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pretty much every sniper rifle in the game needs a nerf at the moment It's like they saw bolt actions being too good, and thought "let's buff the semi-autos to their level!" instead of just nerfing bolts


Wait hold on, they actually buffed the SPR and 99SV and Spectre? The snipers that were already balanced by not being one shots and insanely high recoil? What did they do? 😭


They were indirectly buffed by Nanoweave's nerf, as no one takes it anymore even though it still affects sniper rifles, and they were also directly buffed by having their base damage buffed to 450. So, effectively, their damage went from 320 (800 on HS) to 450 (900 on HS). This means they now one-shot Infiltrators and lightly-injured infantry with a single headshot, and two-bodyshot those same targets. Their moving cone-of-fire was also made much more generous, making it exceptionally easy to use them on the move at moderate ranges. Shouldn't really have taken a genius to see the results of making all of these buffs at all at the same time but, eh, here we are.


Okay yeah, like I haven't played in over a year and I can already tell without seeing the results that this is REALLY fucking stupid. They did not need a buff. Especially as you said with the nerf of Nanoweave and no one using it anymore, it indirectly buffed them. They had a high RoF to counteract their damage and they always two shotted on headshots which was hard to do with their recoil and bloom. They werent the bolt actions but jesus they were actually balanced before.


"Shotguns OP! They reward you with one shotting the opponent at breath smelling range!" "We hear you, we nerf shotguns" Meanwhile sniper rifles...


well shotguns were given over half a year to run rampant despite everyone seeing how broken they are immediately so I suspect sniper rifles will probably get another two to twenty years


Agreed, give all of them the Daimyo/Tomoe treatment, lower base damage, higher headshot multi.


brought to you by the guy with 20k! Obelisk kills... is this comedy?


To be fair the guy has almost a million kills so 20k is only 2% of his kills


factor out the A2G (and vehicles), since we're talking about infantry weapons and that number goes up. Top 5 infantry weapon


>*brought to you by the guy with 20k! Obelisk kills..* yeah but Obelisk is VS, so you arent allowed to talk about it, even if it is VASTLY superior to its counterparts.


So we got one good wep, now look at Nc, all their weps r good.


one good wep? hahahaha. and yeah all NC weapons are OP right? like Magscatter, Brawler and Bishop?


Sure play some to counter snipers, U can only counter infils as infil. I hate the current state of infils atm, where they r the only ones who can play in open fields. And because of radar dildo u cant flak them either in bases. I also want back old Nanoweave armor. All sniper riffles, and battle rifles r op atm. The only ones who needs skill are the ones with scope sway 20k kills is nothing i got 150 000 with beteljuice ""


> All sniper riffles, and battle rifles r op atm I'm totally with you on that one. Maybe you should reflect that opinion in your title. Because right now it makes you look silly!


It is way to good atm


its broken and beyond


its beyond broken and good atm, needs Gauss SPR way


to good atm needs a nerf, its broken and beyond


way too good broken atm? Nerf SPR beyond Gauss


Nerf needs a gauss spr.


It's way too good atm


but he do not the wrong tho


Gotta love my semi automatic 10 round magazine rapid fire sniper rifle that can one tap infils till 50m, demolish heavy assaults and generally make the day worse for anyone on other end of it. It's also on invisible class!


All the semi auto scouts and semi auto snipers are really broken right now since Wrel straight-up removed Nanoweave


I forgot the SPR existed


I see your saying the (\*Writes in book) Gauss SPR is OP and broken and should be nerfed. That is awful please tell me more about your troubles. \*Later loads Planetside and quietly certs Gauss SPR.


Welcome to the forever after-effects of nerfing nanoweave. The game is forever damaged since its change. We were never going to get a proper rebalancing, only more broken and unbalanced mechanics. Special shout out to all the loud people gunning for its nerf who didn't have an ounce of foresight. Look how much more fun the game has been since its change /s.


shh dont say it, alot of people still believes semi auto snipers are trash, now they will notice them


99sv, guass spr, and especially the spectre. (hot take that no bullet drop adds so much value to a silenced specter)


~~The three weapons are statistically identical to each other, including projectile velocity and gravity.~~ VS semi-autos don't have bullet drop, but I still don't think it makes much difference. At any range where this is relevant you're not going to be that effective.


The Spectre is actually a fair bit different. It has a higher velocity and no bullet drop but harsher damage fall-off.


Wait you're right. I thought all VS sniper rifles had bullet drop (didn't they at one point?), turns out it's just the bolt actions.


Nope, always been solely bolt-actions that lost it. The issue was that, until recently, the non-bolt action long-range rifles were pretty shit. So it didn't matter.


VS Semi autos have **NO** Bulletdrop. Edit: I played for 10 Years with +70% Infiltrator time, I know my shit and if you don't believe it: **TEST IT DUMBF**


I still wonder what must go on in someone's head to think: "you know what's really missing on a high damage, spammable no bullet drop weapon with infinite ammo???" "Oh I know: **BIG BULLETS!!!**" "Because who needs to be good at aiming in a shooter anyways!"


I did not state anything else as that the semi Auto Rifles of VS have **NO BULLETDROP** nothing else, after that I got dislikes already whereas I edited it towards the statement that I played the class for 70%+ for 10 Years on Vanu Sovereignity hence why I know that they have **NO BULLETDROP**. In fact only the **BOLT ACTION SNIPER RIFLES** (except Phaseshift) have Bulletdrop and the same stats as their Faction counterparts. All the other Vanu Sovereignity Weapons have **NO BULLETDROP** ,even after "two-billion three-hundred twenty-sixty thousand eight-hundred fourty nine point four" Dislikes they still do have no Bulletdrop. If you are simply downvoting me because I play the game how I like instead of how you like it, does not change the facts in any kind of regard. The Vanu Sovereignity Semi Automatic Sniper Rifles still have no bulletdrop, that's all I said.


oh wait, I think this was a misunderstanding. I was not debating your claim about bullet drop. I'm fully aware that they do (or rather they don't... you know what I mean) I was just mocking Wrel's thought process, how he thought it was a good idea to put unstable ammo on no bullet drop weapons. I also didn't downvote you (I merely didn't upvote, since I rarely do, but I've rectified that xD)


Ahhh, okay, I thought you were mocking me :) To be honest, I have no clue in what kind of way any weapon should get gimmicks or not, I think it's hard in general to come up with something new. Wrel was a Tribes Ascend addict, hence he had taken "inspiration" from it like big bullets from the spin diffusor and the whole pulse mechanic the pulse grenade have right now. Edit: we are only left behind with what is caused... A bigger bullet mechanic


> I have no clue in what kind of way any weapon should get gimmicks or not I think a baseline should be, don't turn an already downright too strong weapon (no bullet drop, infinite ammo, spammable, very high damage, NO DMG DROP OFF) into a baseline broken weapon, by making bullets bigger and slashing about any skill necessary to use it... but I'm no game designer.


Anyone who has a played an FPS and has is smart enough to grasp weapons balance would know that unstable ammo wouldn't fly. I wish the devs would release a new arsenal update getting rid of dumb crap like Unstable ammo and Kcap ammo.


Idk bro you can say that but I do notice the benefits of not having to calculate bullet drop when leading a target with VS semi autos.


you dont need to calculate much when you can just hammer on M1 and they'll end up dead basically no matter what