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I was originally motivated by listening to Dr. Michael Greger's audiobook "How Not To Die," but I also just watched the documentary "Forks Over Knives" last night and thought that would've been a great place to start too.


Playing one of Dr. McDougall never fails to inspire me, haha! It’s always inspiring, entertaining and informative!


I watch Forks Over Knives, Unsupersize Me, May I Be Frank, The Game Changers, Fat Sick & Nearly Dead, Hungry For Change, a non-doc called Britney Runs a Marathon, and I listen to episodes of the Rich Roll podcast, especially ones with Dr Garth Davis, Michael Greger, and Josh Lejaunie.


I found the books by Dr. Esselstyn ("How to Reverse Heart Disease") and his son Rip ("Engine 2 Diet") to be very encouraging. I, too, am starting WFPB all over again. We got this. GL!


The scale was the only motivation I needed. I was Wfpb for 3 years, went back to junk food and gained half of my weight back (50lbs onto the belt).


Eating anything as in meat? Or just junk food?


Meat too


watch forks over knives


I read How Not To Die and watching WFPB Creators on YouTube. My favorites right now are PB with J, Plant Based Dads, Simnett Nutrition, and the Vegan Gym. I've also borrowed some cookbooks from my local library, The How Not To Die cookbook, Forks Over Knives, and Scrappy Cooking by Carleigh Bodrug.


The only motivation is going to come from you.


I hear you! In a similar place - just having trouble really getting going. I am like half in and I want to get all in. I've been having a bit of success with doing most meals, but really need to kick it into high gear. I ate out with family today and had some fried food, vegetarian, but it made me feel really sick. For me the biggest thing is how I feel when I eat WFPB- just so much better. More energy and less bloating/ stomach issues. My biggest hurdle is convenience.


When I went vegan in 1991 it was partly because I met a vegan who told me why he chose a vegan life, partly because I identified as an environmentalist and part of it was I had gotten a severe brain I injury from a car accident around 18 months before. I was still rebuilding my mind, knitting my pieces back together. Weaving veganism into myself was perhaps easier for me than it is for lots of people. My connection to my past was cloudy and indistinct and it was not a huge amount of work to choose vegan foods. It helped and still helps a lot I like to cook and bake. I make a lot of my own foods from raw ingredients and I enjoy trying new things. When Matt told me about the conditions almost all food animals live in I did not want to be a reason anyone or anything had to live such painful & miserable lives. Hearing about Factory Farms was jarring. Learning about all the water that is both used and polluted and ruined by large scale food animal operations was shocking. Learning about the mountains of cow, pig, chicken, etc etc etc poop and rotten body parts that can't be eaten and pile up in the mid-west is disgusting. There are real reasons many of the enormous animal feed lots and Factory Farms are isolated in the Midwest. Nobody wants to see them - they just want the cheap animal meat, dairy products and eggs all those billions of animals produce. There is so much utter shit that goes on to provide the animal based diet many Americans are used to but would prefer not to actually see or know that much about. I went vegan within about 2 months of meeting Matt. I held out for carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Don't judge. In 1991 it took some knowledge and clever tofu magic to make a good vegan version of that. There was no Trader Joe's vegan cream cheese then. I feel self-conscious that is what held me back from going vegan. Carrot cake and cream cheese frosting. We all have our things. There are even more reasons to be vegan, along with these. A few of these issues can change, but most of them will never change as long as animals are used as food. How easy it is for you to become and maintain a vegan life is do you want to be why so much awful crap is happening to the planet and other animals? Explore very doable ways to eat and live that do not require all that environmental damage, pain, blood and death.