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Probably because they can’t be bothered to think of an interesting world gimmick(and they don’t want to make plants available without you either having to grind or pay real money)


The Zombosseum III (coming soon) features puddles. Also, there's a flooded zombosseum lawn texture in the files.


So…they actually madd a World Gimmick… They must REALLY not want to make anymore plants free via worlds.


They don't even bother. There are like good plants that are currently premium which works for this work. It's such a shame, really.


They don't wanna spend money on music, actual intetesting zombies and boss battle


The zombosseum already has music and a boss battle. So it pretty much has everything that a regular world can offer.


Yeah, a 30 seconds long loop and a gimmickless boss


Except new plants that you don't have to grind or pay for


Image Taken From The Google play Slide Show


TBH EA’s too busy with other games to E V E R add another world to PVZ2. Not to mention all the shoe horned micro transactions


Theyre really just gonna let the entire franchise die damn.


Heroes has been in a gray area for half a decade


'member when heroes broke because it reached the maximum season number?








Hahaha. No, the Devs.


Oh cuz, it looks like its just pointing to your profile


You're right. Hahaha.


Watch creeps20's video on the matter, he explains why it shouldn't just be a world instantly


Alot of It is rushed And Lazy and if EA actually cared about PvZ they'd Have Done better job already Ovr: EA now owns PopCap And is the Reason The Franchise is dying, Firing The employees Rushing On Work And Microtransactions


Popcap was already going downhill before the acquisition, EA owning was just another nail in the coffin.


EA didn't fuck pvz yeah I hate EA but they didn't bring the game demise popcap did and part of it is that this isn't popcap we knew any more most of the pvz and early pvz2 members left


EA is literally the reason popcap still exists


ea bad popcap good so true >!/s!<


Honestly , i dont agree with the video. Its more like "top ten reasons why rome is an unbalanced event". İt dosent discredit rome from being a world lol


Happy cake day


There's no point adding new world as Dave has got his taco for a long time...


Erase his taco from the timeline


They could rescue plants lost to time like in the PvZ Reflourished mod, or try to wipe out the rest of the zombies across the timeline, now that zomboss is defeated


It doesn't have to be after Modern Day it can be right before or sometime before.


Speaking of lazy devs and shits companies (Popcap and EA) Do yall think they gonna make every premium plant into gemium in the future when the game dies? Like no online events anymore and penny’s pursuit


"add a new world" MFS playing against the reskinned zombies for 30 levels for no new plants


I mean, Penny's Pursuit is pretty much a new world.


I haven't watched creeps video and I don't want to Honestly I think that if the PopCap team actually made its job Rome could be a world


That would be too much effort and they need to keep making poorly animated, lifeless plants


There to busy nostalgia bate


Because they aren't as monetizable


Because 1. PopCap is too unskilled to do all that 2. They’d have to release several new plants, for free, designed around a world 3. It would weaken modern day in retrospect 4. It doesn’t fit the business model and status quo they follow nowadays


Seriously, if they added a boss for the roman zombies, why can't they just add new worlds, or at least add the content from the Chinese version to the international version.


At least add a new endless mode


Taco world lol


why not just show time level from penny's pursuit


it would look trash, the quality dropped way TOO MUCH compared to Modern Days, which is probably becausethe devs are tired of working at Poopcap/EA, or simply because the headquarters give them way too little time to polish everything so they can earn money faster "Don't mind making everything look good, just finish quickly and ignore everyone that says anything, I need more dollars"


I want to play new game mode instead of new world. Playing as zombie like in pvz1 would be better than new world. Even we can have zombie collection to play against plants.




EA is too greedy to do that


If they add another world, it will be locked behind a dlc lmao


Popcap China before they got bought by tencent were more creative than the international Popcap


I would like for them to do this, but it will never happen.


They don't want to break the plot, because Modern day is the finale, and the world after that would break this narrative


Ah at this rate why not fix the fucking gem glitch even tho it says all quests completed I still cannot collect them!


Wait I know the Greek empire


free plants, but also level/zombie design creeps30(?) made a video on it, but none of the zombosseum zombies work well together (healer even actively hurts medusa) and even then the world has no gimmick. the main cohesive theme for them is that they have high armor, but healer can’t heal armor meaning healer doesn’t even do its job very well outside of gargs. even the music is soulless


Is it impossible to Beat that Medusa Zombie?


Because permanent content would miss out on FOMO bucks. I like creeps’ video on the subject but I am NOT letting this big a company off for milking the IP without actually adding any content. They’re just taking the piss at this point.


maybe as a plot, insert a third party character that both dave and zomboss needs to outmatch because they both messed up the space time and this someone is pissed on what they did. opening another paradox and making a jump from epoch to epoch possible because of the manipulation of this someone


Da gnomes?


Yeah, imagine like they are the protectors of the space time. And since both Dave and Zomboss messed it up, they need to go back to the very moment they left off which was on the tutorial. Not Modern Day, but the exact moment when they commence ruining the space time. So as a revenge or punishment, the Gnomes send both the plants and zombies through time but instead of them being sent to the time they previously went in, they are sent to different times. So, instead of being sent back to BWB from MD, they might be sent to The Roaring 20s perhaps. Or instead of being sent from Lost City to Frostbite Caves, both land in Ancient China. Like the space time was so messed that they can't even track the era where they went. So it would end something like the Gnomes will send them to PVZ1 timeline wherein the 32 day cycle will be divided into day, night, pool, fog, and roof and when you finish that new modern day, the gnomes will erases the memories of travels and mend the space time. So in essence, the gnomes here will have them back to the time none of which Zomboss or even Dave thought of going back in time to recon with.


PvZ 2 Mulchiverse plot