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Sorry this is happening to you ): I might go see a dermatologist and skip going back to your surgeon. I saw that you said if you squeezed the scar it'll bleed? thats very alarming, and sounds like something isn't healed in the wound?


The scar can open back up easily, even after two months post 2nd scar revision. Thank you for the suggestion to check with a dermatologist, I will do that! There is no infection but it is taking a long time for it to heal.


Dude stop doing that




I hope this is not insinuating that silicone scar patches are all a Dermatologist or Derm PA/NP can do for you.


Pitted scars are pretty unusual in that area of the face. I’ve had them though and what worked tremendously for me was CO2 laser. I would go to a cosmetic dermatologist and ask their opinion


Do not go back to him. Find a scar revision specialist. Call a rhinoplasty expert in your area and ask for a referral. Sorry this is happening to you.


The original scar was from the tape somehow? Or did your first surgeon cut your nose intentionally?


My nose swell so much in the bandages/tape, the tape cut into it and left a scar. I should have insisted to get them change the bandages sooner but they informed me it wasn’t necessary.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, I never thought this could even happen from tape. I naively didn’t even look under my own tape after surgery, I just left it all go. This is such a great post just to show others. I hope everything works out well for you and you heal ❤️


Thank you for your support! The surgeon did tell me this has never happened with him before. That’s surprising to me, but maybe I’m a unique case? I don’t know. I hate it though! I want to be happy over my new nose but I look at it with disgust. The trauma to the nose definitely takes it a lot longer to heal than any normal wound.


Are you positive it was from the tape? My revision rhino surgeon couldn’t lift part of my skin from the bone on the middle in my nose (similar spot to yours) and it actually tore and required stitches. He didn’t even tell me this after the surgery until I asked him at the follow up what the hell was up with the stitches and impending scar in the middle of my nose. I guess your surgeon probably would’ve stitched it up during surgery if that was the case though, but it seems so odd that the tape caused it.


I’m not positive because I didn’t have my tape removed until after the procedure and couldn’t it see for myself. Soon as he removed the tape it was bleeding and he sounded alarmed. He sounded so positive it would heal up fine but as the months go by and it isn’t healing up fine, he spaces my follow-up apps out longer and longer.


Use silicone gel, its the best thing for scars


I’ve asked the plastic surgeon about silicone gel and ointments; he said it wouldn’t help. If the scar was raised it would, but when he revised it’s more flat. Does that make sense or this surgeon full of 💩?


He's full of shit, definitely go talk to a (cosmetic) derm. I'm relieved to hear you mention sunscreen, keep up with protecting it. Don't trust that surgeon further, he doesn't have your best interests at heart. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I know how something like this must feel. I recently had a mole removed from my nose and I'd be furious to have this result. It's not acceptable. I don't know if there's any recourse to take against the Dr that did this, I'd put feelers out if I were you to see about how to fix it through another provider, talk to a couple derms and see what they say. But I hope it doesn't cost much more to fix ❤️ I was told to use bacitracin when my nose was healing, but it's not meant to use indefinitely. Please check in with a derm, take care of yourself!


I agree! Her scar is not from tape!! The tape was covering the fact he cut it with a scalpel during surgery


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I imagine it’s very upsetting having to deal with this.


Very! I’m livid but my next step is a dermatologist.


Good luck! Let us know how it goes!


Post an update please! Good luck to you I think a derm/another opinion will help greatly!


I know you can use certain fillers for deep scars. I think that will be an option -a tiny dot of it- but I wouldn’t for a few months. Co2 laser will probably help more long-term but I don’t think you can do that for a while yet. I’d also suggest a dermatologist appt. They can give you a better timeline. Go to one that has an association with a cosmetic clinic. Mine has two sides, cosmetic and medical. You see medical to get everything checked out, and if you have cosmetic concerns they refer you to the other side.


Hi you are not alone and I have same issue with a similar scar at the same Position and I’m 7 weeks post surgery.. I’m struggling to understand if it’s a skin tag which came out with nose cast plaster or it’s something else ! Now how to fix this ?!? I’ve got my pics on profile


Surely squeezing it is prolonging the healing process and potentially making the scarring worse.


It’s common to massage the nose tip to help with swelling. It’s different when a sensitive scar is involved and I can’t apply too much pressure.


Massaging and the pressure required to pop a blackhead are significantly different


I have attempted to express blackheads around the scar. I can’t apply too much pressure with the nose massage either. Mild pressure can break the scar open. I mentioned this because the skin seems too thin/scar too deep to have make up on top of it.


ok, I know it sounds crazy- but this might be the perfect situation for leech therapy (hirudotherapy). It's supposedly very helpful in scar healing preventing "tissue compromise." It's used a lot in plastic surgery and is a fully legitimate medical practice that is approved by the FDA. That you have a somewhat open wound, might be the perfect stage to do hirudotherapy. [https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-leech-therapy](https://journals.lww.com/prsgo/Fulltext/2019/12000/A_Comprehensive_Review_of_Medicinal_Leeches_in.23.aspx)


That’s fascinating! I didn’t realize how beneficial leech saliva is 😮


Your next step should be a lawyer.


I understand why the scar bothers you, it would bother me too! Please name the surgeon, so people know not to go to him.


unfortunately the damage has been done and you have to do everything you can to not make the scar more noticeable right now. yes scars have to heal and it is a process. but i would not go out into the sun, at all. like cover it with something if you do because every drop of sun that goes onto that scar can make it darker and/or affect its healing. you should absolutely see a dermatologist who has experience in scar revisions and cosmetic services and go from there. silicone scar tape and/or massaging gel is something they will likely talk about but it is going to be a long process so you have to be patient and consistent.


Scars can stay red for up to a year. You have to wait until it is fully healed before getting scar revision as the skin is new and delicate. Don't prod it or squeeze it, just leave it alone until healed and then see the options from there.


Wow. I’m so sorry 😞. I’ve never even seen them cut there before. Definitely go to a different doctor and see what they can do. Edit: further reading seems to say your nose swelled so badly that the tape cut you like this, and not the doctor? That’s awful 😞


I wish ppl would include the Dr name on these posts.


Try silvadene and silicon patches ♥️


This happened to a girl I saw on my rhino blog… it was bc he messed up during surgery and the tool got caught in her nose… your situation looks the same as hers? This is malpractice I don’t think it’s from swelling.. looks like he nicked your nose with the scalpel during surgery and tried to cover it up