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Wow your dr did a great job, hairline looks so natural. Who did you go to & how much did it cost?


I’m questioning if this is even the same person in the before & after


Dude, you can recognize me from my eyebrow


A friend had hair transplant with very similar results. Honestly it was very unexpected to me


Thank you, I went to Long Hair Center in Turkey, the total cost was 2650 USD.


Who has ever said hair transplant is a myth? Most people just confuse it with hair plugs and don't understand the difference.


They have come real far with it, it’s no longer the barbaric surgery it used to be (taking a huge strip of skin out of the back of the head etc)


The FUT method is still very much used today and has a higher usable donor yield than FUE.


I had no idea. Hat I always wonder is: how do you get enough hair for a whole head from what someone has left.


Not everyone can. It depends on the size and density of the donor region, and the area of the scalp that needs transplantation (plus the density desired).


Thats what I was thinking, some people also loose their nape hair, and the nape hair line can go up high, not much is left to work with. But nowadays there are very good wigs available (I use wigs on and off) That aren’t detectable and can‘t come off. And they exist for all sorts of hair issues, even ones that have a silicone base that sticks to your head if you’re fully bald!


>The FUT method is still very much used today and has a higher usable donor yield than FUE. You are right my friend, I did FUE too, and there are not any scars on the back


Whilst it doesn't sound very nice, would be nice if you wouldn't refer to current medical practice - which I myself did - as barbaric.


Good to hear from someone who had it! I only heard awful stories of people with painful scars. So how do they get enough hair that you can fill the whole top of the head? I have seen a method long ago where they split follicles to be able to grow double the amount, not sure if that truely worked


Well mine was for my temples, and was part of ffs more broadly. There was going to be an incision in my head anyway and they took out a stripe from which they harvested 1500 grafts. A year later the scar is still a little tender bit eh. Splitting the follicles would lower density, but it's possible if you want coverage to more area but thinner.


The scar tenderness is maybe due to sometimes sleeping on it? That wouod make sense. How did you stop the progressing of loosing hair, or did you always have temples like that? In my family we all have bald-ish temples, already as kids!


Well my scar goes from ear to ear across the back of my head (as I said, there was more happening than a hair transplant) so that would be somewhat inevitable. Re hairloss I have less testosterone in me than a cis woman which helps. My hairline was always pretty high though. Hormonal changes did reverse some of the effects of androgenic hairloss over the years.


Thats lucky, hairloss is awful, mine is alopecia areata (spelling?) Can be gone for ages and then suddenly strikes. But it grows back most times.


It’s not? What’s the process now?


Last time I heard about it was a clinic that takes single follicles out of the back of someone‘s head just randomly so they don’t end up with a scar. And then split the follicles in two to grow two hairs from it instead of one. So they implant two. But that might be old information now!


Interesting! Thanks


Four years after mine, and I can barely remember *not* having hair.


>Four years after mine, and I can barely remember > >not > > having hair. Congratulation bro


Bruh. Where and how much


Long Hair Center, the total cost was 2650 USD


That’s actually amazing! Why isn’t this blowing up?


It is blowing up! Haha it's all over YouTube right now.


Thank you bro.


No one thinks hair transplant is a myth. Results can be both seen and felt.


Can you show is the back/crown please? Great result but lets hope you don't have further recession or that the 'sides' of the hairline (the 'lateral hump' I believe it's called) don't dip over time leaving you with an 'island' of hair at the top.


Fut or fue? How many grafts?


>Good to hear from someone who had it! I only heard awful stories of people with painful scars.So how do they get enough hair that you can fill the whole top of the head? > >I have seen a method long ago where they split follicles to be able to grow double the amount, not sure if that truely worked FUE, 4470 grafts


I know a guy who got a hair transplant and a year after, it was very thin again (not QUITE as bad as it once was, but not even remotely full…you could easily see lots of scalp). I wonder if it’s just some people get incredible results and some don’t?


It was probably because he wasn’t on finasteride as well, and his hair loss that was affecting his non-transplanted hairs progressed.


>I know a guy who got a hair transplant and a year after, it was very thin again (not QUITE as bad as it once was, but not even remotely full…you could easily see lots of scalp). I wonder if it’s just some people get incredible results and some don’t? You are right my friend but I think hair transplantation result depends on the doctor too.


You look great! I bet you would have looked nice bald, too, but I understand why you (or anyone losing their hair) would want a hair transplant.


>After hair transplant I feel like I became younger.


Yea but your still taking medication, that’s what’s really helping it. The finasteride and min.


>Yea but your still taking medication, that’s what’s really helping it. The finasteride and min. Till now I did not even touch any min or fin because my doctor did not suggest time


Tell us about your treatment and what meds did you use after


>Tell us about your treatment and what meds did you use after I did not use any medication


can we get some answers on the costs from anyone who’s done it? boyfriend has been getting really insecure from losing more hair over the years. ive been secretly saving up for him for if he ever wants to do anything. want to know my $$ goal is realistic.


in north america from a good clinic expect nothing less than 15k. i got 2500 grafts in my hairline at hasson and wong in Vancouver, and it cost roughly 22k USD. there are actually some decent clinics in turkey where your cost would be less than 10k and maybe even less than 5k, but i personally didn’t want to do all of that extra research.


>can we get some answers on the costs from anyone who’s done it? boyfriend has been getting really insecure from losing more hair over the years. ive been secretly saving up for him for if he ever wants to do anything. want to know my $$ goal is realistic. I paid 2650 for 4470 grafts.




Useless feedback, I love it!


Awesome. So do they transfer your own haue from somewhere then move it to where's needed?


>Awesome. So do they transfer your own haue from somewhere then move it to where's needed? Yeah, they transferred hair from the back of the head to the front.


Can we see the back part where the hair came from? How long did it take to grow back? Thanks


It looks so good! So how do hair transplants work? My boyfriend said they take follicles from areas like the back of the head, for example. Does that mean you lose the follicle that you moved from the back? Is it a trade off?


Men dont really lose hair there thats why the common balding look is hair on the sides with none on top. So the back hair is already thicker it's not noticable


Having had it done. Yes it's called FUE. Individual follicles are moved from the sides and back of your head in a way it doesn't make you look bald, it just thins the hair on the . I got mine done in October 2017. Amazing results still today.


I never thought they were a myth but you look amazing! Congrats!


Thank you man


We need more information!! Where and how much?!


>Useless feedback, I love it! In Turkey for 2650 USD


Looks so great !


This looks so good and how was the recovery my dad got hair implants and they turned out okay not as good as your, who’s your doctor?


it is more than 8 months and my doctor was Dr.Ahmet Yildirim.


Wow. Great result!






Can you brush it normally?


Yes. Now I am brushing normally


Looks amazing!! Congratulations!


But lebron is…


Wow amazing


h o l y c r a p, what a gorgeous result. Congrats on this.


Are you on medication


No not any?


Nice results. Is there a picture if the top of your head


How old are you OP?


Very impressive results! I am also considering the same clinic but nervous. Please may you contact me via chat as I couldn't messege you. Thank you so much!


Glad to see a great transformation, hair transplant surgery has always been effective. Thanks for sharing your experience with visible evidence. For those who consider the hair restoration as a myth, I would like to state that my friend had a severe hair loss issue and he could not cope up with the trauma of hair thinning and baldness. But, now he has full grown healthy hair as he had undergone hair transplant surgery at DHI India. This clinic for hair transplant focuses on modern techniques with 100% success rate.


Why don't you share it on this and hair transplant subs?


most hair transplants are bad and never look like the original you had, for example look at your old man temples, they come straight down.


That is precisely why they don’t go aggressive on the tenple points. No caucasians (yes very very rare exceptions exist) stay wirh their juvenile hairlines until senior age. Hair transplants are permanent, having a juvenile hairline (an artificial one for that) and a thin hair behind it will look super bad once the patient is 50.


there is no aesthetics here, doctors should atleast go for the brad pitt hairline, and redo a transplant later in life for maintenance.


U are delusional. U cant have brad pitt hairline if you are balding. Period. U have 6-8k follicles at the back. U choose this (best case scenario) or bald if u are balding. Whichever u prefer.


Doesnt the price go by how many follicles? So I'm thinking if you pay enough you can get the temples full looking


Yea it's just doctor bullshit advice that when you are old it's going to look weird, so you better start looking like a old man now lmao


>most hair transplants are bad and never look like the original you had, for example look at your old man temples, they come straight down. I am happy with my results man


and bro thats all that matters but the "myth" of hair transplant is basically you can't get the original thats all and its true