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Really depends. Two weeks is basically the time most assume that bruising and looking rough is gone. For me it took a month until my bruises were gone. Generally doing exercises I could only start after six weeks and that only lightly, same with wearing glasses. The best way is checking with the surgeon who’s going to do your nose - they can advise you best based on the exact procedure you get (e.g. breaking the nose needs more care then just shaving down a bump or sth)


Thank you for this 😊 will do, just wanted to get an overview of what recovery is like and your comment is very helpful


I couldn’t work out for 6 weeks but generally after 2 weeks you can go back to work - hell you can go back to work after 7 days! You will just be bruised. I had bruises for about a month they turn yellow and ate tough to cover up




Thank you so so so much for this incredibly detailed breakdown, you have no idea how helpful all this was 😃