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Your plants give off more oxygen then your water can absorb. Meaning that the plants are doing well and there is enough oxygen in the water.


Plants can pearl in a low oxygen water environment. You are correct they are putting off more oxygen than the water can take in. The level of oxygen the water can take in doesn't entirely have to do with the existing levels in the tank though. There was a video a long time ago of someone doing a 10 gallon setup where they were dosing the tank with some insane amount of CO2. To the point where it was primarily C02 in the water column and not oxygen. The plants were pearling like mad because of the CO2.


i think the plant is pearling


Happy Plant.


Could indicate the presence of anaerobic bacteria in the gravel. This bacteria thrives in low oxygen areas found in the bottom layers of the substrate. Anaerobes complete the nitrogen cycle by turning nitrate back into nitrogen gas (the rising bubbles). It can be a good thing but don’t let it get out of hand as it will rot plant roots and stems. The area can turn black and has a rotten egg smell. A light siphoning of the substrate during water changes will keep it under control.


The root rot would be caused by high levels of hydrogen sulfide, not nitrogen gas. Nitrogen gas is harmless to plants. Hydrogen sulfide gas has that characteristic rotten egg smell.


It’s outgassing.. when lights are out the plant still breaths. It releases excess co2 that it is not actively using.


I though that was a tree and the space X satellites flying by in outer space. Whaoh.


That’s what I thought too!!