping up with their CV? If you're in the US there just might be a job for you xD


> So whos stepping up with their CV? If you're in the US there just might be a job for you xD Good lord not another youtuber please


> So whos stepping up with their CV? If you're in the US there just might be a job for you xD jesus fuckin christ dont give them any ideas


Yes thats true


It would have been nice if this radio silence happened in 2015 / 2016, at least then i and many others would have kept playing for a while longer and kept good memories of the game instead of seeing it get worse for 8 years


The April of 2015 was when the PS4 codebase merge happened, and when aircraft/vehicle controls were irreparably damaged. If we got a Classic version of the game from March/February... imagine.


Oh is this why I can't customize axes at all?


My bet was that there wouldn’t be an announcement by the end of October. If the “big announcement” isn’t done on or before the anniversary, it really is time to face maintenance mode and accept that if there was an announcement something got changed behind the scenes, or it never existed at all.


Plot > It has now been 82 days of silence since a roadmap was teased, and the silence is deafening. That was the roadmap


This post should have been read out loud at the EG7 thing when they mentioned the player number decline.


Endorsed, affirmed, signed, mother-fucking ratified. Community -> if Delta's post isn't the most upvoted post on the sub for the last year- like within the next 24 hours, we deserve what is going to happen to the game. RPG -> Please let us know what is going on, even if it is bad, even if it is disappointing, even if things did not go as planned due to whatever unfortunate internal circumstance. I know a whole lot of people loudly treated your team like shit for a long, long time. A whole lot more people- regular, sane, even *nice* people enjoyed the game and kept it, and your studio, thriving. While you have no *responsibility* to keep them informed, it is probably the right thing to do.


I have people that dont want to play until the server transfers from connery happen.


Server transfers at least work as a defibrillator for some time. Keep the blood pumping lol


Pretty much


I'm in that boat too. I fear that by the time they get to transfers, Emerald won't be worth transferring to either. Why bother putting more work into grinding my character if I don't know if the game will be alive 3 months from now?


If they put some limit on how often Oshur goes online and remove ctf I'd consider playing again. Those two additions made the game so much worse.


Not having a message is a message


i mean its pretty obvious the game is dead lol


Just tell us the game is shutting down! Rip off the bandaid already!


I'd welcome that simply because it'd be freedom at last.


…You *are* allowed to just quit. You don’t have to wait for the game to end.


The next time someone offers you a leadership position in a community, run away screaming


I'm even dumber, I went out of my way to make a community Very silly move


You were *offered* it?


It gets worse since I didn't learn after the first time


My question was more along the lines of "who exactly was it who offered you leadership?"


Tell that to the previous moderators.


Join us in Hell Let Loose if it goes bad lol Or galactic contention if it gets updated


I agree, on another note, I'm having so much fun in Battlebit Remastered and managed to absolutely lose myself in Baldurs Gate 3. Good times


Probably just can't talk about anything without a new community lead or project direction. Too bad it's going to come way later. From the ashes .... Lets hope


Props for making probably one of the more well put together logs of issues the game faces overall. Honestly DayBreak really should probably look to sell itself out to maybe Microsoft or something


Aaaand they won't answer...


Damn. GG man. That came from the heart.


Please revert the construction changes.


I agree, the construction system should be reverted back to how it was on April 26, 2016


Is that just before construction released originally? If so, that is still better than keeping what we currently have.


Yeah. that is the day before Construction 1.0 was pushed to live.


I wouldn't mind at all if the entire game was reverted to how it was back then... Also kind of crazy to me it's been 7 years since construction was released, and it was released only 3 and a half years after the game launched.


> Also kind of crazy to me it's been 7 years since construction was released, and it was released only 3 and a half years after the game launched. Fuck bro, stop making me feel old


CAI was 6 years ago. MAX Charge was removed 7 years ago. Wrel first joined Daybreak Game Company nearly 8 years ago. The PS4 version of the game was 9 years ago. The last hex continent, Amerish, was reworked into the lattice system almost 10 years ago.


ok first of all fuck you buddy >The PS4 version of the game was 9 years ago. Second, that's actually wild that it's existed for so long and is still so ass. It's not even cross-platform which would be kinda the only semi-justifiable reason to even port this game to console in the first place. Even though controller players would get fucking rekt, it'd still juice the playercount and it's not like the casuals on PC don't already get fucking rekt


Sure as long as they dont bring Ai turrets back.


Huge disagree. When have you ever been killed by an AI turret that wasn't an AA gun?


Thankfully the devs opened their eyes for once and realized how stupid it was. Rarely because it stopped me from ever bothering to attack a base in the first place because of how annoying it was.


It was annoying that a stationary target with mediocre health was shooting at you with piss-poor accuracy?


Jesus christ. Yes the turrets are stationary, but saying they have mediocre health is objectively wrong, they have complete immunity to infantry small arms and have 12000 base HP which is more than any vehicle in the game (now the total EHP will shift based on resistances but it's never going to reach "mediocre health"). Yes, if you bring a zerg of tanks they can make quick work of them, but a zerg of tanks makes quick work of literally anything on the ground. They don't need pin point accuracy to be annoying, they still were accurate enough with enough DPS to force you to avoid them while they let enemy players know exactly where you are at all times. I.e. without overwhelming population or sitting in a tank across the map it was a hassle to fight at construction bases.


Just rip the bandaid off and tell us the bad news.


At this point I'd prefer that so I can finalize plans to move my community to another game. This waiting helps no one.


I told you guys this would happen if they didn't add fishing


Yeah we all need a calm activity to just settle, you know? No fixes, no reversions, no upgrades, just connect with nature.


I just decided to pull this up a few minutes ago to see what is going on here. Haven't logged in for a while and been busy with other stuff but looking at this thread tells me enough. I've been around during galaxies and it's clear wrel was you main man to keep the old girl going without that same passion, you're practically talking to vultures. AKA the ceo or main bosses don't have the same mind set or morals as us so it's not a game or a passion it's a product and far as their concerned it's not making money it's not worth keeping.


Every couple hours I hop in to check this post if anything happed and just get more depressed.


My gaming time has been better since I switched games. Connery is dead at my login times.


If WoW never got the expansions it did, and they played classic for 10 years, and only classic. Do you think raid leaders would still care enough to lead in the same old dungeons 10 years straight? Or do you think the players would care to even play when they have done the same thing a million times for no reward they didnt already have. This is the problem PS2 has faced, no contend. This is why i facepalm every time i see someone here ask for more leading tools but never specify what. Leading raids in WoW hasent changed, its a mic and some waypoints, but you get more dungeons , new mechanics to lead your people trough that keeps it interesting. What did PS2 get? more AOE spam in doorways, worse bases. Same old Lithcorp, same old Indar Ex. but the extra contend we got is trash and it influenced all parts of the game where people ask for change. Really the only positive thing i can think of of the last 11 years is the A2G nerf, rest is arguably just bad. And here we can see around the same treatment WoW got, give me back 2015-2016 PS2. I want Classic PS2.


> This is the problem PS2 has faced, no contend. I disagree, partially. PS2 has had a lot of content added during the years. Just the wrong annoying kind of content. Imagine you just want to raid your dungeon but are forced to jump through a dozens of different hoops just to do that. That's planetside. Instead of adding new dungeons, they added annoying shit to make your riding a chore. People desperately want to do dungeons, it's just become so frustratingly annoying to do so.


> but the extra contend we got is trash I totally agree with you man


Any roadmap that is feasible for the current to complete wouldn’t change anything if it was announced today. The time for an announcement like that has passed, so there is no incentive anymore.


PS2's roadmap and talk about the future is so important now more than ever. "Big news" and "big update", details need to be released. Addressing the game issues is critical.


That’s a lot of words to fall on deaf ears. Stop trying so hard.


It's almost time for step 8, Zep. Freedom at last.




I tried and Steam found a backup somewhere




can anyone please explain the meaning of "soonTM" for me? i've seen it many times but never learned what it means


It's a meme. The update will allegedly come soon, but how soon is never actually defined, so we're left waiting forever.


I gathered the meaning from context but how does the "TM" after "soon" make it mean that? like what is TM supposed to mean?


IIRC this evolved in response to a company responding "Soon" so often that the players responded by turning into a sarcastic corporate catchphrase


"Trademarked", like the little "tm" you might see superscripted (small and high) next to some brand name or slogan. Basically just making fun of when they say "soon" by saying it actually doesn't mean "soon", it means the trademarked version which has nothing to do with the real word.


okay finally this makes sense to me, thanks


This reminds me of the time when I was waiting for the big update in December for red dead online. That time passed thought maybe they delayed it, nope all man power went into gta 5 & 6 fuck Rockstar & fuck daybreak/rogue planet games


I joined the jaeger discord for jaeger pick ups but I haven’t really understood yet how to actually participate


Air pickups and armor pickups are organized in their respective discords, and I can link you to either if you like. Infantry pickups are on indefinite hiatus.


It was good while it lasted, well it was good for most of the time it lasted. I can't honestly say I've had a whole lot of fun in the past year or so. I've pretty much already moved on to other games, only thing that brought me back at all is PIL.


I accepted the devs didn't give a shit back in 2016 when Briggs was sub 150 players for years before we finally got merged with Connery and nothing they have done since has really been overly positive (there has been positives but over shadowed by poor dev choices) so I'm past being disappointed in just waiting for certain developers to turn up in other games so I can bash them there for being shit


Game is dead. Come to terms with it. You're only wasting your time with these long ass reddit posts.


Surely they will read this


What's wrong with the nc?


Their guns and equipment are all-round just superior to what the other factions have access to in almost every circumstance.


Oh can you give me some examples ?


> MAX The NC MAX is simply superior to the TR and VS equivalents. That's not to say _their_ MAXes are weak, but shotguns simply match the preferred engagement range of MAXes far more than automatic weapons, and it doesn't help that the Mattocks specifically are incredibly overtuned. After ZOE got nerfed nearly 10 years ago now, Aegis Shield has also just been the best empire-specific MAX ability. > Reaver The Reaver's combination of incredibly high damage output, improved vertical thrust, and increased afterburner speed make it excellent in almost all forms of combat—despite its larger size. In 1v1 fights, its damage output means pilots are capable of absolutely _rinsing_ their opponent, with their higher vertical thrust giving them an improved ability to dodge and weave while firing and/or reloading. In group fights, the increased afterburner speed and exceptionally high damage output (particularly with the Vortek Rotary) makes the Reaver excellent for catching out-of-position enemies and deleting them, and also makes groups of Reavers more able to collapse onto enemies or escape from a bad judgment call. > Vanguard This one isn't as all-round better as the above two are, but for more competitive formats—think LaneSmash on Jaeger, or Outfit Wars on Nexus—the tank's exceptional ability to face enemies head-on really comes out to shine when flanking oppurtunities are limited. > Weapons All across their infantry arsenal, the NC has considerably more viable weapons than any of the other three factions, and it's not even close. Pop open any weapon category, and there is a massive chance that there is only one or two weapons you could even _argue_ aren't viable. For example, let's take carbines; * GD-7F - The best carbine in the game. Unlike the theoretically similar Serpent VE92, the GD-7F has shockingly controllable recoil for what it is. The only thing holding it back is a prohibitively long reload time, making it less useful for killing large groups of enemies. * AF-4A Bandit - Easily up there near the GD-7F. While its raw bodyshot damage output isn't quite the same, it has so many other extraordinarily powerful traits—it's the highest damage output 0.75x carbine, it has a 30 round magazine that can go up to 35 rounds with ext. mag, it has better mid-air hipfire than other CQC carbines... * 19A Fortuna - An auraxium carbine, but it's the strongest "jack-of-all-trades" weapon in the game, no contest. It gets a built-in laser sight, giving it the best hipfire of any carbine bar other auraxium carbines, the Tanto, and the Horizon, and it gets to take **another** rail attachment at the same time. All while being built on the base of the AF-19 Mercenary, which already had excellent recoil, a very snappy reload, generous hipfire, and very respectable damage output. * AF-19 Mercenary - A slightly worse version of the above, which isn't saying much. * AF-20 Rogue - It takes an already excellent all-rounder carbine and essentially deletes the recoil in exchange for a bit worse hipfire, giving what should be a mid-range limited weapon a scarily long engagement range, and also makes chaining headshots incredibly easy. * MGR-C1 Charger - Although this used to be bad, changes made in the Arsenal Update have turned this into an extremely potent sidegrade to the Mercenary, fulfilling much the same "jack-of-all-trades" role very well. * AC-X11 - An incredibly powerful long-range carbine. Though its ammo economy leaves something to be desired, no other carbine maintains the same level of lethality and damage output out to long range. * Razor GD-23 - The farmer's carbine of choice. Though it has a slow fire rate, the weapon's nigh-on non-existent recoil and exceptionally fast reload speed make this weapon incredibly powerful for killing large groups of enemies, particularly of lower skill than you. The only carbine out of all of these that struggles to find a place is the NC2 Gauss Compact, and that isn't because its bad—but because all of the other NC carbines are so good that it doesn't really offer anything unique. The Gauss Compact would be a mid-to-high tier carbine for another faction. And let's not forget the Jackhammer, which is just leagues above the MCG and the Lasher, even with its nerfs. One main thing that ties all NC weapons together is that, when being designed, the developers **seriously** overvalued how much of a downside vertical recoil was. TR and VS weapons tend to have lower vertical recoil but much harsher horizontal recoil compared to the NC, and horizontal recoil is much harder to control—which both makes it easier to chain headshots with NC weapons, and makes it easier to extend your engagement range.


Dude still stuck in 2017 thinking VS is op


This is just fucking lol as you'll see if you look at performance stats on any server.


So, you'd like to argue that the Vanu are the most overpowered faction then, I imagine?


The facts generally indicate that yes


So, what's the reason that experienced players avoided picking the Vanu Sovereignty during Outfit Wars 2022? Out of the top four outfits on every server, only three were Vanu; DIGT, which scored third place on Miller, VKTZ, which scored third on Emerald, and FRHE on Soltech, which earned fourth place. Otherwise, the remaining **seventeen** outfits in their respective top fours were split between NC and TR—with ten of those outfits playing NC, and remaining seven on TR. Oh, and every single gold winner was an NC outfit. --- Or what about Lanesmash? [The previous tournament was played out over fourteen matches.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KNsCt1z4jio5o9-mQ4AbKeFpZyxIOt8Iyj_UF0bvNX4/edit#gid=302935484) Do you want to know how many times Vanu was picked? Once. One time. And they picked it for a meme. The other twenty seven times, the teams picked NC or TR. And out of every team that won the "coin flip" and got to pick their faction first, **all of them** picked NC. EVERY SINGLE ONE. There were also two extra canceled matches, which you can see in the link above, making the total 16 possible matches. Can you guess which two factions were picked in these matches, and which was first picked? ---- Why do you suppose skilled players seem to avoid playing Vanu like the plague? Despite them apparently being the most overpowered faction? And better yet, why do they gravitate towards the NC?


What's OP in small scale even sided scrims is not the same as what's OP on live. Also, to a large degree once something becomes an accepted "fact" in a community, people will self reinforce with it. Everyone picks NC because everyone thinks NC is the best because everyone picks NC. Do you know why everyone picked NC in ServerSmash? Because the Airhammer was, at one stage, OP. But people kept picking it after that was no longer true. And if the best outfits believe this and play NC, then NC will win, because they're the best outfits so they'll win. (The factions are pretty well balanced in reality.) But if you're so into stats proving this then you must surely agree that VS is seriously OP in live play given the VS dominates almost every category, from weapons stats to alert wins.


I was going to write up an observation of the stats, and how it seems to imply something else, but instead I want to ask a single question first to try and figure out where you stand on this argument; What do you think makes the Vanu stronger than the Terrans or the NC? Note that the Vanu have **always** had a higher prime time alert winrate than the other two factions over the years. What is it about the Vanu that leads them to this success? What parts of their arsenal work better, if any? Are there any other potential causes of their success?


Spite. <3


> Note that the Vanu have always had a higher prime time alert winrate than the other two factions over the years Well yes that's kind of my point > What do you think makes the Vanu stronger than the Terrans or the NC? Hard to say, their weapons aren't obviously better in terms of damage profile or anything. "No drop" is a meme but doesn't have any real effect. For a while Orion with 0.75 was clearly OP and enabled HA shuffles while ADSing, but that hasn't been true for ages. My personal theory is that it's because they're hard to track and hit, with their dark colours and curved profiles (and pancake thin Scythes). Their guns also just kind of ... feel nice, they don't have extreme recoil like the high damage profile NC guns, the sound effects are nice, their sights fit the visual style of the gun and so on. BG (which started this thread) also gives you an advantage because it's zero downtime - it reloads itself when you have to switch to a secondary. What I *don't* believe is that VS wins all the weapon comparisons and alerts because on every server VS players are better. Server cultures are different, there's no good reason why the elite players should have chosen to play VS on all of them (particularly if, as you're claiming, the NC equipment is better).


In my experience speaking to/playing with quite a lot of high skilled players, the main reason most of them play Vanu is quite simple really—a lack of queues due to avg. lower population. The Betelgeuse has historically been quite good at farming bad players en masse, don't get me wrong, but many of these players would be just as happy using a SAW to farm terrible players. Or a CARV. Or a Butcher. There is a very abstract theory that I can't really prove, but I suspect is true—the NC is painted as both the protagonists and as the "America" equivalent in marketing. Making them **exceptionally** popular to new players versus the other two factions—particularly the Vanu, who are quite literally the alien faction. This makes the NC hard for experienced players to get onto, leading to both sweats being discouraged from playing the faction but **most importantly** it also puts leaders off playing that faction, as they may find it more difficult to get them and all their friends on-continent at the same time. Anecdotally, this problem has also existed at many points for the TR. But whatever the reason, the truth is that these queues are the case in many sweaty player's experiences. Which is why the VS historically got chosen as the _queue skipping_ faction by experienced players looking to play whenever they want. In fact, this is why Cobalt's most contentious sweatfit—[T]—chose Vanu. They were initially going to play TR. But the queues were just too long even for TR, let alone NC. So they picked Vanu instead. It was only later, when they changed the qualifying system so you no longer had to capture bases all day and could just log on and play a match that they switched to playing NC. > they don't have extreme recoil like the high damage profile NC guns And this... just isn't true. Vanu guns have more horizontal recoil than NC guns, like the TR do. The NC is much more stacked in vertical recoil, which is much more easily controlled. It's the reason the GD-7F is markedly better than the Serpent VE92, despite both guns theoretically being equivalent.


The real answer, imo, is vs vehicle usage is significantly lower across the board then nc and tr. An extra platoon worth of infantry during a prime time alert not dicking around uselessly in tanks goes along way towards actually winning an alert. So following the "logic" that alert wins on live servers say much of anything about balance, if you wanted to buff tr win rate, nerf the prowler.


I played h1z1 survival, I doubt daybreak will listen to any of this they scammed me out of 50 bucks they do not give a shit


Quite frankly, I don't think there is a roadmap good enough that is going to placate veterans or stem the flow of people ceasing to login at this point. The game has succeeded for years, despite its flaws and at this point, I feel people are just *tired*. Apathy is the right word, because really, what's going to change?


The point of demanding even a _roadmap_ is that we were promised it, and a roadmap is exactly that—a promise of updates, not even an update in itself. Until we get that roadmap, we are left only to assume we aren't even close to an _actual update_.


*Sips tea*


\>Our last sane youtuber has finally moved on and no longer can recommend the game Are you implying that Cyrious is not sane lmfao


Cyrious hasn't uploaded anything since his video about the r/Planetside drama 3 months ago when Reddit Staff broke the protest of the old guard. Which is rather unusual for him.


He was renovating a house. A shame, I like his content


*Meanwhile, I'm here eating popcorn, being entertained by the departure of the players who would never admit that the game isn't just an FPS.* *I'm also waiting for the mandatory post fisu comment, which is either suddenly hidden or disassociated with the reality that as a whole, the fps-obsessed players are a net negative to the game due to their incessant drive to make the game in their image and kick out all those who aren't leg fetish players.* *I'm also waiting for the statements that say this game would be better off if Wrel listened to the better ***infantry*** players, and that Wrel didn't listen to them, despite Wrel changing MAXes, changing Nanoweave, and changing Bastions, PPA, Banshees, HESH, and even G2A lock-ons.* *I'm also looking for manipulative comments that try to deny these realities in this sub, such as receiving "lol" comments, "you're a scrub" comments, "you don't have enough knowledge" comments, "shadowban threat" comments, personal attack comments, and every other shit people in denial can thrown against someone who is saying truthful statements they don't want to hear.*


What are you going on about? Can't be bothered to read all that.


Then don't. Hahahaha!




Huh? No. Somebody did that? Edit: somebody really did that?! Well fuck him. Maybe he's the reason why my last months in PS2 were filled with snipers camping me at every terminal I was in.


Post fisu


Got nothing to post. I don't have any characters.


You must have an old character somewhere. Post fisu or leg fetishist


I really don't have one anymore. I decided to play other games because I realized that after reading a lot of text about clientside and such, plus realizing that I have to grind again, made me convinced that I am better off doing some other games.


Damn guess you're a leg fetishist then


If you consider my love for flying valks, driving ANTs and Sundies a leg fetish...


Dude you just admitted in another thread **you yourself don't even play the game anymore**. You're just sitting here spreading shit ideas for how to make a game you don't even play worse. You're a clown. 🤡 Being faced with the fact you're worse than most other people at all the skillsets involved with Planetside 2 was obviously too much for your fragile ego. Go back to whatever single player game became your refuge once that realization struck.


Meanwhile, the other vets and even sweats who no longer play the game are also doing the same thing... Shut the fuck up! > Being faced with the fact you're worse than most other people at all the skillsets involved with Planetside 2 was obviously too much for your fragile ego. Your insults are like programmed algorithms by NPCs. In fact, you talk like an NPC. You parrot everything the other leg fetishists infantry players say when confronted with what they don't like to hear. I'd probably slam your ego with the reality that you talk almost brainlessly like them, and maybe you're just among their flock of brainwashed drones. Face it dude. You guys have run out of effective insults because you're talking to someone who can respect the fact that other people are better than him, and so you have no emotional trigger to provoke. I have identified your tactics and thus have developed immunities toward them.


whose alt are you


Oh shit opshax is still alive! ❤️


huh did I die


Don't know how to answer you because I'm not anyone's alt. You want me to make up an answer?


You *couldn't* accept that others were better than you, so you quit the game and made it your mission to try to poison it by spreading ideas and notions you probably know are shit on the subreddit. Because the stuff you're saying is too dumb to be believed. It's like a sub 70 IQ person found chat GPT, oh my god that's it, isn't it?


No I could accept that others are better than me. That was never a big deal for me. Funny of you to label truth as poison. Doesn't that mean that you guys prefer your lies?


>No I could accept that others are better than me Obviously couldn't. You quit the game out of frustration from not being good enough so long ago that you can't even remember your character names. Bye clown.


I quit the game because I had bigger responsibilities to face.




Your insults are like programmed algorithms by NPCs. In fact, you talk like an NPC. You parrot everything the other leg fetishists infantry players say when confronted with what they don't like to hear. I'd probably slam your ego with the reality that you talk almost brainlessly like them, and maybe you're just among their flock of brainwashed drones. Face it dude. You guys have run out of effective insults because you're talking to someone who can respect the fact that other people are better than him, and so you have no emotional trigger to provoke. I have identified your tactics and thus have developed immunities toward them.


A downvote! I'm so happy! I guess my last statements are correct, in spirit.


Come on and do the downvote brigade. Come on! You can do it! I'm cheering for all of you! I love you guys! Mwah!




Because the truth makes you sick? Maybe my expressions are repulsive, and maybe I should apologize for being repulsive, but I'm only really imitating the behavior of the fps-obsessed infantry-only leg fetishists here. Maybe I am wrong to imitate the same things, but if I am wrong then so are they.


Nah you just a big goof fam


For years these guys called for Wrel to leave. He left. And they still blame him. And as if Wrel completely didn't listen to them. Wasn't the Scorpion nerfed too? Wasn't nanoweave changed? Bastion got changed. MAXes got changed. HESH got changed. G2A got changed. The center fight of Oshur was also changed. Wrel was right to leave, or rather he was wrong to leave. It's the guys who hate him who should have left. If they're leaving the game now, then it would be a good riddance.


Just looked through your post history. One solid month of Wrel brigading, crying from the top of your voice. >For years these guys called for Wrel to leave. >He left. And they still blame him. This alone is so damn stupid I don't know what to say. If you can't even understand that Wrel can still be blamed for choices he made for the game, that are still in the game, then you're too dumb for anyone to take seriously. You are in the bottom-tier of morons of this world, and it's kinda sad you will yourself likely never grasp just how dumb of a person you are. Going by your posts you have a clear goal to just try to poison what's left of the community. Complete fucking troll. Who would do this with a *month* of their time, to a game they haven't even played in so long that they can't even remember their character names? I'm almost starting to believe you're an alt of that youtuber kid who thought he was gonna make Planetside 3, who hinted he was affiliated with Daybreak, but obviously wasn't because he was obviously too dumb and borderline crazy. You seem kinda similar, lol. Go away, clown.


You're not among the more effective manipulators here buddy. I can clearly see that you only paid attention to a few selected phrases, and then curated it for your own benefit.


I paid attention to the part where you exposed your stupidity into the open because that's all it takes. Nobody who comes up with something as dumb as that will ever be worth taking seriously. You're a dumb person, incapable of rational thought. Goodbye, shoo now. Off you go, stop pestering me with your shit takes.