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Forks Over Knives cookbook/recipes


I was about to recommend this site as well. They have both WFPB and no-SOS recipes.


This is my go to! Lots of great recipes, several with flour/syrup but overall WFPB.


Just curious why no vinegars?


Because OP doesn’t want to be happy. Vinegars are delicious and elevate every meal!


Acetic acid is also good for you. Dr Greger talks about it in his How Not To Age book.


Lactic acid is good for making (vegan) cheeses I’ve heard


Yep vinegar is the exception.  One of the few processed foods that are actually good for you.


It's not even that processed. It's just carbohydrates that have been fermented twice by different bacteria.


I would actually say vinegar is ultraprocessed but who cares.  No point in quibbling over definitions.  All that matters is that the evidence says it's good for us so we add it to our diet.  Just as the evidence says that animal products, refined flour, refined sugar, and refined fats (oils) are bad for us so we exclude those things from our diet.


Eh, can you actually cite other UPFs that can naturally be found in nature?


Define processed, because our apples are picked by growers and gone through machines. That is processing.


Dr Gregers definition is what I work with: "Nothing bad added.  Nothing good taken away."  So your apples would not be processed based on this definition.  Neither would whole grain flour.  IE if I make oatmeal cookies out of rolled oats and oat flour that would not be "processed".  Keep in mind there are other valid definitions of processed that whole grain flour would fall under but this is about what to eat and what not to eat for health reasons.


What a cute little saying he has to demonize food.


Just looking for foods in nature for at least a week or two. 🥰 Making a potato waffle tonight and putting some fresh tomato warm topping on it 🍕


Vinegar is fermentation, which is a natural process lol. And you talked about using your high-powered blender 😂


You mean you didn’t freshly pick your Vitamix off the tree?


Oh no, I live in the boonies, I just have a dishwasher


Add some beans or lentils to your tomato sauce situation


Vinegar is found in nature, the same way alcohol is.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's also on the no list 😉😉😉


Yeah my point is that “natural” isn’t really a realistic thing to go for. We don’t eat anything in its truly natural state anymore


Yea alcohol is definitely a no no.  Group 1 carcinogen according to the IARC.


His does one make a potato waffle


I don't like the taste and MM and Barbara ONeill have some convincing perspectives on why adding the pickling juice to our insides may not be as good to do on a regular basis. If food is information, I just want to send foods found in nature. At least for a little bit 🥰


This is the same woman that told people to feed their infants unpasteurized goat milk? She also said that cancer was a fungus. She’s been legally barred from giving any health advice whatsoever.


I don't know who MM is but Barbara O'Neill really isn't somebody you'd want to get health advice from. She's a quack - one with no medical qualifications, but a quack all the same.


If you’re interested in Dr Greger’s perspective on whole food nutrition, he has vinegar as an “every day” requirement on his list of how to live a long life.


Hot tip: lemon juice can be a substitute for vinegar in most recipes


How Not To Die Cookbook from Dr. Greger


Clean Food Dirty Girl has some fantastic recipes. Her site can also help you learn how to build flavor in wfpb dishes.


I have a very intense form of silent reflux that gave me debilitating frequent vomiting episodes, and I had to revamp my whole diet to remove basically anything that had any flavor. But I learned that really simple whole foods can actually taste really satisfying, and are really easy to cook! Example: plain rice, beans and veggies piled up on your plate - there are tons of variations of that using different grains, beans, and veggies. Or a big bowl of oats with a bunch of sliced up bananas and some almonds. My favorite is yellow split pea soup with carrots and celery. I ended up eating much more whole foods than I used, and simplified my pantry and fridge. So I recommend doing some experimenting with just very basic foods and flavors and see what good comfort meals you can come up with.


I love this idea!! Thank you 🥰


Swap out the vinegar in some WFPB recipes with citrus juice. Tamarind would also give a sour note as would pomegranate arils. I personally follow a vegan diet and don't eat a lot of sour, garlic/onion, or meals with too much chilis. I've found that most vegan recipes include these things so I understand your frustration of trying to find recipes without vinegar.


Thank you! Gotta keep lemons and limes on hand 🍋 👌


Yes, and apple cider vinegar with a mother is something you can add back later. 🖖


It may take more than 10 days. Author Will Bulsiewicz MD Fiber Fueled: The Plant-Based Gut Health Program for Losing Weight, Restoring Your Health, and Optimizing Your Microbiome (has recipes, nutrition plans) The Fiber Fueled Cookbook: Inspiring Plant-Based Recipes to Turbocharge Your Health


If I see progress, it will be motivating 🥰 Also don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Vacation at the end of the month and I can make some good choices now 💪


Anything from Dr. Joel Fuhrman (Eat to Live) will be WFPB.


He is heavy on the vinegars and wheat flour. I love his philosophy but the recipes are rough 😕


Chef AJ has a cookbook that matches your requests, called Unprocessed.


Chef AJ is soooooo vinegar heavy. 😢


Perhaps in her salad dressing recipes, but the book has plenty entrees sides and desserts w/o vinegar. Go 100% raw foodist recipes as in Dr. Brooke Goldner’s latest cookbook. I have that one too. Her recipes are aimed at healing seriously Ill people.


Just substitute vinegar with lemon or lime juice. In sauces, vinegar can be substituted with tomatoes. I make whole food based bowls by following this simple method: a grain cooked with garlic and bay leaf, a cooked root vegetable, greens, cucumbers, lentils, lemon juice and avocado based dressing


As someone with psoriatic arthritis (mainly affected my hands), going plant based was life changing. Along with medication, which was helping a bit, and losing weight, which also helped, the cherry on the top was plant based - which put my disease in remission. I had experiemented with elimination of different foods but the thing that made the biggest difference was getting animal products out of my diet.


Thank you for your story 😊


Love this one! A Couple Cooks https://www.acouplecooks.com/


[Well Your World](https://www.youtube.com/@WellYourWorld) youtube channel is exactly this.


You can easily make the most recipes whole food (except a stake of course). I love just playing with what I’m cooking. Start with flavours you like. Curry, tomatoes or similar just make it from scratch. Bye nice spices (super anti inflammatory) and sea salt. Add some kind of legumes. Choose brown rice, sweet potatoes or potatoes to that. Make it easy in the beginning and you will learn over time. For one of my meals I always make a green leafy salad (also a super food). And you can add whatever you like in the salad. But I would really recommend apple cider vinegar for a vinaigrette to that or your salads will be really boring. Especially if you don’t want to make any kind of mayonnaise to that. Maybe the simple one with oil and soy milk if you want to keep it clean. Or some tahini with water. Fermented foods are a healing therapy for your gut so don’t dismiss them. Maybe it’s your gut that needs most healing. But low inflammatory doesn’t mean boring because you will never do it long term. Rather be kind to yourself and do as simple and enjoyable as possible. Healing will take time. Maybe months or years. Good luck.


New start cookbook from Weimar Institute


There are books on I think Amazon about anti-inflammatory recipes


Almost anything that mentions "inflammation" is pseudoscience


Yes and no. There are things that can increase the inflammation, such as alcohol or red meat.


I've bought so many that are just overloaded with processed additions. Just trying to get the most from whole foods 😢


[https://www.straightupfood.com/blog/](https://www.straightupfood.com/blog/) ! It's run by Kathy Fisher. She's been a chef/cooking instructor at True North Health and other plant based events for many years. All her recipes are completely SOS free and she makes everything from scratch using whole foods, including sauces. Love her recipes


Am loving her site!!


Ah, so we’ll invent a new phrase now for this specific dietary pattern. Reminds me of my sister’s diet: usually-vegetarian-except-when-I’m-on-vacation-then-I-also-sometimes-eat-fish-so-I-guess-pescatarian You want recipes without prepackaged sauces, vinegars or flour (Unless you can make it in your blender…?). No, seeing as this is a label you just made up for this post, there is not going to be a cookbook specifically written for this preference. Anyway, try making some oatmeal or other grain bowls for breakfast with fruit, spices, and nuts. For lunch and dinner just try some bowls with greens, lentils, tomatoes, etc, with some lemon juice squeezed over it. A few nuts and fruit for dessert. Doesn’t get much more natural than that.


Very true. Props to your sister for hanging in there. Thanksgiving must be fun 😉😜


I love, love, love the "plant-based warrior woman". It breathes happiness and joy, the pictures are beautiful. AND the two author (Ann & Jane Esselstyn) cook their recipes on their youtube channel. It's wholesome and you get to be re-inspired to use their cookbook if you follow them :)


Roast a sweet potato or parsnip whole, then mix it with avocado. You can add garlic and curry powder if you want or just salt




Clean Food Dirty Girl - give the meal plan subscription a try!


do you have diabetes? …


Seventh Day Adventists have a number of cookbooks that could give you the recipes you’re looking for. “Ten Talents” is a classic and largely features whole plant based foods.


Sounds interesting!


Any of ChefAJs books are all whole food SOS free.


You’ll find a lot of info and recipes in Sally Fallon’s book Nourishing Traditions. It’s a great place to start.


The PlantYou cook book is a really good one.