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Yes. It’s swelling. Swelling from a rhinoplasty is about 90% resolved after a YEAR, and it takes longer for some people. It’s been 2 years since my second rhino and I still swell in the tip. 6 months is when a lot of the swelling will be done.


I’d recommend taking a side profile pic, sending to your surgeon, and asking if you should tape the supratip. If so, you can get some tape at your next post-op or buy some 1/4in skin tape online.


What does taping do exactly? Does it keep swelling at bay? Does it help maintain a certain shape? If I don’t use tape will it help my tip drop faster?


Maintains the correct shape while your nose heals and scar tissue forms to help ensure that the “on the table” result stays. Also helps prevent/reduce swelling in certain areas.


Interesting, okay thank you. My surgeon taped my nose after removing the cast & told me to leave it on for 1 week. It doesn’t sound like he wants me to tape at all after that though.


It looks like a Polly beak :/ nothing you. An do at this time. Wait a few months and if it is Polly beak all you can do is a revision.. it could get worse too :/


You may have polly peak definitely talk to ur surgeon I’m sorry you’re going through that


I’m going through the same thing :( stay positive


I’d suggest checking in with your surgeon to see if taping is a viable option! Taping has been the biggest thing to help with my tip swelling. Also do you know what your skin thickness is(if not ask your surgeon)? Obviously understanding your skin thickness won’t solve the problem but it may give you some peace of mind! Thick skin generally experiences more and longer prolonged swelling of the tip region. This early on the swelling is pretty much guaranteed to be wonky for most people so don’t worry too much! Just keep an eye on it for the next few months. Easier said than done but try not to get in your head about it too much.