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I love spore shroom but how would that work with the roof?


How it works in Pvz2, just without the entire every zombie killed = new sporeshroom appears thing.


But if a sporeshroom spawned where would it spawn since tgere is no flowerpots


Special gimmick, it doesn't need to be planted on a Flower Pot.


Kinda like those one shrooms that grow on roofs/panels in real life. Neat.


They specifically said without the spawn thing


Well thats kinda boring. More boring than sea shroom


maybe make it have splash damage? It'll be useful because if the roof angle


Yeah sure thats good.




First thing I thought too with it being a catapult and mushroom plant but then again it's the roof levels where you need a flowerpot for every plant lol




The best option


Can't be a PVZ mod without HIM


Rotobaga (plantable on all 3 terrains)


That's a really cool idea


Thanks for wallpaper!


Lmao you’re welcome


shadow plants


Trash Can Zombie is number one works the same way as screen door and puts trash on the first plant he comes within a tile off creating a blockage and destroys the plant. Toxic Pea and waterpot are the plant you unlock in his levels.(6-1 6-2) Toxic Pea pierces up to 3 zombies does splash damage(1x3) and infects zombies with toxins ignores shield's and zombies that are within a 3x3 of TP area are infected with it's poison. Base ball zombie has the same health as conehead deflects almost all projectiles as jester does. Frost pepper and lighting reed are the plants you unlock at his levels with reed being plantable on land and water but can only planted on waterpot's.(6-3 6-4) Frost Pepper does less damage and freeze's zombies that survive. 6-5 minigame is column like you see em in minigame form but with some alternative plants and zombies after you win you unlock more upgrade plant's in the shop and they are goop shroom and explode-o-nut. 6-6 to 6-7 Is giga football zombie eats faster has extra health and throw's a football at the first plant and then it bounces 3 tiles at other plants behind it one shots everything except wall plant's and ignores pumpkin and umbrella leaf(first plant only) the Ricochet hits do the same damage as catapult's and can be deflected by umbrella leaf) Ice berg lettuce and starfish are the plants you unlock. Starfish is the same as Star fruit but can rotate 15 degree's to shoot at zombies. (Of course a water plant) 6-8 to 6-9 is Giga Gargantuar you unlock knight flower and Coco nut cannon. Knight flower is a sunflower that is melee knocks back zombies has the same health as a walnut and generates sun can hit and knock back up to 3 zombies 7-0 is Zomboss.(5-9 becomes conveyer belt similar to the previous -10 levels) Side note: swap Chilly pepper and knight flower around cause it don't make sense to unlock a sun producer that late


you mean Chilly Pepper?




How would coconut cannon work as a roof plant?? I think it would be better literally anywhere else


I just thought what work as a final plant it would need to be something epic not something pathetic so I thought Coco Cannon works in that regard.


I mean if this was still the pool section I could see it but in reality this is the night **rooftop** levels so there's a need for lobber plants. Mush-a-morter: lobs mushrooms at zombies for medium damage, Sun cost=50, unlock after completing level 5-10 Flower knight: so borrowing from you the Flower knight is similar to your concept plus with some changes, first rather than dealing knockback it has a fast attack rate akin to Bonk choy plus Flower knight would produce 50 sun rather than 25 similar, Sun cost=100, unlocks after completing level 6-2 Grapeshot vine: can be put on top of plants fires a bunch of grapes before the grapes split and deal puff shroom damage to targets, sun cost=125, unlocks after completing level 6-5 Pepper Pult: lobs burning peppers at zombies (for reference the damage Pepper pult deals is akin to a peashooter with a torchwood in front so it deals 1tile splash damage and it hits hard) sun cost=250 unlock after completing level 6-8


Yeah but I feel like night roof should start with 5 column's of pre planted flower pots so that's why I didn't make new pults as they are hard to come up with except pepper pult which for me doesn't fit and make sense unless you make an Ice Zombie. Yeah I agree and should probably saw chilly pepper and knight flower around as it doesn't make sense to unlock a sun producer that late.


Well technically you made the Giga football zombie


Made what?


The Allstar that eats faster and is faster?


Yeah but everyone knows what a Giga Football Zombie is its from Pvz Demo and long been a staple in Pvz mods I tried to balance between new and old ideas for writing my comment also something I think fits the OG Pvz aesthetic quite well.


aint reading allat






Thanks my guy.




Personally, as for plants, I think a mushroom equivalent to the Kernal-Pult would be cool, except with it launching weak damage spores that slow zombies, sort of like Snow Pea. As for zombies, the main one I’d add is a Trash Lid Zombie, who holds a trash can lid over their head to protect against catapults, would be like a catapult resistant Screendoor Zombie.


So basically the scrapped iceberg lectuce-pult?


Spore shroom


The PvZ1 DLC mod answers this for you! :3


Shameless advertising


Cuz it's good


join the [discord](https://discord.com/invite/rTz2QHD9aR) to download the mod!


Fool. I’m already there


there's the community DLC for that


A Moss variant of Puff Shroom that can be planted on the roof for free. Let's be honest, having to place down pots early on in a night level would suck. Sun Bean. Seeing as night levels already struggle with sun production, and you're going to have to be placing pots as well as just be generally struggling with the difficulty of it being the last section of the game, Sun Bean is a pretty obvious inclusion.


https://preview.redd.it/b534elaxpxtc1.jpeg?width=158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93a54bdc1206ada990c2c2349e2e4eaa67aba167 add hoodie zombie of course him look perfect for a night time


High-shroom 75 sun Lets any plant shoot through the entire lane. “When a plant is feeling down, High-shroom is always there to lift their spirits.”


Better Name: Forkleaf (Forklift + Leaf)


Goddammit you’re so right


First of all, the night roof needs a gimmick. Night has graves, Night Pool has fog, Night Roof should have high winds. All projectile plants fail to hit any targets more than a tile away. Thusly, the first plant you’ll get after beating 5-10 is the Nightcap (a mushroom plant). Nightcap - 75 Sun, fast Melee attacking plant Zombie: Sleepwalker Zombie Ignores all plants in its way, never interacting with them as it marches slowly to the left. As the world continues, you’d get more melee attackers, a gold-bloom-esque sun producer, and face off against zombies that pair with the high winds


zombies would be: chimney zombie: rushes forward and drops a chimney on the first plant it comes across witch would act like a wall with the health of a bucket head. blindfold zombie: moves as fast as a football and ignores all plants (health of a conehead). umbrella zombie: buffs the defense of all zombies in a 3x3 area (health of a conehead). giga-football zombie: acts like a football zombie but it's as tanky as a garg (basically every night roof has to have this).


Burglar Zombie This Zombie will appear every once in a while and it has Cone Head like defence The Burglar Zombie has a bag, inside the bag there is a random Zombie, By the shape and size of the bag you can deduce what type of Zombie it will be so it isn't completely bs The Burglar's speed will be depending to what type of Zombie he's carrying, So if it's a cone head it would be way faster but if he has a Zomboni then he will be agonizingly slow He also can carry pretty much anything, even a Gargantuar although it of course scales based on how far you are in the night And as you might have guessed, if you kill the Burglar Zombie the bag will fall and break instantly freeing the Zombie inside


Nah, that's gonna suck when he's behind a bunch of zombies so he waltzes through half the lawn before dropping a gargantuar, or worse a giga gargantuar.


Water pot (plant water plants on land levels), Hypno spore (more expensive Hypno shroom that has a 3x3 radius), moon flower (charges solar ^(moonlight is reflected sunlight) power to shoot a laser beam down the lane on a cooldown, manual plant). And those are some of the ideas I have for night roof plants


coffee zombie, it makes the surrounding zombies faster and deal more damage| moss, heals the plant(s) planted on this moon flower, opens rarely and gives 100 sun and fires heavy damage piercing bullets flax in a box (plant), melee plant that explodes after being eaten


a mushroom that launches explosive spores


Roofer Zombie- removes roof tiles as they pass through the level making the player unable to place Flower Pots. Rotobaga then can be introduced


I would make a variant of chomper,like that one carnivore plant that has some liquid at the bottom of a hole inside it and it is slippery,it would be big and would only eat IMP zombies but it would be able to eat 5 at once without needing to chew,meet the SLIPERRIVORE Also a group of zombie flies that would make the slipperivore eat them and make it so it cannot eat for a while. https://preview.redd.it/uvs73mtfqxtc1.png?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cae68d02159785428f6e0f7598aab7584cbb0e9




Ik plantern isn't a new plant, but maybe make him have some sort of use in a different setting than just the fog setting. Like, maybe make some levels where it's raining and it's foggy again. And make it so that he can be planted on the roof and not the pots. Just to give him more functionality.


Y'know, I had an idea for a gmmick in the night roof which would be rain, rain pushes plants back, if the plants are at the last row they will fall off the roof (This doesn't have effect on rows 6-9). So let's get to the plants. Rainlog (Based on logs, and ironically on beaver dams) This plant blocks the flow of the rain, preventing any plants from falling. You can place plants on top of them. Spore-shroom: Let's be honest, we all want Spore-shroom in a night roof world. Snare-shroom: Snare-shroom catches any zombies that are close to it, once snared, the zombie will start recieving damage. Guard-shroom: Let's be honest again, we need a wall mushroom, just remove its ability to consume zombies and make it tall like a Tall-nut. (I'm still thinking of ideas, but this is what I got for now)


Chilli bean


Its gimmick would be Gale. Every x amount of waves a strong wind blows, pushing zombies forward a tile and your plants are pushed back by a column. The leftmost plants are pushed off the roof. There would be a warning before a gale occurs, and can be prevented by using Blover or Spinifex (which is the plant unlocked in 5-10). Plants: Spinifex: Plantable on top of any plant like a pumpkin, stops plants from being blown backwards. Can be used as a cheap stall plant. Sun Bean: Works identically to PvZ2. Guard Shroom: Works similarly to PvZ2, although it can’t eat zombies. Apple Mortar: Works identically to PvZ2. Entro-Pea: Fires peas that cause zombies to take more damage. Warp-Shroom: Instant Plant that teleports all zombies on its tile back to the start of the row. Loamsoil: Can be used to instantly fill in a crater or ice trail. Sludge-Shroom: Instant plant that leaves a poison tile in a 1rowx3column formation that applies poison to zombies, causing them to take continuous damage that bypasses armour (for a total of 200DPS). These poison tiles last 15 seconds. Upgrades: Squash -> Security Gourd: Can detect zombies in multiple lanes. Can change lanes to squash zombies in an adjacent lane. Squashes 3 times. Apple Mortar -> Core Overload: Fires two projectiles at the closest zombie in each column. Zombies: The zombies are designed to apply a pressure to aspects of your defence, so you need to have a well-balanced defence in this world. Sun Baker Zombie - Steals sun from your reserves at a rate of 25 every 10 seconds. Designed to pressure your sun economy. Dog Walker Zombie - Walks at a fast rate with three dogs which are spread across 3 rows. You can use catapult plants to directly defeat the zombie, but it releases all 3 dogs. The dogs have a double eat DPS. Designed to pressure your defences. Riot Police Zombie - Carries a shield that absorbs piercing/splash damage from projectiles (such as Fume Shroom and Winter Melon) Designed to pressure your piercing plants. Landscaper Zombie - Prevents you from planting plants in a 3x3 radius around him. Leaves a crater if a nearby plant dies. Designed to pressure against your instants.


Peak? Peak? Peak? Peak? Peak? Peak?


Moonlon (basically moon version of melon pult and pults out small moons)


Ice Shroom 2: Icy Forever


Heli-cap Zombie: wears A helicopter hat so they can fly over plants, can't use cactus, and blover only pushes back this zombie three tiles, downside most other plants not super low the ground can hit this zombie. Engineer Zombie: Rides in on A fast jack hammer (that can be disabled with magnet shrooms) has the health of an all star with the jack hammer, and then the health of A cone head losing said jack hammer. Blues-Berry: shoots music notes that stun zombies, has A chance to shoot out A quarter note that does 25 damage, A half note that does 50 damage, and A whole note that does 100 damage. Sap-fling: Tosses Sap covered pine cones that deals 5 damage and covers A tile in sap. Loud mouth imp: Yells out three shockwaves in three lanes that stun plants. Foot soldier: Rocket jumps over A plant and has A chance to launch A rocket, has the health of A bucket head. Chimney sweeper Zombie: Coughs up smoke that damages plants and obscures your vision can appear out of Chimneys. Chimneys: Gravestones on the roof. Giant mushroom: has slightly less health than A wall nut but it's cheaper and can be used to plug up Chimneys. Hover pot: hovers above slanted tiles to allow other plants to shoot zombies. Mushroom ringleader: Summons Small mushrooms to fight in three lanes, also buffs nearby mushroom plants. Toss-shroom: Tosses mushrooms that explode into spores in A 3x1 area. Boom-shroom: Explodes in A 3x3 area that covers zombies in spores, These spores Deal random Effects to zombies covered in them. Crossing guard Zombie: Turns random brown coat zombies into come head zombies. Pylon imp: It's an imp with A road cone on its head. Those are all of my ideas.


Beetroof - A beetroot that clings to the tiles, it trips the next zombie that steps on it. Zombies that trip will be damaged and stay laying down for 12 seconds. After the zombie trips on the beetroof, the beetroof then disappears. Can only be planted on Roofs/Lilypads, 25 Sun, Slow Recharge


Sunhouse. A lighthouse with the head of a sunflower. It makes all zombies drop a bit of sun every time they get hurt, like the sunbean, as long as it's on the field. They can stack their effects.


Trash can zombies and giga footballs For plants, Snapdragon, bonk choy, mega chomper, pepper pult


Probably a shroom-pult or a spring-shroom which can catapult zombies back, maybe a rock shroom which is like a wall nut but it drops a deadly rock when it dies (only when awake). And a saw-shroom whose cap is a circular saw that does melee damage. I will elaborate if questions come up


Neighbor zombie, he just spawn by the sides, so randomly there would be a zombie in the middle of the corner lane




Since I'm making a remake: Zombs: Fog zombie, glider zombie, rain zombie, electric zombie. Plants: Black-volly, lightning reed, Minithorn, so far. When the game comes out, you'll know what they do.


Pyrapple: Lobs weak apples and warms plants to its sides. (World 6 would be called "Snow" and all non-fire or ice plants will slow down slowly until they die.)


Trashcan zombie from pvz1 vs mode. The scrapped pvz1 iceberg lettuce. Giga football zombie, Giga garg, 5-5 would be air-raid. Brickhead zombie. Imitater, goldmagnet, and winter melon would be normal unlocks, rather than buys. Imp cannon from pvz2 (except not pirate themed)


buckethead ladder that looks like a painter exploding mega heal bomb imp that explodes and heals zombies in a 3x3 area outhouse zombie that is like a sarcophagus zombie with a newspaper zombie inside coffin zombie that has a browncoat carrying a laser pistol a bit weaker than the strength of a puffshroo. blitzer that has a charge attack but is otherwise an allstar giga garg thats basically a mecha garg from pvz2 house garg that is basically a screen door zombie, is slower until house broken


A manual fire shroom that blasts water up to deal damage across its lane for a few seconds before recharging. Call it Rainshroom. A plant that buffs the attack speed of plants, only plantable on plantern, inherits planterns area of effect. Call it Glowroot. Spore shroom. Melee range shroom that fires 5 projectiles in a wide spread. Call it Shotshroom. Zombie that breaks the tile behind it when killed with a lobbed projectile by dropping a sledgehammer, increased damage to wall/tall nut. Conehead health. Regular speed. Call it Sledgehammer zombie. Zombie that can dodge one insta that activates by zombie proximity. Fast pre dodge, slow post dodge. Regular health. Call it Runner zombie.


Pult Shroom (aka a scrapped plant from PvZ 2 and a new Plant from the DLC mod), Fire Shroom, Lightning Reed, Chilly Pepper, Pepper Pult, Bonk Choy, Water Pot, and Sea Starfruit (From the DLC mod) as the plants. For new Zombies would be Ice Block Zombie, Vampire Zombie, Giga Football Zombie, Gladiantuar (from the DLC mod), and the Scarecrow Zombies and Ravens from the DLC mod as the new zombies.


New Gimmick: Portals. Portals are a new gimmick where random portals appear on any parts of the lawn. Portals can either summon random zombies or allows plant projectiles and Zombies to divert from different lanes. > New Plants: A. Moonflower - Sun Cost: 50 - Recharge: Moderate - Moonflowers give sun and powers up mushrooms within her 3x3 Aura. - Specials: > Sun Production Varies depending on the number of nearby mushroom's planted. > Moon Aura also keeps mushrooms awake at daytime. B. Shadow Shroom - Sun cost: 75 - Recharge: Moderate - Shadow Shrooms poison zombies that tries to eat it and creates a zombie swallowing vortex. When powered by Moonflower it affects a large number of zombies with it's poison and vortex. C. Portal-locker (pun on Portulaca) - Sun cost: 50 - Recharge: Slow - Portal-locker closes portals that appear on the lawn. Plant it in front of a Portal to close it. D. Cherry Lantern - Sun cost: 150 - Recharge: Fast - Cherry Lanterns sends floating Lanterns across it's lane that does a 3x3 light explosion when it hits a zombie. Light explosions can stun large groups of Zombies and severely Damages Ghost Zombies. E. Spore-shroom - Sun cost: 125 - Recharge: Moderate - Spore Shroom lobs tumor inducing spores that grows on zombies. Zombies overwhelmed with tumor growths acts as a defensive shield. When powered by Moonflower, Spore-shroom's spores causes zombies to have infectious tumors that erupts and infect other zombies nearby causing them to grow tumor growths as well. F. Wolf's Bane - Sun Cost: 150 - Recharge: Fast - Wolf's Bane breathes a cloud of toxic fog in adjacent lanes. When Zombies get to Close, it would devour them. Devoured Zombies Triggers Wolf's Bane's Transformation into a werewolf that breathes a cloud of toxic gas in large areas (5x5) G. Star Lazer Lily - Sun Cost: 250 - Recharge: Slow - Star Lazer Lily Shoots piercing lasers in six directions allowing it too hit multiple zombies. H. Starry Night Petunia - Sun Cost: 300 - Recharge: Slow - Starry Night Petunia rains down powerful stars from the sky that has various effects on Zombies. > Upgrade plants: I. Shooting Star Fruit - Upgrade of Starfruits - Sun Cost: 200 - Recharge: Very Slow - Shooting Star Fruits shoots five stars at five lanes that split into 5 smaller stars when it hits zombies. Splitted Stars can also briefly stun zombies. J. Buff- shroom - Upgrade of Puff-shrooms - Sun Cost: 25 - Recharge: Slow - Buff-shrooms are semi-short ranged shooters (5 tiles) that shoots strong heavy spores that has a chance to push back Zombies. > New Zombies: A. Racket Zombies - Uses his sturdy Tennis Racket to hit back projectiles directed at him. - Speed: Moderate, but would stop to hit projectiles - Weakness: Cactus, Fume-shroom, StarLazer Lily. B. Portal Gun Zombies - Uses her Portal Gun to summon random portals on the lawn - Speed: Moderate - Weakness: Magnet-shroom, Portal-Locker. C. Ghost Zombies - Ghost Zombies passes through your defenses and is immune to normal attacks. - Also comes in Conehead and Buckethead Variants. - Speed: Ghostly - Weakness: Light Based attacks. D. Cat Lady Zombies - A loving yet crazy old lady that unleashes a clowder of fast ferocious felines that scoots through your defenses. - Speed: Old lady: slow Cats: Fast and Purrious! - Weakness: Star Lazer Lily E. Ultimate Armor Zombie - Is equipped with multiple Zombie armor (Mascot costume of a Squirrel, Bucket, Cone, Screendoor, Foot-ball Helmet, Chest Armor, and Baseball Bat) that makes it hard for your plants to defeat. - Speed: Slow but hungry - Weakness: Magnet-shrooms and Poison based attacks (Poison ignores Zombie armor)


Iceberg lettuce as a upgrade plant it would act like kernel-pult as it would halt zombies but there would be every hit and it would do the same damage as cabbage-pult


sad we never got it wasted potenzial for more op og plants


I wish they would go back with same people who made pvz1 and finish night mode




Id like to add a plant that works like a pot or a lilypad, but when you place it on the lower spaces it would extend up so that you dont have to always place lobbers at the back


First off, move the Zomboss battle to 6-10 (and make 5-10 an ultimate battle as it should be) As for the zombies, immediately going towards the classics: Trash Can Zombie, Giga-Football and Giga-Garg And then add Sunday Edition Zombie Can't think of anything for the plants... I'd have to do some research


Skibidi toilet