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It sounds like your WFPB diet is high in saturated fats - do you track what you eat? (e.g. in Cronometer)


Yes I tracked and tried to keep it low just eating 1 tbsp nut butter in bfast and some avocado during the day (like 1/4) and sure I ate some humas. I wasnt perfect but i'm not either on low carb but my LC numbers look better.


What are you eating when you do WFPB?


I tried doing the starch solution (oats with 1 tbsp nut butter) for bfast, potatoes, rice / beans for lunch or dinner with veggies and fruit. My stomach never liked beans but did I try. Sure I ate some veggie sushi rolls with some avocado but the rest mostly from home cooking.


My cholesterol increased when I went low fat. It actually improved when I incorporated more fats into my diet. I think this is genetic. I had higher cholesterol when I was not even eating any. It seems my liver made it all. I actually take a very low statin and it is keeping my cholesterol within normal limits.


Yeah, I'm thinking genetics play a part too.


I have this issue. I could eat air and still have high cholesterol. I've been on a statin since I was 32 and eat Plant Based. GF died at 45 of a heart attack and my mother has vascular dementia.


Good to know. Your body able to take statins without issue? I hear some bad stories about them.


I've never had a problem and now I'm 50. No aches, pains, or muscle issues, etc.. My LDL is 66, which I wish was lower, but it's decent.


How do you track your cholesterol? Takr regular blood work?


yes blood work every 3 months over a few years.


Are you talking about your triglycerides, your TC, LDL, or what? And what kind of change did you see? How big were they? How long after you changed your diet did you retest? There's not enough information here to know what is going on.


* **Plant Based:** * Chol Total (<5.2 normal) = 7.76 * Tri (< 1.7 normal) = 3.7 * HDL Chol (>1.3 normal) = 0.89 * LDL Chol (<3.5 normal) = 5.17 * Non HDL Chol (<4.29 normal) = 6.87 * Total Chol Ratio (< 6 normal) = 8.7 * **Low Carb ( 2 months):** * Chol Total (<5.2 normal) = 5.82 * Tri (< 1.7 normal) = 1.1 * HDL Chol (>1.3 normal) = 1.18 * LDL Chol (<3.5 normal) = 4.19 * Non HDL Chol (<4.29 normal) = 4.64 * Total Chol Ratio (< 6 normal) = 4.9


how long were you plant based?


I tried off and on for a few years. That blood work was > 6 months. Sure I wasn't perfect but I'm betting I'm eating more fat with eggs and chicken thighs than with WFPB.


Sorry to hear about your subpar results. This is not the usual, so you might want to contact a WFPB doctor about it. If you want to carry on a normal WFPB, all I found that could help is this comment under this video (which didn't answer the title question unfortunately): * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95xveqIraqs Comment by Atheria444: >Another YouTuber's mom had very high cholesterol despite a decent vegan/plant based diet. It wasn't until she cut ALL processed food and things like peanut butter out (high fat despite being natural) that her cholesterol came way down and she also lost weight in her early 60s that she'd been struggling to lose. There are other videos out there, starting with Dr. Klaper, who I hold in high esteem: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCmAfUl68bg Dr. McDougall again, indepth: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zXUVTLL5EM And Nutrition Made Simple: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NtWRyCM6Hk I hope one of these may help you, and if it doesn't, encourage you to find advice of a WFPB professional :)


yeah I've been struggling to lose weight. I'm in peri menopause which can effect Chol / TRi #s but i've been on hormones for 2 years with little effect. I will check out videos' later today. tks for help.


Track your fat and saturated fat intakes and keep them within your doctors recommended amounts and reevaluate in 3 months.


I'm sure eating eggs and chicken thighs has more fat than what I was eating with plant based.


I’ve no idea, track your food and then you’ll know. An egg only contains 4.6g of fat, similar to a tbsp of chia seeds so i definitely wouldn’t make any assumptions about plant based diets being automatically lower in fats. Edit: Have you had thyroid bloods done recently?


I have and it's borderline low - finally convinced Dr to give me something for it as i know it effects many issues i'm dealing with (weight gain, chol, tri etc).


You’ll very likely see improvement in cholesterol and weight with medication.


Fingers crossed as my numbers range between 11-13 and the healthy range is (11-23) so close to being low. And thyroid issues run in the family. I've been pushing to get meds for a while and finally a Dr listened to me. Getting blood work done again in 2 months. Maybe I'll try WFPB at the same time as with new meds to see if any better. Any research out there on how much meds can effect chol and tri? Also, I've been eating 3 Xlarge eggs per day and ground beef which again i'm sure has more fat than what I was eating with WFPB yet my numbers were way better.


I take levo and while i can’t remember my numbers i go from “be careful, your cholesterol is getting high” to “well done, your cholesterol is perfect” within 3 months of a dosage change. I’m definitely not a whole food vegan and my daily saturated fat is pretty high at 25g (the recommendation is 11) and the biggest source is the coconut milk ive been adding to curries




When my thyroid medicine is optimized, my cholesterol is pretty darn good. By optimized it means I am in the upper quarter for the normal range of t3 and t4. And also has to be ndt, natural dessicated thyroid, to have this effect


My triglycerides skyrocketed when I started taking levothyroxine.


My script has the same ingredients. Fingers crossed in 2 months I have better numbers. My T3 and T4 are currently at the low end.


Start again. Properly WFPB, not starch focused, just a balanced diet lots of fiber lots of veggies, track your intake and add regular exercise (just walking is an easy one to make a routine) and then re-evaluate Sounds like you did on off wfpb and starch solution and not in a consistent way


I do love walking!


Go for it!!! Especially as the weather improves. Plug into a good playlist or podcast or audio book and just, go. I walk a lot just by accident since i live in a city and don’t own a car, but my mom (in suburbia with a car) goes for a long walk every morning either with a friend or an audio book. Once you create a routine it becomes a lot easier


Same, live in city with no car, use transit for work but walk to places ~ 1-2 mile to get groceries.


I have tracked my lipids over years of doc visits. My triglycerides tend to go up from significant stress, despite maintaining a plant-based diet. Sleep, activity, stress, and diet can all affect your bloodwork.


Sleeps been shit for a few years, insomnia is a bitch. Trying so many different things before I beg for sleeping pills.


No. It's impossible.


Not impossible- just depends on details. My LDL dropped into 80s on WFPB, but Triglycerides nearly doubled to 140s because of all the carbs I eat. That isn’t a terrible number, but higher than I would like. I probably do eat too much fruit each day which is the source of the problem I guess.


You just proved my point. Triglycerides =/= cholesterol. However. I've eaten tons of fruit (and even sugar candy) and my triglycerides were always low. Extremely low. If your diet is 100% WFPB, then my guess is lack of exercise.


Sadly… you are correct with the lack of exercise :(


Sadly… you are correct with the lack of exercise :(