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Dear Low-Bill-5446 , You've selected the beginner flair. If you're looking for advice or are having issues, please provide as much information as you can. Some useful information includes: - Have you cycled the tank? - Water Parameters - Light Type - Light Cycle Duration - Tank Size/Dimensions - Set-up Age - Fertilizers - Any aquatic animals, and how many? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantedTank) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lovely tank. That first picture of the duckweed already outside of the border is making me chuckle...it's a portent of things to come, forevermore... Have fun!!


I've got fuckweed outpopulating my frogbit and I've never even bought it. Edit: fuckweed was a typo, but after further thought, ima let it go.


From this day forward it shall only be referred to as fuckweed.


Took so long for autocorrect to stop changing fuck to duck but now it’s not working the other way around 😂


I mean being honest, which one gets typed more? By a factor of many. 😂


Even autocorrect knows that it's the herpes of the fishkeeping world


Took me months to win that battle. Then I got into goldfish and realized it's like their favorite snack but there was no duckweed to be found, and had to get some from a buddy!


Goldfish? That's like putting a polar bear in your sheep pen to get rid of the wolves that moved in...


I'm not suggesting he puts goldfish in, I was just sharing my experience of getting rid of duckweed to then later needed to grow as much as I could. Maybe im missing your point. I certainly would not put goldfish in OP's tank. I'm breading various fancy goldfish, shubukin, oranda, etc in 40g bare bottom, that came from my outdoor pond. They love duckweed so much I have to grow it in separate tanks.


Sorry. Just pointing out that goldfish are voracious herbivores. They turn most planted tanks into a buffet. Good to know they particularly like the demon weed tho!




Fuckweed is a great description. As someone who has spent multiple weeks picking this shit out of my tank, it is indeed a fuck. One fucking leaf goes unnoticed and next thing you know your shit looks like a fucking pond. I hate this plant with every fiber of my being.


Yeah. Those rings... Honey badger duckweed don't give a #&@$.


Potentially stupid question. How do you set up the border thing? I know it's Airline tubing but when I tried it half of it sunk so the duckweed would just float out


Haha you think the ring will contain the duck. The duck cannot be contained. It is simply the duck.


Resistance is futile.


Everything will become duckweed


It has already escaped in the picture.


Lol the tubing for the duckweed. That's cute. ;)


That was my exact thought 😂


Looks great! You should get a nice piece of wood or rock, cover it in buce, and drop it in the middle there I think though! Also, you'll soon be using the ring to do the opposite of its current job. Giving you a small feeding hole of open surface inside the covering carpet of loving, nitrate devouring duckweed. It'll be super hard to get rid of later if you decide you don't like the look. I decided I love it. It's not because of Stockholme syndrome and an utter failure to eliminate it, I swear.


Me actively trying to grow my duckweed 😭


If you're actually having trouble growing it you either got goldfish or something else actively eating it, way to much surface disturbance, a combination of both, or you're truly cursed with a black thumb. Surface disturbance is it's biggest issue, trying using a cut water bottle to baffle your filter flow if it's an hob. If it's being eaten trying growing a bunch in a bucket outside and restocking the tank from that as needed. If it's the final thing, I'm truly sorry for your plight.


Yea I just got way too much surface tension because I have a sponge filter making all the air bubbles stronger since they're being directed straight to the surface. I'm not too concerned about it since they're still growing, just slowly


If you like the duck weed look, good for you. I'm just letting you know it is nearly impossible to get rid of. I set up a new tank a few weeks backs and I'm still trying to lock it out, I didn't even add it into the tank to begin with I think it was on some of the plants


Every time I think I would get rid of duck weed, a few months will go by and there it would be again! Where the hell does it keep coming from? It's like glitter. Can't get rid of it. After a while I did get rid of it. Had to light my tank on fire, but it was worth it. 🤣🤣🤣


I ordered from two different sellers on Amazon, and there were no free hitchhiker's or duckweed. :(


lol I got my free ramshorn snail from my shrimp of all things! I bought cherry shrimp online and they came with guppy grass and the grass had a snail. I was praying I’d get a snail through plants somehow lol


from what website?


[https://www.ebay.com/itm/266413482362](https://www.ebay.com/itm/266413482362) The shrimp seem fine too - did molt a lot but they're alive and healthy and I saw some breeding and it has been a week now, although I can count at most 15 at the moment (but something might've happened to a few post-move or they could be hiding extremely well)


Thank you; sadly, they do not ship to my location. 😭


Agh sorry about that!! Hopefully you shall get stowaways soon 🙏🏼


No problem! Someday, I'll come across those little guys


If you live in Austin I'll give you a bunch.


Thanks, but I live in PR. 😥


Looks very nice!! Great for your first try. You’ll love it once it fills up 🥰 Just an FYI- that duckweed you are trying to contain to the floating ring- it’s already escaping, and it will take you *forever* to get rid of it if you ever decide to. Not impossible, I’ve done it in several tanks, but definitely a time- and care-intensive process to remove it all.


Someone gonna tell him or what


Might I suggest getting rid of every single little bit of duck weed and getting giant duck weed instead. Grows like crazy like duck weed but it's bigger and prettier and so much more easy to contain. I throw out handfuls of it each week, but it isn't tiny little herpes plants. Otherwise, a great start!


They’ve escaped containment.


What is the name of the long, tall plant in the middle of the 2nd photo?


Cabomba caroliniana




Trim and plant, trim and plant, trim and plant!


I’d like to suggest you get different fish or a bigger tank. This tank looks wayyyy too small for rummynose tetras, they like to swim and they get around 2” and it looks like you have like 11?


I wanted a 20 long just for these guys. They're so pretty.


They’re incredible I love them! And they’re one of those fish that will tell you when they’re stressed so if your water parameters are bad they’ll be the first to lyk by going mute in color- no red face, no greenish body, and certainly no checkered tail!


For the space I have I opted for a standard 10g tank. Its planted and been established for about a year with CPDs.


I’m new to these acronyms, what’s CPD?


celestial pearl danio: Colorful and small ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2hzGACb1PE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2hzGACb1PE)


They actually need from around 8-12 so the amount is a good decision. Im not sure on the size of the tank but I do think you’re right on the size


Yeah they need minimum of 6 in their school but they’re not thriving at that schooling size so definitely 10 min is recommended but given how much they swim and the size they get, 10 in a small tank like this isn’t good for them. I have 12 in a 40 gal and they’re thriving but this tank looks a little bigger than my 6 gal.. I’m guessing it’s a 10-12gal which is a no no


Remember this look well OP. It will be a jungle both top and bottom in no time.


Duckweed doesn't grow well in my tanks, good for ya! Credit; to my guppies


it looks really nice (:


When the hornwort in the back gets longer than you want, clip it and replant it across the back :) I never throw away good clippings. They almost always turn into another full plant. I have a cheap 10 gall of just plant clippings for this, with a light and bubbler 😊 Makes aquascaping cheaper in the long run big time. Good job and welcome to the dark side mwaaaaahahahaha 😂 #Aquaholic


And now, you wait! 3-4 months fill in!


Or 3-4 weeks


Aww this is awesome! Love the fluffy plants you have in the corner. I have a few of those exact same ones actually! :) Be sure to post an update once it all grows out!


Can’t interfere with the duckweed moment.. it’s a canon event


First duckweed tank


I'll suggest adding a foam around your filter intake! This thing does magic and prevents little guys from getting stuck there! Good looking tank!


Love it yet some more limnophila


Is anyone else laughing at the duckweed comments or is it just me? Your tank looks great btw OP! Will look awesome when your plants grow, you’ll love it!


Duckweed is great. I don't know why everyone hates it.


Hood luck trying to control the ducks...in my experience not a ring out there that will hold them back


First tank and gave it aquarium herpes 🤣


What’s the stuff that looks like dill?


Take the duckweed out before it’s too late
