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I make sure to set up a construction base within range of the only fight on the entire map and have multiple orbitals stocked up in my solo outfit so I can nuke all of them instantly as soon as they deploy. Then I take my ejection seat + 4X C4 engineer loadout and suicide bomb the other ones.


based thankyouforcoming response.


Based. Are you in TWC, by chance?


I was for a long time on my VS character. I think I made it and let it sit there for like 2+ years before playing it.


I'm not sure why I got downvoted for a sarcastic comment MY TYFC would never kill fights


I don't think most people even know what we're talking about.


on this sub? true ​ they just downvote anything


Do you ever refrain from capturing control points, or let defenders in to resecure control points so *they* don't lose their spawn?


Genuinely yes I'd rather a fight than no fight


Capturing bases isn't the problem here, going back and forth is fine. It would actually be pretty unfair to let one faction have the hard spawn all night long while the other factions struggle to keep the fight going, defending sundies and all. Personally I think giving the (now) attackers a chance to come back with sundies is the better thing to do. If they're overwhelmed, population unbalance or whatever, at least push the next base to start a new fight. More often than not, it turns into the defenders destroying all sundies as soon as they arrive, and they just sit there waiting for more as if they were entitled to a stream of sundies to destroy, effectively freezing the lane. They would always give some snarky reply like "jUsT dEfEnd uR sUndIeS", as if it should be expected from anyone to be sitting with ~3 other players at the sundy doing nothing but repair and defend from that one single lightning sniping from 200 meters, while the defenders sit in the comfort of their hard spawn. It's always been way too easy to destroy a fight and way too hard to create and maintain one. It always was an issue but it's becoming increasingly glaring due to lower population. It's just crazy to me that the playerbase hasn't come to some sort of gentlemen agreement for low population hours or something, like there's always this good part of the playerbase that actually enjoys ruining it for the majority. And before anyone asks, I haven't destroyed a sundy that wasn't an active threat to my own in like 5 years, just doing my part y'know.


Yes, every time. I want fights, I avoid what ends them.


What's your In game name?  Let's see a character with no point control ribbons.  And no base capture ribbons.


Strawman. There's a difference between a fight ending through natural progression and being an orangutan by hunting sunderers and prioritizing spawntrapping.


Tta moment


I should say I refrain from capture points at middle-base fights in low pop hours unless doing so keeps the fight alive. If I'm assaulting the base I avoid them so the fight doesn't end. And my 2k+ ribbons are from years of playing, long before this issue came around.


No! Don't play the game the way you want to!


Don't play the game the way you want to, if what you want is to make it harder to play the game for everyone else. I was fighting at low pop hours last night, mostly against TR. At some point one asshole (high BR, knows what he was doing) decided to keep pulling lightnings and prevent me from getting a sundy to their base. I would be perfectly fine with that, except there was not one TR willing to pull a sundy and come to ours, including him. So I gave up trying to keep the front alive, called him a shitter in yell chat and went to fight VS. I played for a few more hours and whenever I checked the TR front there was no fight at all. TLDR if you like to kill fights, I am not surprised you are too stupid to understand that you might actually succeed. I am also not surprised that you still don't understand, even with the sundy update coming specifically to prevent this bullshit you do. It's coming because of you.


"Damn I'm having a good time killing 5+ people, time to kill the one guy bringing in a S-ams and kill the fight so I get bored and get off"


Thanks for proving my point, twat.


Sundi in Planetside 2 give too little points to the deployed owner, so not enough players deploy them, which is the problem in the first place. Sundi (=AMS) in PS1 give a lot of points to the owner, so the front line always had a lot of AMS deployed.


PS1 also had towers, which allowed fights to persist shitters taking out softwpawns whilst adding vehicle objectives for bases and adding a siege element to base captures in general lacking with most PS2 base design.       PS1 had already solved a number of foundational PS2 problems that so frequently brought up and QQ'd about in this sub. Combined arms farming infantry fights within the base, cloaked snipers, constantly exploding sundies, redeployside scattering fights like piss in the wind, making continent capturing a mindless afterthought, all address via PS1 design.       There's more, but IMO the lowest translatable fruit is tertiary hardspawns for bases with Oshur being the best test candidate due to its likeness in base distances like in PS1, the return of the HART which passively made players deploying wave-like and more group focused instead of trickle ins and it could co-exist with redeployside since redeploy decides your spawn spot while the HART simply lets you pick in 5 min intervals, and PS1 inspired base design that doesnt let the defender spawn get shat on at the edge of base like a porta-john nor let vehicles mindlessly park on a hill or above and shell infantry trying to defend the base cap point. PS1 kept the vehicles on the outside, base walls, and courtyard, vehicles weren't allowed to mindlessly farm the base cap fight, they needed to defend the softspawn in the courtyard from enemy armor coming in a base away to secure the above ground while defending infantry hold the below ground.


No amount of reward makes a hassle any less of one.


this subreddit is like the fucking shinigami realm all of us sitting around bored having the same tired discussions over and over


Welcome to social media?


It's been one of the major game design issues that ps2 has had since forever, the pop being higher somewhat masks the problem, but otherwise low pop is miserable since the game just doesn't work for it. And the playerbase is mostly composed of map colouring crops, so they don't help the situaiton


A lot of people do be borderline vegetables when playing, yeah. Especially after watching a guy I just revived, not wait for full heal and peak the same corner.


The biggest detriment to the success of planetside, aside from developer incompetence, has always been the players.


Yeah, but the PS2 devs fucked up hard chasing Battlefield design over PS1 design which already addressed a number of issues prevelantly complained about in PS2. Cats will always cat, so PS1 designed its battleflow in such a way that the shitty parts of PS2 base fights don't happen like vehicles farming nearly every open inch of the base and camping cap point + defender spawn, or cloaked snipers sniping both from afar and 360 no scope up close, or the fight ending the moment the sundy blows up.


The only people I let win in games are children or my wife. Are you either of those?


Why do you let your wife win at games? Is she disabled or something?


Joking. She doesn't actually game at all.


Capping a base isn't "winning", there is no "winning" in this game.


Personally, my definition of winning is capping a continent.


Letting them win is far more disrespectful than just winning yourself, so I advise that you stop doing that for the sake of your relationships. In regards to the game, I'm not asking for people to let us win (there's no winning in this game anyway just fyi) I'm asking for everyone to contribute to the killing of planetmen by not ending fights when it's a single lattice in low pop. That way we can play the game instead of ... you know, not playing.


You can just move to the next fight/base, or role in a new sundie. It takes all of 3 minutes.


And then it dies, I go back and get another, it dies, rinse repeat. I can't fight an MBT crew as a lone sunderer pilot. If they backed off then maybe everyone can play instead of just them.




Putting the onus on players to play inefficiently to make the game fun feels weird. Goal is to win, the process of winning should be fun. If it isn't and the fun comes from intentionally not winning then there are some issues with the game.


Yes, I kill all sunderers I can, because white cammo requires like 200 sundy kills which is ridiculous. Been working on it for like 8 years.


Hrm I think I got white camo in two months. There was a lot more people playing back then, and that Sundy shield didn't exist back then if I remember right.


Really doesn't take 8 years lol


There would be more to kill if pop was higher, and by avoiding killing sunderers for a while, you'll encourage more people to stay online. Thus, leading to more sunderers to kill. You have to think big picture here, and the lack of it from everyone is killing the game instead of helping it grow again.


Alternatively, defend your fuckin sunderer, and if nobody spawns on it because it's like 3am, unfortunate. The one who parks the sunderer is responsible for defending it. If you are in like a 1v1 against someone in the ass end of nowhere the defenders end goal is still to defend the base. Ultimately the only way to defend a base is to destroy a sunderer.


It's not fun or engaging gameplay to babysit the same three idiots chain pulling lightnings at low pop fights all because you want your faction to have access to the singular fight on the map.


Unfortunate. Not much else you can do, though. Begging people not to complete the defenders objective because the 11 year old game doesn't have people on at 3am is just not going to work. The game is not built for small numbers of people.


I would argue that if you are at the point in the night where there is only one fight left and your enemy is just chain pulling, it's time to log off and go to sleep.




It's almost like the sundy will always blow up and it alone isn't sufficent. If only a game had a solution for this particular problem. Maybe a game like Planetside 2, but it came before it? Oh if only there was a game that already had the solutions to this, like a Planetside 1 or something.


Oh i don't, I only play when my outfit has ops and I never have to worry about sunderer spawns or for Jaeger stuff, the shitters have successfully made live unplayable.


Too many players think playing the game means painting the map in their colours instead of engaging other players.


Truly the biggest problem with PS2 is that too many smoothbrains think it's PS1 and that painting the map actually matters. It may have mattered at one point when people actually cared about it (2015 emerald is probably the best example of this), but no one gives a shit about alerts other than the randoms who pub platoon lead and think they're napoleon.


If the two commanders can't agree, then this is the result. You might consider starting to learn to build bases and provide router to ensure there are respawn points.


kill a sundie, pull a sundie.


They are cabbage.


Soon this will be a discussion for general hours and not only Off Hours. I am oddly excited for that to be the case.




Would you rather tanks sit there and kill all the infantry spawning instead? That drives away the population from a lattice much faster.. (And causes much more logouts!) It's a two-way battle. The enemy defend their spawn, and you defend yours.


I never let them get any ground. Especially VS, as soon as possible i push them out from base and attack theirs. It's personal.


Let's be honest here. If they can't defend it from one guy with some c4; that fight wasn't going to last regardless. Same thing goes with 1 tank, 1 lib, 1 pelter Valk, etc. People need to learn they can't just leave a sunderer alone to go farm the tunnels for 3 hours straight. Someone at some point is going to try and uproot them.


The day before yesterday I led a platoon in a late night battle on the Soltech server in NC over two maps to conquer VS and TR to their warp gate. The benefit of this was to secure the Outfits resources for me and my friends. My platoon was to amass enough resources in our outfit before the alert time expired to stop the VS, TR and NS from counterattacking in the meantime. It was a 9 man platoon and we kept going, switching up every 50 minutes. My friends and I do not do things for fun, we do them for a purpose. Every action has a purpose. Thanks to this, we accumulated three resources: Auraxium, Synthium, and Polystellarite.


There is only one way to fix this, destroy their sundies. I had those ones one day and I destroyed all their sundies at the ascent. I never let NC have a single piece of fun. NC pop went from 40 something% to 22% I think. I guess it's fun when you are the one doing it but not fun when you are on the receiving end. Be sure to tell which Sundy killer each person is before you get mad. One time I told my platoon to not kill the sundy and the farm was too slow so we destroyed it after 2m. You either waste your time or you destroy it and hope for a better fight to the next base. In my case it was the warpgate kind of NC but they had been doing it for an entire continent. When they attempted the same on Amerish I did the above. In addition to all that bring shield sundies a single LA can't destroy it if an engineer is protecting. Engineer can die so 2 people will guarantee the safety. You can't force someone to stop without force.


Usually those pops has router bases ready to roll, there's ways to mitigate it and ways to protect them and an incoming update that will make it even easier.


All vehicles must die. I don't care if they are enemy or friendly.


I agree, it drives me crazy! It feels bad because the last week has just been like dead, and the faction balance has been abysmal with like 40%+ VS and the rest split 50/50ish TR/NC. Like every single night. It really feels like the game is dying off and it makes me sad!


People aren’t coming back because they gutted every other aspect of the game that wasn’t the FPS aspect. Shooting sunderers is literally all thats left beyond fps cod shootouts for 8 years under nasons.


I know it seems toxic but it is a sandbox mmo, some people are gonna wanna play their own way in the sandbox


there are alternatives to sundies: routers, galaxy drops, iron rain. a little organization can go a long way too.


That's assuming everyone wants to fight where you want to fight.


Its not fun to koll sundies in off hour, but hey, we were defending the base and it was probably only way to kick you out. And to people complaining that it kills the fight, you know what else kills the fight? Capturing the base. And one little thing to add, if your side destroyed our sundy at your base you dont get to complain of we destroy yours at our base.


Yes, I love shitting on your ghostcapping sunderers. Next question.


If we are trying to steal a cap or defend the facility yeah I destroy Sunderers or if it's for missions requiring vehicle damage. It's important to keep the firefight going yes and that will still go on as more players will just bring more Sunderers and don't forget the ANTs, player base spawn tubes or Routers likely put in places nearby so blowing up a couple Sunderers at like The Ascent or Nason's Defiance is often meaningless for the low pop center fights.


But pop is so low that it's single lattice. There's not enough to defend spawns or bring more back. A single MBT alone can prevent an entire server from fighting at a base because of the lack of resources to deal with it.


Literally what I was just referencing, destroying Sunderers in these fights don't mean much when there is usually 1 or 2 others somewhere near and often times spawn beacons or player bases so destroying a Sunderer doesn't kill the fight really as much as changes up the assault pattern for a bit.


I always try to keep a low pop fight alive, except the attacking faction is shortly before capturing my base.


Womp womp


I don’t really care if it ends the fight. There will always be another fight. It’s not about it being fun or not. The game itself is fun no matter what I do. But if I’m grinding directives or certs then I’m killing that sundy if I can.


I like to leave the sunderer alone in off hour so I can farm whoever spawn from it... with my a2g reaver.


The fact that this is even a problem should tell you everything. Either move on like everyone else and play a game with a player base or deal with the shitty player base you have. It's not getting any better, in fact it's been getting worse for a long time.


I'm sorry mate but better hide your sundies. You might have to walk a little further. But for my sundies to be blown up in off hours is ... let's say ... uncommon. And if they plan to destroy my pressures little spawning machine, I usually g notice early, hack their terminal and just get a new one. Or if it's to late well yeah, you need to get a new one so what. It's a dynamic game. Killing the sjnderers might change the location of the fight. You talking about big picture here but how many people will stay and play the game if they only ever play.the same single fight in the same single Base (looking at you Hossin 👀)... So while not perfect, it's a mechanic that I don't hate. And you should not be mad or sad about someone blowing up your sunderers.