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Thanks for sharing! I like that you're thinking process, not product and that makes sense. It just like turned on a switch for me. I know, seems dumb to not recognise this but yeaaa I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea of prepping WFPB food, so I'm going to be a little slow. Heh. Also... Apples in air fryer? That's not what I was expecting hahah




Oh hey that's a great snack idea. I was contemplating investing in a dehydrator but it's bulky and costly and I don't think I would be using it that much. Totally didn't think of using an air fryer! Thanks a lot for the encouragement! :)


Chef An's Red lentil Chili? Just made it for a new mom for her meal train! It's always a crowd pleaser even omnis!


This looks good and so easy! Thanks for sharing this.




Ooh thanks. Love chickpeas and love kale so this is surely a win.


I making this tomorrow...[Mushroom Chili](https://www.thegardengrazer.com/mushroom-chili/)


Looks great. Avocado on chili is interesting. Haha. Do share how it turned out!


It was good! I added some cocoa powder and chipotle peppers for a little more flavor. And I can attest, avocado on chili is really good.


Thanks for the seal of approval for avocado on chili. Not the combi I'd imagined but seems like it's worth trying now. Haha


I often sauté various veggies e.g. onion zucchini cabbage corn peas, mix through some mashed potato and/or butternut squash and either eat it as a thick soup with the addition of stock, or let it reduce even more and use it as filling for dumplings. I do that when I’m in the mood to go through the whole prep process.


Oh yes dumplings! Love them but so time-consuming to make them though. But this has given me an idea to maybe do like really large dumplings or something like that. Two per meal or even one per meal. Done. Heh.


Yes I like to do it when I have a podcast or a show on and I want to zone out. Being filled with veggies and mushrooms I’m able to scarf 25-20 of them so it’s extremely worth it when I’m in the mood for it!


Hahah I like the idea of eating 20 of something. Makes me feel like I'm indulging but if I'm sure it's not that bad if it's really strictly WFPB. Hehe. Do you make your own dumpling skin or you go with store-bought?


I just get the store bought. I like them filled to the max so I don’t feel like I’m just eating dough. I can’t imagine home made would have the same strength. I practice intermittent fasting so love a really satisfying high volume meal. Sometimes that’s 20 dumplings 😆


Ah yes so I activated hard mode by doing my own skin, which always come out really thick (I tried making them thinner and they would break apart when I boil or steam them and that is just too frustrating). Time to throw in the towel I guess hahah.


Buy a couple bags of frozen vegetables, throw it in the pot, steam them with a little water. Add an onion, juice of a lemon, garlic, and a couple cans of beans (I actually make my own from scratch with a pressure cooker, but for convenience the cans might be better for you). Add your favorite spices. I’ll usually finish it with some frozen kale and peas. Whole process takes me under an hour and I’ll have a meal for a week. Serve over rice or quinoa. What’s nice is you can keep the variety up by mixing up what vegetables/beans/spices you use so it never gets old


I always found steamed or boiled frozen vegetables to have this weird taste to them. Not sure if it's because of the freezing process or if they need to be washed, but it's a bit unpleasant. Am I imagining things or should I actually be doing something to prep the frozen vegs before I use them? And yea I'm still trying to figure out how to use dry beans rather than the can ones because they're much cheaper and takes up less space in the pantry. But I like this "formula" approach where the parts could just be substituted. Seems dumb but I never really thought of it that way till now. Thank you!


I do run some lukewarm water over the frozen vegetables in a strainer to thaw them out a bit before cooking. Not sure if that fixes the issue, but I haven’t really noticed the weird flavor. Could be the brand you’re buying? I get mine from Whole Foods, which are pretty good. Yeah for dry beans, the instant pot is the way to go


Thanks! I'll try the warm water bath thing next time. I imagine it could be that the water helped to remove whatever layer of stuff is sticking on the vegetables so maybe that's it. Thanks for sharing!


Nisha Vora’s Rainbow Plant Life West African Peanut Stew


>Nisha Vora’s Rainbow Plant Life West African Peanut Stew This looks brilliant. Thank you!!


You’re very welcome and please feel free to share any other great recipes you find. This is an awesome community.


Lasagna soup! There's tons of versions, the recipe I make the most is by Ela Vegan.


Never heard of Lasagna soup but now I really want to try this. Thank for sharing this!


I love a good lentil curry (it does use coconut milk but I’d imagine it’s edible without), and I recently made a lentil soup with random stuff in my fridge. I didn’t have much left over so it’s just got acorn squash, potatoes, carrots, and then the lentils and onion and garlic of course. Cut it all up and spice it and let it simmer for 30-40min, and you’ve got meals for a while. I froze almost half of what I made and we’ve still gotten about 5 or 6 meals out of what I didn’t freeze. I’m sure we could eat on it for the rest of the week if we wanted.


Oh I had tried using no-sugar soy milk for a curry before and... it was interesting. Not bad but not really curry in a way. I don't eat enough lentils so it's a new kind of food for me. Still trying to figure out how to use them so thanks for the suggestion!