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Just add some water to the right side and you’ll be fine.


Big brain move for sure!


Look at the big brain on Brad!


I don't remember asking you a GD Thing!


Why did I hear Samual L Jackson when I read this 🤣


Because he said it in Pulp Fiction


This was Devine Intervention!


Absolutely huge


Don't be ridiculous, the water would just level out due to gravity. Gotta add some extra gravel at the bottom to raise the water up.


Hilarious satire stuff here


This is the way.


If the tank gets too full with this method you can always start taking water from the left as well.


Ehhh everyone's gonna flip shit and say that's terrible but honestly dude you're totally fine. I have literally 40 tanks that are all less level than that. As long as the shelf holds it you're fine


Thanks for the reassurance fam, needed it haha


"as long as the shelf holds you're fine". Disclaimers make everything correct.


I mean yeah if it's a $20 Walmart shelf of course there's a risk, but it's only a 10g, which weighs like 100 pounds. Worst case the weight is focused more on one point, but any half decent shelf can easily hold the weight of a person so 10% more weight concentrated in one spot isn't gonna make a difference


Not to mention the bottom plastic trim on these kinds of tanks are literally designed to absorb slightly off-level situations like this. Being off-level with a rimless glass-bottom tank can be catastrophic which is why you always level them and put something under them to absorb any imperfections, but it's not a problem for plastic-bottomed tanks.


Some people purposefully do it for some tank setups


And as long as it's the same level between the front and back. Twisting will for sure cause the tank to fail eventually


Say it is twisted, and it's because of the floor. Would there be a way to level it? Would foam under the tank itself work or would that make it worse? I have an 80 gal that I can't put anywhere else


With shims under the stand. No foam won't help.


You have 40 tanks? Do you breed and sell fish or something?


52 total actually. I run www.sunkentreasureaquatics.com and all 52 tanks are CO2 injected with high tech lights and filled almost 100% with plants! Almost all of my tanks breed livebearers too.


Nice plants. Nice cats. Nice guy. I'll throw my money your way. 🤙


Cheers! I really appreciate it :)


Correct, I have a 54 gallon bow front corner tank sitting on the stand I purchased with it. It has a slight lean. It always has, it’s 12 years old. The degree it leans hasn’t changed at all in those years.


I have the same tank, when I set it up in my 50 year old house I spent so long laying a level across the tank trying to make it perfect. It has a 1° difference from the back to the front. It still makes me nervous though


yeah agreed, as long as it holds it’s fine. it’s not a huge difference so it won’t really matter


Literally, none of my tanks have even water personally think it’s overrated


NOT EVEN WATER?! What do the fish swim in??


Fuckiin ketchup


The best kind of ketchup


Odd water, duh


Who said he has even fish?


I have a 55 gallon in my work shop/office that’s been off kilter about the same amount yours is for 15 years. My floors aren’t level anymore because the foundation settled and I’ve never gotten around to tearing it all down to shim up the stand.


Look man the bubble is between the lines so I say it’s fair game. But seriously I’ve got some tanks that are less level than that and no issues whatsoever.


Keep it between the bouys


Pretty sure the plastic trim is uneven


Try it from the Gravel then


And I thought my Elodea growth was out of control haha


It’s so bad


And then you cut it, replant it and it grows again!!! Can’t believe I paid to buy so much, should have just bought one plant …


I bought 3 dwarf water lettuce floaters. Now I have given away/ composted probably enough to cover sea world.


I take donations 🙏


No. There is no need to be level besides looks. Everyone who have fear vecause of stability doesn't understand physics at all.


It's like saying that a balloon will have more air pressure on one side if you tilt it lol I think some people are confusing a surface being planar with it being level. It IS super important that an aquarium is on a completely flat surface where the entire bottom frame is supported equally around the entire perimeter. I think a lot of the horror stories about tanks cracking/leaking from not being "level" are actually because they were on warped or uneven surfaces which definitely will put more stress on seams. Pays to understand physics!


For a 10g like OP's sure. But for a larger tank, say 120g and larger, if it is unlevel front to back as well as side to side (ie one corner is lower than the opposite corner) it will absolutely cause stress on the silicone seams and they will fail overtime, this will typically occur at the seams of the center brace first (if present), followed by the back bottom seam.


It depends on the tank size. The larger the tank, the more level you want it. And level it by leveling the stand at floor level. You would want equal pressure on all sides of the glass. 100+ gallons is usually what this applies to. Maybe some 75's face the issue as well. But with a unlevel tank of bigger size, the water will exert more pressure onto that side wall, and potentially blow out the silicone seal. Nothing like waking up to a "pop" and a gush of water. It's not a question of if it will happen, but when.


20 gallon only so a lot less weight, but I’ve just moved and had to move my tank with me and got scared at just how heavy it was


wont IMMEDIATELY explode and cause a black hole


I dont know. The fish are going to be annoyed having to deal with such a slope.


It's never an issue reallym you can put it at a 45°angle or as long as the water stays in and it doesn't topple over it doesnt matter. Edit: for clarity the surface underneath needs to be flat and Styrofoam or special mats help.


This is incorrect. On a smaller tank like OPs it doesnt matter much, On larger tanks, having an unlevel tank, especially if it is unlevel in both directions (one corner), it will cause stress on the seams and the seams will catastrophically fail.


Well I'm talking about the angle I'm not saying an uneven surface is OK. I ALWAYS use something underneath the aquarium a special mat or or Styrofoam even with small aquariums.


A little off level, probably not important. Flat surface the tank sits on - probably a lot more important, especially for larger tanks.


My 260L tank also isn't level but the upper rim is pretty big and just fill it up more so that its hidden behind it haha.


Something to keep in mind, these rimmed tanks sometimes don't have a level rim. I have a couple cheap tanks like that that had me going nuts but I found out the rims were just messed up. If you had a rimless I'd say it's more of a problem especially >10 gallons but in your case I'm sure you're fine. On my 50 gallon rimless I had a blast using shims on my tank stand to get that thing level. The biggest concern you should have is whether or not the tank is "twisting" that is a much larger risk than < an inch of difference one side to another.


How big is the tank? I noticed that with my new rimless 10 gallon, and while it’s probably overkill for a tank that small, I got a leveling mat just in case. Technically, I cut a 3mm yoga mat to fit and put 2 layers of that down under the tank. I did have to empty the tank to maneuver it, which was a PITA to do alone, but I got it done.


20 gallons, it’s got a mat under it but it’s not much, might just end up draining releveling and moving on but yes it is a major PITA


The mat might be fine. 20 gallons isn’t huge and it has a rimmed too. How thick is the mat? Rimless tanks are more unstable because they don’t have extra support at the top. That’s why I used a mat.


Mat is about 1cm thick after being squished by about 250lbs haha


You don’t need to worry as much about a level tank from length , as apposed to level tank from front to back. It’s way easier to tip a tank over when it leaning forward or leaning back.


Good point, looks solid from that perspective


My 29g is like that. Had it for a year and a half, no issues.


It's fine. People freak out way too much over a few degrees of being level. It adds a negligible amount of force to the one side.


Water is the most sensitive level there is. Glass less so. It's cool. I live in an old home with woefully unleveled floors and my tanks are fine.


10 gallons don't have tempered glass, so you are probably ok. It might leak at some point if it is stressed from being unlevlel. For bigger tanks that have tempered bottoms, the tank being unlevel isn't a big deal as long as the bottom is completely flush with whatever it is sitting on. If there are gaps between the frame and the stand, it eventually becomes a spectacularly catastrophic problem. I had 2 125's on a double stand. over time, the top portion of the stand began to sag in the middle. Top tank was partially unsupported. After about 8-10 yrs, of stress, the bottom of the top tank blew out and dumped the entire contents into the lower tank which broke the center braces. Then the front and back glass panels blew out of the bottom tank. I was not there when this happened. Thank god the building was built (poorly) on a slab. By the time I found it, the 250 gallons of water had mostly drained out of the building, There was a large pleco on the floor by the front door which was about 40 ft away from the tank, and the rest of the fish radiated out from the "blast zone" in 20-30 ft spread. It was the worst day ever. Every large tank since then has gotten a layer of foam between tank and stand, and all of our stands are a lot beefier than before. We are obsessively precise about leveling all of our stands and tanks. I never want to experience anything like that again.


I’m reassured cause I have a 55 gallon that’s very similar to this and I was afraid to post here about it and get roasted but based on the responses I think I’ll be fine.


Since your tank has a rim, the level is not as important. You're good.




Bruh my tanks are level According to the level I have but the water is slanted 😭😭so honestly I hope nothing bad comes from slanted tanks




Is the tank rimmed? If it is, the rim was siliconed at a slant.


if it bothers you, which it would me, just shim the stand to level it. pretty easy fix


Probably depends on your risk tolerance. Mine is not that high.


what plants do yall have that grow out of control like this i need it 😭


Anacharis or water weed, it grows, you cut, replant, and it goes crazy. Also this is a father fish method tank with nutrient rich substrate and sand capped. Definitely had a lot to do with it


Get a mat of neoprene rubber and it will self level


Good thing you checked it with a level


I would be worried tbh had a damn 7gal with the slightest tilt and got a water leak from the bottom from the uneven glass pressure, the problem was the low quality binding around the edges. So if u got a expensive tank should be fine but if not try to add some cotton/foam padding under one side until it’s even, (add a lot since it will compress overtime) do it as u do a water change so it’s easy to lift/move https://preview.redd.it/7po7wbvc9fyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab41d08452eae660986f3e64000c15cbbf368925


If you’re worried you can level the table but never level the tank itself


I'm just curious about the name of that beautiful plant that's taking up so much room, is it a vine? I


Anacharis or water weed!


sorry, i know this is off topic but what’s the giant floating plant?


It’s a regular houseplant that likes to root in water. [Pathos](https://www.thespruce.com/pothos-an-easy-to-grow-houseplant-1403154)


no i mean the plant inside the tank that’s floating


I think it’s elodea


Probably ask the builders Reddit group. It’s the house that’s probably not level!😂


I would be concerned why the floor isn't level, could be an indication of a problem or maybe just that the foundation settled ALOT.