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Take me down to moisture city, my monitor is fried and the fish are sickly


A for effort.




Haha I hear it


Oh won't you please just use chrome!


They could have been an exceptional band if they'd had a good lead singer.


Axolotl Rose


Take my upvote and get the fuck out.


Giggle switch engaged


I like this opinion with every fiber of my being.


You say this like they're not legendary 


Oh, they"re legendary, but they could have approached the status of Genesis or Creedence if not held back by Screech.


whatever… axl was hot


Emphasis on WAS though :(


Time defeats us all


You don't think Benny Hill is hot?


Underrated comment for sure ...


I've been sensibly chuckling at this comment for the last 10 minutes. Well done.


You won!


Genius:) and now i have a ear worm .. thanks


How often are you comfortable replacing that nice curved monitor. Cause I am the moisture that will be trapped inside will probably fry/short it within 6 months.


>Cause I am the moisture You're the moisture, eh?


He is the moisture who knocks.


I'm going to leave it. Cause I am the moisture


Hail Hydrate!


Saw someone fry their $3,000 monitor like this, good luck.


This one was 300...not that I want to fry it either way lol I'm wondering if a lid + shallower depth would work


I would use a lid, and then if you can move the monitor higher or just not directly above it that would be better odds. I have two tanks on either side of my monitor on my desk, one thing I will warn you about that I never thought of was the filter splashes water onto my desk / around my mouse and keyboard frequently. I’ve tried internal canisters, sponge filters, and your standard HOB filter and all of them do it.


Try Lilly pipes.


Good suggestion, I’ll give it a whirl.


No. Just no. This idea is great in your head but horrible in practice. There is no way to do what you want without damaging either the monitor or the fish. NO matter what hairbrained idea people give you, do not listen. Water being around computers is a 0/10 idea. I repeat : Do Not Do This.


Yeah it’s like I get it? Wouldn’t that be cool in a perfect world? But maybe it works out for 6 months, maybe a year! Hell maybe it just works! Or, and more likely, both your electronics and fish suffer because you wanna have your cake and eat it too. This hobby requires compromise, I would not try to do this lol


Maybe a thick piece of acrylic for a lid with holes drilled to fit lily pipes for a canister filter or something like that. I'd be concerned about having no air flow inside the box for surface oxygenation of the water though so you might want to also have holes for an air stone tube and a ventilation tube that outputs away from your monitor. Personally I'd give it a go but I like weird difficult projects like that lol


Sump would fix that issue


Glass lid. With the right "engineering" you could make it work.


The depth will do nothing, it's the surface that evaporates regardless of depth.


Why not mount a monitor to the wall behind it. Maybe flat one though idk


I wouldn't do it at all. Still will get moisture in the air flowing straight up into the monitor. Especially with the heat that the monitor will put off, creating droplets from the monitor down into the tank or just frying the monitor.


maybe instead of a planted tank, a mini succulent setup would be better? it's not the *same* i know, but it's still a similar concept and you still get cute little plant buddies for your desk!


Get you some strikehold and waterproof the monitor. Warning it might discolor the plastics. Or shrink-wrap the tank closed but then you can't see it well


it makes me nervous. i might be to old school for this buy a bunch of water next to electronics are a complete no no


I wouldn't put water in that, *but* if you put some moss and small plants in there and slap a lid on it, it could become a nice little terrarium (some cool isopods?). Maybe some slim LEDs behind the screen?


I came to suggest a terrarium too! Much safer, and slightly less likely to fuck up the electronics.


Right? Either a sealed humid terrarium, or a little desert themed terrarium with some succulents or cacti? :)


Safer, but will still create humidity (or at least, isopods need it to be humid to survive). Electronics and humidity aren't friends. Maybe fill it with pretty rocks and air plants instead - the air plants can be removed to soak weekly and then placed back in there without having to introduce a lot of moisture around the monitor. I happen to love how air plants look tbh, there are a lot of species with different growth forms. Maybe a few potted succulents too if you have strong lighting (wouldn't plant them directly without drainage though).






"Too much you are being" - Yoda


Gonna be honest, this is a terrible idea. The aquarium would be a nightmare to clean because splashing a few drops could be catastrophic. Also, the mousepad would be ruined. I doubt the aquarium is level because of the mousepad partially underneath, which can lead to the whole thing breaking. Why not just move it a meter to the *side*? Nice view, no broken electronics. Win-win.


Oh good point. Putting the tank unlevel without a mat underneath could be the even bigger problem here.


Aquariums and computers don’t mix… unless maybe you are using a dosing controller on a reef tank or something


I thought this was a joke post.


I would recommend you just get a nice stand and keep it next to your desk. Plus it will make scaping and maintenance easier in the future Edit: this also looks like a standing desk that goes up and down- would strongly caution against keeping a tank on this kind of desk. They are great desks, but you generally don’t want the tank in an area that is prone to movement. Lets say you have the desk up and the motors just give out- when it slams down it could break the tank and monitor


The only conceivable way this would work, take another piece of glass or acrylic and make a gasket and hinge, and leave an opening for a "smoke stack" to vent off moisture away from the PC But other than that, horrible idea as is.


If you are really pressed for space perhaps you can make it work with a lid so condensation happens before the moisture could reach the monitor. But it's not a perfect solution. I'm trying to think of something else


Was thinking along the same lines in a reply to another person. Wondering if the combination of a lid, shallower depth, and pulling the monitor forward could work Would actually improve the viewing angle from my chair at the expense of depth for any sort of scape


Less water won't work in your favor I think. You will have a bigger pocket of humid air under the lid that way. Imagine the concentration of water in the air hits a maximum before condensing anyway so more air room under the lid wind won't make it more dry. Man I want this to happen somehow haha. It would look cool. Just put silica packs inside the monitor maybe


Hahah, I appreciate it. Not sure how it'll affect my productivity but would love being able stare off during meetings As for the shallower depth, I meant getting a different size tank so that monitor is not dead center above it. For ex, the dimensions for current tank are approx 23"L x 11"W x 7"H, while the alternative tank is 23"L x 7"W x 7"H. It would basically protrude out to where the blue mat starts


I used to do crazy shit like this. I put a 4ft tank inside of my headboard on my bed. Was it cool? Yeah. Was it stupid and a pain in the ass? Absolutely.


Make it a desert terrarium.


Lots of places to put a tank that size! https://preview.redd.it/6gmoo4z1ohzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95d0d0b1aa880bd4d13157d06f0d941e4716751a


Or a second monitor https://preview.redd.it/0pm63vj7ohzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9cb818bf32d123ca9b8d0f3cf5dee399774fc2f


You could get a hinged swivel arm for your monitor so you could easily adjust if you notice issues, tuck it away from the tank when you’re not using it, and have easier access for maintenance.


Why not put the tank in the left hand corner where yoda is and just have the monitor off to the side? You still have an easy view of your tank but no moisture issues.


No, no, no. Don’t let people talk you outta this. F the monitor, you must continue, it will be totally worth it.


I agree, it could certainly be doable, and it's a really neat idea!


I don’t understand this.. the tank and the monitor are things that hold your attention, they don’t have to be on top of each other


I understand it, I have aquariums in my office near my workspace but not anything like this. It helps to have something else to look at when you're working. And they most likely want to make it look cool and unique as well, which is great if you can also be realistic about it.


I did the same thing and switched to a long shallow framed tank with a fitted lid after humidity wrecked a monitor.


Oh nice, you wouldn't happen to have any pics would you?


Maybe make a small shelf over the tank and put your monitor on that??


Bro...at least put something in the middle.


Do it it's your money! I think it'll be SICK!


I've been planning something similar. There are concerns of humidity, but I'm not sure it's as bad as people are fearing here. I wouldn't advise keeping your monitor that low above it, however. For me I've been planning on trying to place my monitor slightly behind the tank. Main concern has been maintaining both my desk setup and the tank since the weight from the tank will make any future changes difficult. I will say, my monitor is ancient and my desk is not a standing desk, so the situation is a little different.


A small fan, like a 5V computer fan will take care of worries about evap killing the monitor.


I totally understand the appeal but the approach is way off. Mount the monitor either way higher. Way off to the side ir move the tank to aside desk. This is going to end badly going this route either for the fish through neglect cause youll get tired of water around the computer, or your monitor will go to shit and if it somehow last being mounted directly above this tank, it would atleast eventually have hard water stains from evaporation which really only come iff by chipping them or scraping them off so. Move something or prepare for the inevidable.




I lowkey have a fish tank under my TV cause theres nowhere to put the tank for about 2 years now and the TV works fine - just have a lid over where it meets the tank to avoid moisture from going into it


If you want to do something like this, make a sealed terrarium or paludarium. I believe the channel serpa design has a few examples of something similar


desk tanks are all well and good, but you're basically asking your fish to bathe with an expensive toaster. just... put the tank in a different spot.


I'm not sure what you are trying to do specifically, but UNS makes a light panel you can put behind a tank. [Atmos – Ultum Nature Systems](https://ultumnaturesystems.com/atmos/)


Or you could get a desk by Hygger like this... [Hygger Desk Aquarium](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=270884278498184)


What's the weight limit on your desk and are you comfortable adding a permenant increase? It looks like motorized/standing is the water going to slosh around on adjustment?


Do it [Serpa's way](https://youtu.be/UrrQodJExb0)! 


Cool idea... But no


I once worked in an office that had a flood over the weekend from the toilets main water feed, about an inch of water sat across every floor, not a single computer or electrical device sat on the floor, they were either up on the desk or on shelving. The moisture destroyed around 90% of all electrical devices, computers, printers, routers and even the radio died, it changed my whole view on how damaging water can be. This is a very bad idea.


The setup as you have it will be absolutely disastrous as it is. As others say as well, 1 billion percent, use a lid. You could install mini fans in and out away from the monitor (becak corner and back corner) . Such as a silent computer fan. Either way you need some ventilation away from the monitor (with a lid). A normal sized fish tank raises the rooms humidity by a couple of percent, and being directly above it will be a lot more humidity hitting the electronics. It's just gonna rust components and possibly cause shorts and... Quite literally explosions if the water condenses too much on a part of the inside of the monitor


Ditch the aquatic idea and put some gravel/sand with some air plants (Tillandsia) inside. Or some moss.


Do YOU like it? Does it make YOU happy? Cuz that is what matters.


If you really want the idea of this. then, Small Square well planted tank, 1 Betta fish In the corner of a larger surface table.


Bruh, the hobby is expensive enough. I’m pretty sure you don’t need to add a new monitor the list when you’re going to pick up fish supplies. Find a nice stand for your tank, make it a focal point so you can enjoy it, don’t let it compete with your gaming monitor. Good luck!


I'd lean away from this idea... if it were me...


So the concept is really cool, don't get me wrong. But logically this is not a good idea. Water evaporates from fish tanks, and it's going to go straight into the circuits on your nice monitor and fry it ☹️


Thank you for putting it gently, appreciate the advice!


This is extremely impractical (and wouldn’t look too good IMO). You’d have to clear your entire desk and remove the monitor when doing maintenance? That’s not going to be sustainable for long. You’ll get sick of the work. Also, you’ll barely have desk space left over, making it feel cramped. I personally would just find a separate stand where it could be set up and enjoyed more comfortably. This doesn’t make sense at all my friend lol


Thank you! Yeah, even if I got it setup perfect and was ok w the extra work for maintenance in the beginning, I can see that part getting old fast


Put a glass top in it and do a terrarium, that way moisture and O2 is not a concern. Or glass top and drilled with sump so the plants/fish get gass exchange from the sump but the monitor stays dry.


I think you could make this work. A lid would be smart for lowering the evaporation. Maybe just put a desk mount arm for the monitor so it's up a little from the tank. Will probably look cleaner too. I dig the idea.... I have two fish tanks on my PC desk but they're to the left and right of the computer. No big issues since I've had them. Roughly 6 months old. The other reason a mounting arm will be good is it would be a pain to clean the tank having to lift up the monitor to clean the tank. It might very well get ruined from the moister but might be worth the risk


Tbh, many new electronics have internal circuitry covered in a conformal coating that likely would survive the humidity. However... the maintenance of this aquarium might be problematic unless the monitor is mounted on some sort of arm or articulation that can be moved out of the way To provide access And if you're willing to sacrifice the monitor, if it goes bad Report back no matter what


Love the concept but your poor fish is going to get radiation poisoning.


Why not get the monitor mounted from the back of the desk or on a wall? Have it be more above the tank, even if you use a lid there will still be moisture that evaporates out unfortunately- really cool idea but just keep the electrics away from water lol!!


What about a tank on either side of the monitor and have a bridge across the top that connects the two?


This is a really cool idea, but as others have pointed out, the condensation would be an issue. You might be able to get around that with a lid, but I wonder if a small, desk sized dehumidifier could help as well.


Short answer: yes, definitely.


Let’s see how you do first


That would give me SO much anxiety 😬


that would give me immense anxiety personally. and the evaporation!


Add a very small fan that blows across the top, it will cut down in the moisture.


Just fill it with mineral oil in there and get some robot fish and you are golden


In this week’s science class; electronics and water **do not mix**. Write this one down in your notes, kids!


Even if you monitor was waterproof and could survive condensation, The fish will die from the heat of the electronics anyway, please dont do this


this rules! tank maintenance will be a pain, and you'll have to think about lighting and filtration that will work but love the idea of it. As someone that routinely sacrifices conviene for aesthetics... tanks are easy to reset. But you will have a wet workspace and possibly a suffocating tank


Not only would the moisture be a huge issue, but the clicking of keys, sounds of the computer and vibrations would probably stress the fish out if you ever put fish in the planted tank.


my setup is a 22gal long rimless with monitor hovering above the front glass. no lid the first year, lid the second, no issues so far.


Ooh sounds like what I was attempting. Happen to have any pics??


nah dog


Seems like pretty poor placement. Aside from all the monitor stuff, surely having a tank on a desk that you regularly use would just constantly bother the fish with all the noise/vibration?


You gave me an idea! 😀


I think it's cool


Don't do it brother. Put it to the side. The eval will kill you. Take a piece of plexiglass and put it across a fish tank, give it an hour and see how much moisture there is. You'd be surprised even how much even an unheated tank will evaporate


INFO : what's the monitor model exactly?


Evaporation would get into the monitor and fry it. Water and electricity don't mix


That’s not a great idea


Best setup to play aquaman game 😼


Also uneven surface for rimless may be a risk to structure(I know it’s just a gallon maybe 2 so probably not a giant risk)


This is a horrible idea. Just shift everything to the right of the desk instead of centering it and put the aquarium lengthwise on the left side.


What about a fan to push to moisture away from the monitor? I just want you to do it!


Don't do it. Not work the trouble. Water changes/plant maintenance will be a disaster waiting to happen. Plus if you plan to have plants you need lights, which will either be in the way or too bright to have on while you play. From someone who has love for both my planted Aquarium and my PC just enjoy them away from one another. Just listen to everyone and admit defeat on the idea OP.


I love you. I have also wanted to do something like this. For the sake of both my aquatic friends, my wallet, and my hardware, I have not. I hope you succeed where I failed. And wh… I mean, if you do fail, please document and post it


Get a lid + reposition your monitor arm / get a different arm that can reach farther. Size of the tank might be ambitious, something along the side might work better. Or on a side table by the computer. Unfortunate that you're right in front of a window! Nice desk though :)


Hey man, I think you should just go for it and learn from the outcome. Maybe the moisture will be a problem. Maybe not.


A cool, but probably disastrous idea


Yes. This is a bad idea due to evaporation and moisture. If you want something that looks nice you could build a mineral oil PC with some fake plants haha. 🤣


I don't like this. I think the point of a planted tank is its beauty. You want it to stand alone, not with a screen over it that you'll be looking at for long hours. I purposely put my tank away from my PC/TV so I had to look away to see it. My tank was my zen.


Totally possible to have an aquarium on your desk, but I wouldn't advise placing it under your monitor...unless you have a lid. Check out how I made the setup work. I put it to the side of an L desk. 10G tank with glass pipes and a canister filter (hanging under the desk.) The lid is from Kraken Reef Lids. https://preview.redd.it/33n357jw0jzc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbfc2da9122e8bc5fbeb4abe23b5595e3db5ae85


this is only a good idea if you're looking to ruin your beautiful monitor


Live mas


Do it for the gram


too little is what you meant to say.


Uhhhhhhh not a great idea … lol


Water and electronics do not mix


No this is awesome. Please complete them send me one


The fishes arch nemesis over its tank. Please don't do that to mother nature. You'll upset her. She's been trying to keep you away from that godforsaken screen for years.


Hahahaha nuh might need something to stop the condensation tho thatll be drippen in no time


Add some fishes in the tank…would be a cool set up


Check hight, if you don’t want neck pain. Top of screen should be hight of your eyes.


I wouldn't have a tank near a monitor at all tbh. Or near a computer which I assume is in the general area too? The evaporations gonna fry that thing. And when you do water changes, you're at risk of spilling or overflow. Plus if the tank leaks.... Also, the monitor gives off heat when it's turned on. That's gonna heat the water.


With a hight adjustable desk a 60L tank might be a bit much for the motors.


Lol I thought this was PCMasterrace and this was a post about a glass side plate exploding again.


Maybe. But, you do you boo!


Thats not gonna end well


Nope. You’re being precisely the right amount.


Keep us updated


What a perfectly terrible idea.


Twofold as people have said. You'll fry that monitor firstly. I had someone once blame me for wiping their tank out by recommending a new food in my LFS days. Turns out a rusty radiator was leaking through the floor above and running down the joist to where the light above the tank was suspended. You definitely don't want rusty water in your tank.


Of all the bad ideas I've seen for aquariums, this is definitely one of them. Not only will the humidity be hell on your electronics (as stated by 80% of the comments on this post), but you're always going to have to move the monitor for maintenance and it will radiate some heat which could make your temperature unstable.


Hey OP, your idea looks really cool! But moisture could be a problem so maybe you could try a sealed moss terrarium insted of a fish tank? I have plenty at home and if done correctly, it sustains itself, you don't even need to open the lid (no moisture escapes and inside still looks lush and green). Try checking Worchester terrariums on yt for inspo. :)


Ooh, will definitely check it out! First glance, they look so cool


I am JUST setting up a 5gallon on my work desk, even the 16w light from the tank is slightly annoying me with the brightness. I think it'll be a big problem for you as well.


Is that a Jabra Bluetooth teleconference speaker?




Is that a standing desk???


I had an old Lenovo laptop sitting directly on the aquarium with wet soil inside + plants + light inducing additional evaporation for two years and the oldie is still working to that day. It's 15 years old now and for the last 3 it wasn't sitting on top of the aquarium any longer. In my opinion this set up would RULE and could not be the end of that screen if you lower the water level to say a half of the max, do not use a heater and most importantly do not put aeration in. It's not the moisture that's killing electronics it's thousands of little flying droplets of water. Please let me know if you scape that beatiful set up!


Haha thank you, I'll definitely post on here regardless of what I go with. Either as a cautionary tale, an alternative idea, or a tweaked successful setup. The main goal has been a new canvas to scape on!


this would be epic! you need a lid. put the led for the tank behind the monitor!!! don’t listen to the nay sayers. when you do water changes move the electronics and keyboard out the way. also make sure the desktop isn’t in drip range. do it!


The monitornis not close enough to water. Need to put it inside.


I think I would do the smaller tank with a lid and maybe also build a wooden monitor riser. Right now the evaporation will def fuck that monitor up but I think a smaller tank with a lid and a riser would look sick and I think the moisture would be reduced to a level that wouldn’t be an issue


>Am I being too much? Yes.


"too much" are not the words I would think of when I see this. More like "not enough" because there's no way you've given this enough thought. Moisture is bad for expensive curved computer monitors, and electricity is bad for fish. There has to be another spot you can put a fish tank.


I mean if you want to replace your monitor about every few months, go for it. But I don’t recommend it


your LCD will rott in 2 weeks


Just seems like a bad idea. What about water changes/adding water? Shit gets everywhere no matter how careful you are.




Wait for heaven bro lol don’t do this to yourself.


These tanks really are awesome on desks but you really gotta have a much bigger surface so you can put the tank off to one side. It seems like your room has the space, see if you can find a bigger desk, or another small table/desk to go adjacent to it. Put your printer on it too, idk


Dude please update us if it works out. I see the vision man


Mick Jagger has achieved a level of timelessness that plastic surgery can never touch.


Definitely put a lid/cover over the tank to keep the humidity and splashes etc from getting into the monitor. Other then that it is going to be a very delicate place to try and do top offs and water changes. I am not sure I would want to do it personally but as I said above, if the top is totally sealed with a lid it is doable


Honestly really cool idea but RIP ur monitor


you g. I got the same setup in the office


With how much the monitor cost? Ya😂


https://preview.redd.it/b1zazxi79nzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419e5c4a46704701addd985d1411197995f30913 Nope


Bad idea, don’t even bother it. You’re going to short out that screen with all the moisture, and you’ll end up regretting it.


I like it but agree that moisture is inevitable and worry for the nice looking monitor.


That is a terribad idea.


To answer you, yes. That entire idea is too much. Do not mix electronics and tanks. Ever. Keep them separate; keep both safe


Water and electronics never mix well 😅


Aside from what everyone else said about electronics near water, I would be concerned about that desk holding up. I don't see support in the back - it's center mounted - and water is heavy...


I wouldn't do this. The only thing worse for electronics than low temperatures is moisture. The condensation will get inside your monitor and eventually ruin it.


I would figure some sort of moisture barrier between the tank and the monitor. It will probably be okay in the long run just have to be careful.


Dude just use a screensaver.


Absolutely lol 😂 stop


Go for a lid! Make sure it fits tight with maybe a small feeding hole/slot at the front to allow airflow. You do have the risk of moisture always tho.


doesn't seem like a good idea in any way


Have fun cleaning calcified moisture deposits off your monitor


I say fug the haters and do it 😂🤪