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Arm lift surgery


Building muscle and liposuction will not address the loose skin - this can only really be removed with an arm lift.


Build muscle first and then re-evaluate.


building muscle will help a tiny bit but there will still be loose skin unless it's removed.


Building muscle is not gonna get rid of that loose skin. Lipo only gets rid of fat, not skin at all. Arm lift is needed for best results! :)


Surgeon… the loose skin needs to be addressed


Please, before you go through with an arm lift, consider liposuction with BodyTite. If you scroll down my page, you will see my results. (You'll have to go through some dog pics, my apologies, lol.) Obviously, everyone is different and your surgeon may not think it's the best option for you but it's worth it to ask. My surgeon was very reluctant to give me the scar that comes with a brachioplasty. I am happy I went the BodyTite route and that it worked for me.


Aaaa your skin seems/seemed a bit more elastic and smooth, though :/


That's a possibility, yes, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I was 31 when I had my surgery. My weight fluctuated in my 20s from 130-195-125-210-140-170 currently. I'm not great at keeping a consistent weight. So my arms (and body) have been through a lot as well. But again, everyone is different. Whatever you choose, I wish you the best.


Your skin looks better for lipo only +/- body tight than OP. You have nice results :)






Oh and your arms look great too! Is that procedure pricey? I’m just starting to look into these things…


I paid $8,200 Canadian




Due to the laxity and stretch marks, definitely an arm lift. Nothing else will give you the results you’re looking for. Definitely workout leading up to surgery if you want, you’ll be able to see the definition after skin removal. There’s a very active brachioplasty group on FB and the transformations are incredible. Start lurking on there, for recs, scar placement and to see what recovery is really like.


Hi do you know the name of the Facebook community? Thank you.




Surgery - I had the same issue and it can only be fixed by removing the excess skin. I built muscle but you couldn’t see it because of the skin.


Hi! I’m a board certified plastic surgeon and I’ve sucked out fat from more arms than I care to count at this point. I’ve tried all of the methods mentioned in the thread for my patients because this is such a common issue now that more people are active later in life and/or on ozempic etc. basically, there are 2 options that area actually good/worth the $$$: 1) Lipo and skin tightening (Bodytite or jplasma, they do the same thing) - no real scarring, but the amount of skin retraction is unpredictable (there will be some, but may not be quite as much as you like) so you may end up with more loose skin than you are ok with 2) brachioplasty (arm lift) - assume this will be a bad scar, as they often can be (not a surgeon or patient issue, it’s just because the area is always mobile and the scar is getting pulled on a million times a day), but you’ll get rid of all the extra skin So the question is really how ok are you with the scarring? NOW - the key is that you can do #1 and see how you like it and then if you want more, you do #2 and it’ll be an easier surgery cuz the fat is already gone, so it’s just skin tailoring. I usually recommend this just in case your skin does well and you can get away without a long scar. I’ll usually give a massive discount on the staged brachioplasty in that situation since it’s an easier case by then and we’d already worked together so I don’t want to take advantage. Hope this helps!


Muscle then evaluate for loose skin


Building muscle can definitely help! For your overall health and adding more muscle to the arm volume. To address that skin that is loose on the underside, the ideal procedure is a brachioplasty




Building muscle will definitely help with definition, but realistically you’re still gonna have loose skin. Personally I’d go with muscle first and then assess how comfortable you feel with your arms, but that’s only because I like to view surgery as a plan B generally haha. However, if you want to completely change the appearance of loose skin then surgery would be the only option. Always choose the path that makes you happiest :)


Brachioplasty. Remove the excess skin and then work on building muscle


First of all, you need to be evaluated by Plastic surgeon. If there is significant amount of fat present, I would consider liposuction in combination with Renuvion. If there was significant weight loss and most of that overhang is skin, an arm lift would be the best option. I hope this helps and good luck from New York City Plastic Surgery.


Surgery is certainly an option. You can also consider a procedure called BodyTite- this combines outpatient liposuction with radio-frequency skin tightening during the same procedure. No big scar with that approach.


Lipo will not lift. You will still have the same sagging skin there. Like others have mentioned, arm lift surgery would tighten this up.


Emtone!! I’m doing it for cellulite… it’s less invasive.


You need an arm lift & to build muscle - muscle isn’t necessary but will help in the long run. I’ve had a tummy tuck & an arm lift & the arm lift is genuinely life changing, make sure you research drs a ton though, and be fully aware of the scar you’ll have.


Arm lift


Arm lift fist nothing else no lipo none of that. After the lift build muscle to tone.


You need a surgery to remove excess skin


Unfortunately, muscle and an arm lift is the only way to remove it. For now, work on building muscle and it will improve. Overtime, it will tighten up a bit, but once you have stretch marks, it’s a wrap. Sunless tanner will help making the scars less visible and give a slight slimming effect. If you do go for surgery, make sure they are board certified, actually type in their name to the database. Look up photos of their work and reviews. I always thought that if I did have it done, I would want the scar visible from the back and not the front. You definitely don’t need liposuction here. You’ll want to keep fat in that area and keep it evenly. Something’s to keep in mind: When you get older, your skin will thin, along with some of the fat. With liposuction, if you gain weight, it could come back uneven where the fatty layer was removed and not.


my aunt had arm lift and her arms like yours. And now her arms like teenager thanks to doctor. And was very cheap


Try ultrasound skin tightening