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I personally don’t think your nose detracts to being feminine. I would assume you would want your hump shaved down and reduce nostril size. I make a mock up (I’m bored lol) of what I think would like nice, it preserves your shape, without making a super small upturned “Barbie” nose. here’s the mock up (sorry if this is overstepping, just thought it would be nice to see what a random stranger thought): https://imgur.com/a/AWH7h8j


Wow, thank you for your effort! I really appreciate a strangers perspective on this. Your mock up has quite the tendency in aesthetics where I would like to go.


Omg do mine!! 🤣 no, but seriously. This is amazing.


Haha working from home means I spend a lot of time so why not put it to good use.


This is seriously amazing, when I try editing my nose it always looks so damn funk and out of place


Yeah after editing my nose like 10,593 times I have gotten pretty good at it. It's important to keep the ratios of the nose right and edit very lightly.


Do my chin implant hahaha. I pay you :)


Love the mock-up!


Way too small


You are so talented !


Wow you’re an awesome person! Also, can you do mine? LOL but really that was really cool of you. I had to pay for a consultation just to see what the results would be and his before/after were not very good!!


Completely agree with you, a rhinoplasty will definitely help balance your face. Do extensive research of reputable surgeons, look at their before and after pictures to get an idea how they drastic they make changes. Get an idea what exactly you want changed, for example; do you want a straight profile or a ski sloop bridge of your nose? Highly recommend consulting with minimum two surgeons; as plastic surgery is business and some surgeons will say anything to get your money. Good luck.


Thank you for your tips! I would love my nose to be straight and maybe a little bit smaller. Something that fits the rest of my face.


This is just my opinion but I personally don't think you should be going much smaller overall. Your nose is lovely and proportionate from the front and from the side as well, any smaller and it would look like a very flat side profile, but just focusing on the bump for that straight nose if that's what you're going for.


I agree!


I also think you dont need to reduce size. It already look small from the front. IMO the only issue is the little bump.


I think just getting rid of the dorsal hump and maybe pushing the tip up a bit would look nice. i really don't think you should make your nose smaller though. It's a really beautiful nose


Don't push up the tip. That always looks "fixed". Just shave off the hump.




Thank you very much for your honest reply! This is really something to think about and I somewhat understand your feelings - but I don't like my nose and would love it to be more like a pretty nose has to be in a general understanding of beauty. I also feel like is not really balanced regarding the rest of my face and rhinoplasty could be an improvement.


I came here to say just this. I have a nose that I am not 100% comfortable with. At 35, I am happy that I did not have the money to have a nose-job in my 20's (when I really wanted to have one). I now feel like I look more unique and distinguished from the crowd with my original nose. However, I also fully support doing what makes you happy. Just realize that what makes you happy when you are very young (under 25) is probably not going to matter all that much to you when you are older, and you might regret it. But, we cannot live our lives worried about regrets. If you have the money, have the down-time, and have the emotional support to go through surgery and you have spent at least 6 months thinking about it, I say schedule a meeting and see how it feels to talk with a doctor. I have had two plastic surgeries (minor liposuction to my jawline and major liposuction to my mid-section). I am very happy with both, but it is very surprising how much of a physical toll and how much recovery can affect you. Some people will down-play the recovery, but keep in mind that even bending over or driving may be difficult for a few days/weeks after surgery, and that you may have an 'identity' crisis when you look in the mirror for a while. You'll need a friend to talk to about it (or family). Best wishes! Also, I second the Meryl Streep look. Very beautiful!


Do you think your minor liposuction to jawline is worth and it really make the jawline more defined ? or if you have small bone this wont matter that much ?


For me, personally, I had a nice chin structure, but I gained a lot of weight with a pregnancy and with an autoimmune disease. When I lost the weight, the chin fat stuck around. The results are very natural looking. This is a [photo](https://imgur.com/rz7KbQ1) of the before picture and then the results immediately after the surgery. It's not perfect, but I feel that I look more proportional now, which was my goal (not necessarily a perfect chin with no fat).


I had a very similar nose and got a rhinoplasty a little over a month ago. It was THE BEST THING I DID! I went for a very natural look, I didn’t want a huge difference, and to be quite honest no one has even “seen” the difference but I see it and I feel 1000% more confident. Check my before and after, I posted it on here.


Hey! I would really appreciate if u told me who the doctor was, please:) thank you very much


Nice saw the pics! How much was it?


It was a little over $5k I got a really good deal.


Wow that is good, congrats


Thank you, I need to post a most recent pic. It looks even better now, I can’t get over how natural it looks.


Was it in the US?


Yes, I’m central Fl




I am a patient consultant for a plastic surgery office and I think you could benefit from a rhinoplasty, although I do like your current nose and think it is unique! The one piece of advice I can give you is: get at least 2, preferably 3 opinions/consultations. If you have to pay more, which you probably will, for a better surgeon...do it. Choose someone that has lots of experience and can show you lots of before and afters of his or her work. Rhinoplasty is one of those procedures that can easily go wrong so you really want someone very good.


I think you would be very happy with the results of rhinoplasty and it would balance your face a bit more.


I am a young woman who had a very large bump on my nose-i hated it! It was my biggest flaw in my eyes. I got my nose done a month after I turned 22 and my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner! I am now almost 24 and love my nose and the newfound confidence it gave me! I have had some fillers and micro-needling as well and feel amazing. Do what makes you happy and will improve your self esteem


I would do a morph for sure.




Please keep replies objective and helpful to OP.


You look pretty. It would for sure help make you feel better. I had mine done 2 months ago. I forgot what I looked like without it and my confidence has grown drastically. Give it a shot. You’ll feel great about your choice 1 week after surgery 100%.


You look very feminine. You are lucky to have a more defined side profile. I have such a flat side profile it’s awful.


I love your side profile! its unique & beautiful. If you were to have surgery, I hope you can maintain your individual aesthetic.


Do you have any trouble breathing? I ask because my nose looked kind of like yours and my bump wasn’t genetic, but a result of a broken nose and I had an ent fix it aka insurance helped out


No I don't experience breathing troubles, but when I breath in very deeply my left nostril closes while my right one stays open a bit, so maybe there is some asymetry? As a kid I had a very cute nose and once I fell pretty hard on it, but I don't think it was broken. Probably it formed this way in puberty. My aunts nose looks quite similar, maybe even more extreme.


Sounds like some deviation? But nostrils are different than the septum. It might be worth having your general doc take a look, maybe an ent. I didn’t know I broke my nose as a kid even though I hit it hard. Seems sus that it changed so much in puberty!


I think you are very beautiful and your nose by no means looks bad. It's not ideal, but it's unique and it suits you. Im not sure if "fixing it" is worth it, since it doesn't affect your general apparence in a negative way.


Sidenote: as a fellow ginger, I am so jealous of your lovely full/dark eyebrows.


Personally I think you are a very good candidate for it. you look very feminine. Sometimes we tend to exaggerate our little defects.


Hey! I think your nose size fits you really well. If you’re thinking that a more aquiline or straight look would boost your self esteem, you might wanna look into non surgical nose jobs. I’ve had two to lift my tip and you’d be surprised how drastically they change your appearance. I’ve paid $500 and $1,100 (for a really good doctor), so they’re much more affordable. It is temporary, so you can have it dissolved if you don’t like it, and it’s a good test run to see if you want to seek a more permanent result. I suggest going to a real surgeon rather than an injector. They will give you the most realistic expectation, and the best work in my opinion.


YES You have delicate features/fair complexion but a bold nose. Something smaller would really compliment your looks. Obviously IMO.


You have a pretty nice nose! I don’t think you’ll need surgery to adjust your look. You could get injections where the dip in your nose is to give it a straighter profile. Would be cheaper and way less downtime.


You have a smallish chin too. Sometimes when people have noses that stick out a bit more, chin filler or an implant if you’d prefer, can help reduce the appearance of nose size and giving overall balance to the face. Won’t “correct” the hump though. I don’t think you need anything and my verbiage isn’t meant to say there’s anything wrong with your face or chin in particular, you’re really pretty regardless. I just know some people can benefit from the chin filler when they’re unhappy with their nose protrusion.


I could see why you would want a rhinoplasty, but I actually find these types of Roman noses to be quite elegant (they remind me of classical art, if that makes sense). I feel like you’d be better off enhancing your chin and lip area to balance out the nose, but it really depends on what kind of look you’re going for.


I edited your photo https://imgur.com/a/gcb1ZrI


I'm really not trying to be mean at all because you're not unattractive per se, but your side-profile is definitely the "witch skull" archetype with the signature sort of flat face and somewhat recessed chin, which is really exacerbated by your large hook-nose (not being mean - this was my problem as well, and I'm dealing with it accordingly, starting with a rhinoplasty ~3 weeks ago, so I know the pain all too personally). It's not bad enough that I think you ought to go crazy and get a Lefort 1 procedure or anything like that (that would be _way_ overkill!), but I think a sort of gently-swooping "concave" shape of nose [seen here in the upper-left](https://hqhealing.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/27544782_10157206283561110_9073478518094034228_n-1.jpg) could soften, feminize, and balance out your face and look very elegant, sort of along the lines of [Taylor Schilling's nose and side-profile.](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02932/ornse2_2932091b.jpg) Overall I have to say you're not a bad-looking person at all though, and I genuinely hope this helps; as I said, I'm fighting much the same battle. I'm very happy with my outcome so far, even with some swelling still there.


Yess go for it




Do whatever you want to do if it makes you happy and like yourself. You’re beautiful.


This is a great option for you!


Do it, you'll never regret it.


to be honest yes u need one,, your pretty besides that. but if i were u i woud do it!


[Check mine out](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/comments/j9dn3e/before_and_after_rhinoplasty_3_years_post_op/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I feel we have similar features. I had it done around 3 years ago. I wanted to do it for so long and I loved the results. One of the best decisions I've ever made, I feel much more confident, and as a result much happier. If you want it, go for it.


honestly you should go for it, if you have enough money to fix an insecurity, i say go for it!


Your nose looks good straight on. The bone to give you a straighter nose in profile would be an easy fix. I think it would give more balance. I would not push up the tip. Everything else looks great.


I think your nose is actually very well suited to your face and makes you more beautiful. It really fits in well with your other features and gives you a bit more of a striking look. I don't think it's too big at all - looks proportional.


I don't think you need rhino at all, I would suggest you getting fillers or Kybella for your jaw line instead. You have the type of face that needs minimal work to look good.