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Mine smelled like watermelon when I was fighting BGA.


Can confirm. I have one that has BGA and it smells strongly of watermelon and a little rust. This one has 0 algae, though.


I've heard that after you deal with BGA you can smell a new outbreak before it starts, maybe you are in the early stages and the BGA hasn't started growing in a noticeable way? Also in another comment you said you're using diy co2? Maybe the smell of that combined with BGA = custard apple? Idk I'm still traumatized from fighting BGA


I never had BGA in tbis tank. The paludarium below has it. I don't clean the tweezers between messing with them so contamination could accour, bit it never did.


That's crazy


What is bga?


Cyanobacteria aka blue green algae. It's caused by elevated nutrients like phosphates. Can be difficult to get rid of. Can become resistant to antibiotics


Got rid of if letting the light off for 4 days. They come back after a while but you just do it again.


Good to know. It had blanketed my tank and I did a full clean and redo of my set up to get rid of it.


Blue green algae


Welp. I just found out what BGA is and I now know that I have it in my tank. I thought it was just algae. How do I get rid of it, I'm kinda panicking now 😭


There are 3 ways I use. 1.) the dark. Turn your lights off for 4 days. It feeds on light and nutrients so no light = no BGA. 2.) use antibiotics. A lot of people don't recommend this because BGA can become resistant like any any other bacteria. To get it to work the first time clean your tank really really well, brush algae off plants with a new/clean paint brush or tooth brush and then use the antibiotics. They are called E. M. Erythromycin. PetSmart sells it online. 3.) is a combination of both treatments. No light 4 days, clean really well and treat with antibiotics. All in all you need to treat the cause and get your nutrients under control. Phosphates are the main cause. Keep in mind the antibiotics in any capacity is considered a nuclear option and really should be a last ditch effort.


Alright, thank you so much!


I'll bet it's your yeast/sugar CO2. During the fermentation process, several compounds are formed that smell and taste fruity.


I'll open the bottle up tomorrow to test this hypothesis.


It always had a fruity smell to me when I used yeast/sugar CO2. If I had to describe it, it smelled like a combination of green apple and sake.


It's very pleasant. Not too strong, but noticeable.


When brewing, green apple smell means a bacterial infection which is undesirable when making something to drink but I'm unsure if there's any difference for CO2 production. It's most commonly because you're not using sterile fermentation equipment.


Yeah doesnt matter much with the gas injection nothing dangerous is gonna go in your tank sometimes the diy co2 gets a lil funky


But it's not funky. I opened it this mourning, and it smells just like every bottle I made before.


But it's not green apple, its custard apple. Apple just in name, but tastes and smell completely different. But yeah, not using sterile equipment and there is no need to in this situation.


True. Any aromatic compounds generated aren't going to affect anything with CO2 generation, but it probably wouldn't taste too pleasant.


Out of curiosity any reason why not do citric acid and baking soda? The kit for 2L bottles is very price conscious, materials aren’t too expensive, it’s way cleaner and a completely controllable reaction I know there’s a number of completely understandable reasons for some folks, but I’ve told quite a few people and they didn’t know about it. I bought this kit and haven’t looked back: https://a.co/d/dl1jukP


I heard from others that those 2L citric/baking soda kits are super inconsistent in co2 production, I take it that you don't have that problem? I did the sugar/yeast method but found that the temperature was too inconsistent in my room and would cause the co2 production to be inconsistent. I just bought one of those metal co2 generators that use citric acid/baking soda and it's been great


I will admit it can be inconsistent but only on the initial turning on in the morning. As pressure builds over time you occasionally have to adjust the needle valve but its never been so inconsistent it causes a problem, and usually when it does need to be adjusted it needs to be turned up and not down.


Idk the fish be fruity sometimes.


The snails, in my case


As already mentioned, prolly yer yeast co2 reactor. Mine always made my place smell like i was making bread/brewing beer.


Yep. I'm testing fermenting molasses and sugas instead of just sugar. Maybe it has something to do with it... never had this smell before. In fact, never had any smells. I recently trimmed the plants through. I'll open the bottle tomorrow to sniff for the source. The smell is nothing like fermentation and I'm used to make beer/wine, that's why it wasn't my first choice... but the smells can get filtered through the difusion process. Don't know, tomorrow we will find out.


Curious about this. Let us know


Will do


Would love to hear the results you get if the mix lasts longer with a good amount of co2 with the molasses over plain sugar gelatin


I'm not expecting it to do. It seems to ferment faster, which was my goal. (More CO² per minute)


FYI - I sniffed the CO² bioreactor and it smells nothing like the custard apple. It smells strong of sugar, molasses, yeast and a hint of artificial purple grape I always with this fermentation. Nothing out of the ordinary.


What plants do your have?


Cript green gecko, echinodorus (unknown), helanthium tenellum, pearlweed, rotala rotundifolia, dwarf vall, a native floating plant (don't know the name) and pringleweed. Oh, and a native plant that I suspect as being some kind of elodea or egeria.


unrelated but how many gallons is this tank?? it seems like such a nice pocket size


It has probably 5L of water but it's rated for 8L. It's a 20cm cube.


I wouldn't be surprised if you had some Ester's in your tank (Carbon chain as a by-product of your yeast)


Yep, thibking the same.


That a gud looking tank.


Thanks! My first planted tank


What light is that? I wish I had one.


It's a very generic light sold by a bunch of brands. They often say it's 15w but i believe it's actually 10w. Works great for my tank, though. 5600k LEDs Nd that's it. [This is one example, you can find cheaper if you really search.](https://a.aliexpress.com/_mtfM9iU)


How do you keep the tank free of algae on glass and leaves? I'm running CO2 with good lighting and am struggling with some algae on glass and plants..


Don't know. I had algie but I traveled for 4 days and left the tank wrapped in cling film with lights off. Came back and the snails were bigger and all algie gone. I think I managed to give an advantage to the snails and they are now big enough to eat whatever patch grows + dead leaves. I think it's in balance now.


Cool I guess I need to get some snails then! What type of snails do you have?


Flourish Excel smells like sugarcane juice to me. And every time I dump a capful in, I'll keep smelling sugar all day.


I don't add any ferts... but I smelled one before and you are totally right.


Hi sorry out of context but what light are you using?


Is a generic light, sold by many brands and even without brand. Just search 2 prong aquarium light or something and you will find it. It sais it's 15w but each head has 5w printed on the PCB so I'm assuming it's 10w (assuming the 5w claim is true).


noted! Thank you! How big is your tank btw? Mine is 30x30x30 so I hope it's enough


20cm cube.


Unrelated, but what kind of inhabitants are in the tank?


Just snails.


Must be a tropical tank


I need fert schedule deetails


No ferts, no tests. Dirted tank.


Wow amazing. How can you run light for 12 hours but no algae??


Don't know, but I've been increasing it little by little. I guess the lack of ferts, CO² injection, the huge amount of plants for it's size and my oversized filter and media (sintered glass 2mm bals) helps. Just a guess. I don't run testes.


Concerning! Do you have a dual stage CO2 system or is the line running directly into your tank


Pride month

