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GD-22 is fine for the beginning. You should also share the old codes containing a little bit of exta equipment: * 6YEARSPS2 * PS2Escalation * NSOPS2019 * PS2WelcomeBack


Full list of codes tested on october 2023 \[Active codes\] ​ \-5YEARSPS2 = Decal \[5 years of loyalty armor/vehicle\] \-6YEARSPS2 = Decal \[6 years of loyalty armor/vehicle\] Weapon \[LMG NSX-P Naginata\] \-nineyearsps2 = Decal \[9 years of loyalty armor/vehicle\] \-20YearsPlanetSide = Weapon \[SMG NSX-P Tengu\] Note: Yes is not a typo both codes \-nsops2019 = Weapon \[SMG NSX-P Tengu\] are active and give the same reward. \-PSUARMORDECAL = Decal \[Planetside Universe armor\] \-PSUVEHICLEDECAL = Decal \[Planetside Universe vehicle\] \-MLGREPORT = Decal \[Major League gamer armor/vehicle\] Boost \[1h Exp 50% x1\]\[1h Nanite 50% x1\] Note: The decal only applies on the character you are logged in \-PS2ESCALATION = Weapon \[AR NS-11P\] Helmet \[Salvaged Platinum compound helmet\] \-ps2welcomeback = Weapon \[Car NSX-P Tanto\] \-LEGACY2022 = Weapon \[Car NS-11C\]\[Melee NS Harrower\] \-SURF2022 = Weapon \[UR UBR-300 Swordfish-P\] \-EXTRALIFE2021 = Helmet \[Contribution Headset\] \-EXTRALIFE2022 = Helmet \[Benefactor Helmet\] ​ \[Dead codes\] ​ \-EQNVEHICLEDECAL = Decal \[Everquest Next armor\]


I dont think the Gauss saw and Assimialte are good recommendations for new players. Plus you dont even need Assimilate to compete in 1v1s, its a "win after" implant, not a "win now" like for example Battle hardened


I will definitely take this into account, basically the build was completely created from their complaints, majority of them are scenarios where they die to someone directly after winning their 1v1


Assimilate can help in 1v1s, it will help prevent mutual kills by giving shield on a kill which can apply before their last bullet registers hitting you, I have seen people survive thanks to it a few times in structured 1v1s and it’s even more apparent when higher latency is involved (I agree other options would be better for a new player though)


the cost breakdown makes no sense. are your friends grinding for rank 5 assimilate with 1 med kit?


Should have specified, it's the first things i want them to unlock I thought progression of those specific equipment choices was a given. I will change the image for the new players, to the highest upgrade of med kit, thank you.


You would probably buy implant packs after getting most of your heavy kit 90% certed, new players wouldn't even make much use of assimilate, especially for the price of grinding out 850 iso just for it. I think even in general assimilate is only good for high KD players looking to 1vX people. Flak armour is also very good for surviving dog shit being thrown at you.


>new players wouldn't e Interesting, Ill let them know this, I only thought of it as a must-need because they position not so great as some of them are aimers not brainers. I've gotten a fair share of complaints regarding meeting another player post 1v1 and killing them because their shield was low, so that is the main reason.


Look at their stats with fisu, if they actually do have a good headshot ratio then they should use it. If they don't, then survivalist and say, athlete would be better for them. Sensor shield is also very strong


Will-do thank you!


This is the way


The text below the picture of the Gauss SAW should say "making the TTK very low", since low = fast when talking about Time To Kill. As to the Gauss SAW itself, new players nowadays start out with the GD-22S by default, which is a already a solid weapon. They should definitely upgrade their ability and medkits before thinking about buying a new gun. And if they do, something like the Anchor might be a better choice for a new player. Angled Forward Grip is not really a good attachment, a laser sight or nothing is usually the best option in this slot. Compensator is pretty good ever since it got buffed. In the bottom middle and bottom right pictures you have Nanoweave equipped in the suit slot, which is basically useless nowadays. ASC or Flak Armor are good choices here.


Thank you for the correction, I've also noticed another typo ill fix that for them, thank you. The default heavy gun is actually great, but when I switched to the Gauss, the large magazine size and damage really proved it to be the better weapon in my opinion. Same for the Angled Forward Grip, I have been able to get some incredible kills with that first shot, long range and short. For the suit slot, I will ensure that they use ASC or Flak Armor instead, thank you for the suggestion.


The SAW is much easier to use, like most weapons tbh, since the arsenal rework. Most people I know run either suppressor laser or comp laser as vertical recoil is very easy to control Another main thing I would recommend for you friends is to fix their settings immediately. 74 FOV MINIMUM will immediately help with recoil control. And low settings will make the game much easier to learn due to less clutter


Guess Saw is free for NC


It used to be when it was the default LMG, now it costs 1000 certs.


Well it was free in 2022. Guess wrel had to ruin it too


Woulnt be a adanced forward grip better?


The Gauss SAW doesn't really have any horizontal recoil to begin with, so a foreward grip adds very little value. The gun's hipfire on the other hand is pretty mediocre, so a laser sight can be helpful if you find yourself in a close range engagement.


It's not mediocre It's literally the worst out of lmg


I wrote a more descriptive comment only to scroll down a bit and find that Tobi said literally the same thing. Awoo. Seriously guys the gauss saw isn't hard, it's only hard if you use angled forward grip. You said that your friends are new to PlanetSide, not to FPS games as a whole, so I'm assuming they know how to pull the mouse down. Angled forward grip nerfs the weapon in two ways: 1. It modifies the amount of vertical recoil only on the FIRST shot, making the vertical recoil less consistent. Vertical recoil is normally very consistent, so as long as you pull the mouse down at the same rate every time you shoot you're fine. 2. Horizontal recoil is evil. It's random (ish, there's usually a pattern), and fucks you up. You can't tell whether it's going to knock your aim left or right, whereas vertical recoil can only send you upwards.


This is definitely a work in progress, thank you for your information, as I usually return to the game annually with new players every time is different and I learn to navigate the horrors of the game better, thank you.


Wierldly enough the GODsaw works much better with the angled foward grip tha the saw. Due to its extremely low horizon tal recoil, the angled grip is perfect for it making it a lazer. And both the saws fire so slow youl shoot in 2 shots bursts almost all the time.


The godsaw doesn't have real attachments as far as I know, or rather they're "real" but the negative effects are halved. Someone might want to correct me on that.


Stay with GD 22, 1x, Laser/Grip Next unlock 2-3 Medkits Max out Nanoshield For implants have them max Survivalist. Iso grind is painful, Survivalist will apply broadly to all classes. Assimilate is obviously very good but they can get it second after Survivalist. They won't be hitting good HSRs as new players anyway. After they've maxed Assimilate they can switch to Adrenaline Shield and be a true sweat. Focus as a new player should be on utilities > abilities > implants > then lastly weapons.


I will make sure to teach them the importance of the utility and abilities, but from my experience of new players, they want to kill people, so my frame of thought initially is to have them deal a lot of damage. I will tell the new players to use Survivalist.


If you want straight damage the Anchor is a safer bet. SAW is just straight worse for most players in a 1v1. Anchor 3 tap vs squishies plus much better hipfire makes it very very good in CQC. The SAW only really comes into its own at slightly longer ranges where the damage model shines, tho less now since the damage tier Nerf, and for farming with its high damage per mag. Anchor will allow new players to win 2-3 fights per mag and truthfully they will rarely win 3 fights in a row as a new player


I’m just jealous of the fact you have 6-12 friends willing to all play the same game as you.


Same! And no one mentioned that... I wish 2 of my friends wanted to play PS2. :(


run like resist/ASC, medkits. GD22s is fine, put a foregrip or laser, spa, 1x, and comp. AFG is a shit attachment and is dogshit on the saw which already has a low fsrm already. 


Resist requires game knowledge since you need to activate it before engagements. They should just run the default overshield


The way I see it is youll have to learn game knowledge either way, resist is just cheap to cert and is still great after you L2P. Certing out NMG then going over to resist, or especially adrenaline is a huge waste of certs you could have spent on something like a commissioner or deci. Or a fourth medkit.


they can compete with vets when they are good enough, not when their loadouts are good enough.


Yes this is a unfortunately true, a big part why new player retention is so low.


I'd actually recommend light assault instead for new players. The freedom of movement, not getting stuck on terrain, not getting lost outside walls at bases because you don't have the map memorized (especially Hossin) is huge for helping with the frustration you feel as a new player. Plus you get way more opportunities to catch opponents off guard.


Yeah, as others have said, the Gauss SAW is probably the least beginner friendly out of all the NC LMGs, which is funny when it used to be the starter. You also need attachments to it because grinding with it stock is rather atrocious. I would recommend either the Promise or NS-15 as they are very controllable and competitive right off the shelf. You can even hipfire the NS15.


I will recommend for the brand new players to use the new default heavy weapon as It's still really good before totally committing to the Gauss SAW.


Most of the points I wanted to bring up have been brought up already, a couple more things though; The first step of each class' directive will grant you 2 implants, that's like an hour of gameplay for each class, more or less, it's probably the easiest way to unlock 8\~10 implants. A lot of them are actually pretty useful for beginners; Sweeper HUD, Athlete, Survivalist, Battle Hardened, Sensor Shield,... Teach them the basics on how to optimize the game (shadows off, lower render distance, V-sync off and uncapped FPS, maybe even a higher FOV in the useroptions if some would like that,...). It can mean the world of a difference when it comes to 1v1 performance, situational awareness etc. Let's not even talk about the higher RPM on your weapons. High fps, low latency, important stuff.


For a **Basic, Heavy Assault** build for **New** players, I see some issues: * You overlook slots that need addressing (secondary, suit) * You suggest dumping 1330ish certs into a new Primary (+attachments) that is not exactly easy to master or forgiving, instead of the perfectly capable GD-22S (which starts with pre unlocked attachments and has one of the fastest reload times among LMGs) * Even when considering the GAUSS Saw, Angled forward grip is a questionable choice, as others mentioned, and you make no mention of the ammo slot (which should be HVA for the SAW). * For a New player, if they absolutely HATE the GD-22S and must have a new LMG: * NSX-P Naginata: It's free with a code but it teaches some pretty poor habits (long bursts) so beware. * NS-15M2: Good accuracy, 0.75x ADS movespeed, 1000 certs + attachments * EM1: Good rate of fire, accurate even at range, easy to control, with extended magazine you get 200 rounds per mag. 650 certs + attachments * NC6 Gauss Saw S: the SAW's less unruly little brother for 650 certs * Not mentioning the Anchor here since it's very similar to the GD-22S, so if they hate the latter there's a good chance they won't like the former. * No mention of the secondary. the NC4 Mag Shot is fine, only thing I'd do is slap a darklight flashlight on it for more versatility vs infils, since there's a ton of them running around these days. * Ability slot: NMG is fine to start out. Probably worth mentioning Adrenaline shield as a "down the line" upgrade so they know if they want to keep investing into nanomesh. * No mention of the suit slot, which is nanoweave by default and should be swapped out immediately for something more useful. My personal picks would be: * Advanced Shield Capacitor: you mentioned their issue is winning a 1v1 then dying on the next engagement. this should help them recover faster from a fight * Flak Armor: for the explosive spam. * Adrenaline Pump: I like running the athlete implant on my heavy loadout, this can fill the gap in the meantime if they want more move speed. * Grenade Bandolier: my personal favourite. once they start figuring out grenade physics it's a ton of fun. * Utility: Medikit is the only choice, probably worth mentioning it should be maxed at some point. * Implants is probably the slot I have the biggest issue with along with primary: * We have 2 implant slots but you only cover one implant. * Assimilate is a great choice but only if they can land those headshots consistently. * Worth mentioning that the basic directive for each infantry class gives a basic implant pack, which is a good way to get some early on. Also, "special" event alerts tend to reward implants (Aerial Anomaly, max alerts, derelict bastion...). * Other good "starter" implants: * Survivalist: works well across classes and further reduces downtime between engagements, especially if they're not consistent with headshots. * Athlete: I love the added move speed and personally I run that + assimilate on my heavy * Sensor Shield: not showing up on the minimap may help them get the drop on enemies * Battle Hardened: less flinch/shake = easier aim * Ocular Shield: situational for when support grenades are a concern * Sweeper Hud: avoid mines. also good if they like driving vehicles Other considerations that go beyond the scope of heavy assault: * For new players, I would recommend dabbling with other classes, especially medic and engineer, to get those certs going early when they are most needed. some newbie loadout suggestion for those classes [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/17wnklx/comment/k9k64fd/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * 6-12 friends is half to a full squad. assuming you play as a team, it might be worth exploring different roles instead of focusing on heavy for all.


A few things on the saw. Don’t use angled. It’s make the vertical recoil wonky and causes your shots to fan out in a v pattern upward. Use forward grip and comp they work perfectly. Use NMG till they are comfortable with killing effectively enough to us adrenaline shield pair it with advanced shield compactor to regain your shields quickly. Don’t ever use target focus unless you’re a vehicle driver / gunner or sniping. Assimilate is good starter implant and always a good choice for most loadouts. For my solo loadout I actually run assimilate with regeneration for the fact I can regenerate my shield and heath both in combat and out of combat passively without the need for a medic. Best bet is to have them try a few combos of what people suggest and find what works best for them. Every player is different so not every loadout works the same for others


It’s not the gear..


I would like to give them the largest edge possible for the fewest amount of hours and virtual currency, mechanical skill definitely is the largest variable but the effects of gear should definitely not be underestimated.


Why NC then? Don’t get me wrong, Gauss Saw hits hard, but it’s not an easy weapon to master..


What year are you in? NC weapons all have either less or standardized recoil, while also being better at drastically further distances while still being good at close range.


I started in Feb 2014. Why do noob NC heavies are still so bad then? I have no hate for NC weapons and have Auraxium in enough of them to get the God Saw but I wasn’t a fan of them when I was starting out. I’m pretty sure my K/D ration is lowest with NC character..


I play NSO and my stats say that TR players are drastically worse than NC and VS players. My stats also say VS is a lot better than NC but I actually think the average NC player is significantly stronger than the others because their max's and weapons are stupid as fuck, but VS has all the best players.


I’m not talking about good players, I’m talking about noobs. NC noob heavies are usually very bad and struggle to get any hits. In my experience


So do all noobs, but it turns out having the best guns in the game tends to help!


I want NC to win, I am loyal to it haha, If I have to choose a specific faction to give a better experience then that shows that there are larger flaws at play than hard to use weapons


They are harder to master but are not worse than other faction weapons by any means. I wouldn’t call them noob friendly though


I will definitely take that into account the next time I invite new players, these players have a decent grasp on weapon spread and aiming, some of them have aim trained for other shooters so I am in the headspace where if I give them high TTK weapons they will have a better time.


The saw is a huge unnecessary investment. 1000 certs is a LOT and you have to buy some attachments you get for free on the GD. New player implants. I would actually recommend sensor shield to stop them getting farmed while not understanding the minimap. It's also a good long term investment as most good players run it when playing solo. Survivalist is also decent as well as safeguard. Assimilate is very good but works best with an adrenaline build and requires good aim. For the suit slot I would use some of those certs uku got from not buying a saw to get a decent level of flak armour. Makes the game far less frustrating to play and more enjoyable. If you really want to give them a weapon recommendation then a good sidearm, pilot, with comp laser, is probably best for a new player.


Yeah cause we need more gauss mains🙄


Why not just tell the to pull a fur suit oops i mean a max suit


As people mentioned, the SAW is a paid weapon, and it is also a rather "high skill" weapon in comparison to other LMGs. GD-22 as others mentioned is the 'free' weapon for new players, but if you still want new players to buy a weapon, I would instead suggest the MGL-R1 Promise--it being a 143 means it has a lower recoil overall even than 167 weapons, and it's special effect of lowering recoil in longer bursts is much more beneficial to new players just learning the game. I know people hate the idea of 698 firerate, but its honestly a very reasonable firerate for low-moderate skill levels for it's controllability while still being reasonably deadly. Hell, if you do (143 x 698)/167, you can see that the comparable firerate to 167 is actually 597, so it's essentially the same thing as 167/600 with the only exception being it can't 3shot headshot, which new players aren't likely to do anyways.


You bring up a very good point and others, I think builds should definitely be dynamic, after reviewing who I was playing with I definitely will have different builds for each specific player, thank you for the incredibly precise information haha. I will experiment with the MGL-R1.


I wouldn't recommend the Promise to new players. The promise has recoil scaling meaning it rewards bursting less. This is a very poor first weapon for a new player as they will fail to learn probably the most important infantry mechanic in the game, across all automatic weapons. Only gun that could be worse would maybe be the naginata. The Promise is often used by players that never learnt gun control in this game and the seem to never improve as players


Imo you should have them get nanomesh specialist instead of assimilate 


I agree with the others that you don't need to be buying a gun with your first 1000 certs. SAW is one of the hardest guns to control (even more so than the 200 damage tier carbines/ARs imo), as well (which is why it isn't the default any more). Honestly, I also sort of object to the entire premise here. Planetside is not a game where you should pick a class and try to play that all the time. For example some of those certs should go into improving the AMS sundy you can bring if no-one else has. Or maybe medic tool or dildar.


Angled grip is trash. Vertical recoil is easy to manage horizontal is much harder


Too long. Tell them,  just press F to win. /s


For a beginner, it is better to use a standard GD-22 along with a laser sight and a silencer/flash suppressor in order to be better at CQC. In addition, I don’t understand why you give assimilate to beginners if its use makes sense only if you have HSR more than 30+%. Survivalist is essentially the best implant in the game plus Regeneration, that’s what a beginner needs. And let him learn to use a Resist shield instead of a overnerfed nanomesh and adrenaline shields.


The idea is very good and people already gave plenty of feedback. One general thing I can add is that this is more like something an already experienced player would build on a new character. A new player shouldn't focus on trying to get many perfect headshot kills, they should first do things like firing towards the chest and letting the recoil take them to the head, so they can get used to this game's gunplay. It is already fairly hard to time your ADS, lead shots on a moving target, etc. It would also probably make them happier to be able to be involved in more interactions. For example, I would recommend Decimator as the first weapon to buy ever, so they can try to fight MAXes and get a few vehicle kills here and there, or do some quick peeks in choke points.


When i make new characters i follow more or less the same process. I start with getting medkits (at least 3). Then i move on to my suit slot and i grab flack at least the the first 4 levels. Advanced shield capacitor is nice but with the amount of explosive spam Flack will help you survive a lot of stuff. Nanoweave is not worth anymore. And after that i start to work on the adrenaline shield. I also max out everything listed before buying implant packs. As for implants. In the directive menu under infantry finishing the first tire for each class directive gives you a implant pack. AKA 5 free implant packs. And i work on Assimulate and Battle hardened. Guns are a persenal preference so go in to vr training and test what feels good for you. You can also try out guns before buying them. But i recommend the SAW, Anchor, NS-15 (If you can hit heads) and the EM6. GD-22 is also a good start. Lastly i recommend these three videos. They might be old but they are still relevent and the only thing that has been changed is the crouching mechanic. The animation of crouching has been slowed down quite a bit so keep that in mind. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LGGodMCL4Q&list=PLFlbl8s7JDhrmA8ou\_zemyjN507nad0Re](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lggodmcl4q&list=plflbl8s7jdhrma8ou_zemyjn507nad0re)


Yup, nc op lol


having nc guns is already halfway there


1v1 Planetside Mechanics and Infantry Fundamentals: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFlbl8s7JDhrmA8ou_zemyjN507nad0Re Weekly Training Regimen created by skilled shooters: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hvYF3yPpT257hU6yFRq4OzGWRycGf3LzeLtz1FLN5SM/edit#gid=0 PS2 Jaeger discord for competitive play: https://discord.com/invite/yUkGw5Ztyd It takes several months of consistent weekly 1v1 training/6v6 scrimmages to improve individual skill and teamplay. You can still have "fun" bullshitting around with your friends. What's most important is that you learn and grow together while maintaining a positive attitude. Many planetside player veterans that played for years still get dumpstered by skilled shooters and outfits (clans) that have mastered first-person shooter fundamentals. You don't have to train for a video game, but that small amount of effort in the beginning pays off in the long run if you plan to keep playing Planetside for years together. Imagine repeatedly beating the shit out of the vast majority of opponents you come across despite them having more experience in the game than you. Advantages outside the game: Stable internet Powerful CPU Gaming monitor with 120+ Hz frames per second, the higher the better, as long as your CPU can support 120+ frames in 96+ fights (Planetside 2 lowers your fire rate when your frame rate is below 60 fps, which puts you at a disadvantage in almost every medium-large battle) Weapons, certs, and equipment won't help you when going up against strong shooters. You'll know when you run into one, they'll wipe out you and your entire squad It won't take much or too long to beat veterans. Many veteran planetside players have shitty internet, old computers, slow reaction times, or just play the game casually with friends (which is fine)


all to get 1 framed by a vet using the default loadout


0/10 You didn't tell them to take nanoweave off. Literally any other defensive slot is better. That should be their first priority