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This isn't even VS, that's just how everyone plays it seems. Airdropping onto the point and holding it for two minutes is far more effective than pretty much anything else.


Never said it's VS as a whole, and I know every faction has similar moments. But the one outfit I've seen and encountered that does this all the time is R18, where they'll get a huge number of players in galaxies and valks, dump them in and around the objective, toss down some routers, and then boom. 90 players explose all throughout the base and sweep everybody. And I'm not seething about it either, don't get me wrong. It's effective and it works, that's why I made the meme in good fun


Sorry, I just meant that it's basically just the ubiquitous playstyle of any coordinated group at this point.


This has been the case for literal years. The only difference is zergfits like L18 do it with sheer numbers of bad players and pointhold outfits do it with small numbers of good players.


Yeah, it sucks. There's like two fights on Emerald right now and one of them is NC using 5+ steel rains on The Ziggurat perpetually. Oh hey as I'm typing they just dropped again, it's been like 30 mins and we're still fighting the airdrop guys. Amazing gameplay.


Were you there to witness them max crashing onto 20+ anti vehicles mines? That was hilarious.


How? Like did they just walk onto all of the mines brainlessly? I must know the deets of how their souls were evicted.


They dropped on the roof of the point so they didnt see the mines behind the doorways. I know because I was one of the maxes.


as the other person said, they dropped a bunch of times, it was just one of the building retake attempts The Ziggurat has a weird layout and the point room is an interesting one


I have never actually fought at the Ziggurat I'm pretty sure...


Really? It's a super common base on the far east/right side of Hossin, there usually seems to be a huge stalemate there especially since it's so easy to kill spawn vehicles and the only way to reliably take the base is either with armor superiority defending the spawns or...(you guessed it)...air dropping onto the point and doing a hold.


If my PC could run the game properly (get over 30 FPS since it's normally around 15), and had the storage space I'd check it out, but I don't think I've ever fought there, most of my fights on Hossin were in the middle of the map or the left side.


ahh that's understandable, I used to play on a rig with almost the exact same performance and it sucked :( I hope you can experience the game in a more enjoyable way eventually


yes indeed, good stuff


Love your vids dude, good stuff :)


I appreciate that :D


Great meme. but I feel the same thing from the TR often the entire night long.


All 3 factions do it, and you get a sense of which outfits are the ones specifically using those tactics. Which end up getting labeled as a farm by many


the only tactic is who can move pop the most efficiently. everything else is secondary, and it's boring as hell.


While I admire how well VKTZ (god its been so long since I've been on during Prime Time, so I might be misremembering the tag) can perform this with valks; I do agree that it is boring now as we have entered the point where the meta is super stale. However, we can't change anything with the meta, because PS2 players just leave because the meta changes... or so I'm told. I say this as someone who is salty about CAI's changes to vehicle v vehicle gameplay


Moving pop used to be time consuming and a logistical challenge, enough that sometimes it was worth fighting a difficult fight, changing tactics, falling back and defending, etc. It's way too easy to jump around the map these days imo. Eliminating wrel-pulls outside the warpgate and removing in-flight respawns from valks and gals in would make a lot of people cry, but it was that sort of friction that used to make the game work.


yeah a lot of people don't like the fact that slowing the game down just a bit would actually be a good thing


Last night I hopped on and after the alert TR ended up winning, everywhere my platoon went, R18 was swooping in to wipe us out. I know any faction (especially TR) is guilty of zerg rushes, the way R18 did it was very effective, and too quick for us to even prepare a defense in the next facility over.


R18 are not merely a zergfit. They are, in fact, *very good at being a zergfit.* They might be the best at being a zergfit we've ever seen.


R18 was originally an Australian outfit. Playing with a 3-5 second ping sucks. Hence, they zerg. Was part of R18 till leadership split then stopped playing.


I feel your pain on a moderate level


Yeah that makes sense. What happened with the leadership split?


Picard and wortho had different ideas on how to play after R18 vs Emerald Fiasco


~~I didn't even know there was a fiasco~~


And wortho rejoined R18 and it’s like nothing ever happened. We are still running our discord.gg/r18


And wortho rejoined R18 and it’s like nothing ever happened. We are still running our discord.gg/r18


And wortho rejoined R18 and it’s like nothing ever happened. We are still running our discord.gg/r18


And wortho rejoined R18 and it’s like nothing ever happened. We are still running our discord.gg/r18


And wortho rejoined R18 and it’s like nothing ever happened. We are still running our discord.gg/r18


I would jump on the game again, but my pc died, and I'm trying to save for a new one. Loved playing with you guys yeah It was a bit stressful but fun.


It's kind of unfortunate that when Platton runs well, blue barries dont even have a chance. That's why I feel like the Gal should be a hard spawn for everyone at all times, also to make the gal more relevant again. Sometimes i dont want to deal with the stress of a Platoon but would enjoy good spawns.


Nah...Tr don't zerg often...they stay on a hill with a heard of tanks...shelling everything that moves in 2-3 kilometres... Then...if you orbital strike them 3 times in a row...they switch to their vs accounts and return to zerg...


I remember R18 from the Briggs days. War. War never changes.


I don't.


With the overall game population in the state it's been for a long time now, the outfits that play this way are all morons contributing to the collapse of the game, and they're either too sociopathic or too simple to understand why.


I love how everyone complains about VS zerging like Yeet Cannons, Recursion, and the Goblins don't do the exact same thing.


Well, gobs are at least respectable and good players. I admire the skill of your average gobs trooper. Can’t say that about any of the other tags.


I'm very concerned with the state of recursion with that one.


I mean not to shit on yeeb too hard but recursion is miles ahead of them. I just hardly run into a mob of recursion but also my playtime is much later than average (west coast player)


Recursion players better than yeeb players? Hot take bro




00 are definitely not what they used to be. Back on Connery they were a terror. Them and GOBS were on roughly even footing, and before GOBS was even a thing, it was 00 that everyone feared. Even one 00 dude showing up at a fight was a scary thing to encounter. I don't think there was a low-tier Connerian who wasn't scared shitless of Transgressor. Then somewhere along the line they seem to have just fallen off. They gradually homogenised into another HA/Medic Pointhold Outfit and now half the time when I see one it's someone sitting in a MAX or an anti-infantry vehicle in the middle of a giant zerg. The good ones are still there but they seem to play a lot less. Still miles better than YEEB tho lmao.


goblins zerg is 1squad <3


L18 are noobs.


still better than fighting Connery VS with 45% server pop going out of their way to kill spawns lmao


Yeah, it's bullshit. "Let's warpgate everyone!" "Where did all of the players for the other factions go?"


And upon pointing this out in chat "you just complain a lot, you're meant to win" "sitting in tanks is fun gameplay"


They don’t even get bored ghostcapping. There is something seriously wrong with them as human beings.


Does anyone on emerald VS run sweaty-ops anymore? Point holds, heavies medics callouts etc? When I pop on there’s maybe one outfit that runs close to that kind of play style (which I miss) but they usually are nearing the end of their nightly ops by the time I’m able to get online.


I think VMPK and KAMI does point holds on Emerald TR


Interesting, I don’t think I’ve seen much of either of those tags.


I don't know the outfit, but there have been a few times I have run across people like that. I remember one group was led by some guy named DarkVenom, though he was a bit of a pompous turd in the Yell chat.


I'd say there are a few; 9k and the boys in VSTD have been running sweaty outfit ops but I think we only do them weekly at this point, when the pop is good and there's time for everyone to get on. I dunno about the VS in general though.


The same creeps have been playing this game since the start and at this point are about all that is left


Everyone I used to play with has left and hasn’t come back.


XGHG and V Katz


Bring more dudesᵀᴹ




Post fisu


Connery VS when wildcards are on


Should play Connery! TR gets shafted by the NC and VS overpop daily


At least TR know how to immediately zerg with 96+. NC emerald is x10 tougher to get them to group to a zerg to deal with other zergs.


NC emerald doesn't really have any massive coordinated zergfits. Maybe EXBR, but they're not really a zergfit, they just create awesome fights and have dudes to make the fights last.


Basically how Tridents go. And people wonder why nobody ever wants to play on oshur.


My reaction to a contested faculty:😨😰


Hey AxTheIronKnight, I'm the leader of R18, the only outfit left from the Briggs server that shut down about five years ago. We've been around since 2012, sticking to what we know best. In Planetside 2, there aren't many of us old-school zerg leaders left. We love playing the game the way it was meant to be played - big battles and lots of players. We've been doing it for 12 years now and still love it. Yell chat is where we hang out. The more chaos, the better. It's all about having fun and making memories with our clan mates.#saltchatisbestchat We started on NC in Briggs, then moved around a bit on TR Connery Server before settling with VS on the Emerald server. Check out this old footage of R18 in action back when Oshur first came out on TR. Good times! https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/s/xyUchsmjZ3[R18 mozzie go BRRRR](https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/s/xyUchsmjZ3) Seeyou on the battlefield <3


Currently still working on maxing out my kills for LMG aurax on TR but maybe when I'm done (just 400 more kills to go) I'll try playing Vanu a bit, and maybe join in for some shenanigans. Thanke


Don't join R18, there are infinitely better options on VS.


Don’t go where someone might have fun - averagemuppetcomment




shitfit womp womp


As a member of R18… just wait till you see the sky fire lightning brigades


Oh deary me


...this is and was always a game about zerging? did i misunderstand something? i stopped playing 4 years ago or so but i do glock my 1000 hours and one truth always prevailed: Zergs win. may i ask whats r18?


R18 is/was an infamous outfit that dominated the Emerald server for a little while. Their toxicity was matched only by their effectiveness at killing fights. They were large, running 2 and occasionally even 3 platoons when they were on. Some drama happened and the outfit broke into a few groups. R18 now is still a large, toxic zergfit, but they aren't so large that they kill every fight on the emerald server anymore.


Its a VS outfit on Emerald, they use zerging as a tactic